Teammates should pay for damaging or killing teammates

This is especially important with jericho, but crashing into an ally should also come with some money payback.


This should be an easily visible message everytime someone damages an ally.


The money paid is depending on the amount of damage done relative to the repair cost.

So if a repair cost 10k and you hit someone for 50% damage, you will pay an additional 5k after the match for that persons repair.


I don’t think I have to give the reasons for this, as it is pretty clear that someone hurting teammates should be punished for this.



That would be great.

I have no idea why the Jericho is the only ship with team damage on it.  I don’t know how many times every map, and I mean every map that I am bombarded by my own team.  I try to explain, “This does team damage and blowing up my entire shields when I am fighting a 1v1 battle it NOT helping it is causing me to die to snipers and other Jericho’s.  Please stop?”


Then I get some offensive response half the time about shutting up.  It’s really annoying and there should be something done about it.  I’ve seen Jericho’s launch and blow it up amidst 3-4 teammates and ONE interceptor or something like that.  So your own teammate just removed 3-4 teammates shields for a possible kill.  Its kinda silly.

This is extremely aggravating, mainly because Jericho torpedo AoEs have diameters close to the effective range of common knife fighting weapons (Pulse lasers, rapid fire plasma), and thus almost always end up hitting allies in dogfights. On the other hand, it’s so easy to hit your allies as torpedoes only give you enemy range and remaining fuel data, and no indication you risk hitting an ally if you detonate, whom may be outside camera view (Behind the torpedo, to the side)


If I had a standard for every time I was creddited a kill for an enemy ship because his own Jericho mate blew him up, or I died to a friendly torpedo in a dogfight, I’d never need to pay for a liscence again. I’ve also seen them kill their own captain, both on the giving and recieving end of a match.

every AOE damage will deal friendly fire dmg too, i was circle around Frig with Intercep, another one of my team join, Frig shield down so i pump him up with rocket

and then i saw my team shield bubbling like he was dmg, fire secound one and now i know he been dmg from my rocket -_-


also the game did not tell player a clue about friendly fire and no penatly what so ever.

I agree, friendly fire should be punished by refunding the repair costs.

I wish there was a way to also punish those using malicious warp gates, ive come across a couple that had been placed to crush you into a nearby rock (and once into an enemy captain but that was TOO hilarious^^)

then dev team need to implement “report / complain” system just like in WoT.

On the other hand, it’s so easy to hit your allies as torpedoes only give you enemy range and remaining fuel data, and no indication you risk hitting an ally if you detonate, whom may be outside camera view (Behind the torpedo, to the side)

 It’s easy: Don’t use the torp as a main weapon and don’t shoot it into the big blob fights. If you want to shoot the torp, try to pick off lone target on the outskirts of the battle, not targets at focal points of action.

tell that to other 4,000 mumpet that online right now, not sure if they can read…

I’ve written that already in other thread but it applies here even more. 


There should be  negative Efficiency score for friendly fire  - to punish people who can’t aim or are too trigger happy and (primarily) those torpedo users going for easy kill without caring for nearby dogfighting team mates.  


FF punishment should take into account % of damage done and priority of killed target to punish severely for killing your own team Captain or friendly Bomb Carrier who is in the middle of planting a bomb.


Number of team kills should be listed on the player’s profile.


Friendly fire repair costs should be refunded from the money reward of the pilot who damaged you.


As a side note: I truly believe friendly fire is an important factor in team-based tactical PvP - as it makes should make people less trigger happy, more situational aware and in few cases creates those great emotional guilt moments “Oh my God, what have I done…”  - basically improves the feel of being in a real combat and care for your team mates. 


But if such behaviour isn’t reflected by “negative karma” in form of either reduced XP/Efficiency/Reputation gains or money, and there’s no explicit information on the screen or spooky sound telling “You killed your team mate” - it loses all the impact on the careless player it should have…


Besides - with rising population and popularity of the game we can expect more and more griefers in battles - as it happens in every PvP MMO out there -----> EXAMPLE

tons of dudes are bitter in the game lol

 It’s easy: Don’t use the torp as a main weapon and don’t shoot it into the big blob fights. If you want to shoot the torp, try to pick off lone target on the outskirts of the battle, not targets at focal points of action.


What a freaking waste. Especially with an ability like the Jericho AOE…your suggestion renders it useless, and might as well use a standard missile for one target. 


OP has a point, but is slightly misguided. TK’s and team damage have been and always will be in games where friendly fire is on. I also play MWO and see these threads there from time to time. FF is on in that game, and people walk in front of you while firing constantly. From what I’ve seen in SC, and I could be mistaken in some instances, a good portion of the AOE effects seem to avoid friendlies and only damage enemies.


Scrums between ships can also be messy with people firing all over the place. OP intneds to punish people even for an accidental TK, What happens when someone flies in front of your shot, you TK, then you get punished for something someone else did? OP may not like that, so his idea is a double edged sword.


I think TK’ing, and only TK’ing should have a penalty, damage in general is too nit-picky. I think the game would do alright with a vote style system. 1 TK in a match could be accidental like I said. What I think is workable is a system where if someone teamkills, the person killed can vote to “punish” (I think this is the system BF2 had), if said teamkiller gets 3 punish votes in a match, they get booted, and get 0 xp, credits, anything. 


People who vote “NO” to punish, would basically tell the system to ignore the TK, and nothing happens at all…except maybe if a person gets 5 TKs in a game, regardless of being punished, they get booted.


I haven’t seen much Tking, and the game is so hectic that flying in front of a friendly while he’s firing might be completely, totally, and unavoidably unintentional. 

 It’s easy: Don’t use the torp as a main weapon and don’t shoot it into the big blob fights. If you want to shoot the torp, try to pick off lone target on the outskirts of the battle, not targets at focal points of action.


This’d be sensible advice if the Jericho torpedo’s AoE wasn’t most effective in blob fights for area denial.

What a freaking waste. Especially with an ability like the Jericho AOE…your suggestion renders it useless, and might as well use a standard missile for one target. 


OP has a point, but is slightly misguided. TK’s and team damage have been and always will be in games where friendly fire is on. I also play MWO and see these threads there from time to time. FF is on in that game, and people walk in front of you while firing constantly. From what I’ve seen in SC, and I could be mistaken in some instances, a good portion of the AOE effects seem to avoid friendlies and only damage enemies.


Scrums between ships can also be messy with people firing all over the place. OP intneds to punish people even for an accidental TK, What happens when someone flies in front of your shot, you TK, then you get punished for something someone else did? OP may not like that, so his idea is a double edged sword.


I think TK’ing, and only TK’ing should have a penalty, damage in general is too nit-picky. I think the game would do alright with a vote style system. 1 TK in a match could be accidental like I said. What I think is workable is a system where if someone teamkills, the person killed can vote to “punish” (I think this is the system BF2 had), if said teamkiller gets 3 punish votes in a match, they get booted, and get 0 xp, credits, anything. 


People who vote “NO” to punish, would basically tell the system to ignore the TK, and nothing happens at all…except maybe if a person gets 5 TKs in a game, regardless of being punished, they get booted.


I haven’t seen much Tking, and the game is so hectic that flying in front of a friendly while he’s firing might be completely, totally, and unavoidably unintentional. 


You can’t kill teammates with normal weapons there is not really friendly fire only weapons that fit in the missiles slots can do something due to the aoe range, and most of them are either really limited or have a small range (never killed anyone with normal missiles) so it’s really really rare unless you use a Jericho frigate and spam your skill without caring of your team.

A kick system is probably the worse solution. The fights go on for max 12 mins and very often they last just 4-5 mins, you know how long it takes to have people vote for those things? Even more since the game action keep you quite busy. Most of the games would be over by the time you finish the vote. Also it would open the chance for teams to abuse the system like it happens on every game with a kick system.


The best way would be to have a system that doesn’t just kick people for TK but that actually force them to learn, making them pay for the loss caused to the guy they killed could be a good idea. Let’s say during the match you TK a guy? At the end of the match that guy get ships repaired and armed again at expense of the guy that killed him and we are sure that in 5-10 matches the mad jerichos frig pilots will start to think before shooting their torpedos.

If you do it accidentally it won’t be a big loss, if you do it more than once or in every match you’ll run out of money soon.

I have no idea why the Jericho is the only ship with team damage on it.


As far as I can tell, all area-explosives bar minefields (so rockets, missiles, cruise missiles) all have the potential to inflict FF damage - not just Jericho Torps.


The worst are the guys who ‘help’ their Captain in Combat-Recon by torping a lone enemy fighter off them, knocking out most of the guy’s hull.

In some games, once you put someone on /ignore you will no longer be put into random matches with them.


I think this would be a simple fix to the problem.

Friendly fire is annoying but you don’t want to be too harsh with the bat.  Like a normal enemy kill, team kill and contributing to team kill (as contributing to an enemy kill) being punishable, but getting negative scores for even a scratch to the teammate is a bit ridiculous, since it is likely to happen in the beginning spawn and in middle of dogfight.

I’ve written that already in other thread but it applies here even more. 


There should be  negative Efficiency score for friendly fire  - to punish people who can’t aim or are too trigger happy and (primarily) those torpedo users going for easy kill without caring for nearby dogfighting team mates.  


FF punishment should take into account % of damage done and priority of killed target to punish severely for killing your own team Captain or friendly Bomb Carrier who is in the middle of planting a bomb.


Number of team kills should be listed on the player’s profile.


Friendly fire repair costs should be refunded from the money reward of the pilot who damaged you.


As a side note: I truly believe friendly fire is an important factor in team-based tactical PvP - as it makes should make people less trigger happy, more situational aware and in few cases creates those great emotional guilt moments “Oh my God, what have I done…”  - basically improves the feel of being in a real combat and care for your team mates. 


But if such behaviour isn’t reflected by “negative karma” in form of either reduced XP/Efficiency/Reputation gains or money, and there’s no explicit information on the screen or spooky sound telling “You killed your team mate” - it loses all the impact on the careless player it should have…


Besides - with rising population and popularity of the game we can expect more and more griefers in battles - as it happens in every PvP MMO out there -----> EXAMPLE



If at the end of the match you have a negative score (you literary did more to kill your own team then to kill the enemy) you should get no reward.  But you still have the repair bill for your own ship, and all your “friends” that you killed in the match.  


All the sudden torps will start to be used for what the game designers likely intended.  To break up camps and soften targets before the real strike lands.


Edit:  Also info should be given about what allies are in the blast range so the more xxxx players can know what their doing.

I did not realize that I could cause friendly damage…


Sorry to my team mates if I have damaged you! It probably wasnt too much damage though… I only have t1 ships

What a freaking waste. Especially with an ability like the Jericho AOE…your suggestion renders it useless, and might as well use a standard missile for one target. 


OP has a point, but is slightly misguided. TK’s and team damage have been and always will be in games where friendly fire is on. I also play MWO and see these threads there from time to time. FF is on in that game, and people walk in front of you while firing constantly. From what I’ve seen in SC, and I could be mistaken in some instances, a good portion of the AOE effects seem to avoid friendlies and only damage enemies.


Scrums between ships can also be messy with people firing all over the place. OP intneds to punish people even for an accidental TK, What happens when someone flies in front of your shot, you TK, then you get punished for something someone else did? OP may not like that, so his idea is a double edged sword.


I think TK’ing, and only TK’ing should have a penalty, damage in general is too nit-picky. I think the game would do alright with a vote style system. 1 TK in a match could be accidental like I said. What I think is workable is a system where if someone teamkills, the person killed can vote to “punish” (I think this is the system BF2 had), if said teamkiller gets 3 punish votes in a match, they get booted, and get 0 xp, credits, anything. 


People who vote “NO” to punish, would basically tell the system to ignore the TK, and nothing happens at all…except maybe if a person gets 5 TKs in a game, regardless of being punished, they get booted.


I haven’t seen much Tking, and the game is so hectic that flying in front of a friendly while he’s firing might be completely, totally, and unavoidably unintentional. 


If you hit someone with a normal rocket/missile etc by accident, well then you have to pay for that damage aswell.

Chances are, that you will also get damaged by something like this at some point. And you will get money for this aswell.


It isn’t as punishing if this happens by accident once a while.


But if someone just keeps shooting 500m radii torpedos into a dogfight, well then it become pretty expensive.