Star Conflict v.1.2.3 Discussion

 So, I thought it would be better to choose r11-12 ships to widen the player pool I could be matched with. Or am I wrong in this?

Hard to say, players are getting used to the new system. I think you should try r11-12 and tell us how it’s going from your side. Btw, what servers? 

Hard to say, players are getting used to the new system. I think you should try r11-12 and tell us how it’s going from your side. Btw, what servers? 

I am trying to stick to EU with not much success… at least in t5. T3 is quite okay for EU.

That is something I wanted to ask. I’ve been trying to move up to t5 and play with r15 ships but I don’t seem to be lucky because the queue takes so long. So, I thought it would be better to choose r11-12 ships to widen the player pool I could be matched with. Or am I wrong in this?

The matchmaker only match you when he finds someone with the same ranks like you( I had to wait 17min when I tried to play with r10 at this weekend at prime time)

I am trying to stick to EU with not much success… at least in t5. T3 is quite okay for EU.

10:30 is not a really common time to play for the most players. In the evening I get quite often EU matches

Both liking and disliking ‘tier’ mixing at lower levels. On one hand, rank 7 and 10 ships are now viable (but only in the tier below them), but on the other hand, queues are slower and games are more easily botched by pubs with disparately ranked ships.


Unrelated, I’ve noticed that every so often a ‘general note’ is added to my post on the forums. Others can see them, including other people’s posts, but I can’t. Anyone know how to enable this? Apparently I’ve been missing out on stuff I never knew about.

I would doubt you have played War Thunder ever by that sentence if I didn’t know you.


War Thunder’s monetization is far cheaper for the player to accomplish more. With $50 in War Thunder, you can accomplish a lot more than in Star Conflict. War Thunder has a far better gold to credit conversion rate than in SC. To get enough credits to buy a T5 ship in SC will cost over $50, whereas to get enough credits to buy a T5 vehicle in War Thunder only costs $10-15. 


And yes, WT patches are relatively bug free compared to SC. The main difference is SC does lots of small patches every few weeks to month, whereas WT does large updates every few months. These big updates will have bugs, yes, I’m not saying they don’t, I’m just saying the ratio of bugs over time is lower in WT than in SC. WT devs also tend to listen to their player base more and provide updates that don’t break major game features.


We could argue all day about which game has better features or w/e, but in my experience in both games (over 2.5 years in SC now, and about 1 year in WT), I can easily say WT impressed me far more than SC. Do I still find SC enjoyable? Sure, but I find WT to be a much higher-quality game, better developed, better staffed, and more fun. But that’s just me.

Well, I didn’t look at the numbers, because I think that free exp and credit monetization in any F2P game is just a waste, either it is from wargaming, Gaijin or whatever. In Star Conflict you find the most blatant example. Paying for a license will give you the same amount of credits in 1 hour doing PvE, than the credits you can buy with the same amount of GS.


And by the way, premium planes in WT are usually borderline Pay to Win.


Concerning the bugs, I would say SC is more stable that WT or WoT. You have more minor bugs, but hardly any gamebreaker, as WoT and WT usually have in their big patchs. You know what they say “never play on patch day”


Maybe it is because my problem with WT is that I don’t find the tanks that much enjoyable (I prefer the wargaming approach) and the planes joystick support is really crap. You just can’t configure your joystick, and you are in a GREAT disadvantage against mouse using players.


But they don’t want to acknowledge that, because they cater the casual mouse players. They just can’t introduce a fixed camera for the joystick! So you need to fly on cockpit mode, thus restricting the joystick players to sim and realistic battles. Which have LOOONG queue times (longer than SC)


After reading all of this, maybe I’m slightly biased towards WarThunder. But my opinion is based on my own experiences.


Finally, I will give you a point that I haven’t played WT in the last 6 months, so maybe they have improved some of those issues.



maybe, gathering feedback about it now. 

Rank 11-12 is in the sweet spot, because most people flying rank 15 ships and SP won’t be paired with you, only people with rank 13 and 14 max, which is really fun to play against. I’m flying with a mix of rank 11 and rank 12 ships these days. Fun times.


But some of my friends in lower levels said that there is a new trend of “veterans” in rank 5 and rank 6 ships, full orange and purple with rank 10 and rank 11 modules, farming the low tiers. Well, the trend is not new, they are the same derptards as we had before, but now they just have even better ships.


Can you imagine what a skilled veteran in a Kalah with rank 10 and rank 11 orange modules can do in a rank 6-4 game?

about this update and new rank system … here what I think about this game :



Rank 11-12 is in the sweet spot, because most people flying rank 15 ships and SP won’t be paired with you, only people with rank 13 and 14 max, which is really fun to play against. I’m flying with a mix of rank 11 and rank 12 ships these days. Fun times.

ot new, they are the same derptards as we had before, but now they just have even better ships.


Can you imagine what a skilled veteran in a Kalah with rank 10 and rank 11 orange modules can do in a rank 6-4 game?

He has a point!

10:30 is not a really common time to play for the most players. In the evening I get quite often EU matches

I was talking about my weekend battles mostly. I do understand that this new system requires adjustments so I wait patiently… well, ok, somewhat patiently. But it is kind of frustrating to get accused, from time to time, of farming low rank people in t3  (while not even being good at it btw) but when one tries to leave the most popular tier, either not having luck in getting battles or other servers make it less enjoyable. I can understand what devs want to achieve with this rank system and I think it might work. So, surrounded by so many changes my comments are just simple observations and questions mixed with a touch of whining.

Nah… to finish with something positive here I find bots in dread battles a good idea. At least for pug dread-er corps like mine. We had a great time practicing it this weekend.

I was talking about my weekend battles mostly. I do understand that this new system requires adjustments so I wait patiently… well, ok, somewhat patiently. But it is kind of frustrating to get accused, from time to time, of farming low rank people in t3  (while not even being good at it btw) but when one tries to leave the most popular tier, either not having luck in getting battles or other servers make it less enjoyable. I can understand what devs want to achieve with this rank system and I think it might work. So, surrounded by so many changes my comments are just simple observations and questions mixed with a touch of whining.

Nah… to finish with something positive here I find bots in dread battles a good idea. At least for pug dread-er corps like mine. We had a great time practicing it this weekend.

I do not have anything against bots in the (real) Dreadnought Battle mode, but this mode should be somehow already implemented in the Custom match (bots only).

If would be happy, if We could customize the dreadnought (enemy and our own in the pre-determined setup).

I haven’t made up my mind about mixed tiers in PvP.
At the moment it’s a weird experience if you encounter a r11 ship while flying r9 ships yourself.


The module changes definetely need some corrections … example:

Alligator Mk.II can’t mount an Eclipse launcher anymore but still has buffs for EM weaponry
(reduced EM spread and increased EM projectile speed). This doesn’t really make sense

for the only EM weapon left - the Positron cannon.

A tier 3 Engineer needs an Eclipse - otherwise it is useless in tournament.


What I like is that the Ion Emitter got back some strength.

The prior nerf was too much - now it’s way better balanced.

Hi, We participate in the SC League, it was super fun but at the end the system doesn’t tell us it’s over. We waited 16 minutes in the queue when it’s turned out we need to wait 4 hours to the next one. Is there some alert that I missed?

If there’s a tackler nearby, there’s a good chance if he’s good that you can trick him into coming close to you by making yourself a target especially in random battles where its easy to get into bad habits thanks to bad players. Unfortunately for the tackler, the gunship can take all comers. You have to develop good acting to get them to come close to you. It’s all in finding the right spot to go “oh me oh my I’m so clueless can anybody help me? where did that tackler go? I’m afraid to move from here!” so the tackler goes “huehue I can just sneak right up in there and kill that loser”.  Then they show up, you go in a  very flat monotone voice “oh no a tackler what should i do?” and vape that xxxxx because he got greedy and invested himself into a situation where he thought he could win that was bad for him.  The only time a tackler should be a threat to a gunship is when a gunship is already hurt and on cooldowns. Anything else is exceptionally bad pilot decisions or team cohesion.

you can also do something similar with captains that play interceptors and fighters. If you sneak to his side of the map, and just sit there, and he’s not on voice comms with the other pilots, he will see you, the others wont, and eventually it will eat at him so much he’ll just fly over to you.  If he is on comms, well then you place yourself in a fashion that allows the pack about to dive on you to stagger out and become vulnerable as they chase for the kill. Then you have an opportunity to slip in and kill the captain if you know your terrain. At the very least if you’ve organized with other players well enough, you should plan your movements to give opportunities to them.

plus, it’s domination. Just pick the easiest to hide around beacon and pretend to be a guardian of the hidden temple. Just because tacklers are the only ones with a long term cloak, doesn’t mean you cant do things the old fashioned way and hide in some rocks. I find it ironic that gunships “rare but powerful” attack makes them a better ambusher than a tackler. Defensively speaking, at least.

This is a Empire gunship not federation,i do that with federation gunships with singularity and on apolo coz of rotation bonus.

With my new ions build they can run all they want but there is no escape 6.1km range and i still do 1-2k dmg from 5.5km+   :01010:

guyz… Premiums still count as -1Rank?


If yes >> there is something rly wrong with design


guyz… Premiums still count as -1Rank?


If yes >> there is something rly wrong with design


You are late to the party. Rank 5 is already full of those and jokers farming newbies with orange rank 10 weapons.


Not even you are that lame.

You are late to the party. Rank 5 is already full of those and jokers farming newbies with orange rank 10 weapons.


Not even you are that lame.

I’m AWESOME, you little twat.


*Accordin to Gizmo’s stalker I played last game around 19/09*

This is a Empire gunship not federation,i do that with federation gunships with singularity and on apolo coz of rotation bonus.

With my new ions build they can run all they want but there is no escape 6.1km range and i still do 1-2k dmg from 5.5km+   :01010:

I used to run a build like that, but then the horizons change interfered with my love of damage.  These days I run a build most call stupid, but I find incredibly effective at, erm “aggressively defending” and murdering guard frigates. I get responses like this from especially egocentric guardship players.


and this kind of stuff was happening pre 7% damage increase too, lol.

I’m AWESOME, you little twat.


*Accordin to Gizmo’s stalker I played last game around 19/09*


And “we” all miss you little polish redneck :’(


(not at all :* )

I do not have anything against bots in the (real) Dreadnought Battle mode, but this mode should be somehow already implemented in the Custom match (bots only).

If would be happy, if We could customize the dreadnought (enemy and our own in the pre-determined setup).

Custom dread battle would be awesome. So many players could practice any time they want. Also, with anyone they want. Inviting to defend sectors is already a similarly great thing but not for less advanced players because it is unlikely that they will be invited.

Thank you guys. Discussion is closed.