The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

Also haven’t built a destroyer.

Also haven’t built a destroyer.

Then build one, if you can.

Then build one, if you can.

:005j: so simple


I still need resources for SP ships. And Mk5 modules/weapons.

Or… are you saying that it’s better investment to build a Destro, because… they are…ehm… OP or something?


Because 2 Destroyers are better than 1?

Because 2 Destroyers are better than 1?

That’s a lie. Altough 420m/s Procyon with command support is awesome gunship. 

And Archon can take on Invincible and laugh after killing 4 of them in a row (yep, did it).

That’s a lie. Altough 420m/s Procyon with command support is awesome gunship. 

And Archon can take on Invincible and laugh after killing 4 of them in a row (yep, did it).

Well, of course, I didn’t mean it literally.

Archon is still no. 1, when it comes to Destroyers in general.

Invincible is a mistake. It feels weak.

Developers have no sense of humor anymore?


Sure they have. That’s is why the current silence treatment is in effect. 

Sure they have. That’s is why the current silence treatment is in effect. 

They are called the Observers.

They always observe and say nothing at all.

Silence is their answer for all of our problems.

They are called the Observers.

They always observe and say nothing at all.

Silence is their answer for all of our problems.


Sometimes silence says more than words.

Maybe the questions are wrong and we already have the answer… 42.

R11 Destroyers are ready for deployment tomorrow.

Each will need 32 beryllium. Each beryllium can be crafted from 3 pieces of ore. Neodium is needed as well. 

R11 Destroyers are ready for deployment tomorrow.

Each will need 32 beryllium. Each beryllium can be crafted from 3 pieces of ore. Neodium is needed as well.


There is a russian stream


Wait no. Not nice. Very not nice. I only have like 20 beryllium. You mean I’m gonna have to FARM for more? *dramatic sigh*


Wait no. Not nice. Very not nice. I only have like 20 beryllium. You mean I’m gonna have to FARM for more? *dramatic sigh*

20? I did all dailies and I think that I only have 18!

Are you sure that you have exactly 20 beryllium?

I said like 20. Not exactly 20.

Though I have no idea.

Also what are the specs on that white cloud looking module? It seems to simply be a fast-travelling missile of sorts.

I’ll post the update to the guide [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29367-comprehensive-guide-to-destroyers/)

right with the patch, whenever it comes :slight_smile:

So once again, Russian stream and no news here… I’m getting really sick of this.

If this keeps going, I might be forced to join Koromac’s conspiracy theory crew…