Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

I tried the game after the morning patch. The ships still stucking in battle the gamebalance is still broken, I don’t get the dread rewards. As I told this many times, WE DON’T NEED NEW FEATURES! We didn’t needed the new ships, the new weapons and the new maps, before we get a stable, playable version!

This seems a management problem! Seems the devs have to implement too many things at the same time, the QA can’t test the features well.
I don’t blame the devs, they proved me, they can make perfect job, but seems they don’t get the time for make perfect job.

With each weekend like the last, when we can’t play we lose players. Don’t advertise the game when it is broken, that is just waste of money.
Make a feature freeze and fix the game please!

Everybody can make mistakes, but this is too many. This is not normal in software development. The endgame content is broken for a month, and instead of make a fast and proper fix, we get new feature.

The base of the game is brilliant, the engine is good, I just don’t get how can fail again and again with a unique and nice product.

I get games now fast but the first 2min is a lagfest when the players joining to the game. Since the games has the new timelimit, the 2min unplayable lag is a huge chunk of the game.

So please:

  • Feature freeze
  • test
  • Server fix
  • test
  • pvp fix
  • test
  • balance fix
  • test
  • performance test
  • stress test
  • advertise
  • earn a sh*t lot of money!


Thanks Aliskosan for making clear the devs’ stance on certain subjects. It would be nice I think to have a short-term developers blog. We already have a long-term one, but maybe have one with “what we aim to improve or fix this week or in the next two weeks”. I wish I could be in your offices and watch over your shoulders, to see what you are all working on ^^ That, or have Questions to the devs thread answered more frequently, like once every two or three days maybe. Then, questions such as “What are you working on this week?” would be viable.

Anyway I hope you manage to find the server issues and dreadnought issues very soon, and fix them, because they are currently games breaking. It has got to the point where my corp is wondering if there is any reason to participate in next week’s tournament or not, and many members are playing other games, waiting for it to be solved. I’m not usually so negative, but on this one I have to agree with the opinions of many people in this thread that have expressed their concern.

Why did you nerf loot from Mysterious containers again?

Is it, because I helped people in Open Space by giving blueprints away for free, in my Blueprint Hunt event?!

Because I got too lucky?!

Well, it is irrelevant.

I will close the event now.


From 20 Mysterious containers I got:

3 Thermal Cooling units: 370k credits

1 Light cell:1M credits

12 Screened Batteries

1 Processing Block

1 15k Vanguard loyalty vouchers

2 T4 Pirate Multiphase Adapters


No Tier V Pirate or Standard blueprints!

This isn’t just bad luck or coincidence, but a nerf!



Blueprint Hunt is officially OVER/CLOSED from now on.

Why can’t i sent my T5 ships to the sidemissions? I have so many of them and i only fly some few.


Blueprint Hunt is officially OVER/CLOSED from now on.

 I think you were just unlucky, I got a T4 shrapnel cannon BP a moment ago

What about my gs & prizes? What will u do about that?

 I think you were just unlucky, I got a T4 shrapnel cannon BP a moment ago

Yes, but I never encountered so many Screened Batteries in a row…

Well, Blueprint Hunt is OPEN, so we are back in business!

You will see, why!



Yes, but I never encountered so many Screened Batteries in a row…

Well, Blueprint Hunt is OPEN, so we are back in business!

You will see, why!



Statistically speaking, you should display screenshots of your next 30 Mysterious Container loots so that we can evaluate BP drop rates.


30 is a good number to start guesstimations.

Statistically speaking, you should display screenshots of your next 30 Mysterious Container loots so that we can evaluate BP drop rates.


30 is a good number to start guesstimations.


42 is better

Technically speaking that IS better, since N is increasing and we can approximate more accurate normal curves!  :005j:

Technically speaking that IS better, since N is increasing and we can approximate more accurate normal curves!  :005j:


Stats suck

You cannot evaluate randomness!

Simple as that.


I have a solution!

Gizmo summed up most of my current feelings about the game right now.


It seems like after the devs created such a great update in 1.2, they ruined anything good they did by either breaking something that worked perfectly fine, or completely ignored the pressing issues claiming that they either aren’t there, or they are on the player’s end, even though EVERY SINGLE PLAYER is experiencing the issues. (Yes, I’m referring to the lag spikes any time someone joins a game in progress, which the devs seem to believe is a connection issue with the pilot). I have one response for that belief. It is happening to EVERY F*CKING PILOT in that game, so that means one of two things (probably both). 1) Your servers are sh*t. 2) There is a bug that causes lag when players join.


My other main concern that I need to elaborate on is game balance. The game’s balance has gone to sh*t. The update that made it easier to queue into games helped, but then any progress that was made was quickly ruined by 1.2.1 (and any ninja-patch since). In any tier, I can now look at the game’s list of players before it even starts at tell which team is going to win. Nothing I can do about it. If I know my team will lose, and I play to my very best, my team will still lose. If I know my team will win, I can try my hardest to throw the match, and my team will still win. It isn’t fun anymore. Games should be close, tough, and above all, ENJOYABLE. Currently, all three of these aspects are lacking. I have yet to see a game that meets even one of these criteria in normal pvp since the 1.2.1 patch. To make things worse, bots have now been added back to T3 pvp, which is absolutely f*cking idiotic. Most T3 games I get now are 1v1 with bots. This is supposed to be player vs player. Not bots vs bots with a couple players thrown in the mix.


So please, fix your game. This carelessness and downright idiocy has gone on long enough. It’s time that the devs finally develop a game by using their brains. Seriously, no developer with common sense should ever put the priority on adding new content with the existing content is almost unplayable.


I personally am boycotting this game until this sh*t is fixed, I will not support a game where the devs seem to not care about it and will not look into a serious bug simply because they are lazy or they don’t believe it’s a bug. At this current time, I feel like all the money I have put into the game thus-far has been wasted. I have contributed probably a thousand dollars or so to this game, and for what? Sh*tty development and updates that make the game unplayable/unenjoyable?. If I could go back and take back my contributions, I most certainly would. I may be overreacting a little bit, but at the same time, I don’t believe I am. It is unacceptable for developers of any game to ignore serious issues/bugs for so long, and to do nothing about creating a playable client BEFORE adding new things that may or may not break even more aspects of the client. Now, I understand that some things cannot be tested on the test servers, and have to be tested on the actual server. But I also understand that fixing a bug is a lot easier when it is new, and before new content is added which may worsen the problem.


Anyways, before I end my rant, I have one piece of advice for the devs: Fix your sh*t. This can be taken in any number of ways, many of which are probably intended, but the main way I intend for this to be understood is that you should fix the problems in your game while they are still new and are easily fixable. Bugs normally become exponentially harder to fix after new content is added on top of the bugs.

You cannot evaluate randomness!

Simple as that.


I have a solution!

Its curious that when you use the concept probability, you divide it in two terms (one of them in a pejorative way): “chance” and “randomness/luck”. I suggest you better stick with the concepts “probable” and “possible”. Its also curious that you claim you dont trust probabilty, however you rely on it to propose something to solve “probability issues”.

I don’t seem to be suffering too much from the stacking penalties, or the implant nerfs.  In fact, for the most part I’ve been able to adjust my set ups and do a little better than before.  From what I can tell, it seems like these changes will inspire more people to rely on skill, and less on their alpha builds.  Mass drivers are no longer OP, I can dodge them in my 'ceptors, and I’m not very good. (Adding a kinetic passive resist works wonders for your tank!)  

Here’s what sticks out for me:


HUGE:  The server stability has gone down the toilet.  Which is sad, because it was always troublesome.


How many of us need to point out that this is probably one of the most important aspects for this game’s survival?  How long will this continue to be a problem?


Please take bots out of T3+!


The matchmaking is silly now.  Can we have a 3v3 minimum please?  Also, as others have mentioned, please increase the match times.


Holoship nerf - Thank you for listening!  However, maybe scale it something like:  

  • Mk I = as is now
  • Mk II = increase deployed duration, or reduce recharge time
  • Mk III = increase HP
  • Mk IV = 2nd holoship

Gunships were fine before, please change them back.


ECM ships need nerfing, not buffing.  With certain ships, and set ups, you can pretty much disable anything long enough to kill it.  It is the most un-fun thing to sit there and die because you know there’s absolutely nothing you can do to counter it. If a Nodachi, or Wakazashi AE has you targeted, you might as will go and make a sandwich.  If more than one are on the field, and working together—good night.  The one option is to have Mk IV Proton Walls, and an FCS-M1 in your head.  Maybe it’s just me, but to have to gimp your whole set up just on the chance of encountering one ship type should be a big clue that it’s a bit OP.


The reward system is really shady guys, come on.  Whatever the thought process was behind that move, it has most of us feeling like you’re trying to corral us into accidental purchases.  Change it back.


Other things I think you’re missing the point on:  


Dread battles… is there some way to implement the old Sec Con system of arena style drops in large time chunks?  Many of us are coordinating our battles across several international time zones, it’s down right ridiculous.


Why are there so many hardcore NPCs in the T1/T2 sectors right outside the home systems?  It’s way too much.  In fact what is going on with open space all together?  It is the most unbalanced, unstable, tedious, uninteresting part of the game in my opinion.  I see the potential for it to be totally awesome, but as it stands I avoid it.  


High level missions have now hit stupid in terms of difficulty.  It is rare to run, even in a pre-selected squad, a T5 mission without relying on duplicators.  In T5 Cap Dread, 1st stage, if it’s down to two ships tanking on the last beacon, you will lose, because the NPC’s keep turning it back.  That’s just stupid.  I once sat there tanking for 5 minutes by myself in T4 and gave up.  The message is clear:  If it’s unbeatable with out using a duplicator it needs adjusting!  

Same for Spec Ops ^^


In fact, just get rid of duplicators, and re-balance those missions.  Too many people rely on them, instead of learning how to fly properly.


I do appreciate the fact that the team has stepped up it’s game in terms of feedback, and communication.  I also like the fact that their are tweaks, changes, new content, sales, and so on. However, much of it is still vague, and falls short of the whole story.  There are constant ninja-patches, some of them game changing ninja-patches, that thankfully some of the more observant players are bringing to light.  That’s not how you build trust.    It just feels like some of the things are done out of desperation, rather than using considerate forethought, and we are still being ignored on some of the major issues.


That’s all I can think of right now. 

Ah, so it sounds like from Dirk’s post that instead of fixing the PvP matchmaker problem I’ve had since the “good” patch (which almost everyone else seems to have been happy with), they gave the problem to everyone else too! Now it doesn’t look like I’m stark raving mad anymore. :smiley:


J/K, I know it isn’t something to be happy about. On a more serious note, I don’t really care (yet) about the balance changes–obviously the devs want the meta to evolve, which is fine; so existing builds will have to be thrown out and new ones created. I’m sure this will require a bit of effort on my part too if I want to stay active, but I haven’t been able to try anything because of the aforementioned PvP problems anyway. In my personal opinion, CovOps have been nerfed too many times and tacklers buffed too many times, but w/e.


More importantly, the game population is stable. But at this point in the game’s lifecycle, it’s probably not going to grow any time soon unless something notable changes, e.g. with the game or marketing strategy. Which means it’s more likely to go into a slow decline, due to: 1) increasing competition (e.g. Elite: Dangerous, etc.), 2) vets leaving–I don’t have to prove this, skimming the forums is enough. This is the existential threat to Star Conflict. Ensure quality and then improve on the game’s features, or Star Conflict will die.


P.S. In my personal opinion, the game’s balance before was not bad. So putting all this effort into balance now may be misplaced. I agree with Gizmo above; but at the same time, what I think this game needs is new ship CLASSES, not just new ships. That will essentially be a new feature / something to market, and at the same time allow the vets to go back to T1 and play their way up. This would be beneficial to the game’s community, allowing more interaction between vets and new players.


Of course, this depends on the game’s dev resources; which due to its lifecycle and financial position may not be feasible. Just my 2 cents.

appreciated for all the work. it is important to acknowledge the problems and mention they will be taken care of in a reasonable fashion/time. otherwise ppl will not stop complaints and speculations. we(I) also get it that you are trying to push the game in a certain direction and thet it is your company’s decisions. but a large portion(if not all) of the players dont agree to certain things(bots being the most irritating issues i think). can future changes and direction be at least put in words and shared, if not even discussed with the community? after all you make the game for us in the first place and we are the ones that enjoy it and eventually decide to support it financially once we are at a happy place :slight_smile:

best regards


I understand that it needs to be more clarified and I was planning to present more of it through community management dialogues, so guys if you want some specific info you can send me the question through PM and I will try to comment it in the next video.

I tried the game after the morning patch. The ships still stucking in battle the gamebalance is still broken, I don’t get the dread rewards. As I told this many times, WE DON’T NEED NEW FEATURES! We didn’t needed the new ships, the new weapons and the new maps, before we get a stable, playable version!

This seems a management problem! Seems the devs have to implement too many things at the same time, the QA can’t test the features well.

I don’t blame the devs, they proved me, they can make perfect job, but seems they don’t get the time for make perfect job.

With each weekend like the last, when we can’t play we lose players. Don’t advertise the game when it is broken, that is just waste of money.

Make a feature freeze and fix the game please!

Everybody can make mistakes, but this is too many. This is not normal in software development. The endgame content is broken for a month, and instead of make a fast and proper fix, we get new feature.

The base of the game is brilliant, the engine is good, I just don’t get how can fail again and again with a unique and nice product.

I get games now fast but the first 2min is a lagfest when the players joining to the game. Since the games has the new timelimit, the 2min unplayable lag is a huge chunk of the game.

So please:

  • Feature freeze

  • test

  • Server fix

  • test

  • pvp fix

  • test

  • balance fix

  • test

  • performance test

  • stress test

  • advertise

  • earn a sh*t lot of money!

That is exactly what we are going to do. As for the lags in the first 2 mins. Our specialists have finished the improvements on the servers is the problem still on today?


Good day!

Thank you for the structured comment. 

The problems are being worked on and I can assure you guys that the issues you’ve mentioned will be discussed.

That is exactly what we are going to do. As for the lags in the first 2 mins. Our specialists have finished the improvements on the servers is the problem still on today?

At the end of the day the lag become better but still exist.

The MM is extremely broken, it decide totally you’ll will win or lose. The bots makes the T3 just bad.

The dreads are still bugy and what even worst, almost nobody plays it anymore.


most of my corpmates plays Elite, SpeceEngineers or other games, impossible to motivate them to come back to this bugfest.

I’m very sad. :frowning:

BTW this was a really nice joke, but I didn’t laughs:


No player -> No problem