Teammates should pay for damaging or killing teammates

Super easy fix -1 kill to your score if you do Friendly fire, it would help curb the guide missile spam of the bad frig pilots that just fire in to the biggest groups of ships friend or foe they can find.

people lost common sense to many of game in this era since friendly fire is disable :facepalm:

it should be common sense that it doesn’t matter who you are, which country you in, the explosive don’t care, it blast everyone within it range.

Theres a 1000 situations where friendly fire is needed with the torpedo, emp, enemy captain even with allies nearby and so many more where your own allies get in range without you noticing. I dont think a cred punishement is gonna be usefull, Give torpedos better cameras and you are gonna see less friendly fire (as if the spacesip torpedos wouldent have a color camera -.-)

you can’t ask a jericho not to shoot to a blob with that guided torp - it was designed to be shot at blobs of enemies, lone targets are for the empire snipers


the most important thing right now is to add some kind of warning and/or a notification about team damage (i bet i killed a few team mates before i realized that missiles and torps deal team damage, and almost killed a friend in a scenario when he moved closer to a npc after i had fired a salvo of unguided missiles)


credit penalties and compensations for team damage/team kill? not sure if it’s a good ideea, you need to treat them very carefully because they can be exploited (i remember when warlaming added fines and compensations for team damage/kill in WoT - light tanks were ramming heavier tanks untill they died to get the compensation)


As far as I can tell, all area-explosives bar minefields (so rockets, missiles, cruise missiles) all have the potential to inflict FF damage - not just Jericho Torps.


The worst are the guys who ‘help’ their Captain in Combat-Recon by torping a lone enemy fighter off them, knocking out most of the guy’s hull.


minefields inflict FF damage too (if an ally happens to be in your minefiled when an enemy enters it you can damage your ally too, almost killed myself with one)


Edit: another problem with that guided torp: the camera returns to the ship very fast after the torp explosion so most of the times you have no ideea what you did (but sometimes you need the camera to return to the ship very fast after the explosion)

Theres a 1000 situations where friendly fire is needed with the torpedo, emp, enemy captain even with allies nearby and so many more where your own allies get in range without you noticing. I dont think a cred punishement is gonna be usefull, Give torpedos better cameras and you are gonna see less friendly fire (as if the spacesip torpedos wouldent have a color camera -.-)


No. There is NO acceptable situation where friendly fire is viable in team based gameplay. When you have 5 enemies circling almost dead friendly ship - you should be able to time your fire in a manner that would inflict least damage. That’s what I call situational awareness in team-based gameplay. That’s what I call skill of an artillery support.


Besides - even if you kill that guy in such situation you’ll get XP/Credits for 5 kills which should be enough of a compensation for you, no?


Look - if you drive a car and hit someone on the street explanation that you haven’t noticed him won’t be a viable explanation in most cases. You will be still guilty.


It’s clearly visible that those who vote against any FF punishment are (possibly) people who don’t play much team-based tactical games and think that if they have such big xxxx weapon they should be able to use it at their convenience. Well - in any tactical situation that’s not true.


I trust that such changes can only IMPROVE experience - make matches a little longer, make people more cautious and situational aware (that means both AoE users and “rushers”), maybe slow down the 1st approach phase a little? Make gameplay even more tactical than it is now. You know - like proper squadrons communicating with each other and so on?


Then, there is an issue of griefers - game just started gathering acclaim and more and more people register each day - sooner or later we are going to have at least 1 dedicated teamkiller every few matches. How to deal with that? Report him? 

Sure, there is a tiny danger, that (similarly to WoT) some morons are going to exploit it by ramming frigates with their interceptors - but the ram damage is much smaller (unlike in WoT) than what can inflict some griefer using ship loaded with torpedos and HE rockets or mines.


Now there is a situation when you (average “artillery” user) hop in to your missile frigate and spam whole playfield with your AoE, count those kills, rack up points and finish the battle happy that you helped your team a lot. You don’t look at the map much, you don’t think who might be around - and honestly - you don’t care. You just press F time after time and only thing which bothers you is if that pesky enemy interceptor haven’t warped behind you. 


And about accidental situations that someone actually fly straight into spot where you tactically planned to release your explosives - that situational awareness should works both ways.

I mean there is warning message, beep, missile icon and smoke trail - not to mention the big a$$ torpedo visible from half of the playfield…

I played a bombing game last night in my inti.  An enemy inti beat me to the bomb, then a hostile torp came along (friendly to him) and hit us both killing him.  before I could pick up the bomb a friendly torp arrived killing me.


I don’t mind that they are so effective at killing inties (something has to be).  All I want is to stop dyeing to friendly fire.  The most frustrating is when I’m killing a tougher ship (normally a frig) and a friendly torp comes a long killing me, leaving the enemy alive!  The worst part is you have no warning a friendly torp is about to hit.

This this 100 times this! Those derpbag jericho Torp tards are a detriment to any team. Not saying I haven’t had some good jericho Torp bombers but the vast majority know there is no penalty and don’t care because they just want to top the leader board. 


My solution:

-If you damage a friendly and he dies shortly after -80 points if you land the killing blow on a friendly -200 points.

-if that friendly is carrying the bomb and you kill him -500 or damage him leading to his death -250, if hes planting and you kill him -1000 or you damage while he’s planting -500.

-If you TK the captain -1200 or if you damage him and he dies -600.

-If you tk someone capping a beacon -600 or damage and it leads to their death -300.


Also A repair bill hit would also be an amazing function and I’m glad someone else thought of that. 


It would be awesome to see all the jerks in jericho frigs being -2400 for teamkilling at the end of matches. That would be a great deterrent in and of itself because it’s a built in name and shame. 


Oh sorry I forgot, this should go for all missles because ATM missle spam in furballs is just a tad ridiculous, you shouldn’t just fire a missile and hope at some point the enemy turns into it, you should be lined up on tail and placing the missile firmly up their exhaust. Playing as a Feddie I live off juking missiles and sometimes it’s just sad when you get tagged and know it was a friendly homing missile fired thoughtlessly that tagged you.

Just make our repair bill go to guy who kill us

Basically this is a huge problem for me lately.  I am getting frustrated beyond belief now that I am playing a Fighter/Interceptor more often.  This has to have something done about it.


I had a game yesterday that I was running the Emp Bomb several times and my team had 5 Jericho Frigates on it(yes, 5).  I was constantly getting bombarded by my own team WHILE RUNNING THE EMP BOMB!  It was insane!  I would lose my entire shields to a friendly torpedo then be finished off by the enemy team(as they had 3-4 people chasing me).  Once I was even killed while -planting- the darn thing!  Seriously!?  Another time I simply died to “X Guided Missile”.  I didn’t even take enemy damage.  I just died to a torpedo.  A straight team-kill.  Just dead because I got double-torpedo’d one after another by my team because they just exploded on me behind an asteroid cause they decided I might be an enemy.


I’ve never been so frustrated as that game with Jericho Torpedoes and it’s just too much.


People need to be kicked from games for repeated team-damage.  If you’re consistently taking huge chunks of 4k off teammates life just so you can “finish off” some low-hp enemy you need to be punished.  You are playing for yourself and not your team.  A kill is not worth destroying the shields of every teammate around the one enemy.

Kick them from the games.  Make them wait for another one and learn their lesson.  I realize there is team damage when it comes to other missile types as well but it is nowhere near as purposeful and with disregard as the Jericho Torps.  People -know- they are firing into 3-4 teammates to kill one enemy and don’t care or stop doing it even when asked nicely.  Even when it’s ruining a possible win while you’re doing the objective.

I typically run a T3 fighter with short range guns.  This causes me to be in the thick of it.  Some Frigate pilots are very good with their weapons: others are terrible.  A few I think are actually trying to kill me and not the enemies.


Until a change is implemented like one of the ideas above, I am simply going to kill every frig that missiles me.  You all get one warning, and that is it.  After that, you die in every match I see you. 

No. There is NO acceptable situation where friendly fire is viable in team based gameplay. When you have 5 enemies circling almost dead friendly ship - you should be able to time your fire in a manner that would inflict least damage. That’s what I call situational awareness in team-based gameplay. That’s what I call skill of an artillery support.


Besides - even if you kill that guy in such situation you’ll get XP/Credits for 5 kills which should be enough of a compensation for you, no?


Look - if you drive a car and hit someone on the street explanation that you haven’t noticed him won’t be a viable explanation in most cases. You will be still guilty.


It’s clearly visible that those who vote against any FF punishment are (possibly) people who don’t play much team-based tactical games and think that if they have such big xxxx weapon they should be able to use it at their convenience. Well - in any tactical situation that’s not true.


I trust that such changes can only IMPROVE experience - make matches a little longer, make people more cautious and situational aware (that means both AoE users and “rushers”), maybe slow down the 1st approach phase a little? Make gameplay even more tactical than it is now. You know - like proper squadrons communicating with each other and so on?


Then, there is an issue of griefers - game just started gathering acclaim and more and more people register each day - sooner or later we are going to have at least 1 dedicated teamkiller every few matches. How to deal with that? Report him? 

Sure, there is a tiny danger, that (similarly to WoT) some morons are going to exploit it by ramming frigates with their interceptors - but the ram damage is much smaller (unlike in WoT) than what can inflict some griefer using ship loaded with torpedos and HE rockets or mines.


Now there is a situation when you (average “artillery” user) hop in to your missile frigate and spam whole playfield with your AoE, count those kills, rack up points and finish the battle happy that you helped your team a lot. You don’t look at the map much, you don’t think who might be around - and honestly - you don’t care. You just press F time after time and only thing which bothers you is if that pesky enemy interceptor haven’t warped behind you. 


And about accidental situations that someone actually fly straight into spot where you tactically planned to release your explosives - that situational awareness should works both ways.

I mean there is warning message, beep, missile icon and smoke trail - not to mention the big a$$ torpedo visible from half of the playfield…

lol dude check my ingame stats see if im no team player im one of the few ppl that actually plays a frint line jericho frig. My point is that this game has too many modes that put friendly fire as a secondary issue. I can care 2 xxxx about hittign you if i kill hte enemy captain or i stop the emp. The only place where friendly fire has no place is in regular because is a much more organized gameplay.

lol dude check my ingame stats see if im no team player im one of the few ppl that actually plays a frint line jericho frig. My point is that this game has too many modes that put friendly fire as a secondary issue. I can care 2 xxxx about hittign you if i kill hte enemy captain or i stop the emp. The only place where friendly fire has no place is in regular because is a much more organized gameplay.

I can understand the EMP if it’s close to or already on the beacon (as that’s about the only thing that can stop me at that point).  Just be sure you leave friendlies alive to pick up the bomb after.


However if you torp the enemy captain, and it’s not a kill shot your doing more harm then good.  Most of the ships attacking a captain are inties.  If you toss a guided missile into the mix you just caused the quick death of every inti you hit.  The pathetic damage that missile does to a well tanked ship isn’t worth that.

I can understand the EMP if it’s close to or already on the beacon (as that’s about the only thing that can stop me at that point).  Just be sure you leave friendlies alive to pick up the bomb after.


However if you torp the enemy captain, and it’s not a kill shot your doing more harm then good.  Most of the ships attacking a captain are inties.  If you toss a guided missile into the mix you just caused the quick death of every inti you hit.  The pathetic damage that missile does to a well tanked ship isn’t worth that.

I dident say hit i said kill which means im killing it not hitting him. Once you use torps enough you get a pretty accurate rate on finishing shots so easy to calculate if you are gonna get it or not.


edit: i also forgot to mention flares which force you to hit friendlys sometimes, by locking down your guidance and crashing the torp on some random object which would make getting fines from FF even a worst solution.

How about this. You know how enemies have red boxes around them? When flying the torpedo, have green boxes around teammates. And then make a sound and put text on the player’s screen if they friendly fire.

How about this. You know how enemies have red boxes around them? When flying the torpedo, have green boxes around teammates. And then make a sound and put text on the player’s screen if they friendly fire.


Definitely, that would at least help with the recognition problem.


Also, Indiox don’t be so touchy - I was talking about average torpedo user and it wasn’t as personal as you tend to read it.


Situation from just a moment ago - I’m a Captain, have 2 frigs to my protection, two interceptors jump out, I kill one and got hit with friendly torpedo at the same time. I dogfight with 2nd, two frigs are scorching 3rd enemy (fighter) coming, I have 50% HP at this stage, 2nd interceptor down, fighter is nearly dead and I get hit by friendly torpedo in the face - killed. I’m pretty sure it was the same moron who shot both torpedo…


Such situations happen on a daily basis - not to mention situations when I get hit by friendly while either capturing or planting a bomb.


I think it’s better to introduce some kind of negative points or credits compensation for damage done instead of removing friendly fire altogether, no?

Definitely, that would at least help with the recognition problem.


Also, Indiox don’t be so touchy - I was talking about average torpedo user and it wasn’t as personal as you tend to read it.


Situation from just a moment ago - I’m a Captain, have 2 frigs to my protection, two interceptors jump out, I kill one and got hit with friendly torpedo at the same time. I dogfight with 2nd, two frigs are scorching 3rd enemy (fighter) coming, I have 50% HP at this stage, 2nd interceptor down, fighter is nearly dead and I get hit by friendly torpedo in the face - killed. I’m pretty sure it was the same moron who shot both torpedo…


Such situations happen on a daily basis - not to mention situations when I get hit by friendly while either capturing or planting a bomb.


I think it’s better to introduce some kind of negative points or credits compensation for damage done instead of removing friendly fire altogether, no?

Sry if i sounded touchy i just hate how the fine things is going to ruin my gamplay i kinda let my anger sip into my answer. I just think is not something thats going work when attack this way. What they really need to do is work on the camera sistem on the torpedo to make it easier for less experience player to avoid friendly fire. I understand making the torpedo camera so bad to avoid making it to easy to chace enemys but at least add a better point of view a bit  more far back instead of the  first person camera you get. I stand by my points though theres just too many in game situations that require friendly fire one way or another not to mention mine fields and nukes wich do friendly fire. Mine fields do firendly fire to allys near the enemy thats getting blown up. Also your own explosion can do friendly fire and the list goes on  an on. My 2 cents to the solution is to keep it how it is now, as time passes people learn how to not friendly fire allys so i dont think its something that needs a correction.

How about this. You know how enemies have red boxes around them? When flying the torpedo, have green boxes around teammates. And then make a sound and put text on the player’s screen if they friendly fire.


Thing is, they don’t care. To them, there’s absolutely no downside to just nuke friendlies along with the enemy. None. Nada. Zero.

Countless times I’ve asked torpidiots to not nuke their team. I was called all kinds of things in response. They bring up excuses like “I had to take the shot, it was just too good” or “well don’t fly in there then” and laugh at their super padded score (=credits, credits, credits) as the game even rewards them for it with lots of kills and credits. From a superficial internet ego brat perspective, why the hell should he care about someone elses repair bill? I’ve seen torpidiots nuke their entire team in scenarios, torpidiots shooting down the friendly bomb carrier, torpidiots preventing teammates from capping a beacon by roasting them. Those weren’t beginner moments, they knew full well what they were doing and did it regardless. One even told me he doesn’t care because his score ends up so high, he gets large amounts of credits regardless of a team win or lose.

As long as the game rewards them for this, they will continue doing it. Asking nicely obviosuly isn’t a thing that works on the Internet.

i was just in a game where a teammate kept firing missiles at me. is there a way to report this griefing user?

how about damage reflect on friendly units?


ok thats prob never gunna get implemented but it would b hilarious to see the frigs blow up insted wen they hit allies that would teach them not to do it =D


it would solve the problem cuz if u had a ‘bad’ torp sniper hittin allies he would spend most his time dead insted

how about damage reflect on friendly units?


ok thats prob never gunna get implemented but it would b hilarious to see the frigs blow up insted wen they hit allies that would teach them not to do it =D


it would solve the problem cuz if u had a ‘bad’ torp sniper hittin allies he would spend most his time dead insted


Funny, and would be effective but I think it is a bit too unrealistic for me to get behind.  I prefer that any damage anyone causes to their own team–is simply paid for by that player.  A bad frig pilot would then be paying my repair bill for any damage he caused.  Same for the erratic moron inty pilot that slams into my ship/space docks/debris with absolutely no control of themselves or their weapons.