Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion

Excuse me sir, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Command fighters were one of the most stable builds in the game, unchanged for years, except the buff to diffusion shield, and the current buff to resistence modules and speed module.


I mean, it has been the same for years… and they haven’t changed anything this patch, other than 3 modules, which are actually BETTER!


No, no and NO!

My ship is no longer playable, it’s a piece of metal in universe, and before that patch it was a strong ship

Maybe you didnt know how to play it, the only good way to kill me was to drain my energy, on 1v1 situation, now, i get crushed by anaything that can fly, even a bird could shoot me, yes

If you don’t understand what i say, maybe you didn’t know how to play this ship.

I talk about the special module, if you use it and have no shield, the check of your energy is not done and it’s like you didn’t use it.

Before patch it worked, after patch it don’t work anymore

it’s simple. We do not want to break the game economy.

Reduced rewards: (commercial department knows nothing about the game mechanics, hence such actions are given - they are shortsighted or clueless how this game actually works, they only see numbers)

You do not want to break the game’s economy? By increasing the GRIND for a lesser reward? Again?

And what you did in Open Space (errands) is that you just reduced credits and regular synergy rewards by 50%, which makes Premium License bonuses even more useless now.

Even, if now you can get such errands without end, the rewards were fine as they were.

I also suggested a long time ago that such errands should in fact provide alternative rewards - free synergy and loyalty vouchers for both sub-factions of a single faction. If nothing else, Karma points should be added as a plus.


About the interface pop-ups…

I wrote this a few updates back and I was very clear that you should remove it or give us the option to disable it via the option in the Game/HUD menu!

I really cannot stand all this useles pop-ups! They can trigger an epileptic seizure as well, they are so annoying.


About Squad matchmaking:

We already got squadded against other squads, when we had 3-4 people in a group.

Really, a terrible idea! You should not be going solo in the first place. This game is all about team players, not lone wolfs. I mean, you can go solo, but I know that my chances are significantly worse, depending on the setups, I can already see in the first 5-10 seconds, if I am going to win or not.

I always wanted to play, even if I no longer play PvP, because I got everything already. Why? There is no monocrystal drops from Mark 4 Kits in T4 and T5! I only want monocrystals now. The rest is completely irrelevant to me.

Too bad that I can’t build or that corp cannot build some sort of facility or station (Fortress, like Fort Muerto)… We need more new stuff.

I have reached the climax point (not orgasmic, but end-game barrier) and now you did this, just to please some newcomers (n o o b s) to cash-in, before they rage-quit? I played this game long enough to know, that this is the most terrible choice I have ever, never seen before in my gaming. This should be dealt with differently and ASAP.


About SC League:

Give us 6 vs. 6 option at least and I will be happy. it is enough for now, but not 4 vs. 4. Recon Rush should be the new name for SC League.

You could additionally implement TDM SC League, Combat Recon SC League as well! Combat Recon mode Captain should be determined by whoever would pick up the artifact (at least in SC League mode).

I already discussed this before and posted under suggestion section.



Increase MM times by 100% (10 minutes, at least)

MM should not allow joining matches in progress, when there is less than 5 minutes of time left


Combat Recon:

Captain’s Invulnerability should get removed as soon as the first rocket or weapon is fired from him.

This also means that both Captain loose their invulnerability and not just one.




I am quite worried about this patch, most likely because of obvious squad restrictions, which punishes gameplay and hinder social aspect of socialization and mutual cooperation between players.

I believe that this will get fixed and all will be well, but I support all above comments as well. ESB is angry, Russian Community is angry, English Community is angry, but we are patient and understanding as well, because we still expect that this will be fixed.


If it won’t be, then players will leave the game, write a negative review and this means the end of the game, eventually.

I do not want this to happen, nobody does, but if there is no other choice, what else can we do?


We can count on Doomb0t, right?




It is always better to take into account Veteran’s players feedback, than just to look at general statistics, which could be misleading, since a lot of newcomers do not know how to play the game.

Veterans, which have thousands of battles (over a month of real day battles) in the game, is invaluable, while the newcomer will most likely troll, complain or rage about p2w, op squads, etc.

Really, changes because of complaints from newcomers will eventually ruin this game, if it’s going to continue like this.

Do not try to please everyone. This game is not meant to be as easy as pie. You need to use brains to play it! I do not want any further dumb-down options…

I have 15 years xp of MMorpg…

And yes the special module of command fighter is broken

when the main shield is gone, there is no more check for your energy, even full energy and special module active, it’s like it’s not activated, no check is done on your level of energy, your ship break that’s it.

So i log in, i test the game, and i think, ok, it’s still broken, i push leave the game and hope it change or i don’t come back,Good luck to the game though, even without me :slight_smile:

Reduced rewards: (commercial department knows nothing about the game mechanics, hence such actions are given - they are shortsighted or clueless how this game actually works, they only see numbers)

I admit that you know our game very well, but this sentence of yours just doesn’t make any sense. really. Btw, most players are happy about these changes, they can play more and earn more.



I was very clear that you should remove it or give us the option to disable it via the option in the Game/HUD menu!


 does it mean that we should immediately change the game if you write about something :008j:  ?  Btw this task in to-do list for now.

About Squad matchmaking:


understand your position. Thank you.


About SC League:


You know that we are considering 6x6. About other modes: TDM is not suitable for 4x4 also. Combat recon will be reworked, so it’s not the time to use this mode in the Leagues. But again, thank you for reasonable words.


It is always better to take into account Veteran’s players feedback, than just to look at general statistics


I think the better way is to consider both. 



There’s a certain glass cannon speed build that focuses on total immunity (i don’t know which you have):


  • R8 fed

  • R14 fed or emp

  • R13 emp helps cooldowns

  • R2 jeri


  • cruise engine - the targeting reticle doesn’t work properly on these, so almost nothing can touch you

  • emergency barrier

  • proton wall

(special ability)

  • the one that makes you invisible for 7 seconds every 15 seconds, combined with R13 emp implant


You can see how many ‘invulnerability’ options those are on a single ship, right? You can even drop 1 or 2 from the list and still have it good. Then there’s plenty of room left for damage or resistance or maneuverability mods.


I didn’t see any difference, besides lower rewards. They were respawning before after docking as well if this is what we’re talking about.


My Jarl feasts on those “invulnerability” jaguars. 500 ms speed + slowing missiles + ML.


Come at me bro.

My first post was for some reason mod-deleted. Not sure why, it broke no rules and you’d chosen to ignore all of my feedback in the pre-release thread. But alright, I’ll build on it post-release.


  • this update basically destroyed every balance there used to be in what was formerly T4. R12’s are now the only old-T4 ships that are capable of using a high-end build (TTC, Submatter Shield, etc.). Your ‘balance’ revolves around the idea that r10-11 ships should be just ‘improved’ old-T3’s, and shoved r12’s into what once was T5, while you locked out everyone who wished to play high-end builds without having to bother with T5, because T5 gameplay sucks for many people, and you didn’t change that. Unacceptable.


  • killing off squads was the opposite of everything everyone expected you to do. Unacceptable


  • the rank-based MM isn’t that bad, considering it accounts for the changes that have now been made, but the changes kill the gameplay for me. You have killed any and all fun I manage to have in this game with this patch, and a lot of people feel the same way, though they simply don’t care to post in this thread anymore, because they don’t believe you’d listen to them anyway. I, too, have my doubts.


  • while the whole concept of leagues is nice, making them 4v4 despite what experienced pilots said in the pre-release thread is irrational. This is what this ‘league’ is:

But it’s a new feature, and it isn’t expected to be perfect from the beginning, so take your time fixing it.

I have to say though, that it’s genuinely sad that you finally began to post pre-release patch notes, but you ignore any and all feedback you get from them and use them as information boards instead. Really, disappointing.


  • if you’re still ‘testing things’ as you keep saying, you should be doing this on your ‘test server’. I’m not a beta tester, and this game hasn’t been in OBT for a while now. I question your work ethic.


  • bots in SQ. You’re joking, and you’re bad at it.


In other words, this patch focussed on showing the finger to T2 newbs and T4 pilots, while the only competitive gameplay is now in what once was T3 and T5. 1/10 (the 1 point you only get for at least trying to do anything for the vets with your league concept - but like I said, it’s still very flawed, and I’m genuinely uninterested in playing rank 13-15).


So yeah, the game is broken and unplayable for me now. o/

 does it mean that we should immediately change the game if you write about something :008j:  ?  Btw this task in to-do list for now.

understand your position. Thank you.


No, it was the voice of the community. And no, my word isn’t The Law, since I am not someone “influental” from the North Korea. :00555:

Let me give you a link:

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28331-update-121visual-feedback-assist-or-destroy-notifications-and-camera-fov-issue-in-open-space/)

So you will double the amount of the teams with this step? Did you played this game 4v4 on any of the beacon capture map? Did you played the old SQ?

The games should be at least 6v6. And the teams should come simply from corps. In a normal corp at main time you should have at least 1-2x8 player for this gamemode.


Gizmo, I think for this statement you are actually a bit biased from being in OWL, many corps are not as active. And the ones that do have at least 8 players on simultaneously may not want to play the same mode / tier.


maroufle, you’re pretty much the only one I’ve seen claiming Commands are worse, pretty much everyone else I’ve seen discussing it feels they were buffed. Yes, the mechanics changed a bit, so you need to tweak your ship a bit. That’s what happens when they do balance tweaks.

Problem: flew R13 ships only in roster, met a Lightbringer in the enemy team.

PS: and inquisitor S

Problem: flew R13 ships only in roster, met a Lightbringer in the enemy team.

Screenshot maybe?

 with the new system, and in general, there has been a bit of an issue with “good” players farming new players for their stats. This is a problem that gets worse with large scale squads. I’m glad that if people want to play that competitively they need to take it to leagues

Problem: people can still join games with a single ship in their roster.


Screenshot maybe?

We both know i’m a vet in the game to not need to lie.

Problem: people can still join games with a single ship in their roster.


We both know i’m a vet in the game to not need to lie.

Sure. I am not saying that I do not believe you.

Should get fixed, but a screenshot would probably say more than a thousand words.

Is it really a problem if a R13 fights a R15? Sure, they said new MM is +/- 1 rank, but R13 and R15 are just T5 in the old MM. Should be pretty winnable.

The MM has been tweaked.


The rule -1/+1 range doesn’t work anymore.

Is it really a problem if a R13 fights a R15? Sure, they said new MM is +/- 1 rank, but R13 and R15 are just T5 in the old MM. Should be pretty winnable.

Well, it isn’t if we look at it as to the old T5. But after they said +/- 1 i knew i had to level the Dragon R13, so i made all my ships R13 in the roster to avoid SP ships. They forgot to correct that in the patch notes.

The MM has been tweaked.


The rule -1/+1 range doesn’t work anymore.

The actual rule is : -3/+3 rule as it was previously

when did it happen?


EDIT: and here i thought i could finally play with my gf in T2-3 to help her out… FFS…

ESB: Beacon Rush in action! League mode.



How to counter such dudes and their style?

Over all most adjustments seem OK. Time will tell…except:


1.As already stated we really need a way to disable the clutter of pop-ups on the HUD.


  1. Squads. I understand the attempt, but pilots in regular PVP need to be able to play together with friends whether on the same team or not.

    Not allowing squads or groups to play just makes no sense. A pilot has no idea when entering the queue if they will be placed in the same game with friends.

    Going down this current path of no squads in PVP, IMO, would work better with some sort of lobby system in PVP . An RU lobby an EU lobby and US lobby.

    1.SC shows us the population in each lobby

    2.We pick a lobby. This way we can choose to play in populated servers or have the longer wait times on home servers.

    3.The first 8 - 20 pilots to click ready (depending on population times) get put into a game together and dispersed evenly (by ship count and elo) between teams


I don’t know. It needs to be easier for pilots to be able to play together. Creating more game modes without more population just makes it worse.


I really don’t play other game modes due to either boring nature of lack of time so I can only comment on PVP views. Thanks.

How to counter such dudes and style?

By using a Destructor…