The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

They’d better drop lots of the new resources. That’s be so much more worth the time and effort.

Devs: “Instead of our uselessfantastic 10-30k loot you get resources that you need to craft with?? Lol that’ll never happen.”

Or even better

Devs: “We aren’t planning on it.”

R8 ones can fight R15, have seen a couple of people bring them to T5. Looks like their testing only involves testing them against other destroyers…


R14 destroyers are going to be ridiculous. And probably the death of T5 PvP.


When does Star Citizen come out?

haven’t seen a destroyer in t5 for 2 weeks.

And rank 8 destroyer is fairly strong in t5 so i can imagine what rank 14 will be.

The only R8 destroyer I’ve seen in T5 is my own. And it still poses a great advantage over other ships. Though LRF’s and Guards usually take me out after a while. That and long-range engineers. Those eclipses are merciless.

I had someone in yesterday who had all 3 dessies + 1 R15 ship in his lineup. He managed to get top score of his team in the R8 dessie, yet some people still try and say that they are not OP lol. At least they lost the match :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s not even possible.

That’s not even possible.

It is possible if they are in 2 man squad

It is possible if they are in 2 man squad


Which they were.



What is the turret layout on the Jerry one?

Basically reversed from Invincible - 2 top along the line of a Destroyer and 2 on both sides



They just HAD to go and screw with the layouts. Ugh. Okay I might make the Fed again. Even tho it is fugly.

Lol, Fed has even worse layout Imho

Empire is the only one with a decent layout but hull tank destros suck so that’s pointless.

Though the Jerry one looks nice because it has one right on the front of it. Do you know how long they are compared to the R8 ones?

well. Singularity ignores shields, so…


it does 2x dmg to aliens.


Not, 100%+ to base damage against aliens?

I think they fixed the singilarity thing. Now it’s only command bubbles and CovOps knives that go through shields.

No, not the singularity cannon, singularity/gravitational generator  (I have no idea how it is translated to English) - active module for destroyers. It creates black hole that pulls everything in, causing white damage directly to hull.

It causes kinetic damage… (Unless my screen has a colour-balance problem)

And I see the Photon Torpedo becoming a problem. “Reduces EM resistance by 30pts in 300m radius for 25 seconds. Stacks.

Black Hole Generator AKA “Gravity Lens”:

“After 5 seconds it generates a black hole pulling in enemies within a radius of 2500m at 120m/s. Damages enemies’ hulls directly within 1250m for 1875 damage/second and when a ship is touching the event horizon(black part) deals 15000 damage/second.”


“Halo” System:

Type: Destroyer Main Weapon

Damage type: EM

“Fires a radiation shell that damages enemies within a 35m radius for 850 EM damage/second. Upon contact with an enemy or an obstacle, the shell explodes.”

The most peculiar part of this is that it does not have spread, making the Archon’s bonus half useless.

So I’m probably going to be making either the Sybil or the “round one”.

The Brave is useful now because of black holes, but that’s it.

Not, 100%+ to base damage against aliens?

Like any other dmg stat modyfiers, it works from base dmg, so yes, 2x base dmg