Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion

Dear Devs,

please contact me when you are ready to sell the game.


I noticed a 50% drop via Steam chart.

From over 1k peak players to 654 daily now.


This says enough about this update.

I was wondering WTF is with my Sawtooth, then saw you moved TTC to 12-15. Swagtooth is r11. What a dong move -.-

I was wondering WTF is with my Sawtooth, then saw you moved TTC to 12-15. Swagtooth is r11. What a dong move -.-

Yep I lost my 2 t3 TTC’s :frowning:

Well I’ve not noticed any +/- 3 ranks, but definitely +/- 2. Why is this occuring devs? And why was this possibility not mentioned in the patch notes? Should I make a bug report? Really, a lot more clarity regarding matchmaker is required. I know you are constantly tweaking it, but still.


I noticed a 50% drop via Steam chart.

From over 1k peak players to 654 daily now.


This says enough about this update.


check this:


Moar ppl played this game around beta release on steam than after “true” release of da game  :012j:

Yeh, I’d like to see actual player numbers, not just Steam users. There was an earlier post saying daily actives was much above my 500-1000 guesstimate, but sitting in queue suggests otherwise.

I was wondering WTF is with my Sawtooth, then saw you moved TTC to 12-15. Swagtooth is r11. What a dong move -.-


Wow. Really? I hadn’t check my Sawtooth. Well crap, that makes 2 premium pirate ships gutted for no good reason. First the Reaper with no Adaptive Shields, and now the Sawtooth with no Target Tracking Co-processor.  :fed014:



This patch is too much change, too late into the game’s life. We have been out of Beta for a long time now, and this sort of change is a Beta-level change. Heck, this is the type of change that you usually see in games still in Alpha! The concept itself is not a horrible idea, in fact I would say that the concept is great.


But it has been horribly, horribly executed.


Completely destroying PvP by eliminating squad play and limiting it to ‘Leagues’ with only Rank 13-15 ships? How does that make any sense? Now team-play is end-game content? PvP is this game’s core game type! And this is a massive online multiplayer game! Other games can support squad play without issue, so do some research on successful games; don’t just amputate that feature.


Now you have old vets with tons of gear and builds that they poured countless hours into, only to have those builds suddenly become obsolete due to higher tech becoming available, or modules being moved to higher ranks. I don’t know about others here, but I am not about to waste more of my time re-grinding for better gear on ships that were just fine before the patch.


You have new players that might have been able to comprehend the tier system just starting out, but now that the switch has happened, they have no idea what’s going on unless they read the forum. At present, the patch note views are at 2,339 views. So your english-speaking playerbase is probably somewhere around the 1.5 to 2K mark (considering the notes have probably been ‘viewed’ multiple times by multiple people). That’s a scary low number for a game like this.


Overall, this is a huge mess. You’ve gutted your main game mode, nullified hundreds of hours worth of player investment, made tech progression and compatibility super confusing for new players, and pulled an Alpha-level progression change on a Post-Beta release.


Not much else I can say.

The real comparison for Star Conflict I think is War Thunder. If they can get SConf up to WT’s levels, that would be a huge gain for the company. Comparing to Dota 2 or Fallout is totally apples and oranges currently.

The real comparison for Star Conflict I think is War Thunder. If they can get SConf up to WT’s levels, that would be a huge gain for the company. Comparing to Dota 2 or Fallout is totally apples and oranges currently.

This game is much more complicated than war thunder arcade battles. Hence people won’t play it that much.


In War Thunder you don’t have to know how to fly a plane. Just chase your cursor and fire at the baddies. No modules, no builds, just a steady progression, the next module is always the better.

The real comparison for Star Conflict I think is War Thunder. If they can get SConf up to WT’s levels, that would be a huge gain for the company. Comparing to Dota 2 or Fallout is totally apples and oranges currently.


More like comparing apples and tomatoes. Sure, a tomato is technically a fruit, but is it ever viewed in the same way as an apple? nope.


I would love to see SC get to have the player base that WT has. At peak times, War Thunder has well over 100k players logged in. At a minimum, I haven’t seen less than 15k online ever. Unlike SC, where you are lucky if the peak will have 1.5-2k players online total. In most times, there are only 1k or less logged in (prob less than 400-500 in US primetime).


But, look at why WT has a much larger player base:

-War Thunder is widely advertised.

-War Thunder is multi-platform (PS4 support was added not too long ago).

-War Thunder has a much better monetizing strategy, one that works better for the devs and the players.

-War Thunder devs take the time to create good patches that are relatively bug free, and have a large public test server for people to join for the week or two prior to the patch to make sure everything works.

-War Thunder servers are higher quality.

-War Thunder makes it possible to get games in only the regions you select (granted, a higher player base makes this possible, but it still helps).

-War Thunder makes it very easy to play with friends, there are no squad matchmaking restrictions. Simply a max squad size of 4.

-War Thunder has better team communication. The preset voice commands that are auto-translated to every supported language make it very easy for teams to communicate where to go, who to shoot, who to help, or w/e with this presets.


The only downfalls of War Thunder that I find:

-The grind in War Thunder is slightly worse than in SC. This is simply due to the fact that there are more vehicles to choose from (5 countries, each one with 30-60+ vehicles)

-Very few tournaments or events (like seccon-ish things) for Squadrons (corporations) to compete in.

-Russian vehicles tend to be buffed to be slightly better than the other countries.


Looking at the pros list, SC has the capability to do many of those things, many of which seem to be common sense, but yet, the devs won’t…


-War Thunder has a much better monetizing strategy, one that works better for the devs and the players.

-War Thunder devs take the time to create good patches that are relatively bug free, and have a large public test server for people to join for the week or two prior to the patch to make sure everything works.



I laughed my xxxx of these two sentences. Really? are we playing the same War Thunder?

Notice anything wrong with this picture?



Notice anything wrong with this picture?



You are playing with a rank 11 ship (minotaur most likely) and you are against rank 9 ships with rank 15 modules.


Well, those rank 9 ships can also have rank 12 modules in case you didn’t noticed. And you can face rank 13 as well.


For me it is great.

Notice anything wrong with this picture?



If the V eclipse is hat you mean,they added mk5 blueprints for all class specific weapons.

btw there are mk5 weapons for every tier but devs just don’t want to give them to everyone…

If the V eclipse is hat you mean,they added mk5 blueprints for all class specific weapons.

btw there are mk5 weapons for every tier but devs just don’t want to give them to everyone…

I already wrote a suggestion long ago about this.

It was read, but it will probably be never implemented.

If the V eclipse is hat you mean,they added mk5 blueprints for all class specific weapons.

btw there are mk5 weapons for every tier but devs just don’t want to give them to everyone…


No, my point is that I’m using a rank 15 mkV weapon against potentially rank 9 mk 2 ships and that this is totally unfair. Even if they are properly kitted out rnk 9 ships, that’s still a huge difference. Indeed I got a Harvester medal that game, in an engi.

There are alot of things to say about this patch, however most of it has already been said so I’m gonna address the (to me) most important things. 


>> Removing 3+man squads from pvp is a bad move as it cripples one of this game’s greatest feature; teamplay with friends. I can however see the reason to why this was implemented, you say some squads were too powerful, and that made the battles unbalanced. I can agree on that from what I have seen what disaster veterans in killsquads could bring upon new players in T2, while I was there leveling my alt account. They were indeed a big problem as they were blocking the flow of new people getting hooked to the game, I’m sure Star Conflict lost alot of potential veterans just because of this. But on the other hand, in their defense, these same n00bstomping vets complained about bad MM, long queue as well as a lack of incentive to play T5. A frustration which I shared, but I didn’t farm T2 for that.

I’m not sure though, if you really are attacking the core of the problem, well say, the right way. I can only hope that you will rethink this soon, and instead of adding more restrictions maybe you should seek solution in the other end. After all, people will always find a way to abuse a system in a game, find the weakest link in every released patch and use it to their advantage. 

Anyway, Developers, I am abit disheartened that I can no longer play in 3 or 4man squad in pvp, though I would find it more forgiving if you removed the squad restrictions at least for old “T5” r13-15 whatever it’s called now.  


>> As for the SC Leagues; I like the idea. I tried it today. It has potential, the simplicity in its design, teamwork as it’s core, but also the touch of varied competition, an element I like. However, I just learned today that this group can only contain 6 players at max, and 4 of these has to be online during the time this battle mode is open, and what more - you are only allowed 5 substitutions within 3 months?! What is this madness? I fail to see how *this* new mode with these restrictions could possibly substitute for loosing the option to squad in pvp?? Please Developers, rethink this soon! We want to play with our friends, but this will work poorly in the long run; 6 people in a team are bound to be online at the same time, and with no or little option to swap some players if they cannot be available just to get a game? I would understand this better if the max nr of teammembers were higher and also changing the 4v4 to at least 6v6 or 8v8!


>> Dreadnought battles. The amount of fake attacks are still ridiculous; as are the battles against bots. We want an actual game vs actual players. This game mode still needs some fixing in my opinion.


>> The new ranking and module system is interesting. It has it’s weakpoints, you can abuse it as it is now, but fixing that maybe this will be better than tier-system. Too soon to say. Anyway, this change made me fly ships I havent touched in months, which is good, with change comes new possibilities so in that way it’s entertaining as it gently forces you to do things differently.  


PS, I will patiently be awaiting any improvements regarding squadding in pvp and/or at least removal of restrictions concerning team sizes in Leagues… :012j:

 I can however see the reason to why this was implemented, you say some squads were too powerful, and that made the battles unbalanced. I can agree on that from what I have seen what disaster veterans in killsquads could bring upon new players in T2, while I was there leveling my alt account. They were indeed a big problem as they were blocking the flow of new people getting hooked to the game,


Not even close. I was one of those new players just recently. I had a 2+ kill/death ratio when I was in T2. I’ve never seen these alleged kill squads.

More like comparing apples and tomatoes. Sure, a tomato is technically a fruit, but is it ever viewed in the same way as an apple? nope.


I would love to see SC get to have the player base that WT has. At peak times, War Thunder has well over 100k players logged in. At a minimum, I haven’t seen less than 15k online ever. Unlike SC, where you are lucky if the peak will have 1.5-2k players online total. In most times, there are only 1k or less logged in (prob less than 400-500 in US primetime).


That’s because they advertise War Thunder. I’ve seen ads for it on Youtube. Never seen a Star Conflict ad anywhere though.