Star Conflict v.1.2 Discussion

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Ayyyy, first post.


Good patch!

I enjoy the new login screen. Much better than that dreary and inaccurate Empire dreadnought.

New PvP queue is great! Getting games much faster, and even though it’s in the middle of a game half the time, it’s still very nice to be able to fly my ship more often.

New PvE mission is a boatload of fun. It’s challenging, but not in the billion-ships-shooting-at-you-with-100%-accurate-weapons challenging that the other PvEs are. Also, the cruiser is really impressive!

New special operations is entirely insane. Tried it in T5 with a boatload of randoms, and it was a good 10 minutes of having no idea what we were doing but having fun while we were doing it. Outposts that have bombs that actually explode, alien torpedoes that spawn in swarms, a tanky alien shield plus long range point defense crazy lasers… It was an experience.

New special project ships! Finally, I have two ships I’m saving up for. It’ll be a few months before I’m ready to build one, but more content is more better.

Haven’t had much experience with the new dreadnought battle organization, but it seems like a good idea to me.

Balance has been brought to the destructor after its nine month reign of terror! I’d complain about taking too long, but then I’d just be being a grump about good changes.

I have no idea what the change to microwarp and chameleon are like, since I don’t fly recons or tacklers much.

Phase shield nerf! It’s a bit out of left field, but hopefully this discourages too many frigballs from forming. Combined with so many more ways to break them apart, I hope it works.

Disintegrator buff! It’s not enough to make it hurt like it did before the change to make it more ROF and less alpha damage, but it’s very nice to see nonetheless.



On the other hand, there are a few things that are less than stellar.

New PvP system seems to make very unbalanced matches very often. Half the time when I win, it’s almost like the enemy team is trying to die, and half the time when I lose, it’s almost like my own team is purposefully playing badly.

Pilot rating v2.0 being based on efficiency and win/loss ratio probably does not mesh very well with a system where you have half the amount of time to get efficiency that some of your other teammates do, and sometimes get in games that have already been decided by everything but the actual win condition being satisfied.

New special operations does not have an option to queue as a group. That is a Bad Thing for something that requires so much coordination.

A boatload of bugs have been introduced into dreadnought battles. Obviously, that is not good.


Overall, it’s a very good patch. I hope the bugs it’s introduced get patched away soon, though – that would make for a very happy playerbase, I think.

My ideas concerning the new PVP Matchmaker: (I will talk about the rest later on in another post I think)


I love the new PVP matchmaker, which is allowing me to get 12v12s, however it is not appropriate for some game-modes.


  • Team battle needs to be reworked, since the number of starting points (10) is too low - this comes from the fact that the match starts small and gets big.

  • Combat recon  sometimes an early push kill the enemy captain, before the other people have joined the game! So people are arriving into games that are already pretty much finished. My only suggestion on how to improve this is that noone can join a match after a captain has been killed.

  • Domination is often played in the first few seconds. People warp to the beacons in recons, capturing them after a couple of seconds. It happens quite often where are added to a game where your team already has two beacons, or the enemy does. Which gives one of the teams an unfair advantage.

  • Capture the beacon  is vulnerable to these ealry pushes also, although to a lesser extent.


A general suggestion: make the waiting at the start of the battle longer (30 seconds maybe) and add people during that time. Afterwards, only add people to the game if it is really necessary, for example if there is a disconnect.


Another problem this would solve is the server lag every time another person joins the match. A bit like in invasion, your ship jerks when someone joins, which can get you killed if you are in mid-combat.

Ayyyy, first post.


Good patch!

I enjoy the new login screen. Much better than that dreary and inaccurate Empire dreadnought.

New PvP queue is great! Getting games much faster, and even though it’s in the middle of a game half the time, it’s still very nice to be able to fly my ship more often.

New PvE mission is a boatload of fun. It’s challenging, but not in the billion-ships-shooting-at-you-with-100%-accurate-weapons challenging that the other PvEs are. Also, the cruiser is really impressive!

New special operations is entirely insane. Tried it in T5 with a boatload of randoms, and it was a good 10 minutes of having no idea what we were doing but having fun while we were doing it. Outposts that have bombs that actually explode, alien torpedoes that spawn in swarms, a tanky alien shield plus long range point defense crazy lasers… It was an experience.

New special project ships! Finally, I have two ships I’m saving up for. It’ll be a few months before I’m ready to build one, but more content is more better.

Haven’t had much experience with the new dreadnought battle organization, but it seems like a good idea to me.

Balance has been brought to the destructor after its nine month reign of terror! I’d complain about taking too long, but then I’d just be being a grump about good changes.

I have no idea what the change to microwarp and chameleon are like, since I don’t fly recons or tacklers much.

Phase shield nerf! It’s a bit out of left field, but hopefully this discourages too many frigballs from forming. Combined with so many more ways to break them apart, I hope it works.

Disintegrator buff! It’s not enough to make it hurt like it did before the change to make it more ROF and less alpha damage, but it’s very nice to see nonetheless.



On the other hand, there are a few things that are less than stellar.

New PvP system seems to make very unbalanced matches very often. Half the time when I win, it’s almost like the enemy team is trying to die, and half the time when I lose, it’s almost like my own team is purposefully playing badly.

Pilot rating v2.0 being based on efficiency and win/loss ratio probably does not mesh very well with a system where you have half the amount of time to get efficiency that some of your other teammates do, and sometimes get in games that have already been decided by everything but the actual win condition being satisfied.

New special operations does not have an option to queue as a group. That is a Bad Thing for something that requires so much coordination.

A boatload of bugs have been introduced into dreadnought battles. Obviously, that is not good.


Overall, it’s a very good patch. I hope the bugs it’s introduced get patched away soon, though – that would make for a very happy playerbase, I think.

Happy to read your positive comment.

About issues with new pvp system and bugs. We are working on it. For example, we will disable the killing of a captain until there will be enough players in the match. As for special operations, I need to check it, will tell you a little later.

Update: You can queue as a part of a squad (even 2 people will be enough) but if you queue as a part of a wing the quantity of the wing’s members should be at least 10. If it doesn’t work that’s way, please report a bug.

My ideas concerning the new PVP Matchmaker: (I will talk about the rest later on in another post I think)


I love the new PVP matchmaker, which is allowing me to get 12v12s, however it is not appropriate for some game-modes.


  • Team battle needs to be reworked, since the number of starting points (10) is too low - this comes from the fact that the match starts small and gets big.

  • Combat recon  sometimes an early push kill the enemy captain, before the other people have joined the game! So people are arriving into games that are already pretty much finished. My only suggestion on how to improve this is that noone can join a match after a captain has been killed.

  • Domination is often played in the first few seconds. People warp to the beacons in recons, capturing them after a couple of seconds. It happens quite often where are added to a game where your team already has two beacons, or the enemy does. Which gives one of the teams an unfair advantage.

  • Capture the beacon  is vulnerable to these ealry pushes also, although to a lesser extent.


A general suggestion: make the waiting at the start of the battle longer (30 seconds maybe) and add people during that time. Afterwards, only add people to the game if it is really necessary, for example if there is a disconnect.


Another problem this would solve is the server lag every time another person joins the match. A bit like in invasion, your ship jerks when someone joins, which can get you killed if you are in mid-combat.

Thank you for your love man :slight_smile: (i mean the new MM). 

As you said - we have things to adjust. Btw, your suggestion sounds pretty reasonable, we will consider it.

I think the big problem with the new matchmaking is games launch too soon. I’ve seen matches go live with 2v2 or 3v3 setups all too often, and then the rest of the players sort of trickle in.


Seems to me like what you really need is a proper game lobby setup. That way, not only can you gather up people for full games without constantly dropping people into matches that have already started.


The time limits and victory conditions are also far too low for large games. 15v15 Team Deathmatch is fine for 3-4 people aside, but for 10-12 aside it’s a joke! The match timers would be far better around the 10-12 minute mark as well.


Also, to try and stop some of the scattergun respawning, it might be worthwhile to invest in a wave spawn mechanic - rather than having a fixed downtime for dying, make it so everyone who dies within a 20-30 second block will all respawn together, thus allowing a more organised push back into the fight and hopefully reducing situations where losing teams just fly into meatgrinders in single file and achieve nothing.

The new mission… Can it even be done in tier 1 + 2? Lol. Gotta love the new PvP fix, but sometimes I get it, 30 seconds and we win or lose lol.

Great job on lots of things like new ships, open space, the 2 new zones. I like how the Saw One command ship looks like a cyborg labia and vagayjay.


The late-join matchmaking thing seems like it started off good and could morph into something even better. Too bad I can’t use it. I select USA server and land in the Russia server every time. Instead of “leave battle” every time, I’ll refrain from clicking to enter Skirmish at all.


I do like Monolith and Sanctuary a lot. I did many lone custom battles on those maps. But, doing lone custom battles on the US server isn’t really playing Star Conflict.


PVE is still just spam. Every single bit of it is spam. There’s nothing about it that isn’t spam. I’m not a game designer, so I don’t know what to say about changing or improving it. I guess it’s hopeless.


Skirmish is still only for the Russians and Europeans. The anointed players in Russia get to be on their server all the time and on the same teams. The anointed players in Europe get to be on their server and on the same teams. The rest of the world is just being stuffed into the Russia and Europe servers to entertain the Russians and Europeans.


If we could get unlimited synergy missions to do in open space, that would be awesome. That’s all there is to do if logging in during USA late nights.

The main issue for me is joining losing PVP matches. Also, starting out 2v2 is incredibly annoying personally. I will gladly wait another 30 seconds or however long it takes for it to start like 4v4 or more. Some people will just go recon in 2v2, cap points then once more people join, they other team already has a large lead. 


I’m an old but recently returning player (I don’t know anything about open space), but just hearing how people have to spend months to gather the materials needed for the special project ships is  MAJOR turnoff. It makes newer or returning players like myself not even want to progress and work towards the end game ships. There was a great suggestion in different thread, where basically once you reach rank 15 you could buy one special ship for the credits price and not have to pay over the materials. You could raise the price to 10 million, and I think maybe that would be fair.


Also, the purple looting for the new spec ops mission is bugged, some people will just get random non-purple stuff. One of my teammates got some Doomsday missiles from the guaranteed purple loot drop. 


Maybe consider buffing the T3 spec ops ending reward. You get less credits and synergy than a PVE mission for like 3 times the amount of time to complete.

The new mission… Can it even be done in tier 1 + 2? Lol. Gotta love the new PvP fix, but sometimes I get it, 30 seconds and we win or lose lol.

Which mission do you mean? Defence Contract is available for all ranks.


Great job on lots of things like new ships, open space, the 2 new zones. I like how the Saw One command ship looks like a cyborg labia and vagayjay.


The late-join matchmaking thing seems like it started off good and could morph into something even better. Too bad I can’t use it. I select USA server and land in the Russia server every time. I’ll “Leave Battle” every time too.


PVE is still just spam. Every single bit of it is spam. There’s nothing about it that isn’t spam.


Skirmish is still only for the Russians and Europeans. The anointed players in Russia get to be on their server all the time and on the same teams. The anointed players in Europe get to be on their server and on the same teams. The rest of the world is just being stuffed into the Russia and Europe servers to entertain the Russians and Europeans.


If we could just get unlimited synergy missions to do in open space, that would be awesome. That’s all there is to do if logging in during USA late nights.

Thank you for a comment. Right now we are working on increasing online and player-base in America and Asia. The first steps might be implemented in October.


I think the big problem with the new matchmaking is games launch too soon. I’ve seen matches go live with 2v2 or 3v3 setups all too often, and then the rest of the players sort of trickle in.


Seems to me like what you really need is a proper game lobby setup. That way, not only can you gather up people for full games without constantly dropping people into matches that have already started.


The time limits and victory conditions are also far too low for large games. 15v15 Team Deathmatch is fine for 3-4 people aside, but for 10-12 aside it’s a joke! The match timers would be far better around the 10-12 minute mark as well.


Also, to try and stop some of the scattergun respawning, it might be worthwhile to invest in a wave spawn mechanic - rather than having a fixed downtime for dying, make it so everyone who dies within a 20-30 second block will all respawn together, thus allowing a more organised push back into the fight and hopefully reducing situations where losing teams just fly into meatgrinders in single file and achieve nothing.

Thanks for the feedback. As I said before we are still adjusting the Matchmaking. Some changes will be implemented today. 

As for scattergun, we will consider it.

So in today’s patch we’ve got Team Deathmatch up to 20 kills… but less time to do it. As if we didn’t have enough games won by waiting out the clock…

Team Battle

Now you need to take down 20 enemy ships to win

Battle time is now 5 minutes



I don’t think this is the good direction. Why don’t give it 40 kills and battle 8 minutes as it was before? Considering you can join up to 2 minutes into a running game, 5 minutes seems too short. If you pick anything than a Recon and the map is big you just won’t have time to do nothing!!

Thank you for a comment. Right now we are working on increasing online and player-base in America and Asia. The first steps might be implemented in October.


I’ll say that your servers must be extremely good. I really don’t want to be on the ones on the other side of the Earth, but it is still impressive that they work as well as they do from so far away. As I said earlier about playing skirmishes alone in custom battle on US servers, the performance I get out of that is blistering (great)! I’m all for influencing more western hemisphere players to get into Star Conflict. I’ll echo your America promotions.

The new MM makes things fun, although too chaotic for my tastes. I don’t think joining a lost game (like CR with your captain dead or Domination/CtB when your team is just about to lose) should be allowed. In my opinion it would be much better if people weren’t allowed to join a match that’s been on for more than 1:30-2:00 minutes.


I hate the new match times with a passion. 7 (or now 5) mins is just too short, there are maps where just getting a guard in the right position takes more than a minute. Now that people can join matches after they start, the longer the match, the bigger the fun.



The new PvE is fun, but perhaps it should be more rewarding? It requires a level of teamplay you can’t really experience in a random team.


The new maps are 10/10 in my book - great job there.


I love the guard nerf, very reasonable move right there. Thank you.


SP ships are awesome… I still look forward to seeing alternatives to acquire the materials, though. Without a license, you can’t really hope to get your new ship in less than ~110 days, and ~80 if you have one.



The interface change is alright, you could make the custom battle button more visible, though. Plus, it’s often difficult to click it.


SQ is bugged like hell, please fix it. I don’t see why you would think letting randoms join like this would be a good idea, but except for 4-man fake attack squads, most often you see full wings anyway, and the last thing a 7-man wing needs is a random feeder. Haven’t defended anything yet, but on paper the change looks just bad. It’s all about choosing the right def wing vs the right attack wing.




Overall, my only complaints are about adjusting the new skirmish system and fixing SQ.

Which mission do you mean? Defence Contract is available for all ranks.

Yes I mean that mission. But I mean it’s very hard. In tier 2, I got to the Cruiser part only once, in 5 tries!

 I’m all for influencing more western hemisphere players to get into Star Conflict. I’ll echo your America promotions.

Your aspirations make us happy :012j:.


Team Battle

Now you need to take down 20 enemy ships to win

Battle time is now 5 minutes



I don’t think this is the good direction. Why don’t give it 40 kills and battle 8 minutes as it was before? Considering you can join up to 2 minutes into a running game, 5 minutes seems too short. If you pick anything than a Recon and the map is big you just won’t have time to do nothing!!


I agree with Eviscerador. This Team Deathmatch system is flawed right now. Deathcount limit is way too low and battle time as well.

40 vs. 40 frags and 8 minutes seems much more reasonable and appropriate option for me.

i support what milanbel said. its exactly how i feel. his suggestions are also what i think needs to change. the new team battle changes are a bit in the right direction but still dont quite cut it. it should be at least 30 points per team and the timer should be as it were 8 minutes or more. i strongly recommend that the initial player count should be 4v4 with initial spawn time of 30 seconds. in that time new players should be able to join but as soon as the first group spawns, new players should only join to replace a disconnected player. i have had really stupid matches that lasted about 30 seconds(after the spawn timer). the feeling of joining a fight is good, but no one wants to join a decided fight and feel useless and not being able to contribute. also there is this stupid tendency of the team captains to suicide … the previous system that picked the highest ranked player was great. this however starts the game with a 2v2 and picks from those players. then some better or elite players join and the match gets boring and over in a minute or less, since the noobz suicide or do nothing as captains.


Slightly tweaked  Laser ARC-II


The weapon now has exactly the same characteristics as  Pulse Laser


what is this Laser ArcII?

 Considering you can join up to 2 minutes into a running game, 5 minutes seems too short. 



I agree with Eviscerador. This Team Deathmatch system is flawed right now. Deathcount limit is way too low and battle time as well.

40 vs. 40 frags and 8 minutes seems much more reasonable and appropriate option for me.


We will consider it.