Support ships should get more points

In relation to the pilot rating, i think supporting actions like uncovering ships as a recon, slowing ships down as a tackler and buffing ur allies as command and engineer should give more points. At the moment pure damage dealing ships or fast ships who get beacon captures simply get your pilot rating higher than support ships, while support ships are more important to achieve victory. This should be shown in efficency points. 


I would double all efficency points that supporting ships achieve bu supportive actions.

In relation to the pilot rating, i think supporting actions like uncovering ships as a recon, slowing ships down as a tackler and buffing ur allies as command and engineer should give more points. At the moment pure damage dealing ships or fast ships who get beacon captures simply get your pilot rating higher than support ships, while support ships are more important to achieve victory. This should be shown in efficency points. 


I would double all efficency points that supporting ships achieve bu supportive actions.

This has already been discussed and it would only lead to the point that players would focus on keeping modules active instead of killing or following the objectives.



This has already been discussed and it would only lead to the point that players would focus on keeping modules active instead of killing or following the objectives.

This discussion took place  during the previous Pilot Rating Calculation.


The rewards for support ships make them “Team-mates” dependant while Killing ships are not “Support Dependant”

This has already been discussed and it would only lead to the point that players would focus on keeping modules active instead of killing or following the objectives.

I think that would actually be a good thing. Because supportive actions are not rewarded per se, but only if killing is achieved. So u cannot sit in edge and spamming heal auro and ammas points. Also i propose u tie points for supporting ships to caputures like to kills. SO i f aaship under influence of heal gets beacon, the healing ship gets points. If u are afraid of spamming, these points might be divided by the ships healing, so if two healers both make same heal, which is not useful, both only get half points.

Thing is for killing you need to actually try to do something while for “supporting” you just sit there and get free points.

This has already been discussed and it would only lead to the point that players would focus on keeping modules active instead of killing or following the objectives.


So that’s why you don’t get rewarded for healing other players with Eclipse Launcher. Makes sense. /sarcasm

So that’s why you don’t get rewarded for healing other players with Eclipse Launcher. Makes sense. /sarcasm

Only one in ten engies actually do this because it’s hard.

I think the current rewards are fine except for certain module like the guard missile killer (can’t remember the name) which get you no reward although they are very useful.

It’s too easy to rack up assists in a support ship: in my styx or prom x in t3 I can get 30-40 assists per match if it is team battle and my team stays grouped up…

Well yeah, but u know, in T3 there is that cap, and u cant get a high pilot ranking no matter what. And in T4/T5 there are like 3vs3 or 5vs5 at best, and you get much much less support points.


The point is simply that i am at the moment able to build ships that make my team win for nearly ssure, but dont give me points so i dont fly em. Ah, what da hell, i just fly em anyway.

Stat farmers…

Well yeah, that is the reason the points exist. To be farmed. The matchmaker has the Elo rating, so there is really no other reson for them to exist.

And u cant farm them very well with support ships. Thats why i want to have it chaged, cause i like to fly support and get points. I dont want any unfair advantage, i dont want points for free, i just want the point considered that my guns do less damage and my ships are less speedy cause i buff and debuff.

points/effieceny from a match and stat farming have nothing to do with each other

Well i dont really know what u are talking about, but obviously not many people care about the subject, thats too bad. But cant be helped.

Well i dont really know what u are talking about, but obviously not many people care about the subject, thats too bad. But cant be helped.

gettin moar pts/eff/suff for having aura workin is just BS coz dat doesnt require doing a thing





points/effieceny from a match and stat farming have nothing to do with each other

Well yeah, but u know, in  T3  there is that cap, an d u cant get a high pilot ranking  no matter what. 

Stat farmers…


You dont want to get it. A support ship does not have the firepower nor the speed to get as much points as a damage dealer or a fast ship. Thats why it should get adequate points for support.


Lets compare: I shoot at enemy with my Engie,  dealing 2000 damage a sec. Meanwhile i heal my allies. Lets say i get a kill after a time. In the same time, if  had flown a gunship, id had a damage output of like 4000 a sec, simply because instead of healing, i have modules and a setup that do damage. With that damage output, its just more likely to get two kills in the time the engie gets one kill. Still, the engie is doing valuable work and also has to position itself correctly so that many allies get heal aura.


In both cases i shoot the enemy and in both cases the same skill is requires to shoot. But engie gets less points so sad.


With ur questinale argumentation, why give support points at all? Atm i just have the impression that the points are not balanced, since i think all ships should get equal points seen over games and players. That is ibn my opinion not the case, support ships get significantly less.

I think you don’t realize that most  of the aura (Engineer / Commands / Guards) are actually consuming “Active Module slots”.


Do you really think that 20 efficiency points are “Rewarding” an Engineer with Shield/Hull/Energy Regen when the “Killer will have the use of at least 2 of the auras”? 


It’s not because a command can be played as a killer ship that all the other support ships can.

the only stat related to efficiency is the pilot rating (replaced dsr) which can only really be farmed in t5

Overemphasis on kills is just as much, if not more of a problem than lack of rewarding support.


Case in point, I could spend the entire game beating the hell out of a skilled pilot and forcing him to flee over and over again, ensuring he can never capture a beacon or kill vital team members. But I get 0 points for doing that. I could potentially lock down half the enemy team behind a rock and ensure none of them can leave for fear of being killed, but until one of them actually DOES get killed I get nothing.


Suppressing fire is not rewarded. Being a tank is not rewarded. Healing is hardly rewarded at all. But kills bring in huge reward.

The matchmaker has the Elo rating, so there is really no other reson for them to exist.


Soo… what “values” can we earn in PvP:


“new” PR - completely worthless out of pure-T5 players

“old” SR - tier independent, kill-based, invisible, possibly (?) still used by MM (if we even believe the MM actually tries to use something to balance matches)

Efficiency - Leaderboards

Synergy - Fine if you still need to max that ship, or want to do free-syn farming

Credits - Whatever

W/L - The true measure of long-term skill. Do you contribute to success or failure of your teams? 

K/D - invisible, shown by some tools


But what gave you the impression the MM uses the “PR” (or whatever you mean by Elo)? Due to it being tier-capped it’s utterly useless outside pure-T5 players. 20 average T5 games will probably give you higher PR than 1000 perfect T3 games.


So, what exacly is it you want more of for support ships? This is IMHO a difficult-to-balance subject - easily abused. 


Basically, Jasan is correct - supportive play should be rewarded, not pressing of modules. But how this could be measured is another thing altogether. 

YOu are correct, but this would be a major change. Keeping it easy, doubling thr support points would be a step into the  right direction. I could be done in like 5 minutes. And dont forget that supporting is more than pressing buttons. Decloaking ships at right time, Valkyrie on right time, slowing ships correctly, using Jumpgate correctly and so on all requires skill and gives zero to low points.

If you fly a support role correctly, you should be getting quite a few points. Good support players will be in the top 3 scoring pilots in the team.


For example, any time I play with millanbel and he uses his Octopus, he normally scores top 3, if not top 2. It is all about being in the right place at the right time and using the right modules at the right time.