The case for squads in PvP.

Glad to hear that you understand our concerns, and are acting upon them. Hopefully the solution will please the majority.

I would also be interested in knowing what the Russian forum thinks of this topic, if anyone has the courage and the language skills to go over and ask?

We took some notes from you guys, and actualy have some plan now. One thing I can say for sure, that we will not gathering all the pilots in squads forcibly, but I believe you’ll have your anticipated team based Star Conflict gameplay. It’ll happen, not so soon I guess, but it will :012j:

Don’t keep us waiting too long! :012j:

We took some notes from you guys, and actualy have some plan now. One thing I can say for sure, that we will not gathering all the pilots in squads forcibly, but I believe you’ll have your anticipated team based Star Conflict gameplay. It’ll happen, not so soon I guess, but it will :012j:

If you get something good done there you’ll receive a hug.

I would simply act, because by now, it should be obvious, it’s not just selfish individualistic hedonist desires here, we are really talking about something that moves star conflict from “unique experience” to “unimportant f2p game”, if it is missing.

It breaks the game, at its soul.


Good to see a bit of hope and very much appreciated.


@ntbob: i know you meant pvpai, but for me thats also just pve :slight_smile: i rather wait in queue, so i dont think, ppl queueing for pvp vs .ai really want human enemies :slight_smile: i think it has a bit of a different audience, in general (people trying to finish quests, progress, etc. but want to play pvp modes at the same time). so i just meant as a feature it would be weird to pull them away :stuck_out_tongue:


We took some notes from you guys, and actualy have some plan now. One thing I can say for sure, that we will not gathering all the pilots in squads forcibly, but I believe you’ll have your anticipated team based Star Conflict gameplay. It’ll happen, not so soon I guess, but it will  :012j:


Good news then. 


@ntbob: i know you meant pvpai, but for me thats also just pve :slight_smile: i rather wait in queue, so i dont think, ppl queueing for pvp vs .ai really want human enemies :slight_smile: i think it has a bit of a different audience, in general (people trying to finish quests, progress, etc. but want to play pvp modes at the same time). so i just meant as a feature it would be weird to pull them away :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s my bad i don’t understand you the first time.

A suggestion…


Let the players have MM settings… to some degree… where they can choose wich server they would get… or if they would allow games with squads or no.

Those who are so cross with squads (i dont really see any actually) would have chance to avoid the “horror”, while those wishing to participate in squad or with squads would also have free path to do soo.


Because leages are not working out.



Also instead of hot join perhaps players would fill up a “lobby” and while the teams are formed, they could chat and for example vote for map… or something. Similar like Mech warrior Online has. I like that. Im sure it would be attractive feature, it would proably reduce the frustration of wait times too. Because despite your best effort, sometimes its still happening, and instead of looking at the timer, people could have a chance to verbaly rip eachothers apart before match.

I tried to create a list of all pro arguments for squads in PvP here :


Synopsis for the Case for Squads in PvP


Please suggest points I did not put in so far.

Did anyone get their hopes up that we might see squads in pvp again? Here’s what cinnamon said on the SC subreddit, looks like we’ll get another leagues/dreads/any other boring gamemode that has failed to keep people interested.




The true soul of SC is simply having lots of random people pew pew pew pew pew.

And that people want to play that.

And people want to play that, together with friends.

And not organize every battle completely.


Coz lets be honest, only a percentage players in SC will have both the stamina to grind through the game and also the devotion and skill to become a natural top ace pilot, and they will only do it, if that fame has any meaning. To become a game played by hardcore teams, it needs a bigger audience, but also the “right audience”, so not just farming PvE players, and trying to “hold hands of everybody” like a giant carebear.


I can remember the respect people had from Quake players who played on the vet servers, or the CS crowd, which basicly brought FPS into esport.


The only reason, such an elite way of playing a game becomes great is, if the game itself isnt just about that when it comes to teams.

I can always play any of those games with friends, in a team. Only if I invest time and devotion, i can expect to play on a competitive no-random-players and just-me-and-my-squad level.


And also, overthinking game mechanics, instead of “no spawn kills or ban” policies. If Spawn Killing is a problem, it is a game design problem.


I dont see any solution in exclusive “squad game modes”, they will never work until you have a large middle population, which is used to teamplay, and therefore wants to compete sometimes. It isnt just fun to 100% compete.


Anyway, Cinnamon, thx for reading all this and obviously try to present it to the team.


Also, the big fail of the league event should have been a wake-up call.

Also, the big fail of the league event should have been a wake-up call.


I think it has, based on what Cinnamon has said about a major overhaul.

Have played a bit today, random pvp is more hideous than I remember. 

Totally lost fate, it’s not even the case to speak about “balance”, which need some serious rework (gauss & phaser need a nerf, just remove shrapnel which is totally useless and so on). There’s so many casual play-style out there that is too late for me to enjoy playing.

Destroying teamplay is what turned this game from “competitive” to “random duck hunt”, people don’t use anymore “team ships”.

Just solo rambo guard/command/lrf/gunships/chicken tacklers (yep inteceptors are pretty much gone). That’s why I’m leaving this post in this thread. Honestly I started to think that giving back squads or another lame game mode as leagues: will not solve anything. 


Dunno how is going in EU prime time since I have better stuffs to do, maybe with more vets in the matches would be more fun like it was once. Ah vets bashing each others, what a glorious past.  


P.s. I’m not leaving ArcfailTic style. Just giving reasons why I doubt things will become fun again. 

Have played a bit today, random pvp is more hideous than I remember. 

Totally lost fate, it’s not even the case to speak about “balance”, which need some serious rework (gauss & phaser need a nerf, just remove shrapnel which is totally useless and so on). There’s so many casual play-style out there that is too late for me to enjoy playing.

Destroying teamplay is what turned this game from “competitive” to “random duck hunt”, people don’t use anymore “team ships”.

Just solo rambo guard/command/lrf/gunships/chicken tacklers (yep inteceptors are pretty much gone). That’s why I’m leaving this post in this thread. Honestly I started to think that giving back squads or another lame game mode as leagues: will not solve anything. 


Dunno how is going in EU prime time since I have better stuffs to do, maybe with more vets in the matches would be more fun like it was once. Ah vets bashing each others, what a glorious past.  


P.s. I’m not leaving ArcfailTic style. Just giving reasons why I doubt things will become fun again. 


Have played a bit today, random pvp is more hideous than I remember. 

Totally lost fate, it’s not even the case to speak about “balance”, which need some serious rework (gauss & phaser need a nerf, just remove shrapnel which is totally useless and so on). There’s so many casual play-style out there that is too late for me to enjoy playing.

Destroying teamplay is what turned this game from “competitive” to “random duck hunt”, people don’t use anymore “team ships”.

Just solo rambo guard/command/lrf/gunships/chicken tacklers (yep inteceptors are pretty much gone). That’s why I’m leaving this post in this thread. Honestly I started to think that giving back squads or another lame game mode as leagues: will not solve anything. 


Dunno how is going in EU prime time since I have better stuffs to do, maybe with more vets in the matches would be more fun like it was once. Ah vets bashing each others, what a glorious past.  


P.s. I’m not leaving ArcfailTic style. Just giving reasons why I doubt things will become fun again. 

Phaser definitely needs a nerf, gauss a lesser one (10% damage reduction, maybe).


In EU prime time things are better, there are lots of inty dog fights, and there’s almost always at least 1 engineer. Still, there are chicken drone placing tacklers, and LRF players that say that you are a Ace because you have over 2k points while they have 47 (It really happened to me, beacon mode, a guy with an LRF started to insult me because I told him to change ship…)

Have played a bit today, random pvp is more hideous than I remember. 

Totally lost fate, it’s not even the case to speak about “balance”, which need some serious rework (gauss & phaser need a nerf, just remove shrapnel which is totally useless and so on). There’s so many casual play-style out there that is too late for me to enjoy playing.

Destroying teamplay is what turned this game from “competitive” to “random duck hunt”, people don’t use anymore “team ships”.

Just solo rambo guard/command/lrf/gunships/chicken tacklers (yep inteceptors are pretty much gone). That’s why I’m leaving this post in this thread. Honestly I started to think that giving back squads or another lame game mode as leagues: will not solve anything. 


Dunno how is going in EU prime time since I have better stuffs to do, maybe with more vets in the matches would be more fun like it was once. Ah vets bashing each others, what a glorious past.  


P.s. I’m not leaving ArcfailTic style. Just giving reasons why I doubt things will become fun again. 


Its random now, heard it from a lot of people and seen it myself.


Players are fooling themselves if they think they are having any real impact on match outcome. There are so few games which are not a smackdown now. Even moreso than old T3 and the ‘troublesome’ squads.


As for team ships i dont think iv ever seen randoms take anything other than what they really want to fly, which is fair enough. But the tactic for many rn in R13 is bring something get killed and immeadiatly get into R11 dess because they are sooo balanced. Thats the other issue and why i agree with you, the fun is doubtful when R14 dess get here.


Its a pity solo guy in dess is no real trouble for a team, but there is no team. Just the solo rambos ‘Ramboes?’ Which again is fair enough as its the only way to get anywhere in many games now. Join the fray, pew pew pew. Add to the problem.


Just hope this reintroduction of team based gameplay puts some life back into the game.


Players are fooling themselves if they think they are having any real impact on match outcome. 

Now that I read it, you are actually right. Almost every game I play is either a devastating loss or a slaughter of the enemy team… There aren’t many close games anymore. Sometimes it happens, and it is so damn fun.

Join the fray, pew pew pew


It’s not whort/working anymore.

It’s like playing all the time in US timezone. Do you remember when we were saying: after 1 am (utc) never go in to the que, 'cause you will only fight against randoms/r&t@rds?

Well now it’s like playing that for 24h off.

Such a shame some “opinion leaders” or supposed so thought that was normal gameplay in this game. 


I’m giving up having any hope it sucks but the game atm “funwise” is dead and i fear nothing will solve this. It’s too late (and for me “giving up” means play like 2 games a days or less)

They basically kicked from the game anyone had a minimum of awereness. They kicked also half decents players by acting like a scamming company and screwing ups balance by trying to make all ships enduring killing machines.

I blame as always devs who suxs at their own game and people who gives them feedbacks since as I always said: the good ones already left the staff long ago since they get ignored.

Well whatever.


Last drop for me was listening at the streaming from leagues final tournament, the 2 guys talking litterally had NO idea what was going on. Bah.

I developed this “i’m not having fun anymore, wtf is going on?” feeling when people started to consider me as an op player… I’ve climbed the weekly rating leaderboard just to prove myself that I/them was wrong. Well it wasn’t that hard as I’ve discovered by achieving +9500 rating with a gauss mjonlir.


Such a shame. This game have been ruined by incompetence and arrogance, an unrefined diamond turned into smoking crap. I hope for the guys involved: that somehow, in the future , they will finally get it.


P.s. sorry jasan for the +/- ot.

We’re making the working concept now. I encourage everyone to wait a little and then to try the result first.

We’re making the working concept now. I encourage everyone to wait a little and then to try the result first.

ETA? Weeks or months?

ETA? Weeks or months?

Summer. And right after it, the big one expansion will come also.

Summer. And right after it, the big one expansion will come also.


You’re already behind schedule.  :006j: