Take notes

I’d like the devs to see a video I saw on youtube, today…


It’s a game that’s still in beta, as well, a game where you can literally just buy everything in the game with real money. Kinda like this game is at, now.


I’d like you to watch the video, from start to finish and take notes on what to or not to do. You claim SC is a F2P game. It is not. It really is not. And I’d like you to learn things on what NOT to do because this video, despite being from a completely different game, is a perfect mirror of SC’s business plan, as it currently is.


what irks me is that almost all the good F2P monetization models are in games that I *don’t* play lol… why godammit why !?

This is precisely why I despise the DLCs so much - they have the best ships in the game in their respective roles, and you can’t get them for free. This is a Free to Play game where you cannot get the best ships without paying.


That raises a red flag right there.


But wait, there’s more! Not only can you not get them without paying, but you have to buy them using a system entirely separate from the in-game monetary system of Gold Standards! So, if you did buy Gold Standards with the intent to buy a shiny new ship… you still can’t buy the best ships in the game!


Red flag #2 raised and flying proudly.


There is a lot of work that needs to be done to fix this kind of terrible design.


somewhat related, an interesting take on pay to loot idea. doesn’t tell you exact module but does say whether it’s green or purple and you decide to open it up for GS or claim credits instead. And they also have a wide range of loot crates. Basically:

Green only crate
Purple only crate
Green or Purple crate

also note the pricing, USD 1.00 = 667 gold in that game so that loot crate is offered at less than a dollar.

Star Conflict could add more crate types like class or module ie.

Green or Purple Frigate active module
Green or Purple Survivability module
Purple Ship Mod
Green Passive

etc and priced them differently.

It doesnt look too different than what we have now but for some reason I didn’t mind paying for pay to loot in that game compared to here in SCon, it’s an absolute no for me. That plus things are cheap over there. And you get to keep the crates that you find unopened so you can mull over opening them up or not. kinda cool.

I played the game and it was fine. Althou the loot system there is not.

Please restrain with the new loot ideas before they make modules and weapons that are for credits to be temporal and only gs ones to be permanent.


Or you want to make like Team Fortress 2 / Dota 2 system where you get a crate with loot and you have to spend 2 euros on key risking for 5% chance of good loot and 95% crap ? Ex. 5% chance of purple (Mk3.5), 10 for blue(Mk3), 20 for Military(Mk2.5) and 30 for Mk2 and 35 for Mk 1. Imagine paying 2 euro and getting Mk.I module ?

I played the game and it was fine. Althou the loot system there is not.

Please restrain with the new loot ideas before they make modules and weapons that are for credits to be temporal and only gs ones to be permanent.


Or you want to make like Team Fortress 2 / Dota 2 system where you get a crate with loot and you have to spend 2 euros on key risking for 5% chance of good loot and 95% crap ? Ex. 5% chance of purple (Mk3.5), 10 for blue(Mk3), 20 for Military(Mk2.5) and 30 for Mk2 and 35 for Mk 1. Imagine paying 2 euro and getting Mk.I module ?

That would be silly. And dumb. But, knowing these marketing people, they’ll likely read this thread and say “yeah, that’s an awesome idea, do that.” And that’s troublesome. It’s BAD for someone to actually think that way in the western world. It’s perfectly normal for most of Asia (and, by this, not wanting to sound racist, it’s mostly the usual Asiatic and Russian gaming communities) but this scheme does NOT work in the western world, where, mind you, MOST of this gaming community resides.

By changing the paid scheme(now syn transfer) you have destroyed the paid ship line.



Why would anyone buy a ship if it gets us nowhere, cost money for basically the same quality, and we already have to purchase the equivalent to unlock that?



No it is NOT fine - even in Asia. It’s just Korea. Even japan are not fans of rentals etc.

Godamn, people are missing the point. By miles, I might add.


The point of that video is to show the devs what NOT to do. The point of F2P games is the ability you have to buy visual changes. You want your guns to fire yellow and white flowers? Go for it. You want your ships painted in a bright pink neon colour?Get it done.


That’s how most F2P games I’ve seen work. And work for a very profitable future whilst everyone loves their flower shooting pink ships. Currently, the best way to grind up Synergy is to either farm PvE or fly Premium ships and it costs a lot of money to transfer Synergy.


They half listened to us, I guess. You can now apply a coat of paint for a month at the same cost as before, if not cheaper. I still don’t like the scheme. I wouldn’t mind paying some 300GS for the colour itself. Permanently. For all ships. Heck, even 500/1k, I’ll admit it. But there needs to be more diverse colours or the ability to pick our own from a paint palette. That way, we can get that perfect shade of colour we wanted.

Didn’t miss it. I thought it was already obvious for those who do read the english forums :stuck_out_tongue:


I suspect Dev team isnt ready to leave their comfort zone and embrace the cosmetics new world and I can understand why, coz probably they are vulcans and think earning revenue from aesthetics is illogical. despite numbers from other successful F2Ps show different.


I say give them time. and consistent but gentle reminders to switch their mindsets…

Godamn, people are missing the point. By miles, I might add.


The point of that video is to show the devs what NOT to do. The point of F2P games is the ability you have to buy visual changes. You want your guns to fire yellow and white flowers? Go for it. You want your ships painted in a bright pink neon colour?Get it done.


That’s how most F2P games I’ve seen work. And work for a very profitable future whilst everyone loves their flower shooting pink ships. Currently, the best way to grind up Synergy is to either farm PvE or fly Premium ships and it costs a lot of money to transfer Synergy.


They half listened to us, I guess. You can now apply a coat of paint for a month at the same cost as before, if not cheaper. I still don’t like the scheme. I wouldn’t mind paying some 300GS for the colour itself. Permanently. For all ships. Heck, even 500/1k, I’ll admit it. But there needs to be more diverse colours or the ability to pick our own from a paint palette. That way, we can get that perfect shade of colour we wanted.



Needs reviving.

[insert constructive comments here] tbd

Needs reviving.

There’s no point to it. Devs won’t listen to the very people that are testing their game, so there’s no point in doing any of this.

On the plus side, the change in the link on the origional post was rolled back :slight_smile:

I still find this thread fascinating now that its been revived. I want my ship in a top hat and waistcoat, please.


Really, people are very willing to shell out money for cosmetics. /permanent/ cosmetics. In the influx of korean mmo’s in the mid 2000’s it was very standard to sell gachapon tickets [basically the chest idea], and cosmetics on a time limit. Which I loathed with a passion. The random chest idea is terrible. The idea of getting greens and blues and purples through cash  is terrible.


Letting my ship have 4 sets of wings, each with a ha,t however. Is the best thing in the world and i will happily give you my money. Because 1. It doesn’t affect the mechanics or balance of the game. and 2. I get to personalize my stuff to be distinct and awesome. 


Cosmetic slot on ships [please](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20886-cosmetic-permanence-cosmetic-ship-slot/).

You can use italics on this, Dagget. Ctrl+I.

On the plus side, the change in the link on the origional post was rolled back :slight_smile:

That it was. But purely because they KNEW that system wouldn’t be doable.


Here, however, the MO seems to be “let’s see how it goes…”


I still find this thread fascinating now that its been revived. I want my ship in a top hat and waistcoat, please.


Really, people are very willing to shell out money for cosmetics. /permanent/ cosmetics. In the influx of korean mmo’s in the mid 2000’s it was very standard to sell gachapon tickets [basically the chest idea], and cosmetics on a time limit. Which I loathed with a passion. The random chest idea is terrible. The idea of getting greens and blues and purples through cash  is terrible.

GW2 also has a very fancy cosmetics shenanigan. You basically have to loot and/or buy (with in-game money AND real money, iirc) to get dyes for your outfit. More importantly, the rarer the dyes, the more expensive they were but, ultimately, they were permanent.

Letting my ship have 4 sets of wings, each with a ha,t however. Is the best thing in the world and i will happily give you my money. Because 1. It doesn’t affect the mechanics or balance of the game. and 2. I get to personalize my stuff to be distinct and awesome.

No, it really wouldn’t. Because I’d hate for this game to be a cheap copy of TF2, that’s just ungodly terrible. Hats is what killed that game for me.

It would actually be intresting to see a lot of cosmetic options(permanent ones for GS, temporary for credits) but I think that single art-designer could spend a LOT of time doing that for a very long period to get it working correctly on all ships, and put in some suggestions from the community.


I would love to see it, but right now it may not be the best place to spend manhours.