Surge of Jerico LRF

It could be just me… but there seems to increasing number of Jericho LRF Torpedo running around in T3. I was wondering if there was some type of patch that slipped in that buffed the heck out of the Torpedo’ or something.

It could be now there are not as many Guard Frigs around…

Jericho LRFs torpedo is no longer affected by Autonomous Missile Shield module (active module that has 13? sec cd and shut down missiles in aoe around guards) that module was direct counter to TorpFrigs plus Guards are much harder to play now, so less guards per game as well.

Well the fact that Guards cannot shoot down the torpedoes anymore is likely the reason. I love my Jericho LRF. So fun even before the patch. I do agree that maybe the Guard module should interfere with the torpedo and not be negated entirely. Anyhow, they made Jericho LRF more viable now, just need to tweak it a bit.

They are more viable indeed, but they’re still boring as hell :S

Preventing it from being shot down is not how I would have gone about balancing it. I think the next thing they’ll do is nerf the damage…

What I would have done for balancing is:


*Keep the ability to shoot it down

If the enemy defends against it, then oh well. Trying to torp people from 10k range is the problem. Get a bit closer, use a stealth module, and fire off a volley of missiles before launching a torp. It works.


*Increase the ships speed which would allow it to get into position faster; off-set the advantages by increasing afterburner energy drain rate.

I would say 90% of players use snipers in the spawning point, which is stupid… Speed would make it easier to get into a tactical position.


*Slightly reduce the ship turn rate, to make up for the increased speed


*Slightly incease the torps turn-rate to allow for sharper turns to make it more difficult to out-manuever.

Being able to shoot it down and using flares should be good enough to stop/avoid a torp.

Even the empire LRF’s are boring, it’s just now they’re more equal.


Maybe a module for increased speed, like double?  They’re slow and they can’t get into a good position.  Damage doesn’t need nerfed really, AFAIK.  The server will say if it’s overpowered.  Right now, I imagine it’s just people realizing they’re usable and they’re already playing Jericho.  Wait a week before really deciding.

Jericho LRF is now Star Conflict’s one stop solution to ‘frigate spheres’


I like it the way it is now.


Except maybe being too good at making beacons a no man’s land.


Frigates have started adapting to it in T3.5 Combat Recon. Healers and Guards positioning further away from the frontline brawl and Inties beginning to learn to fall back for heals.


IF a change is to be made to Jericho LRFs I would vote for less turning speed and slower velocity of the guided missile so it becomes about equal to Disintegrator in terms of ability to control enemy frigates. Right now frigs are being pressured too much on the field by the Guided LRF missile. Disintegrator can only suppress movement but the Missile LRF does more than that by forcing frigs to constantly relocate or risk getting torpedoed to death.


Imagine if you had both of those working together. Empire LRF not allowing you to move and Jericho LRF forcing you to move. It’s a perma-checkmate.


Less speed and turning speed on the LRF Guided Missile gives enemy frigates a fighting chance to balance their movement and positioning. Right now they’re just stuck unable to both move and defend.



I’m beginning to wonder if LRF’s are OP by nature now…  Was betatrash right?

It is causing a delima of which LRF becomes the priority…  the other SNIPER(s) or the host of Guide Missile frigs.    


Wonderful… sneaking as close to the front attempting to provide close support is even risker as those pesky covert ops dropping Nukes on top of your head followed by dodging a barage of torpedoes from the Jericho LRFs. 



 Wonder if they could come up with a Covert Ops Sniper…   Speed (320) and stealth (5secs) but limit it to 2 shots every 60 secs and no more than 6K distance.

Let’s not forget beam cannons with ranges exceeding 10k. A Jericho LRF can use a torpedo to force you to move, then shoot you with lasers. (Though the lasers won’t hurt very much.)

Why dont they make the torpedoe have HP, so you can try to shoot it down manually? Like 5000 hit points is good. 

Why dont they make the torpedoe have HP, so you can try to shoot it down manually? Like 5000 hit points is good. 

Because :effort:


They went the easy way with the Torpedo. We gave them 4-5 options to pick from and fully ignored that one. What did the devs do? The complete opposite, ignored everything and everyone and went the easy way out, the way that involved the least amount of effort.

Because :effort:


They went the easy way with the Torpedo. We gave them 4-5 options to pick from and fully ignored that one. What did the devs do? The complete opposite, ignored everything and everyone and went the easy way out, the way that involved the least amount of effort.


Sad but true. 


I fail to see where this game is going…

Sad but true. 


I fail to see where this game is going…

To hell, then it drops player base entirely and then it starts 1.0 and a new group joins in…and so on and so forth.

During that time I will stick around and one day will find a way to smack the devs around the head through my screen. 


The devs need someone to put em back on the straight path. The GM’s/admins are pouring through the feedback(I will believe you guys in that matter) but they simply aren’t listening, even though the devs don’t even play their own freaking game!

To hell, then it drops player base entirely and then it starts 1.0 and a new group joins in…and so on and so forth.

During that time I will stick around and one day will find a way to smack the devs around the head through my screen. 


The devs need someone to put em back on the straight path. The GM’s/admins are pouring through the feedback(I will believe you guys in that matter) but they simply aren’t listening, even though the devs don’t even play their own freaking game!


No, its always like this.  The devs have their own idea how the game should play, and they favor the feedback from the eastern european players over the US just like World of Tanks.  

I like calling for artillery support on enemy frigates when there’s a lrf in my squad but honestly teams with 4-5 of them tend to lose pretty badly.

but honestly teams with 4-5 of them tend to lose pretty badly.


Coz they’re doing it wrong and top corps refuse to use them in their squads so ppl don’t get to see how it’s done. You can cap all the beacons + score maniac in realistic mode if you have a squad who knows how to use a LRF in their roster. You can deny frigballs the privilege of moving with enough suppression. Unfortunately most of those good examples I see were in random public matches and unlikely to be seen on a regular basis…

LRF squad with recon support is unkillable basically. You cannot get close enough to kill them. In arcade it’s just a waste of time trying to kill them anyway. In realistic you need to send a considerable force, meaning you’ll probably lose a beacon or two while you’re LRF hunting.

T5 engineers are tanking (my T4) Jericho torps though. Dunno enough to say how so maybe up in that tier it’s pointless overall. But T4 and down - it’s a decent squad ship.

I wasn’t referring to frig balls. Frig balls are invulnerable to torps.

Any engineer T3+ can tank the torps. They explode harmlessly on the shield. And any T3+ guard will easily tank the torps 1v1 as well. The guard can self-heal faster than you can damage it with the torps alone. Put the two together and you’re just wasting your time with your torps.

Stupid players with terrible fits excluded ofc.