The case for squads in PvP.

So, after 7 pages of discussions and no real answer from the developers yet on this subject?

Same old story, that the previous system was broken and that implementing it back won’t solve anything, right?

We suggested many ways how to do this, but now it makes me wonder. Is it even worth discussing this any further, if developers still think the same?

RE: Dreadnaught battles (Sector Conquest) - can it be fixed? (Q: is there a possible connection to PvP and the case for squads?)



Good luck with that. We are still waiting for T5 dreadnoughts before a rework of the entire sistem start.


RE: League battles: Is it ultimate dead or is there still a potential? (Q: is there a possible connection to PvP and the case for squads?)


They could reintroduce something like the old “sector conquest”, which was kinda similar but with different reward (it was worth playing even against kills squads 'cause for every beacon captured it gave points to spent in sectors). But absolutely it should not be a replacement for pvp squads. No way.




O.k. you seem to say (as I understand it), the Star Conflict (SC) developers, designers and stakeholders have the need to hold and enlarge the games’ user base, also to hold and enlarge the SC games’ return on investment in terms of real money (for income, servers, etc.)


How to meet the two needs: How to achieve the need from developers/designers side and have squads back unrestricted (and info where players are [hangar, battle, league, dread etc…]) according to the needs of the loyal experienced players? Any ideas? Any suggestions?


There is no need at all to make restrictions to squads in end game tiers to retain people, the two things can coexist.

Squadding up should be encouraged like in war thunder, where you are automatically putted in a squad with a random guy while you join the match. They also have rewards for cooperating as a team.

Learning how to play in team, in a game with multiple classes: is basic stuff for multiplayer game design. Why the hell here we are discouraging it?

'cause some nabs unable to have a real fight was farming their stats in lower tiers?

Find a way to make this behave not rewarding at all, not this stuffs we have now. 

Good luck with that. We are still waiting for T5 dreadnoughts before a rework of the entire sistem start.



They could reintroduce something like the old “sector conquest”, which was kinda similar but with different reward (it was worth playing even against kills squads 'cause for every beacon captured it gave points to spent in sectors). But absolutely it should not be a replacement for pvp squads. No way.



There is no need at all to make restrictions to squads in end game tiers to retain people, the two things can coexist.

Squadding up should be encouraged like in war thunder, where you are automatically putted in a squad with a random guy while you join the match. They also have rewards for cooperating as a team.

Learning how to play in team in a game with multiple classes is basic stuff for multiplayer game design. Why the hell here we are discouraging it?

'cause some nabs unable to have a real fight was farming their stats in lower tiers?

Find a way to make this behave not rewarding at all, not this stuffs we have now.

Dude u playing war thunder? So do U recomend it?

Dude u playing war thunder? So do U recomend it?


U mad bro? :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate that game. Sometimes I plays it for one or two matches and then ragequit. And I’m not even one of those guys who complains about bias or low realism bs or such.

I just hate that damn, insane, awful grind (seriously, it’s something out of this world even buying a premium license).

War Thunder has the worst flight mechanics I have ever seen in a flight game, and I played flight sims on the SNES.


Tank battles are better though.

War Thunder has the worst flight mechanics I have ever seen in a flight game, and I played flight sims on the SNES.


Tank battles are better though.

I wish War Thunder would at least have a game mode where you didn’t have limited lives

Not that its game modes are bad but Id like it a lot more than I already do if there was at least the choice

whats the problem with their flight mechanics? u sure, it wasnt just controller settings? coz they seem fine - and are quite okay in network aswell.


dunno how much u played, but i played a shitton of ww1 or ww2 flight sims, and warthunder is quite good for an arcade game.
i mean okay, the “damage mechanics” for flight or gunjams etc. are just random events as it seems, but why fly anything else than arcade anyway.
its not like the battles there make a lot of sense.

most stuff you would expect from flight are there, manouvers also work, and of course its not a simulator in the sense of a single player plane simulation.
albeit to be honest, they were sometimes overrated.
its just somehow i dunno why, russian planes seem a bit powerful compared to history, but even there its a nice cut through.

i actually find the tankgame boring, but i also found wot boring. maybe i played too many tank games as kid on the c64, but i actually enjoy flying british or japanese planes a lot more, also because, contrary to SC, you have no turrets, and dogfighting with gravity, sun and straight shooting weapons is kinda fun again.

but i would never take that game seriously, compared to SC, its potential for being a real competitive game are close to none. the tank part might be more suited for that, for people who like that sorta thing.
similar, the battle objectives are just good enough to be “something” in multiplayer, but i dont enjoy the game more than a couple times per year. just looks free to me :slight_smile:

the MM with squads is cool, having free customization options is nice, graphics are well done, music super, i think warthunder does deserve its “fame” in its own little arcade mm warsim genre. they basicly also grew with wots success, which again grew with the incredible monthly fees for actual mmos, and frustrated eve playerbase making free advertisement for it via battleclinic.

otherwise of course, there isnt much more; and i think thats also finally the biggest problem of f2p titles that are not developed as boxed games, like blizzard does it, or real mmos, like many others started doing it, coz u know, if you do a game, like you would pay for it, ppl will actually pay for it.
(btw. i can smell f2p in star citizen marine fps game upon its release, and lets not forget legion yet)
the whole grinding thing just renders its own destiny to fail at some point, when nobody wants such stuff anymore; similar to all other tries to do f2p with some “risk reducing factors” for investment. but thats somewhere in the future of history.

balancing in grinding into the game as a “viable path you are not needed to go” is simply more the future, as many of the survival sandbox “micro-mmo” games show, where grind is purely used as a balance factor.
or simply used to make you learn the gameplay. i expect that to grow more into each other in future titles.

until then i think warthunder deserves to make its money this way.
if they will survive, depends way more on the question whether they were lucky or smart.


i do agree, their form of squadding would be perfect tho for SC.

also, dice is getting serious with ww1 aswell… (ig graphics)


funny, compared to this ****

just look at the likes in comparison



this happens if you think you were still in the offtopic section.

So, after 7 pages of discussions and no real answer from the developers yet on this subject?

there was an answer by cinnamon (5th of may - revenge of the fifth - too lazy to quote - no pun intended), which said avarshina said something profound and then other stuff mentioning they just dont get it. (now pun intended)


or, to be fair, they seem to got to think about the whole stuff, and i think ppl discuss among themselves aswell.

i think most of what can be said, has been said anyway. time will tell. or another thread, by someone else who awakens or wants quick record likes.

i know you like to farm your way to success, and patience for you must be something like unobtainium, koro, but try to farm it aswell :slight_smile:


it doesnt help to complain about fast answers. i rather have a good one later.

but the amount of people wanting squads around seems also almost too comfy. i dont like to be in the majority. dont touch my suit, stranger.


seriously, dont touch it, it leaks radiation.

i know you like to farm your way to success, and patience for you must be something like unobtainium, koro, but try to farm it aswell :slight_smile:


it doesnt help to complain about fast answers. i rather have a good one later.

but the amount of people wanting squads around seems also almost too comfy. i dont like to be in the majority. dont touch my suit, stranger.


seriously, dont touch it, it leaks radiation.

Wisely spoken -  as an OWL !



which said avarshina said something profound and then other stuff mentioning they just dont get it. (now pun intended)

I read CinnamonFake’s post more like: The game designers have to wait and see if changes result in certain aspired directions (they cannot change into a recent change with no sufficient data acquired in between) -and: I introduced arguments, that are part of the cut set/overlap of their concerns, simple as that, most likely nothing more.

I am here to give more crazy ideas to improve squads. I’m sorry if they are too similar to anything said before. I’m not trying steal ideas. Also it’s probably some could be exploited. I can stand criticism.   :fed012:  




1- Keeping restrictions for squads. Get some kind of list saying where are squads queueing. Showing rank and any info needed to let others squads to change theirs ships and play against them. If there is a 4 man squad in rank6 and another in rank11 they never met. Let people know where to queue to get some squad fun.




2- Keeping restrictions for squads. This was not originally intended to help squads, but i think it could be good. There is lots of squads playing SC. I really mean lots of squads. Where? PvsAI. No restrictions there for squads. Today i see a 8-man squad in rank8. Corp training or corp farmming wins/iridium… i don’t know. My proposal is to get some of these squads to play PVP. How? Easy, lowering their queue time. Whenever a squad is queueing in PVP and another squad start queueing in PvsAI offer the last to change from PvSAI to PVP. This way squads from PVP will find another squad to play faster. And squads from PvsAI will see even less queue time to start a match. The only dangerous situation i foresee is squad players will understand that to play faster they need to start PvsAI. Btw i don’t think that to kill a game mode (PvsAI) will help in any way to PVP. Because PvsAI is NOT the same like PVP.




3- Without restrictions to squads in latter ranks. Let players choose if they want to play in games with squads. I’m not talking about spliting PVP. Whenever a match is going to start offer players to play or not to play. Say something like: 


“There will be a 4-man squad in this match” Do you want to play or wait for the next match? 


This way we are letting random players the right to choose to increase their queue time or play in a match where they can face a 4-man squad or they can be in the same team as a 4-man squad. This way SC will encourage playing in squads instead of the current situation that SC is discourage playing in squads. Also we can get some stats. If too many random players are avoiding playing against squads something bad it’s happening.




4- Without restrictions for squads. I like the idea that i have seen here about forcing every player in the match into some kind of temporal squad. But to be really useful, it is needed to improve the communication mechanics. The old-fashioned mark the objective with the key “r” is too much exiguous to be useful issuing complex commands, at last for me. We need the game to choose a leader in each team. Or players could vote for a leader. This leader should be able to issue more complex commands. Even it could be nice if players (with a squad or not) complete this commands get a small reward. Encouraging players to play as a team. This will stress les capable players. Because i know sometimes squad leaders ask for impossibles. And it could start some heated discussions in chat after the match. This was intended to counter at least a bit TS used by squads. It’s possible it backfire against random players because squads can use it better, but it’s hopeless when you see a squad with minimal coordination to pick one by one random players scattered in the battlefield without a way to explain we need to form a frigball or something more useful. :fed011:  Even this way we will get an unbalanced match, but at least random players can try to get a counter or something. Probably not, but who knows. The very problem when a team is been spawncamped is you can’t do almost nothing. Is it possible to spawn all the players at the same time? Well even this can be countered for sure… It’s hard to get balanced teams.




We lack more information from devs about what can be done and what can’t be done. Some of this or some of others ideas can work together to get squads again shining in SC, but how can be something fixed if it’s not explained what’s broken. The current situation about squads is far from perfect. For me, avoiding killer squads is a must. The real problem is the way is handled this situation right now is not to deal with killer squads, but to let squads die slowly. As much as I am against killer squads I think on the contrary that casual squads are the soul of this game. We need to fight against killer squads preying upon untrained random players. We need to let those random players the right to choose if they want to get into a squad or not.  I don’t want to force them to join squads


I do not understand why there hasn’t been a brainstorm to reintroduce squads in SC before.

more transparency about whats happening in the “game world” at the moment, yes, i support that, i have called on that for a while.

it is a giant opportunity to see the queues and everything as part of the sandbox and use it to guide fleets against each other, and often simply if we just knew what is going on, in low times, we could react without trials and errors.


but i think, it would go to far to ask a pve group to go into pvp suddenly - it also doesnt work well.


i just think, this would need some radical concentration on the lobby / ui part from them, and to be honest, they are not bad in ui per se, but they arent really masters of it either.

which is not meant as insult, simply because, i actually have the same problem. i can write you an async perfect modularized ui system into any program in more than 12 languages, but i have no idea how to arrange them so it looks user friendly. which is why i never touch webdesign. but i know having a scroll list in a directx game which loads data async as you scroll is more work than it seems.

so this would need not just game design, and software design, but also some general ui design brainstorm “how to make it interesting and simple at the same time”.


so you can see, exactly thinking about “how can you achieve” what you just said is a lot of work and needs way more brainstorms.

but i think, it would go to far to ask a pve group to go into pvp suddenly - it also doesnt work well.


i just think, this would need some radical concentration on the lobby / ui part from them, 


Ok, i already suposse i was asking too much. Maybe devs only need to add a new chat tab and let squad leaders post timestamp and rank from their wing to let others squads find them.


Btw i wasn’t talking about pve players. I was talking about PvsAI or Co-op players go into PVP. There is a lot of squads there. I was playing along a 7-man squad from a Corp.

2 man squads already exist, but the wait time is ridiculous.

3 man squads for T3 and up, unrestricted, would be a good first step to get people back into the swing of things.

I meant allow 2 man squad in R9-R10+ unrestricted. 

I meant allow 2 man squad in T9-T10+ unrestricted. 

so much pain…

I meant allow 2 man squad in R9-R10+ unrestricted. 


We took some notes from you guys, and actualy have some plan now. One thing I can say for sure, that we will not gathering all the pilots in squads forcibly, but I believe you’ll have your anticipated team based Star Conflict gameplay. It’ll happen, not so soon I guess, but it will :012j:

This is incredible news! A step in the right direction


We took some notes from you guys, and actualy have some plan now. One thing I can say for sure, that we will not gathering all the pilots in squads forcibly, but I believe you’ll have your anticipated team based Star Conflict gameplay. It’ll happen, not so soon I guess, but it will :012j:

This is just amazing! It’s seriously a very nice step forward!


Keep up the good work, devs.

We took some notes from you guys, and actualy have some plan now. One thing I can say for sure, that we will not gathering all the pilots in squads forcibly, but I believe you’ll have your anticipated team based Star Conflict gameplay. It’ll happen, not so soon I guess, but it will :012j:

That is a great news! Thank you :smiley: