Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion

I propose a solution to both of these problems: 


Allow players to create a group that will force the matchmaker to place them all in the same game. The players will be separated under normal matchmaking conditions to ensure that the teams are fair and players that are not in the group can (and should) be added into the game, but all players from the group should be in the same match. This way, players who want to play together will be able to without making matches super unbalanced, and it will not take away players from the public matchmaking queue.  These groups could be any size (from 2 players up to max wing size) allowing for any sized groups to get into battle. Matchmaker for the battles would function identically to the normal matchmaker, except for placing the group in the same match. Thus battles would look and feel the same, but would have the advantage of being able to play and enjoy the game with friends.

That’s actually a good idea, I think. I don’t particularly care if I’m playing with or against friends, but not being able to choose at all is just terrible.

So basically the idea is to implement the lobbies idea above, or rework customs? Not being judgmental and saying it’s good/bad, just trying to understand the essence of it.

I really like getting into a battle where one player ahs already disconnected and one never connected.


I had a 1v2 the other day, but a 2v4 seems like it would be harder as both people on team must be able to deal with two.

I just realized: with no organised squads, random frigballs just became OP.

and people wonder why I set my gunships up the way I do.

Either the matchmaking has already been changed, or is not working as described.

With a set of all rank 10 ships, I was matched with players using rank 12 ships. (+2). ***(after writing this post, it didn’t happen again)***

Also, f the matchmaker is limited to +1 or -1, I should only see 2  ranks in any given match. Rank 1+2, 2+3, 3+4, etc. Otherwise the 1 rank rule is broken.

Player A is using 1 rank 8 and 3 rank 9 ships, giving him a matchmaking rank of 9 (his max rank ship).

Player B is using 3 rank 9 ships and 1 rank 10, giving him a matchmaking rank of 10.

Player C is using 4 rank 11 ships, giving him a matchmaking rank of 11.

Even though Player B could match with either Players A (-1) or C(+1), but A and C should never see one another (+/- 2)

2 rank games also means we effectively have 14 chunks- 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, etc. instead of the 5 tiers before, but you could be put into either of 2 chunks- rank 10 could be in a 9-10 game or a 10-11 game.


Skirmish chunks ^ I like it.


I see much protest regarding no more squads in Skirmish. I originally thought this will make dreadnoughts, leagues, tournaments, pve and open space higher priorities for squad-centric players. I’m willing to ride the wave of squadless Skirmish. It will get adjusted according to conditions, data and feedback. It’s rare that I ever ended up in a Skirmish squad anyway. It’s cumbersome to assemble a team for frivolous 5 minute pvp’s when I can enter it alone instead.


I hope this regenerating 4 blue open space missions stays or expands.

It’s significantly more.

Yet Star Gem never shares these numbers (which they might not legally can), it just makes the conspiracy theories of certain users saying that the removal of the ingame player counter actually had nothing to do with the game’s engine all the more credible. Saying that though i do think 500-1K is a bit low of a estimate, i have a feeling it’s closer to 3K, but having that number spread over different times of the day, different regions and different modes still doesn’t make that that big of a number.


Could you please write here about accounts issue? They should help.

Is there actually any chance that you guys/girls will change this part of the game at some point, i actually have quite a bit of extra accounts myself, some of which i actually used GS and premium licenses on which i can’t use anymore because of the account limit. I’m probably a niche part of the community, but coming from MMO’s, creating several accounts isn’t that unusual to me.

I have a feeling this decision came to be because of people abusing the free GS from the friend referral system, but why not have the same system that’s being used now to detect how many accounts you’ve used on the same PC to detect if you’re trying to use the friend referral system on the same PC as the accounts were created on and then just disallow it. This way people can still use different accounts if they so desire and less than scrupulous people get blocked from the friend referral system.


Jaguar is ok as a ship but Cruise engine is op.Target paint-use slowing modules-fire a missile-shoot 3 times with gauss- run 10km away-repeat.

Why is the cruise engine still considered to be OP by some, even after nerfs already, Eviscerador mentioned plenty of counters.


Introduced a number of important changes and fixes on more than 50 battlegrounds, including locations:


Iridium haul

Control Post

‘Poseidon’ Complex

Tracking Station

Corporation shipyards

Research Center


Ice belt

Defiled Solaris Wasteland

Dreadnought Battle

Federation Hangar

Lava Spines

Iridium Mines

Iridium Strand

Abandoned Complex

Mendes IX

Monolith Ruins


Other open space locations

Could we get some more details on this, i don’t expect every single detail to be put into the patch notes, but some general information about these changes would be nice.


3-man and 4-man wings no longer have access to PvP modes

I personally (as a lone wolf player) LOVE this change, because from my personal experiences 9 out of 10 times matches with squads in them would be highly unbalanced because of the other squad being (way) worse than the other squad. Which could be fixed by having a better MM, but seeing how often that system has been changed already i doubt we will ever get a proper MM especially when it comes to squads.

Saying that though, it’s insane that people who want to group up only have Leagues as a option now, as somebody else already mentioned in this thread, why not give them a option to still go into PvP, but they will only be matched against other squads. That or make Leagues a lot easier to get into.

My Jarl feasts on those “invulnerability” jaguars. 500 ms speed + slowing missiles + ML.

Come at me bro.

because slowing missiles are fast enough to hit 700m/s ships…

Why is the cruise engine still considered to be OP by some, even after nerfs already, Eviscerador mentioned plenty of counters.

Because 99% of the tacklers in t5 use it,and because i like to play other ship classes then recon ot another tackler.

Btw he mentioned only 1 general counter a reacon.

Because 99% of the tacklers in t5 use it,and because i like to play other ship classes then recon ot another tackler.

Btw he mentioned only 1 general counter a reacon.


He posted more than 1 counter, but i’ll post some as well.

  • The most obvious is anything recon related.
  • ECM can handle a tackler easily as well even with the tackler having certain implants.
  • Covert Ops doesn’t really have anything to stop the speed of a tackler, but it can disrupt their cloak through plasma web and then easily kill them with their superior DPS.
  • I’m not to confident about the survivability of a Engineer and LRF, but as Eviscerador already mentioned any proper guard should easily shrug of a tackler.
  • Then in general you also have the various slowing and energy draining missiles.

I will mention that i don’t have much experience with the Jaguar in particular, so if that is what most people use nowadays in T5 i can’t really comment on how that ship effects a match.

Might as well post something more about the patch while i’m at it.

Wouldn’t the Launch menu make more sense if the ‘‘Pick Scenario’’ and ‘‘Conquest’’ buttons would swap sides and then move the Galaxy Map to the right of Pick Scenario so the PvE and Pick Scenario buttons would be right next to each other. Maybe even attach them somehow like how it is with PvP and Custom Battle buttons, just somewhat bigger (seeing the Custom Battle button is tiny).


Removed cooldowns between errands, now you can complete them without interruptions.

Slightly reduced rewards for each errand.

Could we do something similar like this to the actual Faction voucher Contracts, there are times were i take a hour break for the sole reason of waiting until the cooldowns of certain contracts have ended (or i’m forced to play with practically no Faction vouchers reward) or i will just stop playing entirely because the contracts aren’t giving me anything worthwile anymore . No cooldowns might be a bit much for these types of contracts, but maybe allow us to go between stations without progress resetting, i always hated how the negative (cooldowns) does stay when you switch stations, but the positive (contract progress) gets reset.

Could we do something similar like this to the actual Faction voucher Contracts, there are times were i take a hour break for the sole reason of waiting until the cooldowns of certain contracts have ended (or i’m forced to play with practically no Faction vouchers reward) or i will just stop playing entirely because the contracts aren’t giving me anything worthwile anymore . No cooldowns might be a bit much for these types of contracts, but maybe allow us to go between stations without progress resetting, i always hated how the negative (cooldowns) does stay when you switch stations, but the positive (contract progress) gets reset.

I already posted all of this concerns in the suggestion section, but nothing came out of it.




I addressed contract cooldowns in more than 1 thread, since I presented multiple options.

However, it seems that they won’t change it, because according to their view, they do not want fast progression, but grind.

Evis, playing small T5 games, you should know, that without crafted ships, your hands are especially tied in a smaller skirmish, if you encounter players who has multiple of them, and you need to carry a bit aswell. Simply because a lot of T5 ships suck compared to those. T5 was never balanced out as well, as T3 was over time. The whole game balance relied mostly on data generated by endless T3 battles in the past. T3 was epicly well balanced, as each R8 and R9 had a purpose in the end, and this balance did not continue into T5, in fact usually, T5 was more the place to find the most imbalanced stuff and many weapons were basicly nerfed because of their T5 experience, while the same concept of them worked fine in T3.

At the moment, the crafted ships therefore not being available to a PvP player, like me, basicly denies a lot of things.


I’m sorry but I don’t follow you here. SP ships are not better than the standard rank 15 ships. Mjolnir is only better than LB if you want to use rails or gauss. Caltrop is by no means better than the Waki AE, the Peregrine is not better than the Falcon M or even the grey falcon. The cyning is a joke, The kraken is on par with the Inquisito AE or the Archdragon. Jaguar is different from Lion Mk2, but not better.


Seriously, SP are not needed to be competitive in tier 5. I could build 6 SP right now with my resources, yet I haven’t, because I don’t feel they are needed.


And yet, doing the daily only takes you 5 minutes per day, at most. If you are not in a hurry, and you don’t want to do all the three dailies.

Peregrine is way better than any falcon, as jag is the best tackler and the command one… Dude c’mon

Ok, so now I’m angry.


You changed everything concerning tiers and ranks, and now MM is +3-3?? So rank 6 can face rank 9???


I have no words. Worst decision in the history of this game.

Peregrine is way better than any falcon, as jag is the best tackler and the command one… Dude c’mon

Dude what? peregrine is by no means better than any other falcon. And the target profile is huge.


Jaguar is not the best tackler. It can compete against the rockwell as the best attack tackler. But the best supporting tackler is still the lion Mk2.


Saw 1 is good, the main problem with the jerry command line is that the Sword and the Sword S are crap. The excalibur is great though.

Ok i’ll write it better: whit right modules peregrine is better than any falcon, no way  Majonlir can face a spark. Octopus can roftlstomp every engi in tier 5. About jag: right “f” module and your anti tackler build is useless… Any sp command without cruise is useless. Happy now?

Honestly guys, you cannot do this. Every time you make a drastic change like this to the system, you lose players, and a part of them never comes back to check what has and what has not been fixed in the next patch.


Now that everyone has seen what this patch is about, you should end your ‘tests’, revert the game back to 1.22 and make a poll whether or not people liked it, if you don’t believe the posts in this thread…

Ok, so now I’m angry.


You changed everything concerning tiers and ranks, and now MM is +3-3?? So rank 6 can face rank 9???


I have no words. Worst decision in the history of this game.

Can developers please explain, what was the main reason for doing such change?

I would like to hear their own feedback on this matter alone.

Please, respond.

Dude what? peregrine is by no means better than any other falcon. And the target profile is huge.

Jaguar is not the best tackler. It can compete against the rockwell as the best attack tackler. But the best supporting tackler is still the lion Mk2.

Saw 1 is good, the main problem with the jerry command line is that the Sword and the Sword S are crap. The excalibur is great though.

Peregrine is better then any COVERT OPS with the right module slots.

Just read it’s passive bonuses and then.

Jaguar IS the best tackler.

Ok, so now I’m angry.

You changed everything concerning tiers and ranks, and now MM is +3-3?? So rank 6 can face rank 9???

I have no words. Worst decision in the history of this game.

So that was the mini patch. -_-

I have no words to describe this stupidity…