Star Conflict v.1.2 Discussion

Mecronmancer, he is not alone. Not alone at all! A lot of people is complaining about that in the public chat, me included.

Beside combat recon new MM is amazing, never thought that T4 can be so pleasure to play now. <1min wait, half or full teams. Ohmygoshyiss!

and “plant the bomb”…

Also, this is not competitive at all, this is just a full-melee general and teamwork is definitly dead.

Teamwork existed before the new mm?

As for the joining mid game, I’m sure they can add a rule for not adding any more people if captain dies. Right now is probably just no more players after 2 minutes, but as you know captain can die in two minutes or bomb be planted etc.

Guys keep it calm! We are aware of the issues with the new MM and certain game modes. We are already working on fixing it.

Teamwork existed before the new mm?

I rest my case. The vast majority of players are applauding the new MM changes because it’s a step in the right direction. Of course there are bugs to iron out but the overall MM is pretty great as is.

Xerrio, you and Voydwalker are one of the few that are living proof of the eternally dissatisfied customer.

I rest my case. The vast majority of players are applauding the new MM changes because it’s a step in the right direction. Of course there are bugs to iron out but the overall MM is pretty great as is.

Xerrio, you and Voydwalker are one of the few that are living proof of the eternally dissatisfied customer.


I hate when someone refuse to use his brain.

I am not a hater, I am realistic and I see where the problems are and if I was so dissatified from star conflict, I would have left for long and would not have took the time to post on forums!

Having a 2v2 in the first minute of a game decide of the issue of the game because of the C-ops and Recon spam in “combat recon” and “plant the bomb”.

Also, having people coming in a game during a match already started kill any type of strategy and, by the way, the little amount of teamwork there was.


Guys keep it calm! We are aware of the issues with the new MM and certain game modes. We are already working on fixing it.



You see that? It is the proof that developers knows that issue and are working on. Do not do the blind!

No Mecro, there are lots of people that think the same like Xerrio and Voydwalker.


PVE changes are excellent.

New ships are beautiful (except nyx).

New maps are nice too.

Free mercenaries in dread battles - good change.



But PvP is ruined for me. I don’t mind waiting 2,3 min for full scale PvP battles. However last week i was playing lot of t4 battles 2x2 and it was ridiculous. Teamwork and strategy are ruined. If somebody likes brainless flying around and shoot, shoot, shoot  than he is maybe satisfied. Adding people in the middle of a battle totally changes situation on the battlefield, situation that whole team struggled to achieve. After that i didn’t play pvp battles “except” tournaments and dreads. I m waiting something to change.


There was batter solution - merging T4 and T5 maybe - creation of one pro tier for competitive and wanna be competitive players. MM - creation of  index of a player  and distributing players according to that. That is all that has to be done in order for this game to become excellent. As I see it, it is not much. And of course  advertising, but that is different topic.



ok thats it, shut down the servers and revert the patch with the stupid joining midfight this instant!! i just joined a game where the cap was dead somehow in the very first seconds, everyone had 0 score and the mm kept adding ppl to the game, myself included. couldnt even spawn just sat there and waited for the few ships alive to die in order to loose. basically revert all changed u made to pvp until u find a better solution. STOP THE INSANITY. thanks …


Absolutely no, there are things that must be correct like the rush on cap before more people join but apart that the new MM is the best thing happened to Sc since a lot of time.


It’s not mindless pew pew, it’s how the game worked till the population dropped and how il was designed to be. If you want tactics and strategies: form a squad. It’s how it always worked.

So far this is my impression with the PvP MM:


  • The new MM is a step in the right direction, but as it is now, it is unplayable. Short matches + 2 min lags while people join the game makes me quit PvP till it is fixed.


I know it will be fixed, and I will return by then, but currently, it is not worth the time.


For PVP, things have to change in the good direction, not into this one. Star conflict is an arcade shooter with teamwork based gameplay.

If you just want to pew pew, then it should only have 1 kind of ship that you could upgrade like you want. Where would be the interest of playing an Engineer or a Command if you play alone? Where is the interest of playing a game where there is no strategy but multiple classes? Everyone in a team have a role and it is what the devs want to teach to the new players with their new videos. If games starts with only 2 players and people keeps coming after, this is the death of teamwork, everyone do whatever he  can and focus on the near target and die alone instead of waiting its team to respawn… if this is not combat recon or plant the bomb…


Another recently discovered problem: people coming into a game lost will just have to buy new ammunitions for nothing.


Best thing? My xxxx. It kills diversity of gameplays: C-ops and Recon spam for the win. And also: “forming a squad”? Then what is the interest of the soloQ? Star conflict is not only for groups.



Agree. I wait for updates.

Before 1,2 i stopped playing PVP for a biiiiiiiig while. Now that i try the new system i really like it despite the numerous issues it has brought with it. T4-5 was dead to me before, now it offers big battles that require different setups, with players joining in and changing the tide of the battle, situations were you suddenly see yourself overwhelmed by enemies and fall back a little to realise theres a big pack of friendlies behind, too many things happens too fast, theres so much rush it gets chaotic sometimes…its just so great!!! :DDD i love it. Big battles come with big fun, i really like diversity and massive stuff (“size always matters”, Planetside 2). Also i feel i can finally use the good ships that were piling so much dust. SP ships are like my first premium ships :'D and they look/perform so good! (i can even fit them in many ways, wich prevents me to get bored from a ship). Balance seems better now; i no longer feel like im the only guy doing the 50% of the entire team work (or more). Monolith is really awesome for PVPing (and also looks amazing, makes you think you are in a real city flying between skycrappers). I still havent tried new spec ops but im sure ill get surprised for good with that destroyer.

Any way i could call many other impresions about the latest patch, but important is that the new aspects on the game are really driving this to the right track. Im confident that most of this important issues that showed up at 1,2 update will be adressed in a proper way. Right now i feel that my latest posts on the forum are a lot more constructive critics than just pointing the xxxx and ask to finally fix that crap :stuck_out_tongue:

Side note: teamwork on random PVP queue? if you mean something else than going after objectives and flying next to friendlies i dont know what you mean xD…imo teamwork is just like it was before 1,2; having players that join later on the game doesnt mean they will play like an autistic (sorry if that offends any one). Also, imo having ships joining after the game has started feels a lot more realistic and seems a nice touch (when in real life war a military group waits for their enemies to form up and attack at the same time in equal numbers?). I think im boring many guys when i name once again Planetside 2, but thing is that that game has so many well made elements (that make me rejoice when i play it), and SC is getting close to those elements that fits well in here, GJ devs.


I enjoyed reading a comment well wrote so I will answer it ^^


I must admit that the current gameplay in soloQ is like it always have been: a random wtf x)

But like I said, the new video tutorials are here to help this to stop.

When you look at league of legends wich is a teamwork related game, there is a “meta-game” where everyone knows where to go on the map (or almost…lol) that is not present in star conflict.

And Planetside 2 is more like a pitched battle. I like this game, yes, but you are forced to mount a squad to be efficient or to play sniper alone. This is the same thing happening in star conflict atm: C-ops/Recon/LRF alone or mount a squad to do something.


Star conflict is not “realistic” at all and should not be. It is a game where each team should have the same amount of chances to win :slight_smile:

So the fact that each team have new players incoming to the battle should be whether avoided or regulated like new wave of 3 new players each x minutes for example ^^ … OH WAIT! THIS AN IDEA O.O Making star conflict an arcade shooter with waves of players incoming to the battle during time?? In any PVP gamemode :smiley: Heeeyy, what do you think of it? :smiley:

A timer on the top of the screen until the next wave of players :smiley:

Players of the next wave are spectators with a text on the screen: “You are the back-up, time before arriving to battle is: %timer%”

New incoming people could see what ships are in-battle and counter-pick :slight_smile:

This could create a forever-changing meta based on skill and knowledge :smiley:


Of course this does not resolve the problem for plant the bomb…or maybe with a shorter timer…?

I rest my case. The vast majority of players are applauding the new MM changes because it’s a step in the right direction. Of course there are bugs to iron out but the overall MM is pretty great as is.

Xerrio, you and Voydwalker are one of the few that are living proof of the eternally dissatisfied customer.

I am satisfied with the new mm but there are always things to improve. There isn’t any more or less teamwork, there are simply more people which creates chaos. I actually tell people that the quick match maker is a good thing when people complain…


For PVP, things have to change in the good direction, not into this one. Star conflict is an arcade shooter with teamwork based gameplay.

If you just want to pew pew, then it should only have 1 kind of ship that you could upgrade like you want. Where would be the interest of playing an Engineer or a Command if you play alone? Where is the interest of playing a game where there is no strategy but multiple classes? 


And that’s exactly what happens in small matches like 5vs5. One good veteran can constantly kills your “team based ships” completely destroying the team-based meta.


Meanwhile in bigger matches i see more veterans using command, engi and"not killers" recons. Instead of: cov ops , lrf and tacklers.

Teamwork never (or it was rare) existed in small matches, where do you saw that? Sorry but in my experience that never happened. As always if you want to play in such way is better if you squad up. In bigger matches you can equip “team based ships” and be useful, more than in small games.


One quick question: why in small recon games when a veteran is not the captain he NEVER take an engi to help? 'Cause it’s much more easy to kill the cap in small games…

Maybe teamwork and strategy aren’t best words - tactics is.  In this kind of situation one can’t count on anything - positioning, number of players, even what ship to take because everything changes rapidly and it just becomes chaos. And result is mindless pew pew but maybe its not bad because I see lot of guys here like it (I don’t - but if it is good for the game then ok  :(  ).


Entering almost finished games is not a good thing.

Starting 1x1 or 2x2 is not a good thing.

Entering without notifying other players is not a good thing. Maybe if new players enter  battle in waves (every 1 min but only in first half of  a battle) as suggested and with very visible notification (sound, voice and on screen) to existing players - “New wave is entering the battle in - 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1” + timer so existing players have time to prepare and adjust for new forces on the battlefield  or something like that. 


Teamwork does not exist in soloQ for the moment but the video tutorial (damn, I said it so much today :p) are a begining for teaching players how to play in team ^^ (even small ones).

Like I said above: MOBAs like league of legends and DoTa 2 are a good example of soloQ with teamwork and meta. You will rarely see two junglers in the same team because everyone knows where they can go (in general…lol). This is not present in Star Conflict and is always a random wtf pitched battle.


We shouldn’t talk about the skills of players but only about balance between teams (classes, MM…) so I will avoid the out of subject and stay with my primary idea of waves.



I’m happy that you share my point about waves ^^

It’s more important to play than it is to have a perfect and to-exact-expectations game every time. When people wait for 4 minutes for a game, they stop queueing. If you get a bad game, queue up for another one. Squad up if you’re upset with your pub teammates.

The playerbase is suddenly stronger than it’s ever been in my entirety of playing it (now a year and 2 months) as a direct result of this change so your opinions are not only in the minority but are also not based on facts.


Without this fix, at least temporarily, the game dies. You might not like the alternative, but this is what you have. If you want to complain, do so productively and with respect to the single greatest change that’s been made to this game. Is it buggy? Yes. Can the devs fix that with time? Yes. Are there other problems? Absolutely. Can we notify and offer productive solutions? You bet.


If you can’t do that, then be quiet and deal with it. Being loud does not make you right.


I’m sure they can add a rule for not adding any more people if captain dies. 

As I’ve already said we will disable the killing of a captain until there will be enough players in the match. But it will take some time to fix it all, please be patient.




As I’ve already said we will disable the killing of a captain until there will be enough players in the match. But it will take some time to fix it all, please be patient.



Will there be a time limit on this? Might be a bit awkward if the captain is invincible all match if no more players join…