The matchmaking is TOTALLY UNFAIR right now in StarConflict! (Picture included)

The only reason to not play the game is that it’s addictive.  Lag issues aren’t enough to stop us.  The grind issues aren’t enough to stop us.  The match maker issues aren’t enough to stop it.


This game is crack.


Also, Mac users don’t have much choices.

This game is crack.

I disagree. Walter Meth, maybe. 

Also, Mac users don’t have much choices.

Yeah, thats how i found it. Definatly worth it

Was told about this game, was interested.

Came to forums to check out game.

Found this thread.

Read thread.

Stopped downloading game.

Deleted installer.

Closing browser tab after posting this.

It’s your loss. If you always belive the opinion of others and don’t raise your own, you will lose a lot of good opportunities.

And it’s free!

It is not free, if you want to play the game without TOO MUCH pain and suffering you need to spend a dime here or there, since the free side of the game is so grindyly hell that if i had to start over on another account i would never play this game again, and most people feel that too.

Hey i play for free and i feel fine

I payed a Kings ransom so far in this game ( enough to buy a ULTRA gaming desktop computer) … and its NOT FINE ! 

You can always post if something bugs you.

It is not free, if you want to play the game without TOO MUCH pain and suffering you need to spend a dime here or there, since the free side of the game is so grindyly hell that if i had to start over on another account i would never play this game again, and most people feel that too.

Grinding starts in tier 3, and only if you want tier 4 ships. Up to rank 9 is quite easy to keep good profit without premium, and costs are not high.

Funny thing is that thanks to pve, this is the only f2p game I know where high tier ships are sustainable without premium account or grinding lower tiers.

Every time someone complains about grind in this game, I can only laugh out loud.

Grinding starts in tier 3, and only if you want tier 4 ships. Up to rank 9 is quite easy to keep good profit without premium, and costs are not high.

Funny thing is that thanks to pve, this is the only f2p game I know where high tier ships are sustainable without premium account or grinding lower tiers.

Every time someone complains about grind in this game, I can only laugh out loud.


It depends on alot of factors on grind as well. For me, because i have, “ahem” some measure of skill, I can usually gain a bit more synergy and credits then the average joe. But it is still hard with out a license, the DLCs or anything else for that matter. 



It is not free, if you want to play the game without TOO MUCH pain and suffering you need to spend a dime here or there, since the free side of the game is so grindyly hell that if i had to start over on another account i would never play this game again, and most people feel that too.


Yep, thats why my little brother quit. 

Grinding starts in tier 3, and only if you want tier 4 ships. Up to rank 9 is quite easy to keep good profit without premium, and costs are not high.

Funny thing is that thanks to pve, this is the only f2p game I know where high tier ships are sustainable without premium account or grinding lower tiers.

Every time someone complains about grind in this game, I can only laugh out loud.



The only problem here is that the game was never a grinding game, and now we’re pissed. If you compare it to other games, yes, the grind is not that high, but it’s still high since we never had to “suffer” in Star Conflict.

The only problem here is that the game was never a grinding game, and now we’re pissed. If you compare it to other games, yes, the grind is not that high, but it’s still high since we never had to “suffer” in Star Conflict.


Before the only “grind” we had was the credits. That alone was good cause the better or more skilled you are the more credits you gain. Now skill and progression is on a artificial system that rewards more the people that dont do well and punishes the good or skilled players with bad MM matchups or high synergy grind. 

play sector conquest and u will be matched with esb squads. this corp ruins the balancing between corps. there are only high rank pilots= unfair and chanceless matches. a lot of players leave battles if they see a esb squad in the enemy team… this matchmaking is **** at the moment. pro player squads should be matched only with other pro player squads! 

Davian, what if i told you, there are next to none squad with same skill level and ship equipment and coordination and NUMBERS as them?


What if i told you that even if they wanted to fight only T5 experienced pilots that would be impossible since T5 has a very low number of pilots, and much lower skilled T5 pilots?

kraimax, u never told me something and idk what do u want to say…

kraimax, u never told me something and idk what do u want to say…

Basically, ESB is the top rated corp when it comes to skill.  They’re also a very active corp in the game.  Sector conquest is the easiest option for them to fly their ships.


Sector conquest is not designed for fair fights, PvP is.  Sector conquest is for seeing which corps are dominant.

Simple, lets illustrate.


Lets thing this way, If USA wanted to start a war with someone of the same military power of his, would it be possible? No, so, they would wage war against weaker countries no matter what, they have no choice but to make war against weaker countries since theres no other country with the same military power.

Same happens here, how can ESB fight another corporation of super organized T5 full purple pilots if there arent any other corps that posess such power? Since there’s no adversary with equal power, the MM puts them against those available, that usually are weaker than them.


The problem with sector conquest, is that it allows T3-T5, so, if you unluckly find them as oponents they will be flying T5’s with full purple gear, the best ships they have, and you and any other pilot should do the same, but very few ppl have T5’s with full purple gear that are not already on ESB. So, the strongest things any other corp has to offer is no match for the strongest of ESB (in terms of ship synergy and equipment).


Basically it would be to compare a country equipped with lazer weapons versus a country equiping swords and axes.

Simple, lets illustrate.


Lets thing this way, If USA wanted to start a war with someone of the same military power of his, would it be possible? No, so, they would wage war against weaker countries no matter what, they have no choice but to make war against weaker countries since theres no other country with the same military power.

Same happens here, how can ESB fight another corporation of super organized T5 full purple pilots if there arent any other corps that posess such power? Since there’s no adversary with equal power, the MM puts them against those available, that usually are weaker than them.


The problem with sector conquest, is that it allows T3-T5, so, if you unluckly find them as oponents they will be flying T5’s with full purple gear, the best ships they have, and you and any other pilot should do the same, but very few ppl have T5’s with full purple gear that are not already on ESB. So, the strongest things any other corp has to offer is no match for the strongest of ESB (in terms of ship synergy and equipment).


Basically it would be to compare a country equipped with lazer weapons versus a country equiping swords and axes.


while there is no solution for sector conquest, the obvious solution for pvp is to not squad up and instead enter matchmaker independently so you get pitted against each other, then you can poke fun at each other when you kill each other.


If the game had intigrated voice suport this would even be prefered.


Seriously, why the hell is there not voice support, thats one of the most intigral parts of any modern team based multiplayer.

Seriously, why the hell is there not voice support, thats one of the most intigral parts of any modern team based multiplayer.

If I recall from one of the polls, half of the playerbase is under 18.  If voice support’s added, my ignore list will fill quickly.

T5’s with full purple gear


I’d like to point out that one can do just fine with green items too. Bad players will be bad even with "full purple t5s"