The Imminent Demise of Star Conflict

As much as it pains me to say this, this game is doomed. We all know this, but yet we refuse to accept it.


If this game keeps going down it’s current path, it is going to die out. From the game’s player base dwindling to the devs making poor decisions. Throughout my time in this game (almost 2 years at this point), the development has gone downhill. I have begun to notice that in the past few months, it seems as if the devs have stopped caring about the US/EU/SA population entirely. You rarely see ideas posted on the English forums make it into the game, whereas plenty of ideas from the RU forums have made it in. This is a huge mistake on the devs part. If you look at pretty much every successful game ever, they had success in most regions of the world, not just one.


This path the game is going down is one where the game prioritizes and prefers RU servers/players over all others. It is also a path that ends up a with the game failing and the servers shutting down. I’m sure all of us would hate to see this game continue down this path. But, don’t fret, there are plenty of turnoffs and ways for the devs to save this game.


  1. Put more funding into advertisement. This game needs a much larger player base in order to see some success. It would seem that it would be common sense to do this, since more players=more GS/DLCs bought=more profit for Star Gem, but yet, Star Gem doesn’t seem to understand that.


  1. Improve the game servers. Getting better servers will improve gameplay for everyone. If possible, the servers should be made to talk to each other, so that players of different regions can be in one game, but playing on their own local server with good ping and no loss.


  1. Change the game so that it puts equal priority on US, EU, RU, and SA regions/players. Having one group of players preferred above the rest makes this game extremely unfair, and will eventually lead to a significant, if not total loss of players in the non-preferred regions.


  1. The list goes on and on. There are many ways for the devs to save this game, they just need to wake up and see the reality of the situation.


Argue what you want about this, it is pretty much true. If you take away anything from this, take away that the game WILL die out if the devs don’t do anything to save it (which is currently what they are doing).

As much as it pains me to say this, this game is doomed. We all know this, but yet we refuse to accept it.

If this game keeps going down it’s current path, it is going to die out. From the game’s player base dwindling to the devs making poor decisions. Throughout my time in this game (almost 2 years at this point), the development has gone downhill. I have begun to notice that in the past few months,

I heard this in practicaly every online game including SC back when i just started it

it seems as if the devs have stopped caring about the US/EU/SA population entirely. You rarely see ideas posted on the English forums make it into the game, whereas plenty of ideas from the RU forums have made it in. This is a huge mistake on the devs part. If you look at pretty much every successful game ever, they had success in most regions of the world, not just one.

99% Of English suggestions are “GIVE ME MORE THINGS, because reasons” others are eithe rimpractical, or forwarded to the queue or mirrors what is already in development or actualy has been implemented. Russians have 100x more people playing it and participating on forums, hence they have 100x more suggestions 99% of which are crap, but 1% on RU is 100x than on English, that is a common and simple math.


This path the game is going down is one where the game prioritizes and prefers RU servers/players over all others.

Pile of BS


  1. Put more funding into advertisement. This game needs a much larger player base in order to see some success. It would seem that it would be common sense to do this, since more players=more GS/DLCs bought=more profit for Star Gem, but yet, Star Gem doesn’t seem to understand that.

I am sure people responsible for things have more data to operate why and when and what to do, it is a business. Yes there is no adverts for English population, none that i aware of, and i have no idea why and i would love more, but it is what it is, no one is going to develop a game and then keep it under a rug, on other hand majority of English population on internet uses AdBlock good luck advertising to these people, there might be as well some advertisement somewhere.


  1. Improve the game servers. Getting better servers will improve gameplay for everyone.

You have been here for almost 2 years and you still complain about servers, in majority of cases game servers have nothing to do with your problems, so many times we were in the same games, you had problems every one else didn’t, it might be out of your hand to fix this, SIP/Routing/Geographic placement, but servers are not the root cause of it, stop blaming everything on servers, seriously.

If possible, the servers should be made to talk to each other, so that players of different regions can be in one game, but playing on their own local server with good ping and no loss.

Wut, i don’t even.


  1. Change the game so that it puts equal priority on US, EU, RU, and SA regions/players. Having one group of players preferred above the rest makes this game extremely unfair, and will eventually lead to a significant, if not total loss of players in the non-preferred regions.

There are no priorities, but you should sit with JasanQ and talk about conspiracy theories, he is good at it.


  1. The list goes on and on. There are many ways for the devs to save this game, they just need to wake up and see the reality of the situation.

This is YOUR personal list and it goes on and on for you, other might have completely different issues or none at all, it all relative. There are valid issues, but this looks more QQ, have a snickers.

Argue what you want about this, it is pretty much true. If you take away anything from this, take away that the game WILL die out if the devs don’t do anything to save it (which is currently what they are doing).

some more BS

Tell me Kost, if there are no priorities, why is it that 9 times out of 10 when I am flying in a team of all US players against a team of all RU players, matchmaker chooses an RU server? This is a real scenario that has happened numerous times, I was in 4v4 game in a 4-man squad of all US players against a squad of 4 RU players in seccon, and it chose RU 9/10 times. That one game in ten was a US server. If there was truly no priority, that number would look a heck of a lot more like 1/2.


The only other thing I’m going to comment on, I don’t always blame the server. When I blame the server for something, it is because the server was sh*tty. You can dig through the logs to find this for yourself, but it has already been confirmed by numerous pilots. There are servers in this game that give consistently worse stats (ping/loss) than the other servers. Most of them happen to be RU servers (there are 1 or 2 EU/US servers with this issue). The big issue with RU servers (and this issue is the main one I complain about) is the packet loss. I know this isn’t on my end, as it only happens on RU servers and on rare occasion EU. If the servers would be improved so that they don’t give packet loss, I would almost fine with playing on RU servers. But playing with 10%+ loss on almost every RU server is annoying and stupid. I don’t play this game to watch my ship rubberband and wait half a second for the module I activated actually turn on.

Oh c’mon Dirk don’t be so “drammatic” ther’s no secret plan to give russians players advantages (if you heard that from us, remember that we always makes jokes on everything) or whatever. The MM is just acting strange like always. I mean: why almost everytime when you are the squad leader we get a messy (for us) us server? Even if we know that you are the only us player in the match… Did you forget for exemple one of the last spec ops where you where the leader of a 12 men wing and the only one from US?

Russian servers btw are not messed up for us from ue, it’s just one of them that sometime give us trouble but most of the time we have a good ping (less than 100).

Sadly you “ammerrigangs” don’t really appreciate this game, the population is low and ther’s no easy fix for this (probably some better tutorials and a wiki can help, dunno). But the game is not dying, c’mon.

Well, this is the post, I always wanted to make, but since I had some hope for the game back then, I thought that I just need to be more patient and more optimistic.

Sadly, I agree with DirkDecent on many points. Suffice to say, I rely on my intuition and this game does not strike me with a good feeling about it’s future.

Reason is simple. We all know that since “official release”, we are being told, that there will be no more major changes and today this statement was repeated.

I think this is a really good game, but it has some “balancing issues” for the most part, which can luckily get rectified fast, but you need to know, where the problem lies and how to solve it.

I am glad, that I started to play this game almost 2 years ago. If I would start to play it today, grind would be a hell of a lot worse and I wouldn’t stand it.

There should be passive synergy bonuses present for standard synergy and free synergy as well, to encourage people to rank up their T4 ships. T4 exclusive feature only.


Sadly, there is another issue. Today we got “free crews”. They took their time to implement such an option. They could have implemented it in a very short time, since the idea for this was given by me long ago!

If they will not return 6000 GS I spent, to “support” the developers, I will take this this as an insult. Why? Because crews should be pay only option, since they were not changed in the first 3 months.

Most people never expected them to be free, since “economic questions” are often refused to be answered and are so secretive and sensitive, so most of the players, including me, I assumed that there will be no free-unlock option.

I am happy with this move, but it came out damn too late!

If you respect your “supporters”, you should return their GS on their accounts. I paid to support the development of this game and now those who didn’t, get the crews for free and for my gratitude I get rewarded like this? With nothing extra? If it’s free, it should be free for all of us.

Well, until I know the official stand, I will not make any more statements on this, I will say again only this. As a sign of understanding, all those, which invested in crews, should get reimbursed.


By the way, rank rewards are only available to new players, which unlocked a new rank and they are good. You also forgot about the “old playerbase” and “old supporters”, which granted you the option to develop the game even further.

Without their help, you couldn’t have reached certain development points, but as your thanks, their rewards got IGNORED and not granted. In favor to attract new players, you ignored the old ones!


Show some appreciation and at least comment on what I asked.

Dreadnoughts are my last hope. If they fail for the same reasons, then it’s clear as day.


Thank you.




Sincerely,  Koromac

I mean: why almost everytime when you are the squad leader we get a messy (for us) us server? Even if we know that you are the only us player in the match… 

Match maker uses the leader server as a reference. Terrorblade was never squad leader in WPK, because we always were in the SA server…


Concerning the Dirk rant, well, it is your opinion and I respect it, but you are not right.

Match maker uses the leader server as a reference. Terrorblade was never squad leader in WPK, because we always were in the SA server…


Concerning the Dirk rant, well, it is your opinion and I respect it, but you are not right.

Yeah we figured out that afther many attempts, but still it’s a meh MM rule.

Sadly, there is another issue. Today we got “free crews”. They took their time to implement such an option. They could have implemented it in a very short time, since the idea for this was given by me long ago!

If they will not return 6000 GS I spent, to “support” the developers, I will take this this as an insult. Why? Because crews should be pay only option, since they were not changed in the first 3 months.

Most people never expected them to be free, since “economic questions” are often refused to be answered and are so secretive and sensitive, so most of the players, inlcuding me, I assumed that there will be no free-unlock option.

I am happy with this move, but it came out damn too late!

If you respect your “supporters”, you should return their GS on their accounts. I paid to support the development of this game and now those who didn’t, get the crews for free and for my gratitude I get rewarded like this? With nothing extra? If it’s free, it should be free for all of us.

Well, until I know the official stand, I will not make any more statements on this, I will say again only this. As a sign of understanding, all those, which invested in crews, should get reimbursed.


wait what? they should be pay only? they shouldn’t, and never should have been!

i think, i agree to one part of your problem: they should have told about being unlockable later on. they are still not free, you still need to reach rank 15. obviously, this means, refund would only apply for people who did not have rank 15 back then when they bought it;

but the real problem is in communication.

not sure where they said, they will never be free, i was still hoping they would become that.


i can understand your disappointment, and i guess you bought all crews obviously, well i only bought one, because i didnt want to support that mechanic, but also wanted the advantage of at least having frig-ceptor implant sets.


still i think, this should go into a separate and unique thread about it.


also, there shouldnt be any t4 specific rules. just make voucher costs more sane in the first 4 tiers, and t4 cheaper overall (slightly over t3). you get 10k max for a mission, but modules cost 15-25x the value of this. it is the only income which does not increase proportionally, and it hurts the tiers if people do not spend time to equip their ships efficiently until they reach t5, because that means, they will never do it, and keep blaming servers, cheaters, veterans, you name it, for their lack of feeling rewarded.


old players had an obvious advantage, as the systems changed, and they might often overlook the fact, that it is way harder to get the module purpling going, than doing it once you got your base covered…

lower costs in early tiers would prepare people better, and teach this to them; atm there is a clear discrepancy, between players from the beta, who know how to efficiently enter a new tier, and new players, who need to kickstart themselves.


@dirk: i think a lot of english suggestions have been incorporated, but usually, the forum threads about new ideas in the english forum are not the right source. i saw a lot of things implemented, which was discussed in the english patch feed first, but taken over to the ru forums by somebody, showing us that they read us more than we do them; so this increases the idea, that ru have more ideas, but in reality, a lot comes from here, we just usually have a lot less good suggestions as separate threads. which is a pity. but maybe its also natural, since the english forums are actually multicultural in their nature.

The game is kind of split into 2 sections with a small overlap. Players that like open world / PvE and players that like PvP / SQ etc. The amount of players that are on the PvP side has stayed pretty much the same I think

well, i do think, there were a lot more pvpers, as it was only a pvp game with a little pve beside. 2 yrs ago the population in t3 was nonstop 12v12 or more carnage.


but invasion isnt open world enough for being a major game part. no commerce. no exploration, like procedurally generated maps. no domination. for a long time even no progression. no specific item system to complement ship progression, so all items are actually only for your ships in the end (doesnt make sense anyway to have other items without commerce). even worse, part of the essential loot was until now mostly invasion only (monocrystals), so barely enough to build a hardcore playerbase there, nor really the major thing that this game offers others dont (but at least its not missing, and it has its own upsides)

still, invasion in its current form will never be the major argument for the game, even if 90% of the playerbase plays it. because the competition on that gameplay is simply far too big.


so yes, maybe there are some people who are more open to open space, or enjoy pve part of the game, but i hardly think, it’s two separate groups after all; most of the players do several stuff. and the population in pvp did change names, and we do have a lot of people who disappeared, even the forums have become rather quiet compared to back then.


there is however a clear distinction in opinions in two groups, some accept invasion as a nice addon, and enjoy it, others just want pvp. but i dont think, the demographics are distinct.


overall it is quieter atm. but it is far from dead. lets say more, it could need something to reach critical mass again, where the servers are nonstop busy trashing spaceships.

As much as it pains me to say this, this game is doomed. We all know this, but yet we refuse to accept it.


If this game keeps going down it’s current path, it is going to die out. From the game’s player base dwindling to the devs making poor decisions. Throughout my time in this game (almost 2 years at this point), the development has gone downhill. I have begun to notice that in the past few months, it seems as if the devs have stopped caring about the US/EU/SA population entirely. You rarely see ideas posted on the English forums make it into the game, whereas plenty of ideas from the RU forums have made it in. This is a huge mistake on the devs part. If you look at pretty much every successful game ever, they had success in most regions of the world, not just one.


This path the game is going down is one where the game prioritizes and prefers RU servers/players over all others. It is also a path that ends up a with the game failing and the servers shutting down. I’m sure all of us would hate to see this game continue down this path. But, don’t fret, there are plenty of turnoffs and ways for the devs to save this game.


  1. Put more funding into advertisement. This game needs a much larger player base in order to see some success. It would seem that it would be common sense to do this, since more players=more GS/DLCs bought=more profit for Star Gem, but yet, Star Gem doesn’t seem to understand that.


  1. Improve the game servers. Getting better servers will improve gameplay for everyone. If possible, the servers should be made to talk to each other, so that players of different regions can be in one game, but playing on their own local server with good ping and no loss.


  1. Change the game so that it puts equal priority on US, EU, RU, and SA regions/players. Having one group of players preferred above the rest makes this game extremely unfair, and will eventually lead to a significant, if not total loss of players in the non-preferred regions.


  1. The list goes on and on. There are many ways for the devs to save this game, they just need to wake up and see the reality of the situation.


Argue what you want about this, it is pretty much true. If you take away anything from this, take away that the game WILL die out if the devs don’t do anything to save it (which is currently what they are doing).

It’s stupid how they are partial to the russians when U.S. pays the most. Look, it’s downright idiotic to take care of the largest playerbase. take care of the largest moneybase! 

The servers and prefered regions thing are definatly problems, as is the need for advertisement.  Everytime in sec con, when I’m on in US prime time, with region set to US, when a DNO squad ques up for sec con agianst us, we will ALWAYS get a RU region which brings my US/Canadian Squad 150-250 Ping, while the RU squad gets flawless 20-50 Ping.  That right there, is a HUGE problem for competitive game play.  This is the only real problem I see with the game atm (Open space RU servers suck too).  I don’t want them to start advertising untill the servers and region issues are fixed, otherwise pvp based players will leave (Ping doesn’t ruin PVE matches so, PVE will remain huge).  Other than that, this is a solid game and most of the dev decisions I see as good.


There needs to be a fair chance for EVERY pilot from EVERY region to atleast be able to fly his/her ship with percision and not crash into everything while having input response lag.  This includes good ping on US servers for RU and EU players, and Good ping on RU and EU servers for US players.  Oh SA too…

The lack of communication and openess with the English speaking forum, only goes further to erase my confidence in the future of the game and my participation in it.

Just as in the same vain, not compensating purchasers of Crews , now that they are free at r15, dilutes any trust I slightly had in the devs reciprication of loyalty.


I see the lack of players every log in, the fact that friendslist players are hardly ever on these days, if ever, some have not returned.

Matches used to be filled with familiar names, tougher battles, now… now one hardly gets a game with anyone you know, because they don’t play anymore.

Removed by Author 




use , not [media]


Wow!! look at the polygon count on that game, it’s over 9!!! per model.


 If we check weekly leaderboards etc, we may also guesstimate the active player base to be somewhere between 8000 and maybe (optimistic) 12000. 


Your definition of active is a bit different than mine. To me, the active player count is closer to 6000 with optimistic being 8k. Who cares if 1.2 million accounts have been created when the vast majority of them don’t play any more. The devs should improve the game and give reason for those 1.2 million players to come back, and to get them to come back and remember this game requires some form of advertisement.

We have had the same kind of threads over the years and yet here we are. 

Wow!! look at the polygon count on that game, it’s over 9!!! per model.

According to W|A, that’s approximately 10^(10^(10^(10^(10^(6.269))))).


For reference, a gogol is 10^100, a number invented just to be bigger than anything anyone would ever have to work with. A gogolplex is 10^10^100, or a one with a gogol zeros after it, a number invented just to be a mind-bogglingly amount larger than a gogol.


If this naming convention were continued, such that -plex means that it has [number suffix was appended to] zeros following a one, that would be on the order of a thousand gogolplexplexplexplexes.


Gotta love the factorial function.