Support ships should get more points

Sure, i am not saying otherwise. I just say its way easier to get points with damage dealers or fast capturing ships. I mean, the devs sure have a statistic, they can look at it, and decide for themselves.


And 3rd place is getting no one anywhere, it normally takes u points in T5 cuz it last or second last place.


Getting reliably first place most time is actually necessary to get points up to Topgun and doing that in a support ship that is actually build for supporting is very difficult.

After some testing i can now say for sure that support ships build for support in T5 will produce significantly less points for pilot rating than any other ships. This must show on the internal statistics clearly. Unless this is an intetional inbalance, i would strongly reccomend to reevaluate this. Since a lot of pilots fly for points, they will always choose Non-Support ships even when this is detrimental for the team, such making gameplay worse.

When you say support ships, which ships do you exactly mean?

Because so far, even flying in Sec Con in a squad, when i am flying ECMs, Recons, Guards, Commands, I consistently very close to efficiency of my squad be it 1st place or 4th place, the gap is minimal. If anything I get quite often less efficiency score in DPS ships because I draw enemy fire and attention by brawling with them, while my supports cap beacons, because it is not necessary always possible to kill t hem all first together and then cap together.

I can tell you from experience and from playing with skilled support pilots that support roles can easily get efficiency close to the rest of the team. It’s all about being in the right place at the right time and targeting the right ships/objectives.

Support ships i tested were engineer with 3 plus heal modules, tackler with all slows, command with 3plus support active modules. Maybe also Recon with uncloacing stuff. Also this is purely my results, maybe influeced too strongly by my playstyle. Therefore i ask the devs to look at their statistics, and see if this is an overall effect.

Support ships i tested were engineer with 3 plus heal modules, tackler with all slows, command with 3plus support active modules. Maybe also Recon with uncloacing stuff. Also this is purely my results, maybe influeced too strongly by my playstyle. Therefore i ask the devs to look at their statistics, and see if this is an overall effect.


I’ve played in and watched people in engineers, guards, commands, and tacklers get scores extremely close to their team. It is entirely possible that it is your playstyle. To get high efficiency, you have to be up with your team, targeting the right enemies to help bring them down, esp. in a guard or tackler. With a command or engie, be with your team to give them buffs, and shoot at the enemies your damage dealers are shooting at.

I’ve played in and watched people in engineers, guards, commands, and tacklers get scores extremely close to their team. It is entirely possible that it is your playstyle. To get high efficiency, you have to be up with your team, targeting the right enemies to help bring them down, esp. in a guard or tackler. With a command or engie, be with your team to give them buffs, and shoot at the enemies your damage dealers are shooting at.

Possible but unlikely in general. A slowing tackler for example will work well with a gunship, slowing down the enemy with Gravibeam and so on. Gunship will then do most damage with overdrive and therefore receive more points. Also i rarely see command or engie on top, and when then often these builds are attack builds with one or even no support modules.  

Possible but unlikely in general. A slowing tackler for example will work well with a gunship, slowing down the enemy with Gravibeam and so on. Gunship will then do most damage with overdrive and therefore receive more points. Also i rarely see command or engie on top, and when then often these builds are attack builds with one or even no support modules.  


I’ve seen commands come in on top of a team before. It’s uncommon for engies, but it has happened (ones that run all support mods). I’m not saying that it happens all the time, I’m just saying good support players can easily come in top 3 in a 5v5 or 6v6 game, or even top 2 in a 3v3.

Styx with HB as Damage Dealer, 2 Auras, 1 Station, 1 Survival can work extremely well in T3 (8v8 to 13v13) to easily be up there in the Top3 Eff for most matches (depending a little on team and playstyle) - though tends to get a little boring over time. However, hard to be #1 with some top scorers in e.g. Intie/Gunship on the team. Same for Command (though I find it slightly harder) or Tackler. T5 I find it somewhat harder to be “up there” with support ships in the smaller matches and the ECM/Intie Meta…


What doesn’t work is trying to sit back and hope to get a decent rating by passively waiting for the (20 point) assists to roll in. 40 Assists is still just 800 Eff.


A sizeable increase in Eff for Assists might, I believe, completely shift the Meta in some areas. Very risky to toy around with this. Maybe 25 instead of 20, or something. Surely not more than that.

Just as a testament to the statement that support ships don’t score well… Here is proof that they do:




Note: In the first picture, as engie, I got second place, and Gizmo in a guard was third, on the other team, the engie was first place.

In the second picture, first place on my team was and engie, first on the other team was a guy running guard and recon.

Yeah we made the same experience, engie can get decent points but its difficult. Depends on support, if u have like ecm with u that protects u.

Yeah we made the same experience, engie can get decent points but its difficult. Depends on support, if u have like ecm with u that protects u.

but but Styx can carry team and get 1st place w/o problem

Styx is T3, with da lotta playas its more easy.

Another screenshot to add more proof that support ships can score very well. (This was a 5v5 with bots. This is also a legit tackler, not a sissy drone-pooper. XD)



Yeah  i believe it alright. I just think its more difficult and requires teammates that help u. And that a tackler can do lotta damage is well known, u ever flew against approx? Its just that a tackler build for support has a hard time getting points. 

Yeah  i believe it alright. I just think its more difficult and requires teammates that help u. And that a tackler can do lotta damage is well known, u ever flew against approx? Its just that a tackler build for support has a hard time getting points. 


All tacklers are built for support in some way or another. My bear may use gauss, but it is still a support ship. T5 is supposed to be hard. If T5 were easy, anyone could do it… Oh wait, anyone can do it, cuz tier-rushing is a thing…


Anyways, if you are struggling to get high points in a support ship, you should either reconsider your build, or reconsider your ship choice.

If you refuse to change the build on your ship, then change roles entirely if you want more points.

I threw the support ships out by now, i think its the best choice. Current setup is attack based tackler, LRF, Recon and Attack based Command. As soon as i am bored of point hunting i will most likely rebuild the command back to a support ship and change to a support tackler- which is currently unluckily in hangar all time. 


I think the whole thing doesnt really matter since nobody is forcing u to play for points and for wins support ships are essential.

I threw the support ships out by now, i think its the best choice. Current setup is attack based tackler, LRF, Recon and Attack based Command. As soon as i am bored of point hunting i will most likely rebuild the command back to a support ship and change to a support tackler- which is currently unluckily in hangar all time. 


I think the whole thing doesnt really matter since nobody is forcing u to play for points and for wins support ships are essential.


You don’t have to rebuild your command. Good aggressive commands can still support too.


I’ve found that the best ships for carrying teams are gunships and covops (for most gamemodes).


You are most certainly right when you say it doesn’t really matter. You can fly whatever ships you want. I’m just saying that support roles can easily get high scores.

I’ve found that the best ships for carrying teams are gunships and covops (for most gamemodes).


and LRFs!!!111one

and LRFs!!!111one


I hate you :*


(before i got warned, it’s a joke ok?)