The matchmaking is TOTALLY UNFAIR right now in StarConflict! (Picture included)

I’d like to point out that one can do just fine with green items too. Bad players will be bad even with "full purple t5s"


True, but when the MM Purposely pits you against _ undefeatable odds _, then we have a problem. 

It’s not a ship, or gadgets, or even raw skill that wins a battle. It’s fleet cooperation, akka TEAMWORK.


Skilled pilots are more like to TEAMWORK before, they know how to stay together and that makes them so effective. And they have tools… tools that this game don’t provide.


Side that uses TeamSPEAK can focus even more and win all day.


Personally, I’d like the game supports more squad commands (keys 1, 2, 3 and 4) and much less active modules. Ofc, pilot with best stats would have access to all 4 commands and rest of fleet would use only feedback ones.



P.S. People that actually pay to play don’t like so many modules. They work and are too tired to read all the stuff. And when they see so many modules do the same thing - it makes them … unsatisfied.

It’s not a ship, or gadgets, or even raw skill that wins a battle. It’s fleet cooperation, akka TEAMWORK.


Skilled pilots are more like to TEAMWORK before, they know how to stay together and that makes them so effective. And they have tools… tools that this game don’t provide.


Side that uses TeamSPEAK can focus even more and win all day.


Personally, I’d like the game supports more squad commands (keys 1, 2, 3 and 4) and much less active modules. Ofc, pilot with best stats would have access to all 4 commands and rest of fleet would use only feedback ones.



P.S. People that actually pay to play don’t like so many modules. They work and are too tired to read all the stuff. And when they see so many modules do the same thing - it makes them … unsatisfied.

Yes Teamwork is important especially if you have equally skilled players on each team. But ships/equipment what you bring or how it is configured is also important as everyone has to full-fill a role in the match and that changes depending on what scenario is played and how that map is and of course what the other team is doing.

Speak for yourself regarding the amount of modules. Having more options gives the game more depth and you need a strategy. The times are over where action games are plain blow’em, which is good.

It’s not a ship, or gadgets, or even raw skill that wins a battle. It’s fleet cooperation, akka TEAMWORK.


Skilled pilots are more like to TEAMWORK before, they know how to stay together and that makes them so effective. And they have tools… tools that this game don’t provide.


Side that uses TeamSPEAK can focus even more and win all day.


Personally, I’d like the game supports more squad commands (keys 1, 2, 3 and 4) and much less active modules. Ofc, pilot with best stats would have access to all 4 commands and rest of fleet would use only feedback ones.



P.S. People that actually pay to play don’t like so many modules. They work and are too tired to read all the stuff. And when they see so many modules do the same thing - it makes them … unsatisfied.

there are 5 active modules+missiles so total of 6, 6 is too much?

there are 5 active modules+missiles so total of 6, 6 is too much?

For him, apparently. PepeTaurunum, maybe just remove everything and fly with a sword.

Funny, I find the modules to be few, I would gladly accept more :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not a ship, or gadgets, or even raw skill that wins a battle. It’s fleet cooperation, akka TEAMWORK.


Skilled pilots are more like to TEAMWORK before, they know how to stay together and that makes them so effective. And they have tools… tools that this game don’t provide.


Side that uses TeamSPEAK can focus even more and win all day.


Personally, I’d like the game supports more squad commands (keys 1, 2, 3 and 4) and much less active modules. Ofc, pilot with best stats would have access to all 4 commands and rest of fleet would use only feedback ones.



P.S. People that actually pay to play don’t like so many modules. They work and are too tired to read all the stuff. And when they see so many modules do the same thing - it makes them … unsatisfied.

Use teamwork, yes.


Use teamspeak, sure, for the people who’s lives it fits.


Squad specific commands and having the majority of the team unable to fully communicate?  And using “best stats” which assuming DSR is a xxxx joke of “ok, now we run to protect our DSR!”



Use teamwork, yes.


Use teamspeak, sure, for the people who’s lives it fits.


Squad specific commands and having the majority of the team unable to fully communicate?  And using “best stats” which assuming DSR is a xxxx joke of “ok, now we run to protect our DSR!”




Voice communication is a must if you want to play together with others. It is not only to communicate what to do or what’s happening and others my not notice but also exchanging ideas and just talk and have fun. It doesn’t need to be TeamSpeak but any kind of Voice tool will do. Of course TeamSpeak is the most commonly used tool that is also reliable.


I did this back 15 years ago of course there was no teamspeak and the tools where not that good and bandwidth limited.


I missed the sentence about the skill. The Pilot stats, even if you take everything into account doesn’t tell you the players skill nor the leadership capabilities.


No you are not the only one doing teamwork without squad …

No you are not the only one doing teamwork without squad …

I frequently see posts almost along the lines of “get in a squad or quit” or just buffing squads.  It kind of annoys me, especially since most players in any match aren’t in a squad.


I hate every change that has limited international communication instead of improved it.

Hey, i remember i can pseudo squad if any decent players are present. Ping for fire support dudes.

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21604-matchmaking/?p=247586)

For him, apparently. PepeTaurunum, maybe just remove everything and fly with a sword.


there are 5 active modules+missiles so total of 6, 6 is too much?

And then we wonder why some of us are called cheaters on a daily basis

If 6 is too much, how about he should try Freespace 2 with the entire keyboard binded, and still with room for bindings if you have extra buttons?

For him, apparently. PepeTaurunum, maybe just remove everything and fly with a sword.

so… you don’t think there are too many modules doing pretty the same thing. Ok… Don’t read this post than. I guess your perspective gives you that right of yours to be sarcastic. But, it wasn’t nice anyway. Or funny.


For others, I still do think we have too many modules DOING THE SAME THING. Maybe I’ll get brainwashed after more playing, but right now I think devs missed fresh ideas when were making:


  1. active modules for invisibility/invincibility. They do the same thing: you will not get damaged for some seconds. Having plenty of modules for just that looks like diversity, but it is not. Just lack of fresh ideas

  2. active and even passive modules for boosting shields/hull. You can boost it in this or that way, volume or regeneration. All the same… But only one is really refreshing and needs pilot to response to a specific danger:  Phase shield. It takes some decision making to use it well. I like command modules too, they push pilots to teamwork.


Half of modules are just clones of the first one. Having more keys for squad commands instead - is my only point. Or more really unique useful modules, not just clones. But, honestly, I have no idea what would they do. Maybe you do. Please share more matchmaking balance modules idea.

so… you don’t think there are too many modules doing pretty the same thing. Ok… Don’t read this post than. I guess your perspective gives you that right of yours to be sarcastic. But, it wasn’t nice anyway. Or funny.


For others, I still do think we have too many modules DOING THE SAME THING. Maybe I’ll get brainwashed after more playing, but right now I think devs missed fresh ideas when were making:


  1. active modules for invisibility/invincibility. They do the same thing: you will not get damaged for some seconds. Having plenty of modules for just that looks like diversity, but it is not. Just lack of fresh ideas

Recon’s cloak is short-lived. Covops has a long ‘cloak’ but while they don’t show up on the radar they can be seen still. Tacklers get the perfect cloak as their unique module. LRFs can stay off the radar for a long time if they don’t move. All four are useful in different situations and can’t really be compared with each other. Besides, all four classes are vastly different and they use their cloaks for different reasons. 


AFAIK there’s only ONE invincibility module (cocoon). 


  1. active and even passive modules for boosting shields/hull. You can boost it in this or that way, volume or regeneration. All the same… But only one is really refreshing and needs pilot to response to a specific danger:  Phase shield. It takes some decision making to use it well. I like command modules too, they push pilots to teamwork.


You can build a ship for maximum shield/hull strength, you can max out resistances, you can do a mix. Passive modules give different penalties as well. All useful in different ways.


Half of modules are just clones of the first one. Having more keys for squad commands instead - is my only point. Or more really unique useful modules, not just clones. But, honestly, I have no idea what would they do. Maybe you do. Please share.


There are some modules that are very similar to each other: ECMs have a single target damage debuff while guards have an AoE version. But these are the minority.

But, what modules buff teamwork, or anything else that would help matchmaking to be more fair for non-teamspeak users? And all supported by in-game tools.


If there is none, toss some fresh ideas how to make some, pls. I say Squad Command Module could help, being a gadget that allows issuing commands in chat, maybe marking one targets for frigates, others for fighters (for example). Better than xy ways to boost our shields up.


Second thing, matchmaking tool don’t have a clue what Mk shield boosters we use anyway. Or any other gun/module. Why can’t it just put all modules and ships together and than value it simply by price? There’s a lot of modules, but better gadgets are more expensive, simple as that. If team A costs much more than team B, battle will be over fast, making A a bit happy and making B frustrated a lot.

But, what modules buff teamwork, or anything else that would help matchmaking to be more fair for non-teamspeak users? And all supported by in-game tools.


If there is none, toss some fresh ideas how to make some, pls. I say Squad Command Module could help, being a gadget that allows issuing commands in chat, maybe marking one targets for frigates, others for fighters (for example). Better than xy ways to boost our shields up.


While I support your idea for adding more tools for team coordination, I would disagree about replacing existing modules. I do care very much about boosting my shields and hull etc, so I can do something rather than stare at the respawn screen. Right now, I usually ping madly. Then magically things happen. And of course, I respond to pings as well and occasionally type in some commands if I have a couple of seconds to spare.


Come to think of it… IIRC someone else suggested adding more tools for team coordination a long time ago.

Right now, I usually ping madly. Then magically things happen. And of course, I respond to pings as well and occasionally type in some commands if I have a couple of seconds to spare.

+1 to this. *bows*


Game is too fast to type. And TeamSPEAK makes lag. All come with a price. I’m sure someone with command capability would use so called Command Module rather than boosting just his own shields. And if he commands right, team would follow, now and next time. That would give some chance to a fleet that gathers for the first time.

Game is too fast to type. And TeamSPEAK makes lag. All come with a price. I’m sure someone with command capability would use so called Command Module rather than boosting just his own shields. And if he commands right, team would follow, now and next time. That would give some chance to a fleet that gathers for the first time.


I’m not against the idea, its a nice idea to have ways to command teammates to do something. But then people come into the equation


If there were means to command the team to do something, people would just randomly command random things like they ping random enemies. It would basically be spamming. And who would follow these commands, anyway? Very few.

Voice communication is far superior when you see it like that. You can also discuss strategies over voice comms


Teamspeak usually works fine for me and my squadmates. Perhaps its a problem with your connection :slight_smile:

I’m not against the idea, its a nice idea to have ways to command teammates to do something. But then people come into the equation


If there were means to command the team to do something, people would just randomly command random things like they ping random enemies. It would basically be spamming. And who would follow these commands, anyway? Very few.

Voice communication is far superior when you see it like that. You can also discuss strategies over voice comms


Teamspeak usually works fine for me and my squadmates. Perhaps its a problem with your connection :slight_smile:


Want extra team commands implemented into the game? 


check this thread out [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22176-star-conflict-obt-v091x-hypothetical-hud-update/)