Star Conflict v.1.2 Discussion

I share the same point of view than g4borg.

Captain games should start only if there is a certain amount of players available in the queue :slight_smile:

That can also be a solution for the “plant the bomb” mode, what do you think?


The global fix proposed earlier is of course a good general idea and should be applied in any case :slight_smile:


 But it will take some time to fix it all, please be patient.



of course, noone expects insta fix. however revert the changes to the mm and then take all the time u want to fix it. the insanity of the mm is just too big. cant even get the darn daily win for the past 4 hours!! i decimate the enemy team and the shitheads i have to play with still manage to loose all matches and have under 200 score :<



right, after so much xxxx raining around i joined a combat recon with enemy cap dead(first time) and while i waited to spawn the last 3 enemy ships died. simply amazing first win of the day guys. 4k syn, awsum sauce.

ouch…this is really no chance that you have ^^


Currently devs are grouping datas from the feedback, I don’t think they can remove it for the moment but they could add a general message on the login screen (you know where there is the server status when it will become offline?) saying that the current MM is in testing period and us player should participate ^^

There would be less rage and more comprehension :wink:

I’ve played some more matches and I think the best solution to the chaos (other than increasing match times of course, which is a must) would be to increase the initial lobby screen time to 1 minute so that everyone in the current queue would join, while giving players the time to pick the right ships, and then to disable people from joining during the match. Solves the CR/CtB problem, makes Domination more tactical again, and hopefully won’t have a negative effect on queue times.



Other than that, I also think mass driver could use a nerf. It’s extremely powerful on T4+ long ranges: the damage is insane, the accuracy is very similar to that of ion beam, yet actually better due to aim assistance on locked targets, and top of all that it blackens your screen making it very difficult for you to kite your way out of this mess. I guess a drastic nerf on the weapon’s spread would solve the issue, since pilots would actually need to sacrifice their crit/range CPU’s for electronic guidance modules. And please do something about the blackening of the screen upon receiving damage… I actually managed to crash at full speed twice today because I couldn’t see anything.


While I’m whining about weapons, any chance you could turn down the sound of phase suppressor? It’s too similar to that of Empire disintegrator to be that loud… Sustained fire can make you deaf.

I also think mass driver could use a nerf.

Mass driver is okay, Its LRF that needs nerf


P.S. Phase suppressor is super ridiculous when the enemy AND his holograms are shooting at you. It’s overwhelming

Lol the ships designed with 50% more damage are “doing too much damage”…

The mass driver really does kill hull fast. I haven’t really used it in t5 though.

Where is custom battle? Removed at this patch?

Where is custom battle? Removed at this patch?

You need to click this little white button :-).

Where is custom battle? Removed at this patch?


Little white button on the bottom left of the PVP launch button


I enjoyed reading a comment well wrote so I will answer it ^^


I must admit that the current gameplay in soloQ is like it always have been: a random wtf x)

But like I said, the new video tutorials are here to help this to stop.

When you look at league of legends wich is a teamwork related game, there is a “meta-game” where everyone knows where to go on the map (or almost…lol) that is not present in star conflict.

And Planetside 2 is more like a pitched battle. I like this game, yes, but you are forced to mount a squad to be efficient or to play sniper alone. This is the same thing happening in star conflict atm: C-ops/Recon/LRF alone or mount a squad to do something.


Star conflict is not “realistic” at all and should not be. It is a game where each team should have the same amount of chances to win :slight_smile:

So the fact that each team have new players incoming to the battle should be whether avoided or regulated like new wave of 3 new players each x minutes for example ^^ … OH WAIT! THIS AN IDEA O.O Making star conflict an arcade shooter with waves of players incoming to the battle during time?? In any PVP gamemode :smiley: Heeeyy, what do you think of it? :smiley:

A timer on the top of the screen until the next wave of players :smiley:

Players of the next wave are spectators with a text on the screen: “You are the back-up, time before arriving to battle is: %timer%”

New incoming people could see what ships are in-battle and counter-pick :slight_smile:

This could create a forever-changing meta based on skill and knowledge :smiley:


Of course this does not resolve the problem for plant the bomb…or maybe with a shorter timer…?

Ty for the positive comment! :smiley:

I totally understand what you mean about dota/lol/hon (ive seen my brother play many hours (he is really good) so i know how game works and also the heated discussions that came up when someone xxxx up xD), wich made me think about it (seems a good instance to meditate and not expect for an instant answer); maybe that kind of meta game is achieved because the game is much simpler in many aspects: movement is in 2D, each character has 4 skills (and extra manadgment some require while splitting into more) and the hability to hit phisically–> 6 actions basically. Also you dont have to precisely aim like you do in SC. SC just related to movement allows a complete manouverability over 3D spaces (strafe to sides and up/down, pitch to sides and up/down, roll to sides and move foward/backwards), aiming becomes much more complex (even with the lead marker), you have 5 skills (active+special module) and 2 firemodes (main weapons and missiles), and games go with more than 5vs5 very often. So getting such a lvl of meta like its on dota is much harder to achieve in SC since its more complex, you must master other things first. In dota you have a full view of the surface (with visible or hidden/cloacked units and players), in SC you have certain angle of view from the 360º sphere, wich also changes more than 2D from the perspective and position you spectate (you still cant see anyone if its off the radar or cloacked/hidden behind cover). I got too deep in the “complexity” theme xD sorry for going off topic, any way, this may not be the only reason (or even a valid one) why there are strongh differences between dota and SC meta.

And last, about the realism in this game. You are right, you cant be completely realistic in here, but you cant be a ideal perfect square box anyway…it gets boring from its lack of variatons. Hot join for players is a mid realistic feature (it adds players in pairs i guess…if it doesnt then it adds 1 player per side at a time, so theres never more/less than 1 player on the other team), wich seems balanced imo, different from planetside 2, where you can find 40vs70 players…wich usually leads the bigger faction win, but you can still have a lot of fun :D). Phisics in this game are a great proof that its not the aim to be realistic xD. As more realism, i think something like Planetside 2 could happen in open space if a few mechanics (specially for spawn) are changed, actually, if SC invasion works just as Ace Online/Air rivals (same game), this would allow more realism, meaning battles where the number of players per side is not always the same (of course you need new mechanisms to prevent massacres when a team is heavily outnumbered). It would be fun to see wings fighting each other at open space (even 3 or 4 sides, free for all!!), and it has been done, but game doesnt encourage this (the duplicator thing seems to mess all up).

About your suggestion, it doesnt sound bad, however i prefer something much more simple and easier for the dev team, without making queue longer–>see my reply to maxer001 (right below this)


Maybe teamwork and strategy aren’t best words - tactics is.  In this kind of situation one can’t count on anything - positioning, number of players, even what ship to take because everything changes rapidly and it just becomes chaos. And result is mindless pew pew but maybe its not bad because I see lot of guys here like it (I don’t - but if it is good for the game then ok  :(  ).


Entering almost finished games is not a good thing.

Starting 1x1 or 2x2 is not a good thing.

Entering without notifying other players is not a good thing. Maybe if new players enter  battle in waves (every 1 min but only in first half of  a battle) as suggested and with very visible notification (sound, voice and on screen) to existing players - “New wave is entering the battle in - 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1” + timer so existing players have time to prepare and adjust for new forces on the battlefield  or something like that. 

It has already suggested that a message will be displayed upon the entrance of new players in an ongoing game. Now you and xerrio gave me a good idea: once the players join, message should display their respawn time (maybe hold the names on the screen with a real time counter untill it reaches 0…this might require different font/color/size, or simply make a single line with the number of players that just arrived). With this you ensure queues work as fast as they are now and also deals with the problem of suddenly getting swarmed by players you had no idea entered the game.


Wow, the indestructible captain, or becoming captain after chosing the ship sound both quite like a patchwork fix.


Captain Games should maybe only start if the queue can take an instant 6v6 or higher as basegame. It was a pain in small games anyway, that mode is best in a large crowd, even if it *can* be fun small if both teams are well balanced. Without that aspect, it is little different from TDM, except the missing powerups.

First parragraph–> :005j:

Second parragraph–> Totally agree with the idea core: i find that the best option is to only start cap recon game if theres a certain number of players (4vs4 minimum seems ok).


right, after so much xxxx raining around i joined a combat recon with enemy cap dead(first time) and while i waited to spawn the last 3 enemy ships died. simply amazing first win of the day guys. 4k syn, awsum sauce.


xD that sucks, my advice: when you are going for first day synergy reward and feel like you are gonna waste it, leave battle before it ends. You will still maintain the daily bonus and also get the win on your stats :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol the ships designed with 50% more damage are “doing too much damage”…


1/3 wich is 33,33…% actually

Engi with 4 guns does 4000dps, equivalent lrf does 6000dps. Lrf with 6 guns does 50% more damage than engi. Thats how I see it anyway. Depends which side you look at it from

On the paper, the LRF deals much more damage with its primary weapons due to the 6 cannons vs 4 cannons compared to Engineers / Guards.

But there is also another factor, which is snowballing with this. 

It’s the difference of Blind Spot and Fire Angles.

The best model to see it is the Inquisitor’s design. 


There is also a difference between the Coil Mortar and the Other frigate’s weapons in the application of the 6 cannons.

The Coil Mortar does not deal +33% dmg, it have +33% rate of fire, smaller blind spot, and Larger Fire Angles.


But you also have to take in consideration the “Kit” of the LRF : Invisibility, Blind, Disengage, Special Module Buff.


Technically, LRF are Supreme Ships, like a Supreme burger but flying in space and pewpewing things.

It is as compared to the original damage of Frigates, so the lrf does 50% more damage per sec. One thing to note is once you are not in optimal firing arc the lrf drops to 2 guns and then 1 gun firing, the same as all frigates.

Lrfs killing things is the same as using a cov ops for example. New player will die fast, experienced player knows how to survive.

On the paper, the LRF deals much more damage with its primary weapons due to the 6 cannons vs 4 cannons compared to Engineers / Guards.

But there is also another factor, which is snowballing with this. 

It’s the difference of Blind Spot and Fire Angles.

The best model to see it is the Inquisitor’s design. 


There is also a difference between the Coil Mortar and the Other frigate’s weapons in the application of the 6 cannons.

The Coil Mortar does not deal +33% dmg, it have +33% rate of fire, smaller blind spot, and Larger Fire Angles.


But you also have to take in consideration the “Kit” of the LRF : Invisibility, Blind, Disengage, Special Module Buff.


Technically, LRF are Supreme Ships, like a Supreme burger but flying in space and pewpewing things.

Every ship seems better than the other one when you only name positive things. Why does a LRF gets crushed vs a guard if its front to front? Does a long range LRF always uses coils? are shots invisible too when the LRF is “invisible”? wheres all the people saying LRF is the most useless ship for bomb planting and beacon rush? XD

LRF has great strenghts but also great weaknesses, its not one or the other, its both.

And rennie is right about blindspots, as usual. And i dont know where you got that from a larger fire angle…you loose your 6 guns when aiming a little to sides or down just like any other frigate.

LRF have been a bit OP since the introduction of the RT. The merge of cloak + ability to warp out instantaneously AND still being cloaked, negates the supposed disadvantage of the LRF which was their low survivability compared with other frigates (no phase shield, no regens)


Now you can just stay out of the fight, invulnerable to the 80% of people playing this game (Which can’t see a camoed LRF even if it’s in the middle of the team) and also to any effect other than direct damage or microlocators, while killing people with the positron cannon, and warp out in case of trouble.


In fact the most obvious example is the Mauler, which was always seen as the PvE farmer in the game, because it can dish a lot of damage but have low survivability. Now with the RT and camo combo, that is negated, and it is the best LRF out there, only contested with a Torpedo Kraken, which have the same perks but still more survivability.

And Btw, can you show some love to the Destructor you killed please?


This weapon is just ridiculous.

And Btw, can you show some love to the Destructor you killed please?


This weapon is just ridiculous.

It was ridiculous before. Now is a beam cannon that also burns energy. Great for fighting interceptors or engineers.

don’t understand mass driver problem.


any weapon on lrf is deadly. but mass driver works way better on fast frigates and mid to close range combat. so yeah, on some LRF, like a ninja mauler, or strictly as self defense against a lonely ship trying to kill the LRF, acceptable, but as mass-destruction-weapon? Barely scratches shields, with low damage, fast firerate. Needs a whole salvo just to take them down on most ships, on it’s own. Needs mobility, not a strongsuit of that role.

As with coils, the deadlyness is also subjective, since it’s kinetic, and might lead to more killshots, without actually doing the major damage.

I think, after playing a bit through the tiers, the amount of LRFs in general is usually the number one reason why teams get totaly stomped. I think their amount will reduce after people start playing other roles again. In general, LRF leads to false feedback to the player most of the time: vets farm nubs and think they are OP with it. nubs farm a few kills in a clearly lost match and are on first place while they never even touched a beacon, and watched their team get obliterated, landing a few kills more than them.


A slight nerf? Maybe. But I do not see the weapon as OP.


About the RT+cloak, it might be time the RT would count as “movement”. It’s a Thruster. It makes a safe blink.



And Btw, can you show some love to the Destructor you killed please?


I like the new Destructor. You just can’t use it as before, but the energy burning is quite an asset. It was ridiculous before; but as said, fixing the “beacon” shot would have sufficed for me.


About the RT+cloak, it might be time the RT would count as “movement”. It’s a Thruster. It makes a safe blink.


Yeah, LRF are ok, the problem is the RT + EM combo. Make it so the RT breaks the EM and it will be fixed.

Barely scratches shields, with low damage, fast firerate. Needs a whole salvo just to take them down on most ships, on it’s own. Needs mobility, not a strongsuit of that role.

With 1 horizon-
