Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

same, reopened it, still didnt get my free rusty container, got nothing

In my case you have to wait for it. **Do Not** buy it if it shows 100GS etc. It’s only free if it shows “Redeem”. I made a video.

has anyone actually posted a proper bug report yet?

I was asked to provide an explanation of the problem so it may get talked about now. If anyone wants to make one however, do so. You can link my video if that is what happens with your container rewards too

has anyone actually posted a proper bug report yet?

Now we have Pirates in the development team.

Fort Muerto is their base of operations.

Stealing money from the poor, is now a new trend nowadays, because it was taken from them, without their knowledge.


P.S.: Hopefully, there are not too many commas present.  :005j:

I am fine with the weapon changes and module changes for the most part.

I find the scatter gun nerf is adequate, the recon nerf is basicly just indirectly a module nerf, and the double module thing got resolved fine with this, since the PT changes sometimes were a bit heavy. I hope recons get back to actually doing their objectives primarily, and only focusing on helping the team in fire support, instead of focusing on non stop evading troll gameplay. But I also get the criticism: if the scatter is intended to be a gun helping less experienced players, why is it T4/T5 exclusive as weapon and on the recon? I think the weapon supposed to be a long range support weapon, so that you can focus on your job to recon, while still being able to do some damage on the field; clearly it was not intended to snipe out ships with it solo, which is why i think the nerf is okay and the weapon will still be usable in skilled hands, and therefore the weapon itself has its own little skill curve, but ultimately stays easy to master.


I was prepared for the adaptive nerf, but i am also glad it stayed like it is, i think adaptive has clear downsides anyway, and tacklers got eased to do their job, so single adaptive was unneccessary.

So all in all, the balancing changes are a good compromise; it remains to be seen, where it needs to evolve for me for now.


As for the quality of games I cannot say much, since I was a bit less online. LRF mania was expectable, this happens a lot after patches. That is quite usual, if people search for new low risk ships, and the lrf always was the number one easy firepower ship, which allows to sit by and play a bit solo;

I think they are however overdue to be rebalanced without nerfing them to the ground. nothing wrong with the idea of the LRF, except that they occupy way too many slots on the ship tree and it is just not the best ship for every game mode or at least, it is not good to have too many of them in the team for many objective based games; while in the general abstract game-mode-less play, it makes sense to have the sniper, or the all-damage-frigate, i think the biggest problem is, if someone uses it to evade to evolve with other roles, that are usually needed to wreck an LRF team. Strong mixed team moving together is still most effective way to win, so I do not assume immediately, just because they are spammed, its because of inbalance.


However, connection issues and issues with the main server being slow in handing out battle results, keep my mood down for now. So I hope our attention as community also goes towards bringing up those issues and helping to resolve them, not just about individual balance problems.

I am fine with the weapon changes and module changes for the most part.

I find the scatter gun nerf is adequate, the recon nerf is basicly just indirectly a module nerf, and the double module thing got resolved fine with this, since the PT changes sometimes were a bit heavy. I hope recons get back to actually doing their objectives primarily, and only focusing on helping the team in fire support, instead of focusing on non stop evading troll gameplay. But I also get the criticism: if the scatter is intended to be a gun helping less experienced players, why is it T4/T5 exclusive as weapon and on the recon? I think the weapon supposed to be a long range support weapon, so that you can focus on your job to recon, while still being able to do some damage on the field; clearly it was not intended to snipe out ships with it solo, which is why i think the nerf is okay and the weapon will still be usable in skilled hands, and therefore the weapon itself has its own little skill curve, but ultimately stays easy to master.


I was prepared for the adaptive nerf, but i am also glad it stayed like it is, i think adaptive has clear downsides anyway, and tacklers got eased to do their job, so single adaptive was unneccessary.

So all in all, the balancing changes are a good compromise; it remains to be seen, where it needs to evolve for me for now.


As for the quality of games I cannot say much, since I was a bit less online. LRF mania was expectable, this happens a lot after patches. That is quite usual, if people search for new low risk ships, and the lrf always was the number one easy firepower ship, which allows to sit by and play a bit solo;

I think they are however overdue to be rebalanced without nerfing them to the ground. nothing wrong with the idea of the LRF, except that they occupy way too many slots on the ship tree and it is just not the best ship for every game mode or at least, it is not good to have too many of them in the team for many objective based games; while in the general abstract game-mode-less play, it makes sense to have the sniper, or the all-damage-frigate, i think the biggest problem is, if someone uses it to evade to evolve with other roles, that are usually needed to wreck an LRF team. Strong mixed team moving together is still most effective way to win, so I do not assume immediately, just because they are spammed, its because of inbalance.


However, connection issues and issues with the main server being slow in handing out battle results, keep my mood down for now. So I hope our attention as community also goes towards bringing up those issues and helping to resolve them, not just about individual balance problems.

wholeheartedly agree and share the points. my only complaint is for the bots to be removed and never in a million years be used again in t3 and up.

As for the redeem button, i think it is just a generally bad ui idea.


Just give that box and unpack it immediately. There is no need to assume, anyone does not want to open his gifts. We had this nice unlock animation, just make it show you the box and pop up the bounty.


opening the store page is a bad idea for other reasons imho, but this is just subjective, so if you really wanna hear my advice there, spoil on.

opening the store page automatically is a bad idea for another reason, and shows lack of understanding emotional involvement in online sales (or at least someone overlooked it).

It works in some games e.g. eve, where all the advertisements are fake and prices are ingame money (except a few tabs), so they just fake you the internet cart, making it fun to spend game money and feel rich, even if you are still away from the guys who are rich ingame, you feel richer than in real life, suddenly shopping becomes addictive. There suddenly, the negative emotion gets positive, but otherwise, real life money and shopping carts is a delicate matter, I think needless to go further into that.

So in real life, and I have some experience there watching people doing it right and wrong from a job perspective, on professional webpages you never want the user to actually see the internet cart too much or land on the shopping site, since buying online is more about trust and emotional agreement, except you have no five-year-plan, or you are a dedicated shopping site. You offer him a great overview if he decides to spend money, so it’s not about making the shop crap and the product cheap or the cart impossible to find, I even see the advertisement popup of SC a great way of “secluding advertisement”, but keep it minimal and humble yourself out, try to hide you are even selling otherwise, besides your main content. This is the only way how you sell online, and since google, we should know, any other approach is doomed, the more you nag, the faster you die. In fact, one of the main reasons ajax and its security layers has been pushed so hard in webdesign was shopping carts, and how they evolved, the need to keep it and shops mostly hidden while accessible and accurate.


Just watch yourself buying in the internet, or which pages you like and which not, reflect your emotions while doing it, its not rocket science to understand, that some of these emotions should never happen to your players. there are many already researched solutions to this, like dedicated gold shops, and some of SC’s solutions, like the gold upgrade button are a great example that sometimes this game already got it right and innovated over time.


this is why i think, redirecting to the shop page for each login reward is not a good idea.

opening the store page is a bad idea for other reasons imho


Gaijin marketing team disagrees with you.

Since the last patch I didn’t get 2x sector gs rewards & 2x daily reward. Didn’t have time to read all patch notes so I wonder is this normal or a bug?

Just found another bug, I did not receive the T4 mk4 upgrade kit I bought from the loot reward, it was for the electronic guidance module. Annoying to say the least.

i am also down 2 days rewards, 1 rusty container , and 1 adventurer pack, got 1 rusty container after closing and reopening, but no luck on the other 2 days, can we get rewards credited?

Contract signing bug still exists.



Please make full bug reports with logs and the proper format! It will get solved quicker than just posting in this thread (where it may not get noticed at all…)

wholeheartedly agree and share the points. my only complaint is for the bots to be removed and never in a million years be used again in t3 and up.

Bots in T3 is a MAJOR problem. I wasn’t aware of this when I made my initial response post. It’s definitely a [—].


The lack of transparency with many changes (bots, camera, previously invasion loot, and many others) has been a major breach of trust with the playerbase for a while now. I love this game, but the more the devs make ninja changes without telling us, the more I edge towards leaving.

It’s infuriating. Pure and simple.


Initial post updated.

Отчет по всем сбоям* разработчикам отправлен. Причина установлена. Чинят. Сколько займет времени - пока не известно. Пожалуйста, проявите терпение и понимание. От лица тех. службы приношу свои извинения за временные неудобства.


*задержка получения всех наград, задержка “посылок” почтовыми дронами, задержка писем с наградой за БЗС, задержка появления на складе лута/чертежей (доставленных своим ходом, проблемы с заданиями флота и зависаниями кораблей на этих заданиях и т.п.)


Отчет по всем сбоям* разработчикам отправлен. Причина установлена. Чинят. Сколько займет времени - пока не известно. Пожалуйста, проявите терпение и понимание. От лица тех. службы приношу свои извинения за временные неудобства.


*задержка получения всех наград, задержка “посылок” почтовыми дронами, задержка писем с наградой за БЗС, задержка появления на складе лута/чертежей (доставленных своим ходом, проблемы с заданиями флота и зависаниями кораблей на этих заданиях и т.п.)



According to google translator, it mean basically devs are asking to be patience since they are fixing the “loot” problem (all of them including issues with sector iridium/gold not sent).


But frankly it’s not only that issue that make me play less: the well know bugs with the dreadnoughts fights, the issue on russians servers, the fact that after every match i have to wait sometimes even for a minute since my ships are “still in battle” are the reason i’m playing less. 

I know it’s not nice to say it but: hurry up guys, you are totally loosing the way. 


p.s. connections issues are not only my problem, it’s global. The soon you get it the soon you will realize that it’s quite annoying and game breaking.

i like the gunship changes, you’ve made my boom and zoom apollo better with both curved change and the dual purpose of pp as a nuke/shield regen meaning i can stop using two modules for one thing and repurpose that slot for a pirate engine booster.  The implant changes in some areas as a player makes me upset because I’ve been hoping for a complete rework that focuses more around active gameplay instead of just passive abilities.

the mass driver and holo changes are greatly welcome. for the rest of the patch it does not effect me.

also, when are we getting the patch that fixes the low player population?

So after playing for couple of night in t5 PvP and couple of DreadGames


- Ammo/Missiles

– Curved reflector, like the change - even though bonus dmg is less, that range penalty reduction is great and can be used on wider scale effectively.

– Shaped charge - really don’t get why, 1% it is neither good nor bad, doesn’t really change anything

– SuperNova - not really liking this change, dealing with GuardEngi frigbals became noticeably harder (but that is not the only ammo issue)

– Nukes - kinda meh for PvP now, the after effect cloud is quite pointless no matter how much dmg you give to it, no one stays in it for longer than 1-2 seconds. But from dreadnaught mode perspective, this is a extremely great change.

– Proxy mines, did not test myself, but it looks like the planned change to have longer fuse on it made into the game, now it is 2 seconds arming time, which is quite good thing since all those mass recon spam on a beacon and poop mines all over it, while flying in circles without even attempting to shoot at enemies got old fast.


- Implants

– I think 8-2 is a bit too short, flying a tackler and flying vs same type of tacklers (Slow Beams+Inhibitor+Engine Suppressor +w/e) it is quite noticeable that mobile ships get suppressed hard, true tackler should be able to do so, but currently it is simply way too easy for the end result. In dreadnaughts such tacklers simply shutdown existence of interceptors, dread maps are huge and wide open, with 4-5k effective reach on a tackler, and only 2 seconds to slow immunity there is nothing flies can do except to just roll up and die. Some Empire Recons/ECMs are still useful in amounts of 1 per team, but other than that there are no reasons to bring them at all. The whole gamemode is too easy to turtle eliminating the PvP out of PvP game mode.

– Rest of implants - for future rang based MM transition over all good, r13 and r14 implants were way overdue for nerfs, so now we have it, good.


- Weapons

– Mass Driver, good change overall gotta not as deadly, but still very potent.

– Scatter Gun, while for most people it was really hard to fight interceptors with that gun, it was destroying fighters like there is no tomorrow no matter how bad Recon pilot is, but making it fit in the current game is really hard, due to its mechanics it becomes either op or up with slight changes, i’d rework it all together.

– Phase Suppressor and Flux Phaser - overall good changes, but with new buff to gunship Aim Overcharge (30 sec CD) Flux Phaser is quite good comparing to Command/tacklers.


- Passive module staking 

 – It is not like it changed many builds much, cut down a bit here and there across the board, but in general it affects dps and maneuverability side of builds more than tanking, which is kinda indirect buff to frigs, i don’t think we need more of that at this point in the game. Was weird to fly after the change, all these lower rotation/strafing/dps/tanking values really messed up with quite a few “muscle memorised” pattern, but after getting use to it, i see it rather good than not, at least with current penalty values. Oh and reduction of stacking penalties is quite cool too.


  • Buff to GunShips, quite a doublesided thing to do, in random PvP they finally became a force, not just exclusive Mjolnirs/Sparks on a country in Tournaments, gunships were already pretty much de facto the strongest setup as long as you had pilots knowing how to fly gunships, you could overcome turtling frigballers or inty swarms and now they became even stronger, so yeah.


- Overall i like the patch, random PvP is quite active there are full blown frigballs, but there is no avoiding it and it is not always hopeless, really depends on the map-gamemode-gamesize. Federation ships became much harder to use to fullest, looks like empire ships got indirectly buffed in comparison and jericho is jericho.

- Complex of changes to slow-anti slow kinda effects Dread Battles a lot, couple tacklers shut downs average skilled teams easily, but with gunship buffs very coordinated teams can potentially overcome it, but such gameplay is way out of reach of majority of dread pilots and they simply left to turtling hard since they have no tools nor skills to actually cross that wide 10 000 maps of open space.

Day 5 log in reward not received…


Also you don’t get +50% loyalty vouchers for the mission where you provide ships if you have a premium license.