Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion

c’mon Hype… it’s not that bad:


“Kyril last online 47 days ago” i though he stopped playing the game long time ago.

Or is this a bug?


Current game status:

Video by ECMNoob

I was using crit build ion emiterzz (switched from gauss as soon as ions got a buff ^^)

were you having internet trouble?

“Kyril last online 47 days ago” i though he stopped playing the game long time ago.

Or is this a bug?

He got back few days to check stuff… 

WHO is making up all this ideas for the updates? I WILL PAY YOU TO QUIT YOUR JOB


(any other review would be too long and waste of words…)

WHO is making up all this ideas for the updates? I WILL PAY YOU TO QUIT YOUR JOB


(any other review would be too long and waste of words…)



I laughed my xxxx of these two sentences. Really? are we playing the same War Thunder?


I would doubt you have played War Thunder ever by that sentence if I didn’t know you.


War Thunder’s monetization is far cheaper for the player to accomplish more. With $50 in War Thunder, you can accomplish a lot more than in Star Conflict. War Thunder has a far better gold to credit conversion rate than in SC. To get enough credits to buy a T5 ship in SC will cost over $50, whereas to get enough credits to buy a T5 vehicle in War Thunder only costs $10-15. 


And yes, WT patches are relatively bug free compared to SC. The main difference is SC does lots of small patches every few weeks to month, whereas WT does large updates every few months. These big updates will have bugs, yes, I’m not saying they don’t, I’m just saying the ratio of bugs over time is lower in WT than in SC. WT devs also tend to listen to their player base more and provide updates that don’t break major game features.


We could argue all day about which game has better features or w/e, but in my experience in both games (over 2.5 years in SC now, and about 1 year in WT), I can easily say WT impressed me far more than SC. Do I still find SC enjoyable? Sure, but I find WT to be a much higher-quality game, better developed, better staffed, and more fun. But that’s just me.

bla bla

  • SC is runnin on WT physics engine, SC devs didn’t even bothered to change air resistance settings <3

were you having internet trouble?

ping of 80-100 on my region server witch should not happen,it used to be 30-40.but that wasn’t the problem.

I was having trouble killing tacklers that come and go with 700m/s

  • SC is runnin on WT physics engine, SC devs didn’t even bothered to change air resistance settings <3


War Thunder is working with the Dagor Engine, while Star Conflict has its own engine.

ping of 80-100 on my region server witch should not happen,it used to be 30-40.but that wasn’t the problem.

I was having trouble killing tacklers that come and go with 700m/s

If there’s a tackler nearby, there’s a good chance if he’s good that you can trick him into coming close to you by making yourself a target especially in random battles where its easy to get into bad habits thanks to bad players. Unfortunately for the tackler, the gunship can take all comers. You have to develop good acting to get them to come close to you. It’s all in finding the right spot to go “oh me oh my I’m so clueless can anybody help me? where did that tackler go? I’m afraid to move from here!” so the tackler goes “huehue I can just sneak right up in there and kill that loser”.  Then they show up, you go in a  very flat monotone voice “oh no a tackler what should i do?” and vape that xxxxx because he got greedy and invested himself into a situation where he thought he could win that was bad for him.  The only time a tackler should be a threat to a gunship is when a gunship is already hurt and on cooldowns. Anything else is exceptionally bad pilot decisions or team cohesion.

you can also do something similar with captains that play interceptors and fighters. If you sneak to his side of the map, and just sit there, and he’s not on voice comms with the other pilots, he will see you, the others wont, and eventually it will eat at him so much he’ll just fly over to you.  If he is on comms, well then you place yourself in a fashion that allows the pack about to dive on you to stagger out and become vulnerable as they chase for the kill. Then you have an opportunity to slip in and kill the captain if you know your terrain. At the very least if you’ve organized with other players well enough, you should plan your movements to give opportunities to them.

plus, it’s domination. Just pick the easiest to hide around beacon and pretend to be a guardian of the hidden temple. Just because tacklers are the only ones with a long term cloak, doesn’t mean you cant do things the old fashioned way and hide in some rocks. I find it ironic that gunships “rare but powerful” attack makes them a better ambusher than a tackler. Defensively speaking, at least.

The game is change I have learnt to make my peace with that over my time here. Adapt or die trying.



Squad restriction, I understand why, the stomping that the newer guys have been getting is obscene. No new players then no game.

Making vets happy is of secondary concern when u look at it like that. Or in short you protect the more valuable commodity, the new player.


However this same restriction applying in R11+ I do not like. Thats end game content, the cumulation of everything that the player has earned and learned including teamplay. The old system of +/- teams would be good here dont know how hard that would be to implement but the current system seems like a sledgehammer where a scalpel is more appropriate.



The rest is the same issues that are frustrating many players right now, fake dread attacks from the same groups that never or very seldom show.

Ban them from attacking for a month and allow them to have their say and explain themselves in public on the forum, I reckon that very few would.

Also corp dread wings going against bots or randoms instead of each other.

In this particular area i’d rather see a sledge than nothing done, it denies games and that what people really want, a game, win or lose.


Being allowed to q for pvp with 1 ship in the lineup, just no. Stop it.

3 ship restriction already exist when going for dreads and tournament so should be there for pvp too.


The restrictions placed on the ‘league’ teams are kind of bizarre too.

A fun game mode where you can play in a 4 squad in old sec con. But only 6 in a group and only 5 substitutions allowed, at the moment it is very restrictive.



In general i like the rank changes, its pretty good i think and i can see that there will be the incoming tweaks and changes. But i would like to see some of the older issues resolved.

You changed everything concerning tiers and ranks, and now MM is +3-3?? So rank 6 can face rank 9???

No, it’s not +3 -3, 3 is an allowable range of ranks. For example 8,9,10, or 6,7,8.

Oh I see. But how does the matchmaker decide whether to create an 8,9,10 game or a 9,10,11 game? Especially how does it choose where to put the 9s and 10s?

This weekend I queued mostly rank 11 and ended up mostly playing against rank 9s and rank 11s. Is this just because no-one was playing 10s, 12s and 13s?

This weekend I queued mostly rank 11 and ended up mostly playing against rank 9s and rank 11s. Is this just because no-one was playing 10s, 12s and 13s?

Yes, i think so. It takes time to choose new ships instead of favourite ones (i’m talking about top ranks ships from each tier, like 9, 12, 15), however, stats shows that people have already started to use 10 ranks and other ‘mid-ranks’.

No, it’s not +3 -3, 3 is an allowable range of ranks. For example 8,9,10, or 6,7,8.

+/- 1 normally would mean that when you fly r8you can only get vs r9 OR r7 and not vs r9 AND r7(+/- 1 = 6/8 but NOT 9) at the same time

+/- 1 normally would mean that when you fly r8you can only get vs r9 OR r7 and not vs r9 AND r7(+/- 1 = 6/8 but NOT 9) at the same time

It’s not +/-1 now.

Imbalance in ships used in battle is happening because many players didn’t understand that they must put ships of the same ranks in active slots. And if they play with a lower ship than highest ones in active slots ==>imbalance of player ranks in battles, bcz. many are using lower ones instead of higher ones from active slots (I understand the need to sinergy lower ships in active slots, when higher ones are there in line up, but that must be done in combo with another ships of the same rank in active slots, even if sometimes you can’t use exactly what you need/like).


Plus that matchmaker takes longer till that player with different ranks of ships is queued in battle.


It is good to put a restriction when ships are lined up in active slots by at least +1/-1 rank from highest ship rank put there, even if maybe matchmaker will take a bit longer.


So current +1/-1 rank on ships is many times just on paper, not in the real matchmaker, if no restriction is applied as mentioned above.

It’s not +/-1 now.

Oh yeah OK, maybe I should start reading properly what was written in the patch log/you wrote above.

A “3 rank mm” gives us the old problem we had with r7 vs r9 back in a more sever way because r9 can go with even more variety of modules and also higher rank mkV modules. Maybe you should go with this 3 rank system but add some additional rules like that r7 can’t get matched vs r9

Maybe you should go with this 3 rank system but add some additional rules like that r7 can’t get matched vs r9 


maybe, gathering feedback about it now. 

Yes, i think so. It takes time to choose new ships instead of favourite ones (i’m talking about top ranks ships from each tier, like 9, 12, 15), however, stats shows that people have already started to use 10 ranks and other ‘mid-ranks’.

That is something I wanted to ask. I’ve been trying to move up to t5 and play with r15 ships but I don’t seem to be lucky because the queue takes so long. So, I thought it would be better to choose r11-12 ships to widen the player pool I could be matched with. Or am I wrong in this?