Stop spawn farming

Spawnkilling - When team A has been killing team B at B spawn for longer than 2-3 minutes.

Yeaaah! This is ESB!

That wasn t spawn kill!!! 

PrM, you got your signature mixed up :smiley:


no i havent!!! =) Thats was… Not mess with my engie!! xD

And leave my engie alone!!

And leave my engie alone!!

Hell no! That is the most vital thing to kill!

AHH a spawnkill without me … how could you HASS :stuck_out_tongue:

anyways ESB can only do this when their is no WPK, NASA, DNO, NOVA, RAGE, OWL, CzSk, PREY, SYN, SRS and any other corp …

anyways ESB can only do this when their is no WPK, NASA, DNO, NOVA, RAGE, OWL, CzSk, PREY, SYN, SRS and any other corp …


spawn camping is a legit tactic to win the game. only time it is not is that example in detonation where both bombs are held and the enemys are spawning one by one and insta-dying.


depends who is in what squad and how bad the enemy team is in comparison to the “death squad”. when I fly with bear friends, 9 out of 10 spawn camps are the legit kind where we are trying to break the frigball in combat recon, containing the majority of the enemy team to stop them getting the beacons, spawn trapping people in team battle to prevent a mass surge of guards appearing and end the game faster, barring enemies from getting to the bomb so others can plant etc, for me its all about winning the game and causing chaos on the front line. also most games are not resulting in spawn traps. people in this thread make it sound like it is happening every single match they play in this game. back when i was learning this game and trying out t2/3 for the first time i would be in a team that was spawn trapped once, maybe twice a night out of 20+ games on a bad day, on good days it wouldn’t happen (and i was rubbish at the time)



anyways ESB can only do this when their is no WPK, NASA, DNO, NOVA , RAGE, OWL, CzSk, PREY, SYN, SRS and any other corp …





first of all: Star Conflict, like any other instance-based pvp game has great eSports potential. And like in any other game in the eSports genre, there are groups of players who will take the gameplay to a whole new level. Competetiveness can be understood in different ways:

  • For some, it is simply a term describing general pvp encounters in order to see where to place one’s own skill.
  • Some also like to go further and participate in tournaments, for fun or for a new experience
  • Lastly, a few pilots have the extreme desire to excel at something, striving with serious ambition towards the top positions in competetive gameplay

There are several corporations in this game which spent a lot of time perfecting their skills and thinking through the game. As a result they are on top and can hardly be beaten by the average player.

This is nothing special. You only realize it in this game more than usual, since the playerbase is smaller and you meet them more often.


These corporations consist of pilots who bring a high amount of individual skill and knowledge about the game into their squad or tournament party. Before they form up, every single pilot adjusts his ship fittings. Their ships are well-fitted, the implants are adjusted to a maximum of effectiveness, the ship lineup in the whole squad is perfectly aligned and they have a level of teamplay completely different from the average corporation.


Naturally, they win most matches. Now to punish the better players, because they win or because they spawncamp, isn’t the way to handle this. The only way to achieve anything in this is to re-think your own ship fittings, implants and lineup (don’t bring 3 LRFs in your 4-man squad). Try to think of a way with your squadmates to efficiently raise your teamwork, discuss the different ship roles, their purpose in the squad, etc. And lastly, fly a lot, train and try to put up a fight. It is the only way to beat corporations like ESB, WPK, DNO or NOVA.


Sometimes, you can simply go for the objectives, but in the end Star Conflict is about PvP mainly. The Captain Mode, Teambattle,… it is about annihilating the enemy team. Sometimes you get camped in other games modes… that’s just unlucky, if your team can’t put up a decent fight. Happened to me the other day as well. That’s just how it is.


Corporations like ESB are part of the game just like the everyday random engineer player, who either doesn’t have his modules turned on or who spams them endlessly… The game cannot exist without the two extremes. No game can actually.

spawn camping is a legit tactic to win the game. only time it is not is that example in detonation where both bombs are held and the enemys are spawning one by one and insta-dying.


depends who is in what squad and how bad the enemy team is in comparison to the “death squad”. when I fly with bear friends, 9 out of 10 spawn camps are the legit kind where we are trying to break the frigball in combat recon, containing the majority of the enemy team to stop them getting the beacons, spawn trapping people in team battle to prevent a mass surge of guards appearing and end the game faster, barring enemies from getting to the bomb so others can plant etc, for me its all about winning the game and causing chaos on the front line. also most games are not resulting in spawn traps. people in this thread make it sound like it is happening every single match they play in this game. back when i was learning this game and trying out t2/3 for the first time i would be in a team that was spawn trapped once, maybe twice a night out of 20+ games on a bad day, on good days it wouldn’t happen (and i was rubbish at the time)



You’re forgetting safe captains in combat recon.  Kill squad on the other side and you know the captain’s safe.  Spawn camping isn’t standard, but it’s a legit reason to rage quit.  Of course disconnecting from the bull xxxx could get you banned from the game.  We know priorities are in order.


Naturally, they win most matches. Now to punish the better players, because they win or because they spawncamp, isn’t the way to handle this. The only way to achieve anything in this is to re-think your own ship fittings, implants and lineup (don’t bring 3 LRFs in your 4-man squad). Try to think of a way with your squadmates to efficiently raise your teamwork, discuss the different ship roles, their purpose in the squad, etc. And lastly, fly a lot, train and try to put up a fight. It is the only way to beat corporations like ESB, WPK, DNO or NOVA.

So this is the normal crap about fly in a skilled squad or don’t bother?  Have you looked at team compositions in most battles?  There aren’t large squads most of the time, unless you’re one of the people who refuses to fly without body guards.

You’re forgetting safe captains in combat recon.  Kill squad on the other side and you know the captain’s safe.


sorry explain in more detail ? safe captains? what

In many instances with a death squad on one team, the other teams captain is rarely targeted and purposely not targeted for a kill.  If the captain dies they can’t farm as many kills in the match.  The captain is actually a safe position vs a kill squad.

ah yes i have seen this, occasionally done it in the past but not the norm for me. prefer to yolo the enemy captain, more fun

If we remove SR, then there’s no more point in spawn farming, right? Apart from being the scum of humanity, that is. Remove the object of desire, and there will be no greed. *Insert more Taoist words of wisdom*


I personally think removing SR would be an unwise decision, as it is still your reminder as to your KD. I do think however that SR should not be displayed in a battle. During the loading phase of a game is when a majority of rage-quits happen. People will look to see what the SR’s are of their team and the other team, and in some cases, if they believe they have no chance to win against the other team, they rage-quit, which in turn gives their team even less of a chance to win. If you prevent SR from being displayed in a battle, people will have less reason to rage-quit.


In all actuality, SR does not necessarily mean that a player is good. I know plenty of great players who have SRs below 1400. SR is only based on your KD, which is very easy to farm. Some players with very high SRs place more value on surviving than playing objectives. In order to preserve their high SR, they run in, get a couple kills, then run away at the first sign of danger. I have seen my fair share of players with SRs above 1800 who do very little for their team except get kills. Players like that are easy to bully off of a point, as they value their SR too much.


As it has been said in this forum, ESB are not impossible to kill. Focus-firing one or two enemies is a great way to whittle down the team. You may die to the remaining spawn-campers, but you will respawn faster than the players you killed can respawn and get back. It make take 1 or 2 deaths per person on your team to stop the spawncamping, but it can be done with coordination. If you can’t work as a team to end the spawncamping, chances are you deserve it.

I agree that spawn camps cannot be totally eliminated; if it comes to that, it is over.


However, there are certain team arrangements, which e.g. in Detonation do not even pick up the bomb, and go straight to enemy spawn. I have witnessed this mostly going solo.


In that regard, spawn camping shows everything else than skill.

Going only the same 3-4 roles of ships, damage and healing, and pressing a team from the start back to the spawn is a valid strategy. But it is actually also a lazy strategy. Once you  break the team into spawn, the respawn mechanics will actually work in your favor. It becomes easy and boring.

I like to win like the next guy, but please, deserved.


So if we talk about “competitive eSports”, lets just say, with this respawn mechanics it should not be the ultimate goal of one team trying to siege the other teams starting point. Which usually does not work in most games, for a reason.

There should be more risk involved hanging around at the enemies spawnpoint, like actually lowering their respawn time, or something to chose your warp in or time it together. There should be no way to prevent the enemy to bring in a lot of guards suddenly. It should be risky, instead of rewarding.


It’s not like I have never spawncamped. Sometimes it just ends like that. But you can do it in a way, that the enemy even respects you for it.

By having respect of your own.

Best is, if such a squad even likes each other, after they actually lost.


It’s not just the spawncamping. It’s also the demonstrated disrespect for the other players, what might upset most people.

On the other hand I can understand, that actually said corporation is known to recruit good players and has a lot of veterans.

They work hard for their team setup to be ready to face other good teams.


So TLDR: i blame the respawn mechanics. It should be riskier to camp at spawn area. Sending a few ships to disturb the spawn is one thing, pressing the team back to spawn and snipe them as they come in however is another.

So no more T3 pvp for me now. Thanks guys, you’re all wonderful.