The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

Am I the only one doing these stupid missions just to get monos for my next secret project ship? :confused:

Am I the only one doing these stupid missions just to get monos for my next secret project ship? :confused:

Lol nope.

I kinda like the mono missions a ton bc they are way better than the awful OS missions that only give 2-3 per day.

They should just replace the current OS missions with these.

Am I the only one doing these stupid missions just to get monos for my next secret project ship? :confused:

I do em to for mk5 stuff

And Omegafagget lied!!  40 neodium 63 belyrium is required for t4 destroyer.

i put a special spy drone on Doombot while i fought him in GM hunt  :santa:

63 beryllium? That means that it’s probably going to be April before we get them. XD

63 beryllium? That means that it’s probably going to be April before we get them. XD


I think that was the plan. So in 2 days we will get materials, probably few  weeks after that the destroyer T4 will appear, and then we will get another month’s mission to gather unobtainium for T5, so it will be May and one Dev said that T5 Destroyer will be in May/June. Everything checks up!


This is soo tiring. At least they could pinpoint it in a week if they cant announce the release date.

Why would they give us any information about new content? XD

I just want to know WHEN its coming, i can be disappointed on my own after its there.

“Our cooperation has been very fruitful. We have received all the necessary information about the station retrofitting technology. With your help, Mr. Klauss will cease to be the monopolist on this market. Do not worry, the contract includes complete anonymity, you don’t have to be afraid of claims on his part.”


BTW: Can we have the name of the reinforcing material for T5 destroyers called Doomb0tium? (for those who don’t get it - T4 material is called Lezortium ;))

Koromadium is a new material that can only be obtained by worshiping a Shrine of Koromac.

And Vulpanium. It’s as hot as the sun and more dense than Tungsten! Only found by extracting cores from Pandora Anomalies.

 (for those who don’t get it - T4 material is called Lezortium ;))

Why did you decide this?

Doom particle then. :slight_smile:

Why did you decide this?

Developers have no sense of humor anymore?

Am I the only one doing these stupid missions just to get monos for my next secret project ship? :confused:

I did the same, but I had to realise i lose a lots of monos because I don’t have any of the destro, so I built one to be able to do the mono missions… I don’t like the fact, we need destros for those missions.

I did the same, but I had to realise i lose a lots of monos because I don’t have any of the destro, so I built one to be able to do the mono missions… I don’t like the fact, we need destros for those missions.

I still don’t have enough, after all this grind…

My monocrystal number is CLASSIFIED.

Developers have no sense of humor anymore?

If they have, the next resource will be fappidium or grindinium :stuck_out_tongue:

I still havent built a destroyer :P 

I can only do one of Broker’s missions so far