The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

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Somewhat relevant question related to this quote taken from the new patch notes:

Building more advanced rank 11 destroyers requires a rare ingredient, beryllium.

Does this mean Neodium is not required for the higher ranked destroyers? Does this also mean that i’m better off building a R8 destroyer now so i don’t miss out on several broker missions, seeing for one of the missions for today you NEED a destroyer.

If this is the case, i kind of feel strong armed now to build a destroyer in a rank range i have zero interest in.

Do the broker missions require you to participate every single day or can they be done like the Miss Summer missions were you could do them whenever it was convenient for you during the event?

take a page from warframe when it comes to rage mats


argon crystals are needed form most exotic weapons and clan tech weapons


then can be found in the void and all you need to do is play till you find them


it will take a while but you will find some eventualy and usualy you will only need 1-2


here you need a material to craft a material and your lucky to even find that and not to mention you are likely to die to the flash mob of biomorphs and scavengers before you find them


why you introduced a new mat to craft these is beyond me, i though the neodium was enough

First I want to say I’m happy you’re making an event out of each tier of destroyer release. It makes this easier especially if I continue to pool resources instead of crafting anything else.

Now comes the gripe. I disassembled my invincible to put the mats towards a mjolnir. I wish I had a heads up you were going to do this. I am only interested in tier 5 play and did not realize you would make a tier 3 craftable ship (and by assumption the tier 4 ship) part of that gateway.

I guess I will do what I can without building these two tiers of ship and hope nothing too great or title critical comes from the destroyer line of missions.

you can only get the berylium from the destroyer missions

 unless i missed something



will neodium plates be rewarded during this so we can craft the rank 8 destroyers

I just need 16 graphite plates to build my destroyer… My rank 10 engi cant survive in the sectors that has the most graphite… Go figure… 

Just salvage certain Mk2 items/kits if you need graphite x)

I forgot about that

A lot better than os

seriously too many mobs flying near the asteroids

This “broker” sounds like he may be the solution to the material crisis that a lot of players are having… interesting

Yeah, he literally broke the destroyer metal crysis… Faith or Coincidence? 

I wish I had a heads up you were going to do this.

Tbh i find handling information (releasing information to the public) has always been one of their weaker areas. It’s why i’m asking questions in this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow I didn’t expect this to start so early. Thought I have evrything and Boom! - get ready for the next rank… You’ll not let us rest even a little don’t you?!..Eh… Shields Up! Weapons Online.

Just what nobody wanted - another crafting material.

Do you recall how people have said for years this game has too many currencies? This is another currency.

Just what nobody wanted - another crafting material.

Do you recall how people have said for years this game has too many currencies? This is another currency.

They never learn! Add one more crafting material for Tier V, I beg you!

I can live with new ‘currencies’ if they are just crafted by other ones. But a new one? Hell no!

Beryllium sounds like some trash from alien debris you can sometimes find.

I just hope that those without destroyers can make the rank 11 destroyers don’t know how to get the beryllium

Well, still need ~80 Osmium to get my Rank 8 Destroyer…

And the next one will surely need even more, so if I use up all my Osmium und Graphite now, I’ll have to farm OS for days again.

And since I don’t have a Destroyer yet, I won’t be able to complete all of the Broker’s missions, so I probably will be short on Beryllium too.


Yeah, not looking forward to that at all.

Let us buy crafting materials directly already, or change the drop tables for OS, so nodes in Rank 10 PvP sectors don’t give out junk like vanadium, silicone and 100 credits  :01414:

I wonder why was it necessary to make higher tier destroyers need yet another new material, rather than just larger amount of neodium? Most people haven’t had time to get much of neodium yet, and those few who put the effort to farm it for upcoming tiers of destroyers now have it be useless?

I missed out on the first destroyer as i wasn’t playing the game at the moment. I now need around 30 neodium plates - 60 neodium ores and countless monocrystals to build my first destroyer. - thats about a two months hard work.

Now i see that some of the new missions require, that you already own a destroyer.

My questions:

How many of the new missions will require a destroyer to complete?

Some of us, are left far far behind the rest, as we werent playing in december, january - have you given a thought about “us” ? :slight_smile:


Some of us, are left far far behind the rest, as we werent playing in december, january - have you given a thought about “us” ? :slight_smile:


That’s why we implemented two chains of quests, one can help you to craft r8 destroyers and join the hunt.