Stop spawn farming

Who cares who spawned camped us, spawn camping is not frowned upon for no reason, once the spawn camp starts it’s very hard to recover and in small games you take out the enemy team and spawn camp them right from the start.

This is not fixed by hating ESB, we do plenty of that even without being spawn camped hehe.

What we need, what will solve this thing is the RELEASE OF THE DAMN DREADNOUGHTS , they can be used as a spawn area like the one in TF2, preventing you from being eaten alive as soon as you appear. Which will result in your team being able to regroup in the spawn area and rush out and kick butt.

It is an elegant solution, just add dreadnoughts to already existing maps.

What we need is a no fire zone where there are missile turrets guarding it. OR DREDNAUGHTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<

but yeah, it’s definitely a problem with ESB spawn camping and i really am sick of this. Any corps up for an all out KOS on ESBs in invasion until they stop this? I’ve talked to several CEOs and I have Behemoth, RadiX(my corp and yes i talk to myself), Ultra, and GArc up for it with one more corp that is likely to help. 

What we need is a no fire zone where there are missile turrets guarding it. OR DREDNAUGHTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<

but yeah, it’s definitely a problem with ESB spawn camping and i really am sick of this. Any corps up for an all out KOS on ESBs in invasion until they stop this? I’ve talked to several CEOs and I have Behemoth, RadiX(my corp and yes i talk to myself), Ultra, and GArc up for it with one more corp that is likely to help. 

It’s a lot of corps and a lot of pugs.  ESB’s just better at it.

Any corps up for an all out KOS on ESBs in invasion until they stop this? I’ve talked to several CEOs and I have Behemoth, RadiX(my corp and yes i talk to myself), Ultra, and GArc up for it with one more corp that is likely to help. 


I always kill any ESB on sight, unless he is likely to kill me instead, which is a lot of the time…  :santa: .  I believe it’s the same for the rest of my corp except the invasion pve farmers (*ahem* go play farmville *ahem*).  But TBH I don’t see many of them about anyways.


However… I am a pirate and I do believe I have previously killed members of Ultra and GArc, and possibly Behemoth in Invasion, and cannot therefore join your alliance.  But rest assured I hate ESB as much as you do and the enemy of my friend is my friend’s enemy or something along those lines so I will help you.  If you see any of them jump camping shout out in English chat and I will join the hunt!

I always kill any ESB on sight, unless he is likely to kill me instead, which is a lot of the time…  :santa: .  I believe it’s the same for the rest of my corp except the invasion pve farmers (*ahem* go play farmville *ahem*).


I don’t mess with anyone unless they steal from me or I don’t like them lol.  Or, unless we are in our (IGODI) hunting parties :fed010: .


People that randomly lock on to people are rude, and I am likely to kill them for being a troll.


Oh, but watch out for XofJSA, he will likely attack you if he even sees you without station protection lol.

XD Idc. I’ve killed a heck of a lot of GArc members. Ultra and GArc were at war until like 4 days ago. I was in Ultra until 2 or so weeks ago and we were fighting each other all the time. KOS for GArcs was in place too. I then talked 2 semaphorism and we decided to ally and I wanted GArc to be at peace with ultra, so they made peace.  See, we’re not all exactly allys. RadiX only has one ally and that’s GArc. We have friendly corps, (NASA, Ultra, Behemoth and others) and neutral corps that we don’t really care about.  we are just sick of this noobishness and bad sportsmanship and are working together. When GArc and RadiX allied, we dropped all previous wars and alliances so we have the same alliances and the same enemies. you’re welcome to join us if you want tho. It puts no restrictions on who you can kill, it’s just a statement saying watch out ESB, knock it off and nobody likes you anymore because of this. I’m not a pirate, but i do pirate sometimes. If i get bored, if somebody irritates me, or if i’m grumpy. I have 500 karma so i’m decent XD. 


Also, we may occasionally get several wings together together to hunt ESBs. that’ll be a lot of fun. Anyways, help us out if you want, but i don’t recommend fighting us. 

I don’t recommend fighting us. 

This is the problem.


Is killing one of your members every now and then considered fighting?

Does it involve guns and someone dieing?  If so, maybe it’s fighting.

Does it involve guns and someone dieing?  If so, maybe it’s fighting.


Well there’s 1v1 fighting, and then there’s corp v corp.  There’s a difference.

No it doesn’t. What i consider fighting us is getting together squads and attacking us. I have no problem killing my members, but if you do, we reserve the right to kill squad you mercilessly. 

No it doesn’t. What i consider fighting us is getting together squads and attacking us. I have no problem killing my members, but if you do, we reserve the right to kill squad you mercilessly. 


Oh yeah sure, you can try XD   Anyway I don’t mind you ganking me if you catch me sleeping, that’s all part of the fun of Invasion!
