The Flux Phaser needs a buff.

The Flux Phaser right now is kinda useless. Its damage is pretty low and it has a very fast overheating, it’s almost impossible to kill an interceptor or even a fighter with it.


My idea is pretty simple: make the projectiles 25% bigger, raise the overheating time to 4 shots instead of 2 and make the weapon able to guide more shoot with the same laser.

Well it’s definitely not underpowered.


The Flux Phaser right now is kinda useless. Its damage is pretty low and it has a very fast overheating, it’s almost impossible to kill an interceptor or even a fighter with it.


My idea is pretty simple: make the projectiles 25% bigger, raise the overheating time to 4 shots instead of 2 and make the weapon able to guide more shoot with the same laser.

Simple way to fix your problems is to take Supernova Ammunition and a Shared Cooler, this will make the weapon stronger than you can comprehend. Also the fire rate is just 28 anyways, so even if the laser could lead more projectiles at once, this would probably not happen.

The strength of this weapon is the damage per shot and it’s precision, not it’s Dps.

Well it’s definitely not underpowered.



Simple way to fix your problems is to take Supernova and a Shared Cooler, this will make the weapon stronger than you can comprehend. Also the fire rate is just 28 anyways, so even if the laser could lead more projectiles at once, this would probably not happen.

It would shoot a bullet every 2.1 seconds, and (with supernova and without the J6 implant) it covers his maximum range in 3 seconds, so it would be possible to shoot continuously, but i’ll follow your suggestions.

A higher heating time would be nice. That’s really my only complaint.

Flux Phaser is fine imo. It isn’t underpowered in any way. Personally, I’ve found that using Booster Circuit has given me better results than supernova, as the tooltip isn’t accurate with the projectile speed, regardless of the ammo. I was shooting at a target that was about 2k meters away, my projectile speed was supposed to be 1700 (According to the tooltip), but yet, it took over 2 seconds for the projectile to reach the target (target was stationary). If the projectile was going 1700, it would have reached him in a little over 1 second. So after further testing, I have found that projectile speed for the Flux Phaser is around 900 or so with supernova (and no proj speed implant).


I do agree that either the projectile size should be increased slightly, or it’s blast radius should be increased slightly, as it is fairly difficult to hit ceptors, but in turn, I think it’s alpha damage should be reduced slightly if this is to happen.

I say blast radius of at least 350m and a Cooldown where you can shoot more than 2-3 orbs before overheating.

Any other problems can be fixed with the propper ammo type.

I say blast radius of at least 350m and a Cooldown where you can shoot more than 2-3 orbs before overheating.

Any other problems can be fixed with the propper ammo type.

350m is a bit large, honestly. That’s like a particle purge but without removing your own shields. 200m is more reasonable, I think.


What I’d like to see changed about the weapon is the fact that it doesn’t shoot continuously if you hold down the mouse button. It’s incredibly easy to hold the button down for one or two seconds longer than it needs to be, effectively halving the already low rate of fire.

The phaser bubble explodes with a 500m radius. I don’t see why the other phaser can’t have a similar blast range. Original phaser also does more damage, along with having its alternate firing modes. New phaser’s only advantage is the manual homing mechanism, which still doesn’t guaruntee a hit.

Used the mk2_T4 gun in Dread, It doesn’t really look like it requires much buffs, or any at all. Very similar to Gauss and yet different.

And after 5-10 minutes i got use to clicking when needed and not holding the button down.

Considering the precision…


*flips out because Mk5 Tier V weapon*

*flips out because Mk5 Tier V weapon*


You gotta go open space and find a lucky container to have it.

You gotta go open space and find a lucky container to have it.

Find one for me. Need.

I don’t do enough invasion for Mk5 things, but I need the Mk5 special weapons. Especially the flux phaser and the phase halter.

I am going to comment on one thing. Considering you are shooting a projectile that you can guide using your mouse, this gun is either ridiculously overpowered or ridiculously useless. I predict that there will be a certain class of pilot and a certain speciality of player that will be suited to using this (I know of one person already…) that will be more adept at using this gun than anyone else and I can assure you; not many of these players will exist. It’ll be like when I first got out the Singularity Cannon on Crimson Haze and everyone bit my style. The gun doesn’t need nerfing or anything. It just needs deeper thought.


I recommend Supernova ammunition. The biggest advantage of the gun will be in the projectile speed and the time given for tracking, plus being able to home around obstacles such as beacons, rocks and other structures. The fact that it also does substantial damage will also be a decent enough reason to only make it possible to fire two before the gun overheats. I also recommend a shared cooler.

You bring up a decent point, but trying to go around obstacles is really hard unless there’s a clock on your target, because the laser wi try to target the obstacle.

Also, the blast radius is so small, that if the target moves at all, or your are off by a bit, it will miss entirely and waste the shot.

It seems fine as is given it is a medium range weapon designed to deal continuous damage over time. The aima helps with that aspect. It’s kind of like Jericho guided Torp for fighters :stuck_out_tongue:

actually its crazy op it need damage/range idea what happens above t3, but here you get sniped from 6k range with some insane crits(from 5k to 15k, seen multiple times). no idea how some ppl aim it but it doesnt ever miss even interceptors at 500 speed. 3 shots baam dead.

Supernova is being nerfed next patch, Base Damage of this Weapon is being reduced next patch. There you got it.

Yay nerfs! Time to get out the Guass tacklers…

Yay nerfs! Time to get out the Guass tacklers…

I’ll stay with Bubble Brawler, don’t need Supernova to be good with it.