The Broker’s tasks. Be the first to build new Rank 11 Destroyers (Discussion)

Will destoyers cost neodium? Beryllium? Both? Maybe they require Grindinium…

or even better

Fed needs aluminium (light = speed)

Empire needs stainless steel (stainless because space, and logics)

Jericho needs uranium (Why? Because devs can(could))

The king is dead, long live the OmegaFighter !

 UPS I almost forgot where is my Beryllium ?

 UPS I almost forgot where is my Beryllium ?

What do you mean? Can’t find it in the store -> my items?

What do you mean? Can’t find it in the store -> my items?

Haven’t yet been answered how long the tasks will last and if there will be an achievement for this(like for christmas-event).

aproximitly 2 more weeks

 UPS I almost forgot where is my Beryllium ?

I find them :slight_smile:

aproximitly 2 more weeks

And then we will get a message “we are not done yet. You have to wait for T4 Destroyer blueprint” or something :wink:

I have 4.5k PvP games and can’t even build a destroyer. I hate PvE and Open Space. This game once had only PvP and was purely focused on Skirmishes.


3400 pvp games here. I also hate PvE and Open Space.


But that means that we are gated off from content in the game.


Isn’t that fair? /sarcasm

hitscan beam weapon please. Can I just buy ten sets of ion emitters and fit them to my ship?

I simply love this patch and tasks. It opened my eyes. I specifically remember saying that there will be no destroyerballs. Well. They are. Everywhere. Domination - 7 destroyers, command, engie. They just kept all beacons in range. Team battle - one team had 7 destroyers, 1 command, guard and engie. The other team didn’t have destroyers. Spawnkill fest. Now they will be in T4. Awesome. If you guys are wondering, where are majority of players I’ll tell you - in Fractured Space. Cause that’s the game that’s based on capital ships. And I’m not kidding - even some corps moved there. They have better servers, lots of activity and very good idea of how the capital ship battle should look in space. This post probably will be deleted as it mentions another game, but please devs, hear me out. Don’t make from Star Conflict something that it isn’t. It was always about squad play, inties furballs, sneaking on guard/engie etc. It was fun. Now you made something that every idiot can get a kills. Stay in the middle with other destroyers, press fire. Oh, and activate turrets and typhoon, if you not forgot about them. And watch as some of the best players die, cause no amount of manuever can withstand tens of thousands dps from meson and autofiring turrets. And dont give me a bull about single covops vs destroyer. Meson cannon can take it down and emp turret shoots through hull even when this covops is cloaked.

Now it all comes to T4. With gravity weapon, adaptives and iridium heatsinks. Prepare for trench warfare! 

really tempted to just say forget destroyers and get the mjolnir. May do just that if I don’t see any beam style weapons coming for the ship type.

I simply love this patch and tasks. It opened my eyes. I specifically remember saying that there will be no destroyerballs. Well. They are. Everywhere. Domination - 7 destroyers, command, engie. They just kept all beacons in range. Team battle - one team had 7 destroyers, 1 command, guard and engie. The other team didn’t have destroyers. Spawnkill fest. Now they will be in T4. Awesome. If you guys are wondering, where are majority of players I’ll tell you - in Fractured Space. Cause that’s the game that’s based on capital ships. And I’m not kidding - even some corps moved there. They have better servers, lots of activity and very good idea of how the capital ship battle should look in space. This post probably will be deleted as it mentions another game, but please devs, hear me out. Don’t make from Star Conflict something that it isn’t. It was always about squad play, inties furballs, sneaking on guard/engie etc. It was fun. Now you made something that every idiot can get a kills. Stay in the middle with other destroyers, press fire. Oh, and activate turrets and typhoon, if you not forgot about them. And watch as some of the best players die, cause no amount of manuever can withstand tens of thousands dps from meson and autofiring turrets. And dont give me a bull about single covops vs destroyer. Meson cannon can take it down and emp turret shoots through hull even when this covops is cloaked.

Now it all comes to T4. With gravity weapon, adaptives and iridium heatsinks. Prepare for trench warfare! 

hm have to instal dat game

3400 pvp games here. I also hate PvE and Open Space.


But that means that we are gated off from content in the game.


Isn’t that fair? /sarcasm

As was answered in my question to developers [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29379-questions-to-the-developers-of-star-conflict-january-2016/)  It appears that PVP is not currently the focus of the game.

It is open space and destroyers. This is why all rewards, carrots, etc. are always tied to those who either enjoy OS or are willing to put up with the boring arduous work-like task that is OS and PVE.


*Edited for content.

…PVP is no longer the focus of the game…


Nutz, cmon - you really scared me for a sec. It almost sounds like PvP was completely abandoned! I read and voila:

“destroyers, open space and corporations wars are our current main targets


Please don’t reference Dev’s answers in such distorted ways!!

Nutz, cmon - you really scared me for a sec. It almost sounds like PvP was completely abandoned! I read and voila:

“destroyers, open space and corporations wars are our current main targets


Please don’t reference Dev’s answers in such distorted ways!!

Sorry, but that’s how I read it. I have really not seen anything in the past year to lead me to believe otherwise. (I probably worded it incorrectly. I’ll fix it)


IMO everything is geared towards driving people into OS to grind what they need because so many resources were put into that portion of the game and that, I believe,

is the direction the game is headed. The response I got at least confirmed part of my suspicions. That is that at least until T4, T5 destroys are out , and then balanced, and then

OS has it’s major rework (a lot of time passes here) PVP may have some attention paid to it. Anyway, not the subject here sorry to go off course.

Well, they kinda built an open space part of the game that nobody used much until now, without playing OS-noo feedback from players-no upgrades on the mode, making open space trully a void space with no players made them probably to give us these destroyers, so we can tackle all those aliens and stuff because, lets face it, any other ship didnt actually help much without a whole squad that still died in the end. I remember when i started the game, it didnt matter how many guards u brought, u still got blasted right back into the hangar. 


Although the side effects now are that every PVP game is filled with destros, either because of daily missions or just plain fun. If they manage to fix that, every commotion will be at ease.


And another thing, i’m strongly against withholding information  about current and future events, some of us are just lucky to have a destroyer and being able to participate in current events and missions. 

Please, give us the right information at the right time, we players appreciate it and count is as sharing-is-caring kinda deal.


PS also, can we at least be able to preview the r11 destroyers? It would be nice day or two before the release to know what we are getting.

Open space is still very far from being interesting. I would rather play in Elite but I got my 6 months here so… I didn’t think fractured space was that good. Something made me uninstall it. May be I will take a look at it? Well in the end depend of the poeple I play with.

Haven’t yet been answered how long the tasks will last and if there will be an achievement for this(like for christmas-event).

There is still plenty of time

So I’m guessing that the R11 destros will be out beginning of March?

I was hoping for sometime around Valentines Day.

So I’m guessing that the R11 destros will be out beginning of March?

I was hoping for sometime around Valentines Day.
