The case for squads in PvP.

+1 to da DUDE

The game has always had an arcade focus. That doesn’t detract from potential teamwork.

The game has always had an arcade focus. That doesn’t detract from potential teamwork.


Removing teamwork is another step to maximize arcade solo.

I already used it in my coffee. I am out. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Crunchy or French soft ones?

Removing teamwork is another step to maximize arcade solo.

This statement is absolutely correct. Game lost a lot of tactical appeal already and it’s closer to an arcade shooter than ever.

C’mon ppl, the sc community can’t do xxxx about squads. Devs will always set arguments like “sc is not arcade cuz we have leagues and dreads which can be accessed in even bigger squads than 4.” They won’t listen. No soft sweet cinnamon roll, but an old indurated piece of bread-like pastry looking like a piece of xxxx. They won’t change their minds until they realize what they have done.

C’mon ppl, the sc community can’t do xxxx about squads. Devs will always set arguments like “sc is not arcade cuz we have leagues and dreads which can be accessed in even bigger squads than 4.” They won’t listen. No soft sweet cinnamon roll, but an old indurated piece of bread-like pastry looking like a piece of xxxx. They won’t change their minds until they realize what they have done.

Never hurts to ask / make clear and decisive arguments as to why Squads would help this game.  Just “living with it” is not the answer.

if devs bothered they would have replied already.

if devs bothered they would have replied already.

I increasingly feel this may be the case…

if devs bothered they would have replied already.

It is a national holiday in Russia, they should be back next week or something.

It is a national holiday in Russia, they should be back next week or something.

I knew we should have invaded Russia…

I knew we should have invaded Russia…

that is the reason for this holiday - others already have tried :wink:

oki . well i actually like the silence, at least the crap excuses dont ruin the discussion.


* i already said this: coding rules into any system with presumptions will only strengthen those presumptions.

if you expect a squad to be better, than 4 random people, and punish it by treating 4 people in a squad as “better”, people will react to that, by trying to build stronger and stronger squads. because these assumptions generate rules, and people will always move towards the barriers of rules, proving those assumptions.

instead, you have to constantly assume dynamic factors. and keep thinking long term, keep listening and watching.

Anyone, who studied some biological or social things, will immediately recognize this, i think.

its what we also call a self fullfilling prophecy.


so: YES to dynamic weight in MM for squads. NO to predetermined pseudoscientific beliefs like “squads are better by default” and precoded rulesets. that is the best way to create a piece of software that is crap and will never be balancable. 

and: YES to still give rewards, and lower the barrier of people to squad up.

also: YES, its okay if squads are only R9+ or R13+ imho.



* dont forget also, that back in the squads day, squads were blamed for MM giving you unfair matches.


we can definitely rule that one out by now. squads do not give you bad unfair matches, the MM can do that completely by itself, regularly.

but, at least, sometimes you are on the winning side, sometimes on the losing side, and sometimes, its a good game.



* YOU as a player have to accept, that YOU do not always know what you miss or want, and YOU will still need challenges, and a game which removes challenges, will become boring TO YOU.

funny how most soloer-lobbyists actually moved away from the game, just after their “whishes” were implemented.


so: NO to carebear statements, like playing veterans vs. casuals in staff statements, same as playing ru vs. en. there are ways to become a veteran! you want to become better! and that message should be shown. NO to this nonsense of “but what about them?” or “forum is just a minority”.

you made it a minority. it actually should be a representative population of your overall population. if the forum is a minority, its a failure on the staff side. if the only way to achieve piece is by silence in the forums, then probably you also think “being dead is just sleeping long”.



* squads were mostly searching for other squads.

the problem was finding them. you started in T5, no squads. you went T4, no squads.

until you heard, wpk had a t3 squad running. until you arrived there, wpk went back to try T5, because they heard someone was waiting there.

and instead of focusing, that players actually find each other, they even removed for corpmates to see if people were playing.


sometimes we had 8 ppl online, forming two squads clashing for hours. nobody of the randoms complained. because actually, such games were the bestest games, and if people who know each other play against each other, they will balance over time. well except Mr K., he really really does like if his team is already stronger before the game starts.


I already said in the past: instead of making it even more limited, the game should have become more transparent, and take an unstoppable Squad in some queue as an opportunity, to notify players who would love to stop them. That’s how you make it right.

That’s what creates better drama, sandbox and mmo feeling, you do not actually have to implement a real sandbox to be an MMO.


I knew we should have invaded Russia…

I suggest to do it in summer, because last time someone tried (Hitler), the winter didn’t help at all… 

I suggest to do it in summer, because last time someone tried (Hitler), the winter didn’t help at all…

Yeah, like France did not try that before

and that’s how to derail topic.

anybody here wants to share any cooking recipes on how to cook your kind of cinnamon rolls?

anybody here wants to share any cooking recipes on how to cook your kind of cinnamon rolls?


No cinnammon roll recipe unfortunately, but I could share my pear and chocolate cake recipe that I made last weekend if you are interested! It was delicious!

…mmmm… pear you say? I’m listening…

I know how to make pasta if you want  :005j: