Surge of Jerico LRF

JP, I can see you wish to dock your interceptor from behind, but really… no way, keep your “sweet roll” away from my backside!

So i really did guess JP’s docking procedure right :stuck_out_tongue:

Jericho LRF is now Star Conflict’s one stop solution to ‘frigate spheres’


I like it the way it is now.


Except maybe being too good at making beacons a no man’s land.


Frigates have started adapting to it in T3.5 Combat Recon. Healers and Guards positioning further away from the frontline brawl and Inties beginning to learn to fall back for heals.


IF a change is to be made to Jericho LRFs I would vote for less turning speed and slower velocity of the guided missile so it becomes about equal to Disintegrator in terms of ability to control enemy frigates. Right now frigs are being pressured too much on the field by the Guided LRF missile. Disintegrator can only suppress movement but the Missile LRF does more than that by forcing frigs to constantly relocate or risk getting torpedoed to death.


Imagine if you had both of those working together. Empire LRF not allowing you to move and Jericho LRF forcing you to move. It’s a perma-checkmate.


Less speed and turning speed on the LRF Guided Missile gives enemy frigates a fighting chance to balance their movement and positioning. Right now they’re just stuck unable to both move and defend.


This is exactly what has been happening to me lately… Imp desintegrator holding us still behind cover and Jericho LRF killing us like fishes on a barrell… IMO all unbalance created by a given ship type abuse in game can be balanced by limiting number of ships per role in game. Too many ecm and cov ops are devastating for any other ship type… too many desintegrators and torp lrf has the same result making next to useless Guards and Engi frigs…



Why dont they make the torpedoe have HP, so you can try to shoot it down manually? Like 5000 hit points is good. 


Many ppl has trouble shooting at Engi combat drones, go figure a LRF missile! Leave all as it is now, but limit the number of ships per role in game. It’s a simple solution that imho will bring balance to the force XD

