Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion

What was the mini-patch about?

I came back to five pages of this thread :frowning:  Can someone do me a TL:DR?

Play Guild Wars 2

Play Guild Wars 2

So it’s real then. =0 Why have we still not met up in-game yet?

I just had a module on my ship to transfer a percentage of damages taken to energy, this energy was usable for diffusion shield, and it worked for both my ship in shield mode (when still have a blue bar) or in shell mode (yellow/orange bar) (sorry i have a localised game in french so to have the exact translation it’s not easy

Now i dont have this module anymore, not exist, has been deleted, and when in shell mode, i can be full energy the diffusion shield dont work, no energy pulled, and shell go down even with full energy, that 's so hard to understand??

I’m a leveling guy, not at endgame, but, i ask myself what did they do with my ship!

Recuperator_Icon.png Energy Recuperation System


the moment you used “F” ability on your command, this module would stop working, because it only worked from “regular” shields, on top of that it would never reduce dmg, only generate energy, dmg staid the same.

So it’s real then. =0 Why have we still not met up in-game yet?

Well, maybe because finding a single person out of 52 000 online at a given time, without knowing his nickname, is not that easy :smiley:

Maroufle knows that, I think what they are saying is that module was removed below r9. Log in and you’ll see the changes.

So you’re being incognito then? =(

Nobody said that special projects are core game though…


Evis, playing small T5 games, you should know, that without crafted ships, your hands are especially tied in a smaller skirmish, if you encounter players who has multiple of them, and you need to carry a bit aswell. Simply because a lot of T5 ships suck compared to those. T5 was never balanced out as well, as T3 was over time. The whole game balance relied mostly on data generated by endless T3 battles in the past. T3 was epicly well balanced, as each R8 and R9 had a purpose in the end, and this balance did not continue into T5, in fact usually, T5 was more the place to find the most imbalanced stuff and many weapons were basicly nerfed because of their T5 experience, while the same concept of them worked fine in T3.

At the moment, the crafted ships therefore not being available to a PvP player, like me, basicly denies a lot of things.


It’s not, that I would not work for it. It’s not even, that I need anything to continue to play per se. But being denied to unlock things i need for my own favourite style of play by my favourite style of play? Why would I play? To be beaten by anyone who has enough GS - and I don’t think that always correlates with money - to buy all those ships?

I am pretty sure, I would not need any “unlockable ships” to play on. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not really an achiever, I am usually an explorer, killer and socializer in any game. My stats reflect that. I even like if my stats are more even. High stats make you arrogant, and arrogance hinders creativity, to rely on numbers to represent you. I do not need to have “all the stuff”, and I accept, some stuff is hidden behind extra effort. The explorer part in me likes to have mysteries.


But I am shown, this is the end of my road so far, now I basicly have to wait until my GS rewards win me enough in the lottery. I brought my own fun and will to play, and finding myself in this circumstance, evaporates that fun and will to play, and this is where the retention problem truly lies.

It’s a game design mistake, to assume, players always need carrots. Player love carrots, yes, at least some of them, and they pay you if hunting the carrot is fun. And if they can even just have fun without carrots, they love to pay even more. It is as so often already argued, a fundamental paradigm shift, that needs to take place in whoever is responsible for the design of this game, for its own good, and I think, that makes people angry, to see it wasted.


One of the most wicked sources of greed is the fear to become poor.

I can understand but I do not share Gizmos anger, btw. so yeah I agree to the “chill” part. :stuck_out_tongue:



To the arena mode:

Creating only one team per pilot? okay. only in 1 team per pilot? Can’t exit it once created? What? 4v4?


My interest in this is so little, I cannot describe it. I mean, why can’t I be part of multiple of these squads? Why segregate the population like this? Okay, might be fun for some! But this can be done a lot more elegantly, without overloading the database, because actually, seeing how the same player has different results in different combinations would be even a goldmine for statistical data. I see that done by Blizzard by tracking stats of every squadgame you do in ladder, you would even allow us to create our peer circles, but why stop there and not let anybody create his 6-squad? Why waste a perfect opportunity to gather more statistics? It’s not like databases are one of the cheaper problems to solve in any product…? After all, that is the main part which is async anyway, usually…


But all this for the price of even less focus on squads in pvp, still no focus on pvp players, still no monocrystals except doing the dailies?

This sounds more like a capitulation, a surrender of the squad problem, than a true solution.


Why not address real issues, …

Like lifting the corp vs. corp squad regulation? Vets love bashing vets, and it always gives good games if two prepared 4 squads meet each other inbetween the randoms, I am sure, most people remember such battles, and they were always epic and fun.

Or bring the opportunity back to have multiple squads playing, even give players the actual incentive to squad up? It’s not so far fetched! After all, you say, squads are stronger as squad (hahaha), so they are a challenge to other players, so give opportunities to get more income by beating squads, or being in squads.

Like the GS-1 MM rules that were reported aeons ago, and nobody is still sure if they are really gone?

Like quests, with client side counters, which should ensure, that you play several matches, but only ensure, that people rejoin on purpose to reset said counter, crashing servers during these events?

And please the reaction should not be to focus on how to not allow players back to their games, like once tried anyway… but that the master server needs expansion, and you should not hinder a hamster to hamster, just let the Koromacs unlock everything and tell us about its mysteries. (*wink koro sry*)

Or like the same (I assume) client side security that should disallow players creating hoarder accounts, to circumvent several key decisions in the game design, like trade, or restrictions in the MM based on their past?

Simple SQL statement and some research why people do what they do usually is part of the game design process, to invent rules to regulate such unforseen consequences. Not paranoid rules that hurt more than they fix, and are even done in a patchwork way. It’s wasted resources.

No, I am personally not affected by all these problems, I am just giving a list of all comes to mind. I try to be constructive here.


Look at Keen, the community wanted planets in their space game, and instead of saying “sorry, we only do space, our engine cant do that”, they went and friggin implented it! They were not too proud to see the crisis as an opportunity to grow! And thats a cheap boxed title!

I want just to remind anyone, the biggest strength of Star Conflict was to come online, and get into a larger battle of spaceships that pewpew. We all accepted that it had a progression system, and most players sticked to the game, because it had potential to invite friends to learn it, even if they were not as good in piloting, or even not so much into space games, and even if we had to hide the fact of grind from them. Since it was free, inviting friends was cool.

The game was at its finest, when you simply had your set of ships, already fully or at least well developed, you knew how to use them, go into battle, and meet large fleets or even new players to hang out with. Large games full of good players were sometimes so extreme, that you kept on playing until you ran out of adrenaline. Thats why in the past, many of the vets fought for faster progression, so any skill level can focus on skill instead of color. Some of this finally has arrived, so kudos to that.


I seriously doubt this patch took this to the next level in all ways, tho. I don’t get the big fun battles. So there is still work to be done, and some concepts to be overthought.

I agree, the automated tournaments don’t excite me. Mainly because I’m (still) in t3, so I don’t qualify anyway.

They should focus on reworking the ship tree and reducing the grind imo, so that the overall game is more accessible to new and f2p players. Also working on outreach and marketing. Many problems will go away with bigger player pool.

Edit; may have misunderstood tourney and squad issues, oops.

We tried ELO-based mm with squads and it didn’t work, squads were too imbalanced. Why don’t you want to play in Leagues? You are pretty skillful and experienced player.




He’s talking for people like me and my 2 friends who are less than a month into the game, Pretty average and not nearly game-breaking on a team.

Now we’re all Rank 6 and below and I’m sure atleast one of us would quit before we reach rank13 cause they didn’t have the chance to play in a squad which makes half the fun in the game.


Good Job.

hmm the league is allready boring. just rush beacons :slight_smile: the point system should be according to how many points u get in the game. maybe thats the plan cause i really dont understand the +xxx counter everytime i hit something.

Also you do not remove the 4man squads… if u had to then atleast let the 3man squads stay. The only fun i had in this game was to be able to form a 4man squad and “HULK SMASH” everything.

To much gets changed… every new gameplay gets boring quickly.

its hard for most teams to get 8 players + 2 reserve but i dont believe getting 6 should be that hard since it doesnt have to be in the corp only. well what about just 5 then … its sure alot better then just 4 :slight_smile:

SQ needs changes. like u get 60% and can only get 4 attackers daily and maximum of 6v6. the SQ idea is great if u had 50k active in that time … but u dont :slight_smile: so narrow it down to less attacks and less wings.

please remove cruise engine.



i give this patch 2 points out of 10. the 2 point are for the reverse thruster in t2 XD

hehe rightclick ur name :slight_smile: i found out

Lol, please remove cruise engine. That would help me out in pvp, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.

Convert Cruise Engine to Open Space mode only and make it yellow (GS module) or craftable only for Open Space without GS!

It is very useful, so at least all yellow modules (Spatial Scanner, Extended Hull and Cruise Engine should be mandatory unequipped), when playing PvP to avoid such issues.

Btw, critical chance on T5 Spatial Scanner, maybe others as well, got raised from 7-9% now!

Recuperator_Icon.png Energy Recuperation System


the moment you used “F” ability on your command, this module would stop working, because it only worked from “regular” shields, on top of that it would never reduce dmg, only generate energy, dmg staid the same.


Yes maybe, i dont remenber this icon but if it was the only one doing that maybe…

it worked well, i didnt care of it no reducing damages but juste taking the energy that was stopped by the “F” ability, and on the other hand, if even it was desactivated, i always had energy close to top and IT WORKED for the SHELL of the ship, not only for the blue shield, now if push “F” whatever when/where, if i have no blue shield and whatever energy i have, i get full damaged and see my ship explode.

For me the core of the game was to play with friends in PvP. Fun, tactical and good times. Now it’s gone. Now I will no longer try to lure my friends into Star Conflict as beginners : I would not be able to play WITH them. The league will not replace this. PvE is not fun. OpenWorld is boring and slow and empty… And yeah, even in 4-squad againt Kurdi and its pals, though badly beaten, it was enjoyable. More than solo games were no one care for no one, where the engi is not protected, where people are not used to play together, collectively…


Well, seriously, I might stop the game here. Though, I’m one of the last one of my Corp still playing. Still hesitating, but…


Sure, I count only as ONE opinion. So, what the hell…


But my position to torally boost this game is : being in a corps SHOULD allow you to HELP new players from your corp : to fly with them, to give them some of your old stuff, to give them some money. In short, to make their experience better and to feel welcomed (not fed upon) and supported.


Chalain (CBR)

I just realized: with no organised squads, random frigballs just became OP.

For me the core of the game was to play with friends in PvP. Fun, tactical and good times. Now it’s gone. Now I will no longer try to lure my friends into Star Conflict as beginners : I would not be able to play WITH them. The league will not replace this. PvE is not fun. OpenWorld is boring and slow and empty… And yeah, even in 4-squad againt Kurdi and its pals, though badly beaten, it was enjoyable. More than solo games were no one care for no one, where the engi is not protected, where people are not used to play together, collectively…


Well, seriously, I might stop the game here. Though, I’m one of the last one of my Corp still playing. Still hesitating, but…


Sure, I count only as ONE opinion. So, what the hell…


But my position to torally boost this game is : being in a corps SHOULD allow you to HELP new players from your corp : to fly with them, to give them some of your old stuff, to give them some money. In short, to make their experience better and to feel welcomed (not fed upon) and supported.


Chalain (CBR)

+1. Playing with friends matters more than all the negatives of killsquads. Period.

And don’t hesitate to voice your opinion. If people agree with you, they’ll speak up too. That’s how we show them that there’s a real problem - the greater the voice, the more they’ll listen to it.

great league only team qued 23.00 we met GoD 2 times and they dint wanted to lose to us all the time so they stopped playing.

Great League

By using a Destructor…




Won’t change anything, becon rush in small match is unstoppable. Something that who played the OLD sector conquest know well as the fact that the day follow the night.



I don’t disagree, but quite a few players join this game as part of a multi-friend group, often of three or four friends. Preventing them from playing together will very heavily damage their experience, and those are the new players that we need most - enfranchised gamers that dig in and are willing to support this game on a serious level. If I’d joined when this change was around, I might not have stayed. I joined to play with my friends too.




I understand your position. But squads were too overpowered, they just annihilated all, no one could withstand against them. Large squads are for hardcore players and vets, just like you. And all vets have access to Leagues (which are in the test mode now, maybe allowed ranks will be also reconsidered). 


I do like how you have gotten rid of squads because a) kill squads are really OP and b) it was very hard to get matches as a squad in the first place. 


On the other hand, I really enjoy playing with large group of people, especially when the battle is mostly your group and you are fighting each other. Solo queuing can accomplish this most of the time, but sometimes groups of players are separated into different games and it sucks that you cant play with part of your group. The solution to this use to be custom battles, but those no longer give rewards and had the added effect of removing large groups of players from the public matchmaker. 


I propose a solution to both of these problems: 


Allow players to create a group that will force the matchmaker to place them all in the same game. The players will be separated under normal matchmaking conditions to ensure that the teams are fair and players that are not in the group can (and should) be added into the game, but all players from the group should be in the same match. This way, players who want to play together will be able to without making matches super unbalanced, and it will not take away players from the public matchmaking queue.  These groups could be any size (from 2 players up to max wing size) allowing for any sized groups to get into battle. Matchmaker for the battles would function identically to the normal matchmaker, except for placing the group in the same match. Thus battles would look and feel the same, but would have the advantage of being able to play and enjoy the game with friends.