Take notes

GW2 also has a very fancy cosmetics shenanigan. You basically have to loot and/or buy (with in-game money AND real money, iirc) to get dyes for your outfit. More importantly, the rarer the dyes, the more expensive they were but, ultimately, they were permanent.


No, it really wouldn’t. Because I’d hate for this game to be a cheap copy of TF2, that’s just ungodly terrible. Hats is what killed that game for me.


Oh god no im not saying actually put in hats, it was just an extreme example that I want to personalize my ships, and i imagine others want to too. This is a desired feature, people will pay money for. Though I am more serious of the idea that I want to add extra parts to my ship, purely for cosmetic purposes. And paying real money for anything that involves random chance is bad bad bad. and I was under the impression the hats are random int he boxes, or something? Im not super familiar with TF2. 



It would actually be intresting to see a lot of cosmetic options(permanent ones for GS, temporary for credits) but I think that single art-designer could spend a LOT of time doing that for a very long period to get it working correctly on all ships, and put in some suggestions from the community.


I would love to see it, but right now it may not be the best place to spend manhours.

Agree.  Especially the perm for gs, and temp for credits. And i also agree that the game should be first and foremost fixed mechanically. You cant look awesome in a game if the game itself is horribly broken. There are tons of threads on that topic though. I think the idea here has to do with the options we are offered in regards to spending real money. This would be a released over time thing as well. Maybe a few new stickers/decals every other update, etc. There are things you can do with the existing setup.


Like adding the cosmetic slot, and allowing different premade color/decal combos be bought for cheaper then the separate pieces. You could run a contest for users to design the best ship anyone’s seen with the only options that are available- and these can become premade packs [that come in 7/30 credit times and gs perms], and etc.



You can use italics on this, Dagget. Ctrl+I.

Argh you caught me, sometimes wiki code sneaks through when I am writing!

Argh you caught me, sometimes wiki code sneaks through when I am writing!