Star Conflict v.1.2 Discussion

Maybe if you make a lobby at the end of the game with all the players that participated, you could have a base to start the new game with players that want to stay in lobby. This would of course need some wait times to allow players to loot, see stats, thumb up and decide if stay or not. I consider this an improvement of the option in PVP/PVE to keep playing instead of going to hangar.

Now all that needs to be upgraded are the servers…

Just finished a T3 Spec Ops, and I thought they fixed the purple drops? I still got just broken ship parts for credits.

Am I the only one who has lot of lag, and weird ships jumps, and missing shots?

Whats Arc Launcher?

Are them different/special from other players with other launcher to have a different gifts? 

there has been a crapton of lag lately. 

First things first: 9.5/10
That is my overall feel for this patch. And that’s a  very  harsh and blunt assessment. I quite honestly believe that these changes overall are putting this game on a very, very strong path.


Assume that everything I don’t list is a pro. This patch is that good.


-EXTREME: Sector Conquest is very, very buggy. Corporations getting the wrong dreadnought to fight with. Dreadnoughts with no command tower/shield emitter/weapon cooler. Strange issues with no-shows, wings alongside pubs for 11-player teams. Sectors that remain under corporate control while at 0%.

That said, I still prefer this system to the previous. Please do not rescind it while you work on a solution.

-MAJOR: Serious lag issues. To anyone wondering, the rubberbanding spikes happen when new players join a battle. Not sure how fixable it is, but it should be addressed soon.

-Minor: Still no 2man squad fix. I would very much like to take friends into queue, and with this fix, almost everyone is in solo now. There are fewer squads than ever before, despite the playerbase being more active.

Hopefully a 2man squad can queue as if it were a single person, and be added to a game mid-match. Allow this to happen against two randoms, or another squad of 2. Perhaps even allow it to bring in a 2man and a random, against a squad of 3 mid-game! :slight_smile:

-Minor: Battles are too short. 5/7 minute games are too short, especially for frigate drivers. I suggest minimum 10-minute games.

-Minor: As has been stated, connecting to games often happens at inopportune times during a match.

-Minor: Sanctuary and Monolith Ruins desperately needed to be T3 sectors. There are not enough places to go to support the enormity of the Jericho timezone playerbase looking to do battle there. T4 is much less populated. Bring the sectors to T3.


I’ve provided some suggestions to the devs since seeing the patch. I will likely have a few more, but see below for the ones already listed.

Change Team Battle ticket counts

Give a notification when players enter a battle after it starts

-Minor: Sanctuary and Monolith Ruins desperately needed to be T3 sectors. There are not enough places to go to support the enormity of the Jericho timezone playerbase looking to do battle there. T4 is much less populated. Bring the sectors to T3.

Maybe its part of the plan to push players going higher tiers? it kinda makes some sense now that i think about it.

Some side note: Monolith is so awesome for PVP!!! and doesnt have a crappy performance as abandoned complex (i think it would reduce a lot the average FPS, but it doesnt :D), great job there.

Am I the only one who has lot of lag, and weird ships jumps, and missing shots?

there has been a crapton of lag lately.

For me it looks like the Server is not able to handle joining players without lags.

Whats Arc Launcher?

Are them different/special from other players with other launcher to have a different gifts?

Arc is something Luke steam but with only 20 Games(all f2p)

Whats Arc Launcher?

Are them different/special from other players with other launcher to have a different gifts? 


It’s a pulse laser kinda weapon with same mechanic but different graphic animation (at least now). It is available only to whom use the ARC launcher (which is something like steam).


About patch: awesome! 

Still: lag issues when players join battle. 

Fun bugs: in dread battles we used a jerry dread… we have a fed one! :stuck_out_tongue:

From yesterday one of our sector is still ours with 0% strength (we didn’t even defended that, lol).

Sorry for lags and bugs, guys. Working on it. If you will report bugs here, it would help our team to fix it sooner.

To devs:


Today I finally reached fed r15 and I had opportunity to see new fed special ships design in my hangar. 


What to say guys, i m VERY, VERY, VERY impressed.   :012j:


Jaguar - its Aston Martin DB9 in space. I want it bad now. Rest of the fed special ships are beautiful too. GREAT DESIGN GUYS.




It’s a pulse laser kinda weapon with same mechanic but different graphic animation (at least now). It is available only to whom use the ARC launcher (which is something like steam).


About patch: awesome! 

Still: lag issues when players join battle. 

Fun bugs: in dread battles we used a jerry dread… we have a fed one! :stuck_out_tongue:

From yesterday one of our sector is still ours with 0% strength (we didn’t even defended that, lol). XD


Sorry for lags and bugs, guys. Working on it. If you will report bugs here, it would help our team to fix it sooner.

Will do :smiley:

Jaguar - its Aston Martin DB9 in space. I want it bad now. Rest of the fed special ships are beautiful too. GREAT DESIGN GUYS.


Jaguar e-type speedster Eagle, Jaguar XKE roadster

To devs:


Today I finally reached fed r15 and I had opportunity to see new fed special ships design in my hangar. 


Congratulations with r15 and thanks a lot for so kind words (It’s music to our ears) about ships design!


Will do :smiley:


Congratulations with r15 and thanks a lot for so kind words (It’s music to our ears) about ships design!




Well some of them looks maybe a bit too “star wars inspired” and the new jericho guard honestly looks totally like a… p*n*s. But still they are wonderful! 

Well some of them looks maybe a bit too “star wars inspired” and the new jericho guard honestly looks totally like a… p*n*s. But still they are wonderful! 

Ronin looks like a millipede with all the lags…legs I mean. :fed015:

I like how the Saw One command ship looks like a cyborg labia and vagayjay.



the new jericho guard honestly looks totally like a… p*n*s. But still they are wonderful! 


Seriously guys, you need to get out more :stuck_out_tongue:


The Ronin reminds me more of a dragons head…

While trying the new patch:

