Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

This after battle lag is ridiculous. One whole minute per game, is this the reward for decreasing synergy rates because of “faster matchmaking”?

This after battle lag is ridiculous. One whole minute per game, is this the reward for decreasing synergy rates because of “faster matchmaking”?

It was already forwarded and they are working on it.

This game seems to be slowly going down the pan. Each of the last few patches has introduced some very annoying bugs. Servers are in a dire need of an upgrade, matches are generally unbalanced. All of todays matches have been on russian servers with some packet loss. This feels like the beginning of the end to me, I am sad to say. 

It was actually great when they first made the faster MM but now the new features have made more bugs…

This game seems to be slowly going down the pan. Each of the last few patches has introduced some very annoying bugs. Servers are in a dire need of an upgrade, matches are generally unbalanced. All of todays matches have been on russian servers with some packet loss. This feels like the beginning of the end to me, I am sad to say. 

I agree with you!



I must say, that I am extremely bothered, that such issues are not being addressed yet. If they are, I understand, that this is  no easy feat, but…

Displeased in disappointed, when I was just starting to get the feeling, that the developers started to go in the right direction.

Some promises had not been delivered…yet, which are supposed to be on schedule.

No new Igromania video 5 this week… It is supposed to be released periodically each and every week, at least, until all relevant info are there. Still, not a big issue and not exactly relevant to the issues we have now.


Servers are one of the biggest issues for me.

It takes 5-20 seconds to mount or dismount an item in my hangar and around 5 seconds just that accepted mission gets accepted.


Lag spikes in Open Space have gotten much worse now. I can definitely say, that before I only knew that some person entered a sector.

Now I get such a spike, that even my ship sometimes just freezes or teleports for the whole second!

Sometimes I get a feeling that the game will crash or that my item will just get lost… because of the servers, which are processing my request are so slow.

Also, I did not receive daily rewards and blueprints from my daily missions, including blueprints.

Well, I have receive them, one day after and contact missions also do not immediately provide you with resources, like Invasion loot (vouchers excluded), like Osmium Crystals [4], which I only got today.



Developers are probably underpaid, overworked as well, due to skeleton crew and budget and maybe even bullied.

Commercial department most likely cares only about one thing. Profit, at any cost!

Whole thing is about to collapse, if things won’t go better, fast! Gaijin and StarGem Inc. I do not know, who is to blame. Direction is!


I will say only this…


Bug reports are piliing up, Skula1975 is nowhere to be found here on the forum and there are so many complaints and bug reports from both English and Russian community.

I know, that developments is working to fix them and I understand that. Once again, I must say the obvious.


What I do not understand, is why we got so unbearable servers… Low budget servers most likely, when 2000 players are enough, to make it work like and old man, which is on his wheelchair.

This is a matter of resources here. F2P games are known to get a great income, if done properly. However, I do not know all the details, so I won’t speculate any further.

Please, don’t tell me that I have issues with my own internet connection or my ISP, because this isn’t the case. Biggest issue I have now is the one, which I never had before. In my hangar as well.


Game is going in the right direction, but now, there are mostly severe technical and stability issues, which are putting this game close to collapse, if it will take too long to address fully and properly.

Economy of this game must be pleasing to the customer and not the other way around. You’re risking a lot! I am patient, but my patience has limits.


We used to have a great discounts every week, now you’re pleased if you get them once per month or for some event and even those do not reach 50% discount bonuses or so.

However, this is not the main problem for me, but it isn’t friendly to customer base.


Greatest problem is, that we have glitches in Dreadnought Battles and servers stability and performance issues, where you can’t play the game normally or you disconnect and then you cannot reconnect.

Even, if you fully fix the issues, which I believe that you will eventually, the MAIN PROBLEM will still be there! BAD SERVERS, which is unforgivable, no matter whose fault it is.


I would love to get the specs in my hands, to see and compare War Thunder Servers with those of Star Conflict.

I still have my full official Steam review to write about Star Conflict and I would hate to see it, that this game would received “not recommended” rating, because of those issues, which are commonly known on this forum.


I must say, that I am extremely bothered, that such issues are not being addressed yet. If they are, I understand, that this is  no easy feat, but…

Displeased in disappointed, when I was just starting to get the feeling, that the developers started to go in the right direction.

Some promises had not been delivered…yet, which are supposed to be on schedule.

Everything needs its time. We have weekly patches with bug fixes and also new content each few weeks. Patience is the key.



No new Igromania video 5 this week… It is supposed to be released periodically each and every week, at least, until all relevant info are there. Still, a big issue and not exactly relevant to the issues we have now.

We are continueing our work on the videos, but sometimes our priorities switch temporarily to other tasks. I guess it will hurt noone if this gets delayed a little bit. Especially when you have already a dozen hours play time.



Developers are probably underpaid, overworked due to skeleton crew and budget, hopefully aren’t bullied.

Commercial department cares only about one thing. Profit, at any cost!

Whole thing is about to get collapsed, if things won’t go better, fast! Gaijin and StarGem Inc. I do not know, who is to blame.

There is no financial issue, please stop spreading false rumours. You mention it in almost every 5th post of yours even so it has been answered a couple of times now. By spreading false rumours you only discourage other players.



Bug reports are piliing up, Skula1975 is nowhere to be found, here on the forum and there are so many complaints and bug reports from both English and Russian community.

I know, that developments is working to fix them and I understand that. Once again, I must say the obvious.

Skula is still here and collecting bug reports, but we have a Russian and an English forum. Therefore he has to cover to cover two forums and depending on the amount of reports, it can take some time to keep track of all.



We used to have a great discounts every week, now you’re pleased if you get them once per month or for some event and even those do not reach 50% discount bonuses or so.

However, this is not the main problem for me, but it isn’t friendly to customer base.

You are right, in the past we had far more sales, but after some time these became unattractive to a certain amount of players. There is a point where you have bought everything you need, and you just buy other stuff when you have some extra credits. Right now we are focussing more on making smaller and bigger events and how knows what kind of sales and events we will bring up in the future;)



I would love to get the specs in my hands, to see and compare War Thunder Servers with those of Star Conflict.

I still have my full official Steam review to write about Star Conflict and I would hate to see it, that this game would received “not recommended” rating, because of those issues, which are commonly known on this forum.

So you with hundreds of hours would not recommend the game to any other person?

I like the new sound effect. Actually, I like most of them in the game. They are pretty good. It is my laptop’s speakers that don’t really do a good job… beatsaudio my aaa…anyway. I put on my headphone sometimes just to fully enjoy all the booooms and baaaams. :fed_lol:


The new sound for Octopus is awesome I love it. :fed_lol:


this :smiley:



I’m not sure what do you want to say with that, but as I understand you like the new hitmarker and synergy display, and that’s good. But to me it’s rather makes the game unplayable than helping me. Flashing numbers everywhere and pop-up signs, I can’t even see what am I shooting at. That’s why we need an option menu to customize all of those hit feedbacks to be helpful to everyone.

Ok, I wanna cry. I like the new module balance but the serevrs are incredibly bad and laggy. The games are unbalanced, from the very begging all game is decided no way to turn.
Everythig works bad, the ships stucking in battle, to change a module takes seconds, in the middle of the game I get timeout messages, each game starts with a terrible lag.

The sector revards doesn’t arrive, the dreadnought getting bugged.

I’m very dissapointed.


Please instead of introduce new bugs fix the game and make it stable.

We don’t need new features we need a playable game. Seems like the QA team is terrible.

god the horror on the servers … i am in a match and fire everything i have at an enemy, do dmg etc. then weapons stop firing and i can only control ship for 5-15 seconds and then the server rewinds everything putting me at my starting position, no damage done, no cooldowns used etc … the last 3 patches should all be reset and only the balance and bug changed kept. and not to mention the insanely stupid bots(sits whole match on a captured beacon and never moves even tho no enemy ever came to attack the beacon)



The new sound for Octopus is awesome I love it.  :fed_lol:



I’m not sure what do you want to say with that, but as I understand you like the new hitmarker and synergy display, and that’s good. But to me it’s rather makes the game unplayable than helping me. Flashing numbers everywhere and pop-up signs, I can’t even see what am I shooting at. That’s why we need an option menu to customize all of those hit feedbacks to be helpful to everyone.


 we need to be able to turn those annoying popups. i dont f&%$ care that “synergy is the proper measure of your advancement” i dont want to see it in the middle of my effin screen all the time when i hit something with a bullet and i couldnt care less about synergy altogether during a battle.


to add to the list i just completed a bunch of missions in open space including the daily yellow mission and did not get any rewards. when i docked the ship that had 300 synergy before i left still had the same amount. 15 minutes of waiting for it to update also didnt help. i did get en error tho: could not launch in open space, operation timed out.

god the horror on the servers … i am in a match and fire everything i have at an enemy, do dmg etc. then weapons stop firing and i can only control ship for 5-15 seconds and then the server rewinds everything putting me at my starting position, no damage done, no cooldowns used etc … the last 3 patches should all be reset and only the balance and bug changed kept. and not to mention the insanely stupid bots(sits whole match on a captured beacon and never moves even tho no enemy ever came to attack the beacon)

The current server issues are known and will be fixed.

There is no financial issue, please stop spreading false rumours. You mention it in almost every 5th post of yours even so it has been answered a couple of times now. By spreading false rumours you only discourage other players.


Well, I do not spread false rumors elsewhere, since they are only rumors. I keep them limited here, on this forum.


But when you think, that this game has server problems and a skeleton crew, you always ask yourself, why it isn’t any better? I believe that all current issues are fixable and situation isn’t critical, but it is annoying.

I know that StarGem is only the developer and Gaijin only the Publisher, but you have to understand, that this F2P game offers so much more in terms of visuals and gameplay and it will get better eventually, but only with further investments and a bigger project budget and resources.

I checked some older space games. If SC is properly developed further, who knows what can happen, since there is nothing like that on the market, excluding other trendy titles, which are not exactly like SC is.


Again, problem is when it comes to servers.

I know that you’re also creating a new product, called Crossout and it occured to me, that the reason for this may be use or partial use of some server resources from Star Conflict.

Hopefully, I am wrong, but what if I am right?

There is no need for more negative publicity. That would create exactly the problem we are trying to prevent.


Hopefully, developers are not underpaid. If they are, they aren’t motivated. If there is no motivation, there is only stagnation.

I would love to know all the facts from fiction here and see the responsible parties, if any. Maybe there are only bad decisions.



As for my Steam recommendation, the game isn’t ready yet. I would love to recommend it and I still do, but server issues must be fixed or probably be switched to higher quality and performance.

Maybe this F2P game would have been better with a subscription plan. Problem is that I do not have access to any financial data.

I played more than hundreds of hours. I am speaking in multiple thousand hours now.


Well, I do not spread false rumors elsewhere, since they are only rumors. I keep them limited here, on this forum.


But when you think, that this game has server problems and a skeleton crew, you always ask yourself, why it isn’t any better? I believe that all current issues are fixable and situation isn’t critical, but it is annoying.

I know that StarGem is only the developer and Gaijin only the Publisher, but you have to understand, that this F2P game offers so much more in terms of visuals and gameplay and it will get better eventually, but only with further investments and a bigger project budget and resources.

I checked some old space games. If properly developed further, who knows what can happen.


Again, problem is when it comes to servers.

I know that you’re also creating a new product, called Crossout and it occured to me, that the reason for this may be use or partial use of some server resources from Star Conflict.

Hopefully, I am wrong, but what if I am right?

There is no need for more negative publicity. That would create exactly the problem we are trying to prevent.


Hopefully, developers are not underpaid. If they are, they aren’t motivated. If there is no motivation, there is only stagnation.

I would love to know all the facts from fiction here and see the responsible parties, if any.


There is no need for more negative publicity. That would create exactly the problem we are trying to prevent.

The current server issues are known and being worked on. By keep posting the rumours, you spread negative publicity.

The current server issues are known and being worked on. By keep posting the rumours, you spread negative publicity.

Problem is that even after they are being corrected, that we need a better and more efficient servers. Servers must be able to fully sustain at least 50000 players minimum and not 4000 or 5000.


Then please, give me facts, so that I will post only facts and no more so called “rumors”.

I will spead a true publicity, which may be positive or negative.

Problem is that even after they are being corrected, that we need a better and more efficient servers. Servers must be able to fully sustain at least 50000 players minimum and not 4000 or 5000.


Then please, give me facts, so that I will post only facts and no more so called “rumors”.

I will spead a true publicity, which may be positive or negative.

There are certain things that won’t be given out. If you have any questions, feel free to use the Q&A thread.

Ok, it seems the hamsters have died. Can’t even join a battle now :frowning: I keep getting timed out.

concracts dont pay out vouchers. i been sittin on 66k warden for few hours now and i wondered why cant i upgrade my armor finally … 

lets be gracious and say it is weekend and noone works on the game. come mon(ey)day it will be a good idea to give players either a decent sale on things we need and havent seen in ages like spatial scanner, or maybe a compensation gift bundle.

So, more interceptor nerfs, more frigate buffs, worse server ping, and joining lost games since the last MM patch.


Okay, time to switch to another game…

There are certain things that won’t be given out. If you have any questions, feel free to use the Q&A thread.


If you have tecnical problems, the only thing that you should do is: to TELL THAT TO PLAYERS.

'Cause you can’t change people like Koro, you need to be clear on what is going on or at least give some sort of “explanation”.


“all those issue are well known an they are working on it”


Known by who? Your testers? Your gms? So all the others have just to shut up and wait without being informed. Well guess what: people don’t like that. At all.


Also: unteel last weeks devs doesn’t even know about the lag that occours when someone join the match… And it was happening since weeks. Guess what? The first answer players got was: check your internet connection.

That mean being amateur, really.


Edit: and about the “not reccomending this game even if you have played hundreds of hours”: reccomend this boredom grind fest bugged unbalanced game? What do you want? That people start to hate us?

Since the last patch I didn’t get 2x sector gs rewards & 2x daily reward. Didn’t have time to read all patch notes so I wonder is this normal or a bug?

Today I reedemd 5th day daily reward & game bought another rusty container for 100 gs. Great,

Another “little” question.  Where are the side missions? In what part of patch notes was notified  that? Now i have only one side mission popping up every day. Is it a bug? If not: why the hell is not written anywhere in patchnote?