Star Conflict v.1.2 Discussion

what is this Laser ArcII?


A weapon which has been given to all pilots who play Star Conflict through the Arc Launcher.

Simply other visual effects. Same mechanics as Pulse Laser now.

It should not be so long after the patch. It is possible if you are a member of a squad, but in this case, you can’t join match which is already in progress

What I meant is that, even if you queue time is under 5 seconds, you can join a running game which is already 1:30 min in the counter, + the spawn timer + the travel time. So you won’t be able to do anything in that game, just travel.

By the way, has the low credit reward after battles on several new SP ships been fixed? If i play Peregrine i get way less credits after game, is that the reward for spending XXX of recources?  :008j:

What I meant is that, even if you queue time is under 5 seconds, you can join a running game which is already 1:30 min in the counter, + the spawn timer + the travel time. So you won’t be able to do anything in that game, just travel.

I got it, at first I read it wrong, we will consider it. Thank you for clarifying. 

I got it, at first I read it wrong, we will consider it. Thank you for clarifying. 

also, Mr. Dev, consider that the slow ships that join late have a travel time of about a minute at times in order to get anywhere. too often i decide that what my team needs is engi or a guard or my slow command. those usually run at 200 ish speed. the interceptor swarms that usually form in every match can only laugh at me :confused:

also, Mr. Dev, consider that the slow ships that join late have a travel time of about a minute at times in order to get anywhere. too often i decide that what my team needs is engi or a guard or my slow command. those usually run at 200 ish speed. the interceptor swarms that usually form in every match can only laugh at me :confused:

Yes, the ship’s speed is also important in this case. I will take this into consideration

General thoughts:

  New ships

 Good: The new ships look awesome (especially the jaguar) and seem to have reasonable bonuses

 Bad  : The resources needed to make most of them is almost impossible to grind up if you don’t want to drop money into the game


 MM Revamp

 Good: Queue times are generally at an all time low during peak hours, sometimes down to 5 seconds and at most 30 seconds.

 Bad  : Most players that join a game join near the end of a battle where the winner is almost clear.


 New Match times

 Good: Increases the pressure on getting to the objective

 Bad  : Most matches now result in a time out with most kills determining the victor. I personally haven’t had a match where a side won due to completing the objective yet with the new restrictions.


 New PvE

 Good: I got nothing on this one…

 Bad  : Severely unbalanced enemies with the “Demoman” enemies tearing through you if you let them get close, and have too much HP to allow or a quick clean up of a horde.

Rabid’s are balanced and can be cleaned up quickly although due to the contant plasma arc effect are almost always fatal if they get near you.

Rocketeers are fairly balanced although the Immense HP pool seems a bit much since they would rank as a mid-priority enemy most of the time. 

Butches are heavily unbalanced as they come with the phase shield plus a huge amount of HP, which coupled to the singularity cannon which deals 4.5k damage is near fatal to any ship ignoring it.

Commanders are decent since they are supposed to serve as the mini-boss and marker of the last wave


The cruiser however… just no. The turrets deal 4.5k damage (same as the butcher), it spawns demoman enemies contantly which assure a kill on you or your team mates, it has an immense HP pool which only a squad of  LRFs with Mk4/5 Heavy Blasters can take down in time, even with the engines knocked out.


 New Special Operation

 Good: Possible with a team of randoms, most attacks are obvious and can be avoided if you recognise what phase the destroyer is on.

 Bad: The idea of defending the outposts from the torpedo attacks is almost impossible for most randoms as barely anyone I was playing with knew what was going on at the time.


Other than that, the spec ops seems really balanced despite the low value purple rewards (I got a 6k credit trophy).


tl;dr The patch overall is a good one, introducing new ships for veterans to grind (and burn out) for whilst adding in content for mid-tier players to play whilst making their way to T4.

New ships look awesome, can’t wait to get my first.


Anyway, several bugs have been introduced.


Dread battles: the lobby interface is glitchy, last night our corp showed as a no show and we were suddenly queuing under a different corp!! (I’ll post a screenie soon). When there was no defense 10% did not get taken off in some cases.


The guaranteed rare loot attempt for the T3 Destroyer special ops gives standard loot. I got a 4200 credit trophy last night!!


Everytime a pvp battle finishes I get the ‘The battle has not finished yet, do you want to rejoin’ dialog box pop up, and it takes a while before I can thumbs up people.


The new join in progress is a step in the right direction, but it needs more work. Ideally I think the MM should try to start a fresh game for a minute or 2 before throwing everyone from the queue into a battle in progress. At least don’t start a battle till it is 4v4 or something.


And please please please, can you somehow prevent players with only 1 ship getting put into Capture the Beacon game mode, maybe even force players to have at least 3 ships in their lineup when queuing up for T4/5 PvP.


EDIT: Forgot, the new crosshair mechanic is good :slight_smile: I regularly lose track of where it is, and this helps prevent this :slight_smile:

New ships look awesome, can’t wait to get my first.


Anyway, several bugs have been introduced.


Dread battles: the lobby interface is glitchy, last night our corp showed as a no show and we were suddenly queuing under a different corp!! (I’ll post a screenie soon). When there was no defense 10% did not get taken off in some cases.


The guaranteed rare loot attempt for the T3 Destroyer special ops gives standard loot. I got a 4200 credit trophy last night!!


Everytime a pvp battle finishes I get the ‘The battle has not finished yet, do you want to rejoin’ dialog box pop up, and it takes a while before I can thumbs up people.


The new join in progress is a step in the right direction, but it needs more work. Ideally I think the MM should try to start a fresh game for a minute or 2 before throwing everyone from the queue into a battle in progress. At least don’t start a battle till it is 4v4 or something.


And please please please, can you somehow prevent players with only 1 ship getting put into Capture the Beacon game mode, maybe even force players to have at least 3 ships in their lineup when queuing up for T4/5 PvP.


EDIT: Forgot, the new crosshair mechanic is good :slight_smile: I regularly lose track of where it is, and this helps prevent this :slight_smile:

I noticed more strange bugs as well, but to write them all down and document them will take some time.

Also agree with Eviscerador, TDM is one of the most fun modes for such a hot join anyway, so don’t be battlefield and reduce the ticks, so that games are short and unsatisfying.

Imho you could give it even extra ticks if people join up.


Dread bugs need also be catered. Strange things happened there. Not sure how many have been fixed.


All in all, good work!

Right now we are working on increasing online and player-base in America and Asia. The first steps might be implemented in October.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! Thank you! Us NA players really need more game population.

Matchmaking needs improvment: Joined combat recon with both captains already dead so I could only watch at the remaining ships fighting.

Hello developer :smiley:


I am sorry but this last patch doesn’t feel really good for me… Let me do a big resume of my impressions:


Dreadnought battle:

It is nice for players without corporation to play with dreadnought :slight_smile:



Oh? I can chain pvp battles? okay, then give me the option to refill automatically or not my ammo directly in the hangar please, because I will switch between yes and no more often :slight_smile:

And for the rest…What the!? This is really strange…:

Matches can starts with only 2 players? GG before the rest of the team can come into the game (immagine captain and bomb modes).



Destroyer mission for T3 is not as efficient as the classic pve missions: less credits and synergy.

Scenario (defence contracts?) are not doable with players under the top-level.


Invasion mode:

Nice for Jericho, I hope there will be something for Empire and Federation in the future :slight_smile:


I have spotted that you wanted to reduce time in queue but…

The only way to reduce time in queue is to have more players or stronger servers x)

I made a proposal about how Tiers should work to be interesting [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27997-a-ship-tree-an-crew-operation-reworked/) the solution c) can be more attractive for new players because easier to understand and still giving the opportunity of different gameplay pathes. This is based on other games analisis.

@Neosama:  you’re lucky – I got queued for several matches where I didn’t even get that far - while my ship was loading for a spwn the match was over.


Please stop this nonsense of making ppl join matches that already started. I have a hard enough time winning as it is without having to start off when my team is already behind :frowning:

Dreadnought changes:

It is nice to fly a 1vs2 in Dread Battles

What are the


T4 Secret Project ship modules


mentioned in the 1.2.0a patch notes?

Those are Parts you use to create Secret Project Ships (T5)

Really nice patch overall and a good step in the right direction PVP wise. Fast matches , full matches.

As noted by others some timing changes and small balance tweaks will solve many of those game mode/balancing issues.


I don’t really mind being dropped into an almost over match or a lost cause because most of the following battles being longer and fuller.


If this is the way it will be you may want to tweak booster and ammo replenishment by either making them time related rather than per battle

(i.e 30 min booster instead of 3 battles since a few of those could be over in 10 seconds),

or have your ammo and boosters not be deducted unless you were dropped into the battle less then half way through. It’s not really a

hardship to vets but may help those just getting to where they can affords boosters.

I miss the choice of PVE queues that we used to have.  That was nice because I could have different Tier ships in the hangar and choose which PVE group I wanted to level.  Either I am missing something or that is not possible anymore.

Just do a custom battle :wink: