The Flux Phaser needs a buff.

Probably need better ping than I have to use it well. Even so, tacklers may be out in force suite to their buffs if it goes ahead :slight_smile:

Since I use lasers most of the time and have absolutely no need for aim assist, with it actually getting in the way, I’ve been experimenting with it and this new weapon because I am bored and need to find new ways to keep myself interested.

with aim assist on, the missiles go where I’m aiming.  I also cannot hit interceptors close to me because it refuses to launch them ahead of target.

with aim assist off, I have to lead them like a normal gun because if I aim the laser at the ship it does this weird thing where it swings around the target half time time and it won’t track fast targets. On the other hand in this mode I have absolutely no issues killing interceptors at close range.

I’m starting to understand why so many people have such crap close range aim.  The circle is wrong after a certain speed threshold and if they have aim assist on it can actually make them miss at closer ranges.  Would be nice if aim assist did not work within a certain range threshold for all weapons, maybe we would see people better able to defend themselves versus interceptors.