The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

Prepare for new destros, they said, they will come out soon, they said.

Prepare for new destros, they said, they will come out soon, they said.


Good news, T4 Destroyers will just require 200 enriched beryllium, 50 neodium plates and at least 600 monocrystals, have fun farming!


Good news, T4 Destroyers will just require 200 enriched beryllium, 50 neodium plates and at least 600 monocrystals, have fun farming!


and T5 1.2k monos 350 enriched beryllium, 70neodium and 500 unknown stuff ?

EDIT: I hate small fonts. I’m tired.

You effin kidding me. 200? So if they will have same drop rate as neodium (of which I gathered myself 92 plates from the time they appeared, it means we will have to farm it for around 5 months/1 T4 ship. I’m not very active farmer, but I would say it took me about 20 minutes/plate. So just 40k minutes, or over 600 hours farming openspace per SHIP.

I think some people are to tense, take it easy, take a deep breath, and now find the place where Omega said that he is in fact kidding.

Why would anyone take Omega’s posts seriously? I mean he’s full of useful information, but here is par from useless. XD

Why would anyone take Omega’s posts seriously? I mean he’s full of useful information, but here is par from useless. XD

at least he is par form useless, while you are 100% useless.

at least he is par form useless, while you are 100% useless.


at least he is par form useless, while you are 100% useless.

Well that was mean.

Well that was mean.

Gurl, you have no idea.

Well compared to your usual meanness that was mean, so there.

Well compared to your usual meanness that was mean, so there.


Good news, T4 Destroyers will just require 200 enriched beryllium, 50 neodium plates and at least 600 monocrystals, have fun farming!


humm…i thought it was 200 beryllium plates (3 enriched beryllium to craft each)…

We will get “slowpoke destroyers”… coming in 2016 and not in February.

Are you sure about 2016? lol

The late they release them, the more I will be happy

"Don’t care how,

I want them NOW!"


We will get “slowpoke destroyers”… coming in 2016 and not in February.

There is a February in 2016, you know

200 enriched beryllium, 50 neodium plates and at least 600 monocrystals


For all of those who will farm for this xxxx:
