The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

That’s why we implemented two chains of quests, one can help you to craft r8 destroyers and join the hunt.

Thats nice to know :slight_smile:

Thank you for the answer.

But why are there new materials??? This is exactly the opposite of a good idea.



Building more advanced rank 11 destroyers requires a rare ingredient, beryllium. All the properties of beryllium are not yet known to our scientists, however it’s well established that the component allows you to build much more powerful destroyers.



Lets begin here. Rare ingredient, beryllium? It has an atomic number of 4 and an atomic mass of 9. It’s not rare. Not unless you’re harvesting emeralds specifically for it.


All properties not known to scientists? It’s right near the top of the periodic table and its used for everything.


How is it well established that beryllium allows us to create more powerful destroyers? Surely if its well established, we can be told this information.


Just seems like a name was pulled out of somebody’s bottom to add another resource to the already far too large resource list, as has already been stated.



That said, I am one of those who is only interested in T5. Why do I have to play T3, and then presumably T4, to get a ship at T5, when I’ve already done all of that which is why I own a Caltrop and a Jaguar? I thought the whole point of the matchmaking change was to stop veteran players going down tiers to farm newer players with maxed ships?

I have built my Procyon, but I’ll pass on next ones. Pointless to grind new resource again.





Btw, seriously, Beryllium unknown properties? It’s known to mankind since the ancient egypt!

Well at least your helping players craft the previous tier of destroyers

Not a complete loss but still why the new crafting material?

AWESOME thank you sooo much to give us such oppotunity to build one of them  im quite happy with current pogress of devs

you can only get the berylium from the destroyer missions

 unless i missed something



will neodium plates be rewarded during this so we can craft the rank 8 destroyers

guess I won’t ever get around to making one or a r14 if it takes a large number of these plates because I hate doing dailies to begin with.  I’d probably rebuild my t8 destroyer just for those missions if i wasn’t 80 monocrystals short.  If neo plate drops are anything to go by, i doubt it would take me more than a few days to get enough plates anyway.

Or I could just fit my mjolnir for bubbles so I don’t have to worry about destroyer shields when they eventually come out and everybody plays them. That all weapons are quickly becoming devalued except for aoe and passthrough style weapons is becoming annoying.

Then again, both of the current destroyer weapons are single hit weapons. So destroyers make excellent counters to each other. XD

So is it confirmed that neodium is only for T8 destroyer?


I don’t think it is a good idea to split the communauty. I didn’t farm so I don’t have enough neodium and making a requirement to have a Destroyer to complete the mission is strange.


I wonder. What do I lose if I don’t do the day 1 assignement because I don’t have destroyer?

Just salvage certain Mk2 items/kits if you need graphite x)


The thing is I have no idea what gives graphite and i hear that changes constantly so not much of a point wasting money i don’t have a lot of.

The thing is I have no idea what gives graphite and i hear that changes constantly so not much of a point wasting money i don’t have a lot of.

Go farm open space, terramorphing station is a good place, make take a bit but hey you get good results after awhile. No other way to do it besides salvaged t5 upgrade kits in hopes of graphite

Then again, both of the current destroyer weapons are single hit weapons. So destroyers make excellent counters to each other. XD

if they release a beam style weapon for destroyers I will make people without them quit by farming them with super high hitscan damage output. Meson blasters are very close to this with the proper implants, but if the devs are smart destroyers will never get a hitscan weapon.

in fact, if they do, I will not stop until i have the t5 destroyer.

but with that said, the T4 empire was the submarine like one i was interested in. It’s a shame they’re making this exclusive to current destroyer owners without ever indicating it prior. I would not have disassembled mine if I had known and now sour grapes have been sown.  Maybe I will see if i can build a procyon to make up for it as it’s the cheapest, or maybe I’ll just keep saving monocrystals and farm the ship specific mats when they’re placed in open space containers.

When will the day 2 tasks be up

correction 12 pieces of graphite.

When will the day 2 tasks be up

0:00 UTC (in 4h)

what if you just disassembled your destroyer to have resources for the next one and they don’t use neodium? 

what if you just disassembled your destroyer to have resources for the next one and they don’t use neodium? 

Then you’re SOL like me :slight_smile:

if you have a spatial scanner it probably won’t be a big deal and will equal less farming than the wait for new missions.  It’s just a matter if you want to be “first.”

The only part that bugs me is T4 destroyers will probably be used in the same fashion for T5 destroyers, and I’ll probably skip making a T4 destroyer to save up. I only make 9 monos a day and rarely get into a t4/5 specops that doesn’t leave 90% of the people dead at 90% of healthbar. It’s important I pool resources instead of constantly spending them.

okay so the silver lining in this salt pile i’ve mined over disassembling my invincible is I had a chance to discover the Procyon because I’ll probably need a T11 destroyer to help get the T14 easier. In my opinion the Procyon is better than the Invincible by a large margin for my preferred method of maneuvering. Here’s my experience so far with the Procyon pursuing broker missions.

That’s why we implemented two chains of quests, one can help you to craft r8 destroyers and join the hunt.


That’s great in theory, but as the two tiers of missions are going on at the same time, and they’re daily missions, it presents a problem. If let’s say you needed to do all of them from one tier of missions to get the parts for the rank 8 destroyer, you’d at the same time miss all the ones that let you get parts for the rank 11 destroyer, since they are daily missions, and would have expired when you finally got your rank 8 destroyer. This multi-tier mission thing will just mean that those that already had their rank 8 destroyers are going to be at a clear advantage, and be even further ahead than those that missed some to all of the first round of missions before the rank 8 ones were released, then if you repeat that for the rank 14 ones we’ll be even further behind again. An on-going series of tasks like for those three types of newer weapons not long ago would have been preferable to more dailies, especially of this type.


Then I figured like others higher rank destroyers would just use more of the new resource, not that each would end up using a different type, which makes things quite annoying as others have said.

Will neo plates drop in the non destroyer tasks in the future

And can you move the mobs in os so that they aren’t swarming the asteroids

Makes it hard to farm anything