Support ships should get more points

for me, tackler and ecm are tactical support ships (slowing, stunning)

commands, engis are support ships (resistance/damage, heal)

guards are tanks, but also kind of tactical support (cloaking, intercepting missiles, …)

recons are objective ships, but also kind of support ships (vision)

LRF, gunship and co are the damage dealers; LRF and co could also be seen as damage support, which would indicate, that the main force of ships actually should be gunships, as the main force of your army should be soldiers. only archers (lrfs) or assassins (co’s) won’t win u the battle, as does lack of a proper support structure.


It is indeed hard to score with an engi or command, if your team is made up of mostly support, as is playing a tackler, if your team consists of only tacklers.


in fact the guard does not get any points for intercepting missiles, as do your points never reflect if you inflict a lot of damage, but no one kills the prey, or any key moments in the fight, which could be the turning point of a fight; there were several games, where a low score player actually was the cause for winning it for me, so looking at the stats only has any influence, if you see them over a period of time.

the worst is always, if there is a player who is “doing his own game”, while his team gets slaughtered, afraid to commit, and ends up in the first place of your scoreboard, writing n00b to his team, while actually being the reason why most of the team died too fast, or enemy ships escaped barely and never were counted as points and overall every single action in the game could have been different with the couple of points he could have given, if he would have been useful, instead of scared or selfish; also it’s not a mystery, if your team dies faster than you in a major engagement, and you are not there, that they will either get a lot more points than you, or less.

And even then, some people achieve ludicrous stats just by habit of teaming up with good players, but rarely perform well solo. It’s very different to play with the knowledge in mind, that somebody got your back.

in any case, it shows great courage to show respect to players who did a great deal in the battle, no matter how the score looks like, and there is simply no system, which would reflect all actions properly in points on a board. usually, if you do a good performance, you should be able to score first place with any kind of ship, especially, if the game offers you key moments to dominate, and you make full use of them, which again is partly also a good team work in action.


i personally find especially command and engi can have a lot of points with much more ease, especially in pubs where they can be absent, but of course, depending on the organisation and the experience of the enemy, get also immensely hard to play, because it should be clear, that supports become primary targets.

so besides guards maybe getting something for successfully intercepting missiles, i find the support points are adequate.

I fully agree with g4borg on this one

and Tillo’s LRFs!!!111one



It is not planned to change the current efficiency system.