The Imminent Demise of Star Conflict

At least from an involvement and community activity standpoint, this game rocks. I’ve had some other games where the Dev’s just don’t give a crap about the NA region or the game. I think why the game has lower pop is that there are simply so many good games peoples time is split. Especially with a free to play on Steam, a lot of people are going to download it, play 4 games, don’t like the space combat deal, let it sit in the list of games for a while, and then delete when they run out of room or clean up old stuff.


As far as increasing population, I don’t know what the best idea would be as of now. It’s harder to market a space-fictional game than it is a real game. Look at WT vs this game, a lot of people will try WT cause they want to fly a P51 cause granpa saw one in WWII. This game is definitely cool, but it’s harder to have that mass appeal with a fictional game. The advantage of a fictional game is that you aren’t restrained by “historical accuracy”

As much as it pains me to say this, this game is doomed. We all know this, but yet we refuse to accept it.


If this game keeps going down it’s current path, it is going to die out. From the game’s player base dwindling to the devs making poor decisions. Throughout my time in this game (almost 2 years at this point), the development has gone downhill. I have begun to notice that in the past few months, it seems as if the devs have stopped caring about the US/EU/SA population entirely. You rarely see ideas posted on the English forums make it into the game, whereas plenty of ideas from the RU forums have made it in. This is a huge mistake on the devs part. If you look at pretty much every successful game ever, they had success in most regions of the world, not just one.


This path the game is going down is one where the game prioritizes and prefers RU servers/players over all others. It is also a path that ends up a with the game failing and the servers shutting down. I’m sure all of us would hate to see this game continue down this path. But, don’t fret, there are plenty of turnoffs and ways for the devs to save this game.


  1. Put more funding into advertisement. This game needs a much larger player base in order to see some success. It would seem that it would be common sense to do this, since more players=more GS/DLCs bought=more profit for Star Gem, but yet, Star Gem doesn’t seem to understand that.


  1. Improve the game servers. Getting better servers will improve gameplay for everyone. If possible, the servers should be made to talk to each other, so that players of different regions can be in one game, but playing on their own local server with good ping and no loss.


  1. Change the game so that it puts equal priority on US, EU, RU, and SA regions/players. Having one group of players preferred above the rest makes this game extremely unfair, and will eventually lead to a significant, if not total loss of players in the non-preferred regions.


  1. The list goes on and on. There are many ways for the devs to save this game, they just need to wake up and see the reality of the situation.


Argue what you want about this, it is pretty much true. If you take away anything from this, take away that the game WILL die out if the devs don’t do anything to save it (which is currently what they are doing).

I agree with Sponge, Dirk you are too dramatic.

The basic of this game is fine. Even the development nowadays goes to the right direction. Developers listens to the english community, but players on this forum writes too much bullshit, and non-stop whining, that’s why it’s hard to select the good ideas from the chaos what happens there. 

Also, the communication of the admins just pisses players a bit off. The way how the staff communicates with the community just simply doesn’t encourage players to send feedback, and tell, what’s the actual problem.


You mentioned the game is biased towards the russian community. I see no problem here, it’s basically a russian game, the the biggest part of the playerbase is russian. Completely natural, that the developers concentrating to satisfy the majority. When more players will come from EU and US, they will start concentrating more on the english community.


The biggest problem is clearly the management. Gaijin handles this game as a secondary project, so they really don’t care about the advertisement or the server quality. Basically they running this game on the same server with War Thunder, and when they have to decide, where should the performance go, they choose War Thunder without tears. Same with the advertisement. They get far more money from WT, and the income from SC is still sufficient without ads, why they should do anything?


To keep new players, devs should decrease the grinding and balance T1/T2 a bit more, because the game looses most of the new players there. I invited several of my friends and they stopped playing because of the slow grinding and the poor T1/T2 balance and gameplay. Nothing pulls players into the real game, T1/T2 should be a tutorial-like tier what you can easily play through if you want. Also, more in-game tutorials would help a lot. Sometimes players just don’t know what’s the difference between switchable modules and reloadable modules, I often see players switching on-off continously their engineer modules because the have no clue how they works. Bringing tackler as a captain ship also happens often. These are just little problems what can easily ruin the experience of this game.


My other problem is developers plans too big and monument things too early. Invasion mode was too early, T5 was also too early. Dreadnoughts are just too big chaw, that’s why they are not there yet. They releasing too quickly these features the player base haven’t prepared yet. They can’t think in small, they just want to make something groundbreaking for a community which not enough big and prepared to fill it.


This game is not really dying, it’s just reached a point where it’s stagnate. And as long as devs doesn’t realize the reason, it will stay like this.

well honestly it wouldn’t hurt to advertise the game more, if this happens it would benefit everyone, star gem more players=$$$, for the ones already playing the game this would mean more victims, I meant opponents  

The only advertise they need is being featured in steam page when the dreadnoughts are launched.

The only advertise they need is being featured in steam page when the dreadnoughts are launched.

Probably not the place to ask but whats a dreadnought?

Probably not the place to ask but whats a dreadnought?

That will be an"End Game" for corporations PvP content to replace current Sector Conquest game mode. At this moment there is not much details available to public, but it is under heavy development and should be available “soonish”. They were planed for release this new year, but there was a decision to delay in order to expand, refine and polish the gameplay.

+1 to the marketing idea…3/4 friends i showed the game to ended up being active and growing players…would be better if there were more people so that queues would be shorter than 5 minutes…

Hey, this is a Russian game.


You are going to get in game assassinated for a forum topic like this!