The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

Mill, go to T5. Anytime from 7AM to 10PM GMT. 9 out of 10 games will be on russian servers. Accident?

If this keeps going, I might be forced to join Koromac’s conspiracy theory crew…

Didn’t we have a “certain individuals” making that scinfo or w/e on tumbler, they even said they have russian sources to keep them in the loop…

If anyone is interested:



No idea who sorts balance out there but, the R11 one in the vid has 422k surviviability, plus new weapons. Seems there is no point in flying any other ships now…

If anyone is interested:

No idea who sorts balance out there but, the R11 one in the vid has 422k surviviability, plus new weapons. Seems there is no point in flying any other ships now…

Rank 11 will be able to fight rank 13-15 and whole pvp will be fucked

R8 ones can fight R15, have seen a couple of people bring them to T5. Looks like their testing only involves testing them against other destroyers…


R14 destroyers are going to be ridiculous. And probably the death of T5 PvP.


When does Star Citizen come out?

Star Citizen is queued for late 2016 to mid 2017. ^^

Gonna rek sum n00bz in mah Harbinger.

Though really, Destroyer combat is so fun imho. I love hunting them down in my Nyx or Blood Tormentor. Just knife them in the xxxx and they are dead in the water(space). Easy pickings. ;3

Also I’ve found that if you set an anomaly right between the last 3/4 of their ship it wipes all their modules off. Really hard to do though if they are rotating at all.

Though really, Destroyer combat is so fun imho. I love hunting them down in my Nyx or Blood Tormentor. Just knife them in the xxxx and they are dead in the water. Easy pickings. ;3


Yeah, killing badly built and badly flown dessies is easy if they have little support, it’s the vets you have to worry about.

Given that only a handful of them actually are playing at any given time, that doesn’t worry me.

Any guesses on which of the new dessies will be the Procyon of T4?

Imo the R11 Fed one looks uuuuuuuuuuugly. Like. It’s all round and shiz. Wut.

Given that only a handful of them actually are playing at any given time, that doesn’t worry me.


That is because they are in T5…

And the R11 destros are in T4-5. I get it.

But remember they still have to gather these new resources. That’s a serious pain in the xxxx.

Golden ammo  dedicated for open space? Seriously?

And the R11 destros are in T4-5. I get it.

But remember they still have to gather these new resources. That’s a serious pain in the xxxx.


They have been giving them to us, not much grind needed, if any.

Golden ammo  dedicated for open space? Seriously?


Hey what? I don’t speak russian so no idea what was said, and i only skipped through the vid.

Hey what? I don’t speak russian so no idea what was said, and i only skipped through the vid.

Once again, English community is being ignored. Why no one makes subtitles at least?

This is outrageous.

There is a 200 GS purple ammunition that you can buy. Not sure what it does but it looks like it’s gonna be super cool. Xp

Once again, English community is being ignored. Why no one makes subtitles at least?

This is outrageous.


Translators cost money… :stuck_out_tongue:

There is a 200 GS purple ammunition that you can buy. Not sure what it does but it looks like it’s gonna be super cool. Xp

100% dmg increase against biomorphs etc. 


They have been giving them to us, not much grind needed, if any.


You need 20 neodium and 32 enriched beryllium to build a single T4 destroyer. All Broker dailies gave us 18 Beryllium.

Imo the R11 Fed one looks uuuuuuuuuuugly. Like. It’s all round and shiz. Wut.




There is a 200 GS purple ammunition that you can buy. Not sure what it does but it looks like it’s gonna be super cool. Xp

it does 2x dmg to aliens.

Why would you pay 200GS just for alien hunting?

Why would you pay 200GS just for alien hunting?


Lemme guess, they will have the highest chance of dropping beryllium :stuck_out_tongue: