Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

Here’s an idea: Restart the servers!!


Also, will there be any sort of compensation for those people with a premium license? I bought a 3 day license yesterday as I have the weekend to play, but this is unbearable atm. Is this being worked on now? Probably not, but I would have thought there would have been some sort of emergency protocol for when it goes this tits up.

Here’s an idea: Restart the servers!!

It may improve stability and performance, but it won’t eradicate the problem.

Restart and some fixes or adjustments might help, but the fact that the servers in this game are running in such poor state, requires only one thing.

Change to a different server provider, or change for better and more quality efficient servers, even if that means that the game will need a subscription plan.


I prefer that this game stays F2P, though.

Star Conflict, Star Gem, Star Ghey…Today I write in awe of yet another disgust of your inabilities over the last few years to continually throw this game under the “Proverbial” bus again and again. I don’t know if the developers just don’t care or didn’t learn anything in game design or maybe they just don’t care, but considering the amount of gold standards purchased by individuals that enjoy the game …well used to enjoy the game and play it regularly, I’m sure at this point are seriously considering not ever spending more money to help pay you to continue making a larger un-workable pile of crap.


TBH I enjoy this game, and I’m pretty sure many players do also as well, also maybe have heard my interests in a richer “Third party” willing to see it live, possibly purchase the rights as the current rights holder seem to be unable to handle it.


First of all, obviously Gaijin gives two xxxx about SC and only loves War Thunder. Furthermore I’m sure that Star Gem could do better than that IMO. I think they are lazy, why you ask, well what have they done to improve the load of the game? Servers still drop like hotcakes players still have more lag than needed. Especially now with joining during a game progress…So much rubber banding Star Gem should become rubber band manufacturers. This is utterly ridiculous, I feel like I need to go back to playing EVE again for another 10 years even though I’d prefer not to, but Star Gem…you really leave me no choice lately, I want to come into your store and buy your products but as soon as I do I get home and I’m back in your store wanting a refund. Seriously, do you need assistance are you low on funds, I’m sure someone out there could help you buy a new and improved server, I mean…I play a lot of online games and well, they seem to do just fine with loads 100 times higher than yours. NO MORE EXCUSES!


Seriously, just be honest examining the issue and working on it is just a bad lie anymore, you’ve said this the last two years…you aren’t a political figure and we “the players” aren’t stupid.


For a game with tremendous potential I feel as though the “owners” of that potential really don’t seem to care to advance it.


Remove the bots…we get you’ve dwindled your player base to null and want to feel like people are playing your game…we get it they are no longer ever needed.


Want them for Aces keep them in the TWO lower tiers 1-2…


Joining mid game decent idea, remove it, I’d seriously rather wait 10m for a game than have my crap bounce around mid fight…really … call of duty and many large titles do this with no issues? Again…please, please invest in better servers maybe this will help your agendas, I’m sure we could start a go fund me better servers page for SC.


Played a dread game that lasted a whole 1.5 minutes and then was kicked due to errors…Star Conflict…You are like a parent that loves me for a few days and then decides to abuse me for a week. I only hope you make a true decision because the current one is headed to death.


The changing on modules , and weapons, and “nerfing” of multiple aspects are great, no not really stop modifying the game until you can make sure the game runs smoothly first. You’re trying to make a crowd happy and all you do is cause riots.


I’m sure the intentions are positive and I’m sure the end goal is fantastic, but your current mood to “players” is kind of F…U…really…to be blunt I feel let down and taken advantage of.


Some Ideas for you to think about for your future I can’t really stress enough…


  • Better Servers…ASAP…barrow money, raise money hell even ask for money…seriously.


  • New players need help to want to keep playing, make it easier to progress a new account. You want to grow the player base not hinder it, you are hindering it…a lot. Most players are veteran, new players are pretty much turned off unless they are hardcore like us veterans.


  • New players/account don’t get to join games with veterans unless they have reached 1000+ games, seems legit for a player to learn in their skill range without feeling destroyed by veterans. With a low player base this may be difficult, so maybe give new players/accounts a buff to keep up with older players maybe even give older players more of a challenge. Think about it.


  • Stop adding guns and items fixing…just mature the ones you currently have out already first.


  • Players are always going to min/max and find the easiest way to be a derp, work on making items/modules universally useful and allow diversity. I think some players stressed being ganked in ships too fast, that seems to be an issue right?

This is a team based game am I right? So why are players able to pretty much solo in a hand full of ships and lay space dust to formidable opposition? That is an issue, now don’t go breaking the ship or game, balance them. Roles of ships should compliment each other in a game.


“For instance” - The Guard ship should be feared on the battlefield…well it isn’t… most players would say oh look the guard focus him easy kill. Really…no, the Guard should be last to kill. I get having focus fire and that should not change, but a ship meant to take the brunt abuse should have a much larger survivability and I mean higher jamming resistances or higher resistances in general as well as the ability to counter most other roles in some way.


To avoid huge debate, I’ll say this…the Patch developed with the new Secret Projects was amazing balls and actually brought some air/life to this sinking submarine, but then apparently developers decided it need more Patch…please revert this and try again. you broke it so reset it thanks.


  • Advertisement…holy balls Star Conflict…who are you where are you why can’t I see you all over Facebook banners why are you not on my TV or in my store you should be a car commercial getting me gitty like a school girl. I don’t see this anywhere, money? I’m sure there are some sweet marketing gurus in your player midst that would love to assist your community and help it grow… come on.


  • Server…I just can’t stress the need to have a solid foundation before building your empire, really work on this ASAP.


  • Dreads, this is the highlight of your game right now. Why do I have to wait all day to play this? What sort of hate do you have for “players” to allow this to go on? Sector conquest rules were decent, why can’t dreads be a time frame period of fighting? 1-2 hours dread fighting sector bashing people killing fun zone, right. Dreads on and Dreads off, I’m sure there could be a decent agenda for that discovered.


  • Open Space…For the love of all that is Star Conflict…again have I mentioned this tiny bit of needing better servers? This would make a lot of players excited to play in open space with something other than a 180 ping, I mean I would sure if I wasn’t bouncing off rocks and NPC’s wondering if my shots are hitting.


You ruined the loot tables…why? Make Open space worth wasting my life away please some of us want to do it but need a reason to.


  • Servers…seriously it’s like taking the wheelchair away from a player who can’t walk…you’re killing it on this one.


  • Squads… holy crap Star Conflict…holy…crap…the only game I enjoy to play because I’m with friends and well…you hate my friends and our play time by making it pretty much impossible to do so. This is team based focused game, why hate on squads? 2 man squads should queue with solo players if no other squad is out there easy, you already stack teams with matchmakers so just adjust for this one. Why do corporations get matched against each other in solo queue but in squads we can’t fight each other? What the crap? Corp members should always solo queue on same team IMO seems legit right. After all we are corps fighting corps right.

Maybe when you grow the populous the squad issue will work better, but for now with what is left here to hold it together allow it to happen more frequently please.


Lastly, because I’m really tired of writing. look at your future because I am, and I’d like to see it here still, but my wallet and interest are ready to turn it in and add/remove star conflict from my programs list. I already know some long term players who have thrown in the rag already.


I really hope this can be taken lightly and heartedly, I’m looking for the quality end result and it’s taxing lately. There are plenty of Pokémon out there Star Conflict , but I want to chose you, I just need you to help me keep choosing you by helping yourself want to be chosen.


Thanks for reading, and if you you’d like to hear more just watch Ketravaa’s Videos, the comms will have plenty of SC banter.



I’m not sure what do you want to say with that, but as I understand you like the new hitmarker and synergy display, and that’s good. But to me it’s rather makes the game unplayable than helping me. Flashing numbers everywhere and pop-up signs, I can’t even see what am I shooting at. That’s why we need an option menu to customize all of those hit feedbacks to be helpful to everyone.

I like the idea of having a hit marker, however as i mention on the link, i do not like the display it currently has…so i proposed some options and a example to make it right. Also, that post has some time now, the synergy display wasnt implemented at that moment. If you have some expamples of hit markers, feel free to add them on the link, imo its a great idea but it hasnt taken much attention.


concracts dont pay out vouchers. i been sittin on 66k warden for few hours now and i wondered why cant i upgrade my armor finally … 

lets be gracious and say it is weekend and noone works on the game. come mon(ey)day it will be a good idea to give players either a decent sale on things we need and havent seen in ages like spatial scanner, or maybe a compensation gift bundle.

same here, ive shouldve earned about 105k vouchers (between armada and vanguard), however ive recieved so far 60k vouchers aproximately (its been a few hours after i completed those contracts).

btw, all fed interceptors have a different afterburner sound than the normal one, not just secret proyect ships (peregrine, octopus and jaguar)

same here, ive shouldve earned about 105k vouchers (between armada and vanguard), however ive recieved so far 60k vouchers aproximately (its been a few hours after i completed those contracts).

Don’t forget you don’t get the full reward unless you assign ships that get you 100% of it. Check your % number when you send out your ships.

btw, all fed interceptors have a different afterburner sound than the normal one, not just secret proyect ships (peregrine, octopus and jaguar)

Another bug. Such sounds should only be present on all relevant Secret Projects and not Standard or Premium ships!

A mixed bag I think, some good changes also some things that need addressing.

First the good.


Scatter gun nerf, thank you.

Holoship nerf, thank you :012j:

The Recon spam was real, yeesh! That is not skill, that is hiding in a cloud of fakes, like playing where’s Wally with everyone wearing his outfit. Not fun at all when enemy team in beacon hunt has five of such ships and your team has none.


Other ammo and weapon changes. Less power to bubble gunships and pos cannons is a probably a good thing and it will cause some pilots to rethink their inty weapons as so many carry EM as a standard. Mass driver though nerfed a little, could probably use a little spread increase to even it out further, still lethal to fighters and intys but can live with it now. Though I think nukes regardless of nerf should still scale a little better the higher the tier. Just seem ticklish at T5 and always has in a way.


Module changes, gunships are now GUNships, that is good. Cooldown for aiming overcharge in particular was a little restrictive at times, same with tacklers the shorter games should require faster cooldowns for all these modules.


Mounting identical modifiers, excellent. Would like it to be a harsher penalty for those with no imagination but I suppose that is penalty enough itself.

Target locking bonus always welcome.


Implant changes, probably for the best. No more abuse of cumulative implant cooldowns, base damage or immunity.

The immunity to slows made tacklers next to useless in especially in T5. Maybe the slowing immunity change is a little harsh but I have not seen any x3 multipupose inties in some time now.


As for the rest.


The players joining midgame I just do not like, lately this has made the 1st 2mins of many a battle unplayable, rubberbanding, teleportation and target locks that are not actually locked. For these games to begin with I can not be certain where I, my team or the enemy actually is.

Additionally there is still the issue of qing up for a game that is doomed from the start. Had a few games when on my start in beacon domination, all 3 had been enemy capped with their team descending on our spawn point. Most of the time there is simply no way that can be clawed back.

Some of the games I have been playing in T4/5 have ended up pretty large, which is great but id rather wait the two minutes for that game at full length than have the 1st part of an overall shorter game ruined.


The issues with sector conquest still exist where attackers are unable to register or are recognised as not being registered.

All manner of rewards are not being credited to player accounts. Open missions, fleet assignments, sector control. If u can get it then you might not get it.

When in a wing I have noticed that players will randomly appear as offline even though they are in game ready to play. Perhaps why some of these issues exist server say you no here.


Balance is OK and I do like most of the changes, its all the odd technical details that are letting things down right now.


*Edit - Synergy counter and hit markers on the HUD. Less is more i dont need this info every ‘hit’

Don’t forget you don’t get the full reward unless you assign ships that get you 100% of it. Check your % number when you send out your ships.

i know KT, with my comment i only meant contracts (PVP and PVE), not the 10hrs mission from A. Gage and company (what initially was called “foward missions”). About the 10 hrs mission ive got the rewards consistently, congruent with reward % and without delay (no more than 10 seconds) :slight_smile:


The immunity to slows made tacklers next to useless in especially in T5. Maybe the slowing immunity change is a little harsh but I have not seen any x3 multipupose inties in some time now.




I do like most of the changes made in this patch - especially the holoship and MD nerf and the gunship buff. I disagree with a few other changes, especially the tackler buff and implant nerf.


However, the appalling amount of server problems is preventing me from enjoying this latest patch to its maximum potential.


Like everyone, I am not liking the teleportation/rubberbanding that occurs when new players join the match. This needs to be resolved ASAP or else more people will focus on the negatives of this rather than the patch changes. Which, incidentally, will lead to more players leaving.


Personally, I have experienced _constant _packet loss over the past few days. This problem is exacerbated on Russian servers, where I average ~20% loss at all times. This makes the game virtually impossible for me to play. The problem is not only the rubberbanding that everyone receives when a new player joins the match (which in itself is a bad enough problem), but the rather sorry state of the servers in which these games are hosted. I do not know who owns the hardware that contains this game, but they need to fix the pathetic servers.


What’s more, I experience ~6-7% packet loss on US servers, which is ridiculous. I am situated five hours drive away from the actual servers themselves, and I am running on Gbps equivalent university internet. I average ~`17ms ping to these servers. There is absolutely no excuse for me to be experiencing this type of loss and inability to play. And yet today, I have lost three games in a row on US servers due to the sorry state of the servers.


Until the developers fix these problems, I cannot fully appreciate the patch, as I am forced to constantly wrestle with these flagrant problems which are driving down my efficiency in games and is infuriating to no end.


I will not play this game until these problems are fixed. Until then, I will be taking a hiatus - as this game has basically become unplayable for me.

Holoship nerf, thank you :012j:

The Recon spam was real, yeesh! That is not skill, that is hiding in a cloud of fakes, like playing where’s Wally with everyone wearing his outfit. Not fun at all when enemy team in beacon hunt has five of such ships and your team has none.



Another “little” question.  Where are the side missions? In what part of patch notes was notified  that? Now i have only one side mission popping up every day. Is it a bug? If not: why the hell is not written anywhere in patchnote?

Good day! first of all I’d like to thank you for bringing some of the issues up. So let me comment them.

  1. yes info regarding the quests is absent. And it will be provided today.

  2. the servers problems were really noticeable yes but I have to say that they are caused by some major changes which we’ve done in pursuit of game quality improvement. By the way we admit that and today all players will be offered compensation. 

Hello, Aliskosan!


Good to see you!


Tell me, I want to get Lens Flare graphical effect back, under Advanced options, into the game.

Is it optimized now and is it working properly?

I really want it back!




Good day! 

Look in some way yes you are right. Personally I agree at some point, but what I don’t agree with is that we are lazy. 

We are aware of the problems, but I have to ask to look at your post from our side for a moment. You have a post with listed problems and you realize that it is completely impossible to work on all of them at the same time, so you have to choose. And that is what we do. Right now the priority is PvP and MM especially the next step dreadnought battles and Open space. But it can’t be all at once. The current lagging issues are the side effects of moving to the quality improvement, so all is needed is a bit of patience. 


Good day! 

Look in some way yes you are right. Personally I agree at some point, but what I don’t agree with is that we are lazy. 

We are aware of the problems, but I have to ask to look at your post from our side for a moment. You have a post with listed problems and you realize that it is completely impossible to work on all of them at the same time, so you have to choose. And that is what we do. Right now the priority is PvP and MM especially the next step dreadnought battles and Open space. But it can’t be all at once. The current lagging issues are the side effects of moving to the quality improvement, so all is needed is a bit of patience. 


These are fair points, as are his. ^^


Transparency and emphasis on infrastructure (good code, good servers) should be paramount. Don’t be afraid to expand your team if you need more people! There’s a whole legion of them willing to help out even here on the forums.

Next on the list should be accessibility - a working Sector Conquest that can be played frequently (but not all the time), new player integration into the game, easier ability to get games while in squads.


It’s not my game, but that’s what I’d focus on.


Side note, if you made it so that any squad size could get a game without squads of any size on the other team required, but only in T5, you can bet that Ace farming by vets (who play T3 because it’s the only tier with squads) would end almost  overnight.  The vets just want to play together!


<3. In agreement with you on this. Good game, but worried about the execution.  I disagree with your stance on joining mid-battle, as I think it’s a good idea, but I’m pretty much aligned with the rest, especially squadding issues. Games should never penalize you for playing with your friends. 


I hate to say this, but until the primary infrastructure issues and PvP bots issue are fixed, I will be playing another game with my primary spare time. I will absolutely stick around on the forums/subreddit/etc., host Wonky Wednesdays, be in contact with folks, and the like, but otherwise, my time will be spent elsewhere. The game is simply too frustrating to handle, and I want to be able to come back and enjoy it again. :slight_smile:

Good day! first of all I’d like to thank you for bringing some of the issues up. So let me comment them.

  1. yes info regarding the quests is absent. And it will be provided today.

  2. the servers problems were really noticeable yes but I have to say that they are caused by some major changes which we’ve done in pursuit of game quality improvement. By the way we admit that and today all players will be offered compensation. 


Yep ok, you tried to improve and it didn’t ended well.

But: dreadnoughts battles are bugged since a month… why even spent efforts on introducing new balance things if the “end game” is broken to a point bigger corps in this game have ceased playing it.

At the moment the whole game is broke, i’ve tried after this morning patch to do my daily mission in open space. I’ve thought at least loot was fixed… nevermind. I didn’t get a single monoscristal. 


Compensation is a good thing, but believe me I would prefer have the game back (all parts of it) instead of some gs or w/e. Also I appreciate the effort you personally made Alis, but behind you and your personal work there’s an huge “black hole marketing and comm issue”, which sadly can’t be fixed with your kindness.


Thank you. I do appreciate.

  1. it’s not like it hasn’t ended well. it just hasn’t ended)) the action took longer than it was expected. It will be stabilized  really soon. By the way all the rewards should have been given about 30 mins ago, of not please contact me through PM.

  2. unfortunately dreads will take longer than month, but we fixed the bugs we could, but if you wish you may ask your questions about them in the thread of questions to the head of the QA department.

Hello, Aliskosan!


Good to see you!


Tell me, I want to get Lens Flare Graphical effect back, under Advanced options, into the game.

Is it optimized now and is it working properly?

I really want it back!






Look it wasn’t satisfying enough so it will reworked but not in the nearest time


come mon(ey)day it will be a good idea to give players either a decent sale on things we need and havent seen in ages like spatial scanner, or maybe a compensation gift bundle.



Good day! first of all I’d like to thank you for bringing some of the issues up. So let me comment them.

  1. yes info regarding the quests is absent. And it will be provided today.

  2. the servers problems were really noticeable yes but I have to say that they are caused by some major changes which we’ve done in pursuit of game quality improvement. By the way we admit that and today all players will be offered compensation. 


appreciated for all the work. it is important to acknowledge the problems and mention they will be taken care of in a reasonable fashion/time. otherwise ppl will not stop complaints and speculations. we(I) also get it that you are trying to push the game in a certain direction and thet it is your company’s decisions. but a large portion(if not all) of the players dont agree to certain things(bots being the most irritating issues i think). can future changes and direction be at least put in words and shared, if not even discussed with the community? after all you make the game for us in the first place and we are the ones that enjoy it and eventually decide to support it financially once we are at a happy place :slight_smile:

best regards