Surge of Jerico LRF

bought a t2 jericho lrf, brought it into t3 matches, and my dsr went up by ~150 points. something is very wrong here.

I remember when I switched from rapid fire plasma to rapid fire rails, less DPS but my DSR went up 200 points.

rapid fire rails

Those were the times…

oh god it’s still climbing. they need to nerf this crap

I think it’s just the interceptor versatility nerf.  Ships need to be more tuned for certain tasks, and finding that LRF that keeps respawning and taking it on isn’t as worth it now.  If the other team has one or two LRF’s, it probably won’t last.  Now there’s a lot and with respawn times it’s less worth it to take out a LRF.

I only engage LRF in realistic or when they go gunship. It’s not about interceptor nerf, it’s just that there is no value engaging them in arcade since the time it takes you to fly there and kill them (if you even manage that between torpedoes and mortars exploding all around you) is longer than it takes them to respawn. In other words, it’s a complete waste of time to go after LRF. During the same time you could also have completed an objective and killed 4 regular enemies.

It’s like in any other shooter. You laugh at snipers for being bad at the game and get on with the real game.

I play for objectives when I snipe. I hate having snipers on my team so I totally understand. It’s all about zone control and bombarding objectives/key targets. Any more than two snipers and you’re likely gonna lose in most game modes.


But jesus christ, I went from 1200 dsr to 1400 dsr when I bought a jericho lrf. Plus it’s so fun to play u-boat oh god


Also, lrfs are amazing at protecting a captain. Minefields are so amazing.

There might be a lot of Jericho LRF because this is the first time they have worked in at least 6 months.  A jericho LRF may as well be “the new ship class”

There might be a lot of Jericho LRF because this is the first time they have worked in at least 6 months.  A jericho LRF may as well be “the new ship class”

It used to be pointless to fly a Jeri LRF if the team had a Guard. People are getting their vengeance. Still funny to see them frig ball and cloak inside their big, bright, red ball though.

It used to be pointless to fly a Jeri LRF if the team had a Guard. People are getting their vengeance. Still funny to see them frig ball and cloak inside their big, bright, red ball though.

If they’re dumb enough. Any half decent pilot will actually use that red ball as a Ceptor lure.

LRF: The angler fish of space

Yus … when I’m bored, I’d cloak and loiter around other LRF on my team and wait for inties to come. Why chase when you know they’ll come to you (or your neighbour)

Policing the back line, lol…

They need to make it so that its like a drone that can be RC controlled instead of a torp

They need to make it so that its like a drone that can be RC controlled instead of a torp

Sounds like it should belong to a 4th class of frigate that was discussed about somewhere in the forums a while ago…

4th class of frigate

We need moar frigates… wait, we don’t!

We need the ablity to dock ships. Or use the interceptors as tugs. 


I can see it now. 


“JP, I need a push!” 


“Okay hang on!” 


*Activates tractor beam, and i dock my interceptor from behind, and activate my after burners. The frigate assumes steering control while I focus all my energy into my engines. Frigate speed is increased by 150 M/s on top of current max speed with afterburners.*

JP, I can see you wish to dock your interceptor from behind, but really… no way, keep your “sweet roll” away from my backside!

We playing Star Conflict or space Nascar? 

We playing Star Conflict or space Nascar? 


Nascar game mode, do want !