Star Conflict v.1.2 Discussion

Are there any plans to unfoul low tier PVP matchmaking? My last twelve games, and yes I kept exact count, have all been 1v1. They have all been new games; I’ve never been placed in a game in progress. My lone opponent has all blue/purple weapon and modules (I only saw a green module three times).The wait time to get into said match ranges from 5 to 12 minutes, followed by a rapid defeat unless I really exploit the sudden spawning of bots and kill everything in spite of the enemy player.


I got a friend to start playing and we tried to fly in a T1 squad, but couldn’t get into a single match after waiting 10, 12, and 15 minutes (we restarted the wait timer between each attempt). After splitting the squad, we both queued as single players, and he got into a 1v1 match, died terribly, and lost, while my queue timer was still ticking.

Overall this was the best patch ever  :012j: 

Even if the sq is bugy the servers crappy sometime, the way seems good so I’ll be patient. Keep up the good work.

Specially thanks for the new ship designs, million kisses to the designer(s)!

Solution plan for the servers issues:

    • Take the WT servers,
    • Delete dat sh*t
    • Install SC on it.
  1. - Problem solved  :)

We need moar hamsters!

We need moar hamsters!



Jaguar - its Aston Martin DB9 in space.




Jaguar e-type speedster Eagle, Jaguar XKE roadster

Better yet: 1962 chevrolet corvette c1-rs

Today I finally reached fed r15 and I had opportunity to see new fed special ships design in my hangar. 


What to say guys, i m VERY, VERY, VERY impressed.   :012j:


Jaguar - its Aston Martin DB9 in space. I want it bad now. Rest of the fed special ships are beautiful too. GREAT DESIGN GUYS.

If you open the ship tree, you can left right click any ship and select preview (even if its not owned nor unlocked): enjoy :slight_smile:

Finding the matchmaker AI broke today.  

Normally you couldn’t get lvl 4-9 ships in a lvl 1-3 pvp game, but just got out of a game where there were lvl 6 ships in there.  That doesn’t work.  There is no way to win with those ships.

Can we get that fixed please?

U mean right click Papi …   :004j:     :005j:

U mean right click Papi …   :004j:     :005j:

yes xD my mistake…ill edit


 New PvE

 Good: I got nothing on this one…

 Bad  : Severely unbalanced enemies with the “Demoman” enemies tearing through you if you let them get close, and have too much HP to allow or a quick clean up of a horde.

Rabid’s are balanced and can be cleaned up quickly although due to the contant plasma arc effect are almost always fatal if they get near you.

Rocketeers are fairly balanced although the Immense HP pool seems a bit much since they would rank as a mid-priority enemy most of the time. 

Butches are heavily unbalanced as they come with the phase shield plus a huge amount of HP, which coupled to the singularity cannon which deals 4.5k damage is near fatal to any ship ignoring it.

Commanders are decent since they are supposed to serve as the mini-boss and marker of the last wave


The cruiser however… just no. The turrets deal 4.5k damage (same as the butcher), it spawns demoman enemies contantly which assure a kill on you or your team mates, it has an immense HP pool which only a squad of  LRFs with Mk4/5 Heavy Blasters can take down in time, even with the engines knocked out.



Other than that, the spec ops seems really balanced despite the low value purple rewards (I got a 6k credit trophy).


 ok, so to be clear i can pretty much solo carry the cruiser mission if someone can deal with the turtles that i cant out turn. the cruiser itself is not that hard once u realize u gotta kill the engines. its turrets to lots of dmg yes, but they can be dodged or killed. all in all they did a great balance to make it challening yet doable. if i have a competent teammate we can do the whole mission alone, just the 2 of us.


about the t3 spec ops: great job making that destroyer. its does not limit players in using only few ship types. u can use anything as long as u know what to do. won that 3 times already but it heavily depends on the team. ppl should get more educated on what to do there …

the rewards there are laughable sadly. i also got the 6k purple and felt screwed over :< i wont ask for secret ship parts but at least a purple blueprint’d be nice.

I love the MM. Its has flaws, it is utter chaos. You have no idea how many enemies will you face after few minutes into the game, you have no idea vs what ship you’re going, no idea what your team even looks like. In the middle of the game, enemy teams usually gets 3-4 vets and the games is lost. Totaly unpredictable. But that wait time… makes it all totaly worth it :smiley: MM is good, might need some tweaks as some before me already mentioned, but its good.


Ships are good too… althou, i wish there was bit more…“flexibility”. I was so excited to craft my tackler i forgot to check special modules… and im stuck with normal now :stuck_out_tongue:


over all pretty good patch



little update on the cruiser mission: i was flying my acid hydra and my team had some xxxx mk4 ships, 1 died in the first wave and 2 in the second. so me alone reached and almost killed the cuiser. he had 13% left when he reached the base.i can imagine with better timing and purple and not green weapon i can solo the whole darn thing :slight_smile:

Contracts need to get sorted ASAP, you now have to ‘sign’ everytime the cooldown timer is up, which atm means you have to go into your contracts nearly after every battle… Very annoying.

I found something strange in the patch !


Players are saying me “Thank You for being Engineer” !


What is this madness !

The update 1.2.0 provided (some) promised features. Rating: (8/10)

Tier V Dreadnought Battles and Laboratory is still not unlocked or fully developed.

Matchmaking still needs a lot of work and balance…

Server capabilities are most likely insufficient or not strong enough, when it comes to optimal performance. Most likely, they are much worse in comparison, than those of War Thunder’s.

Still, no ads… on Steam, while War Thunder always receives a notification, with each big update… unforgivable!



Advertisement notification on Steam’s Store (featured now) with the release of the update 1.2.0 were not shown or available.

Failed opportunity for some good advertisement to attract some more old and new players alike.

Clearly, this shows that Star Conflict is not meant to be at the same level as War Thunder, at least not, when it comes to Gaijin.

If I am correct about this, it’s a damn shame.

I will have to reflect this in my official review.



It is unclear to me, if such advertisement will follow in the following days.

It is pretty much clear, that this we are looking at a “horse with loose teeth”, due to mismanagement or refusal to invest, to get more income in return.


about the t3 spec ops: great job making that destroyer. its does not limit players in using only few ship types. u can use anything as long as u know what to do. won that 3 times already but it heavily depends on the team. ppl should get more educated on what to do there …

the rewards there are laughable sadly. i also got the 6k purple and felt screwed over :< i wont ask for secret ship parts but at least a purple blueprint’d be nice.

T3 loot has never being great (T4 upgrade kits as best), go for T4-5 in spec ops (higher tier gets better rewards…im waiting to find a group that wants to play it on T5 :D).


Contracts need to get sorted ASAP, you now have to ‘sign’ everytime the cooldown timer is up, which atm means you have to go into your contracts nearly after every battle… Very annoying.

Huh, i was signing them just to have fun xD i never checked if they were not self activating inside a game.

The update 1.2.0 provided (some) promised features. Rating: (8/10)

Tier V Dreadnought Battles and Laboratory is still not unlocked or fully developed.

Matchmaking still needs a lot of work and balance…

Server capabilities are most likely insufficient or not strong enough, when it comes to optimal performance. Most likely, they are much worse in comparison, than those of War Thunder’s.

Still, no ads… on Steam, while War Thunder always receives a notification, with each big update… unforgivable!



Advertisement notification on Steam’s Store (featured now) with the release of the update 1.2.0 were not shown or available.

Failed opportunity for some good advertisement to attract some more old and new players alike.

Clearly, this shows that Star Conflict is not meant to be at the same level as War Thunder, at least not, when it comes to Gaijin.

If I am correct about this, it’s a damn shame.

I will have to reflect this in my official review.



It is unclear to me, if such advertisement will follow in the following days.

It is pretty much clear, that this we are looking at a “horse with loose teeth”, due to mismanagement or refusal to invest, to get more income in return.

Maybe its time for players to step up and make advertising, for the sake of this game (youtube can have magic powers).

I found something strange in the patch !


Players are saying me “Thank You for being Engineer” !


What is this madness !


Thanks for the Barriers frigboi

ok thats it, shut down the servers and revert the patch with the stupid joining midfight this instant!! i just joined a game where the cap was dead somehow in the very first seconds, everyone had 0 score and the mm kept adding ppl to the game, myself included. couldnt even spawn just sat there and waited for the few ships alive to die in order to loose. basically revert all changed u made to pvp until u find a better solution. STOP THE INSANITY. thanks …

You’re literally the only one who is having this much of a problem with the MM changes. Also, learn to edit your posts instead of spamming the thread.