Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion


I understand your position. But squads were too overpowered, they just annihilated all, no one could withstand against them. Large squads are for hardcore players and vets, just like you. And all vets have access to Leagues (which are in the test mode now, maybe allowed ranks will be also reconsidered). 



Bad move, if the first time you can actualy squad with more then 1 friend is at rank 13 then i have to say this is a very bad idea. If this was the case when i joined if would have quit after a month, it s the main reason and difference i play this game. I suppose a lot of people would agree. 

Squads are not for hardcore and vet players only, people play in squads to talk to their friends, have fun, share an experience, learn from each other,… not only to stomp beginners.

I agree with what has been said earlier, seems you chose for the easiest solution, instead of trying to find a working balanced matchmaker that works with squads. You actualy just removed squads and didnt try to balance anything. 


Leauge is just the old sector conquest, same mod, same squad size. Only now we had to battle the same people 5 times in a row, Due to the fact we our only 4 players they constantly try to recon rush us, wich sometimes succeed, even tho they didnt got more then 3 kills all players combined, enoying.


Rank system may work, had regular t3 pvp matches, were not more difficult then usual, have to see how it works out when its less new and less players are online to try it out.

okay, this patch is not the end of the world, but i have one real complaint.



Please, please, please. Don’t kill my commands.


I get the engineers, they’re burst-healers and it makes sense. I’ve adapted to it.


Command ships though… really? the nerf to the passive running wasn’t too bad at least, but i feel like command ships should be providing a medium-high level of resistance constantly, rather than flying around splashing out a medium weak resistance and suddenly going over 9000 (before being blown up by some camper in an LRF that hasn’t moved all match).



i can’t quite remember if it is energy dependant like the engineer ones, but it’s setting up a scenario of the “indestructible guard” where a command is buffing it with huge resistance from an oversized capacitor and an engineer is healing the living crap out of it. I’m seeing this in PvP a lot at the minute. Guard ships hiding, popping up, torpedoes away, heal, rinse and repeat…

Ahhhh… you haven’t met my Jaguar, have you? The last time a frigate shrugged at it, said frigate ended up as a red cloud dispersing peacefully into space.

My point is, commands and gunships have more firewpower against frigates. Of course a tackler can take down frigates…


Jaguar is ok as a ship but Cruise engine is op.Target paint-use slowing modules-fire a missile-shoot 3 times with gauss- run 10km away-repeat.

Yeah, that is a valid tactic against interceptors, but nothing any other tackler can’t do atm…


Crap, that’s out? I have to pick that up. Not have to. NEED TO. Gah.



Has been out since 10th of November. Dude, in which cave do you live? Didn’t noticed the 4 GB patch on the Starcraft launcher? 

Another point. Okay, if you’re going to take away our squads, PLEASE, only take them for PvP. Squad PvE and Squad Open world is invaluable. ESPECIALLY in open world due to the instancing system in zones whereby we could get split up. I can see why you’ve done it.


then again i haven’t had the time to try this

Can i have the ship back at the place where they belong? 

At the bottom of the screen, not in the middle! You! You dev that did this again, you know who you are… you already tried that and reverted back after few days of people complains some months ago.

It’s already time to revert it back. Hurry up >:|


Also, all those synergy numbers next to my mouse pointer are annoying stuffs that need to be removed asap. -_-’


The new colors are amazing! One giant hooooooot for the “chav pink” ^_^/ 


P.s. About all the others changes: I don’t care, playing fallout 4 atm. Not happy at all on squad thing. Not at all.

The new patch is great and I found the mixed tiers equipment system interesting because I never seen it. I still have a few problems to address with some game bugs. (I am using Mac 2012 OSX Yosemite with 12 GB RAM)


Some PVE maps likes to crash my game, especially Crimson Haze and Defence Contract. The game crashes when the maps are loading or immediately after I spawn. Others that were sometimes unstable was Fire Support, usually doesn’t crash but crashed once when cruiser spawns in.


Another problem I faced is I can’t login when my ships are in battle. For example, I was playing PVE then my game crashes. I tried to login but it takes forever to load. I usually wait for 15 - 20 mins then I can login successfully. When I login my ships are ready to use. This problem appeared after the patch, before the patch I can login successfully even though my ships were still in battle and rejoin the game.


I hope you could fixed these problems as soon as possible.

Another point. Okay, if you’re going to take away our squads, PLEASE, only take them for PvP. Squad PvE and Squad Open world is invaluable. ESPECIALLY in open world due to the instancing system in zones whereby we could get split up. I can see why you’ve done it.


then again i haven’t had the time to try this

I think it only applies to PvP. you can still squad in PvE and open space.

I think it only applies to PvP. you can still squad in PvE and open space.

Exactly. You guys can find a lot of useful stuff in a patch note :slight_smile:


Check this

Wings of this size can still access the following game modes: Special Operation, PvE, Sector Conquest, Weekend Tournaments, Open Space


Exactly. You guys can find a lot of useful stuff in a patch note :slight_smile:


Check this

I like to suggest to remove the group functionality from PvE and Openspace too. They are OP, I can’t make my dailies because of OP invasion wings, and the bots complained about too strong PvE squads. Why just the PvP players should suffer?

The PvP mode is the ONLY Optional gamemode, nobody get forced to play PVP.

Is there any option to turn those reports off?







Those screenshots were taken in the 6 seconds interval. Those kill reports stayed in the middle of the screen for some time more. It was pretty difficult to dodge those blue balls of plasma from the mini-boss…


I like to suggest to remove the group functionality from PvE and Openspace too. They are OP, I can’t make my dailies because of OP invasion wings, and the bots complained about too strong PvE squads. 

Thank you for your suggestion!

Exactly. You guys can find a lot of useful stuff in a patch note :slight_smile:

i haven’t had all too much time recently, having issues with family life and main rig, but thanks for keeping the PvE and Open World squad feature becuase it’s definitely of great use


I think it only applies to PvP. you can still squad in PvE and open space.

good, i was genuinely worried that i’d have to abandon SC for fallout 4

I like to suggest to remove the group functionality from PvE and Openspace too. They are OP, I can’t make my dailies because of OP invasion wings, and the bots complained about too strong PvE squads. Why just the PvP players should suffer?

The PvP mode is the ONLY Optional gamemode, nobody get forced to play PVP.

oh i hope you’re joking lmao


although, think of all the rage quititng those poor PvE bots do…

oh i hope you’re joking lmao


although, think of all the rage quititng those poor PvE bots do…

the PvP is really the only optional gamemode. That is the only gamemode where you can’t get any shipparts/monocrystals.

So if you log in every second day and play a lots of PVP without doing anything else, you’ll never have any secret project ship, or orange weapon.

And I’m not joking. Why we only punish the PvP players? We can punish everybody who play this game. That would be more fair. Specially because as I wrote the PVP is optional, the other gamemodes don’t.

the PvP is really the only optional gamemode. That is the only gamemode where you can’t get any shipparts/monocrystals.

So if you log in every second day and play a lots of PVP without doing anything else, you’ll never have any secret project ship, or orange weapon.

And I’m not joking. Why we only punish the PvP players? We can punish everybody who play this game. That would be more fair. Specially because as I wrote the PVP is optional, the other gamemodes don’t.

Nobody said that special projects are core game though…


Also, did you try to level up any ship in open space or PvE? Good luck man…


Gizmo, I know you are angry about some bugs and changes, I share some of your thoughts about the current state of the game. But in the last posts you are letting your anger overcome you.


Just chill man. Let the dust settle and we will see if the squad changes were for good or for bad. Maybe now a lot of people will squad and 2 man squad will be as fun as 4 man was.

I love that those open space missions are now respawning after each docking, but why did you reduce the synergy income from them? Flying to other sector to kill 6 aliens in T2 ship for 1620 synergy is not what I consider attractive. I was using those side missions to kickstart new bought ships to get them to any sensible synergy level (like 2nd or 3rd) before throwing them into PvP grinding machine (no, some ships in PvE are burden and I hate the idea of someone carrying me cause I have to get my Stilletto to synergy level 4 to be any competitive in PvP)

 why did you reduce the synergy income from them?

it’s simple. We do not want to break the game economy.

As i said elsewhere and for the note system for me it’s

[—] INFURIATING AND AWFUL addition or change. Significantly hinders player experience. Ruins something important. Decisions like this can legitimately KILL games.


I was an happy player of a command  fighter, it changed 100% of the gameplay, make it a buffbox, no other use of this ship today…

I really liked the gameplay and i’ll quit the game because my ship is not the same ship.

It’s not an improvement it’s a really insane nerf!

The energy system for the emergency shield is broken, when you have no shield it dont work at all

and when you have a shield you dont have the module that give you energy when you’re getting hits to feed this emergency shield, so survivability is the worse you can get


You should know about MMOs, a player lost is very hard to get back.

Me i dont enjoy my command fighter anymore.


Still my question:

How can the patch notes says that? my ship is no longer playable…


In order to increase the attractiveness of Command fighters we made some changes in the mechanics of active modules for this role that should make the role’s use more situational and interesting.

As i said elsewhere and for the note system for me it’s

[—] INFURIATING AND AWFUL addition or change. Significantly hinders player experience. Ruins something important. Decisions like this can legitimately KILL games.


I was an happy player of a command  fighter, it changed 100% of the gameplay, make it a buffbox, no other use of this ship today…

I really liked the gameplay and i’ll quit the game because my ship is not the same ship.

It’s not an improvement it’s a really insane nerf!

The energy system for the emergency shield is broken, when you have no shield it dont work at all

and when you have a shield you dont have the module that give you energy when you’re getting hits to feed this emergency shield, so survivability is the worse you can get


You should know about MMOs, a player lost is very hard to get back.

Me i dont enjoy my command fighter anymore.


Still my question:

How can the patch notes says that? my ship is no longer playable…


In order to increase the attractiveness of Command fighters we made some changes in the mechanics of active modules for this role that should make the role’s use more situational and interesting.

Excuse me sir, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Command fighters were one of the most stable builds in the game, unchanged for years, except the buff to diffusion shield, and the current buff to resistence modules and speed module.


I mean, it has been the same for years… and they haven’t changed anything this patch, other than 3 modules, which are actually BETTER!

What? what about recons uncloaking and slowing it, ECM stunning, Commands outtanking it, gunship out dpsing it, other tacklers slowing and killing it…


And frigates just shrug at them.


Jaguar is really fun to play, but it is far from OP, mostly because every jaguar is different.

Having both flown with and against Jaguars, as well as flying one myself, I have found the Jaguar entirely counterable. It’s not much different than any previous T5 tacklers, but you do have to build your ships with it in mind.

There’s a certain glass cannon speed build that focuses on total immunity (i don’t know which you have):


  • R8 fed

  • R14 fed or emp

  • R13 emp helps cooldowns

  • R2 jeri


  • cruise engine - the targeting reticle doesn’t work properly on these, so almost nothing can touch you

  • emergency barrier

  • proton wall

(special ability)

  • the one that makes you invisible for 7 seconds every 15 seconds, combined with R13 emp implant


You can see how many ‘invulnerability’ options those are on a single ship, right? You can even drop 1 or 2 from the list and still have it good. Then there’s plenty of room left for damage or resistance or maneuverability mods.


I love that those open space missions are now respawning after each docking, but why did you reduce the synergy income from them?

I didn’t see any difference, besides lower rewards. They were respawning before after docking as well if this is what we’re talking about.