Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

People don’t see, or ignore, camo ships period, it’s not just lrfs. Once a tackler disappears they don’t expect that it may be setting up an ambush.

Sometimes it is enough just to make lrf retreat as they are slow to return if in beacon game. They are annoying, but no more so than people in maxed out fast interceptors in hands of good pilots.

As a recon you can also just drop a locator and terry to get your team to focus fire. This of course depends on your team >:)

i dont have alot of things to say, but… lets stop of doing xxxx with this game please ,stop of nerf one ship and let another in op mode, want nerf?? Nice… try nerf another ships too, like lrf… does something useful :01414:

I quiet dont like this update and I am not the only one  from my corporation.I dont understand what is wrong if I customize my ship for maximum fire speed (2x iridium heatsing): I dont see nothing wrong about evolving one concrete ability  (not in all cases of course).

Another thinng, I dont like, is nerfing of mass driver and flux phaser. Developers had definitely in their mind interceptors, when they said, that target can’t dodge or escape from mass driver fire. Other ship classes can withstand the mass driver fire for some time ;-)  I dont think that mass driver damage is fatal for bigger ships. So this is unnecesary advantaging for interceptors.

About flux phaser… I agree that the damage was too high, but nerfing by 10% is too much. 4 or 5% would be better. Please note that we are talking in orders of thousands so every percent is enough.

You nerfed the damage of supernova deflector a lot, but the slowing effect wasn’t decreased a much. That is nt conviniennt. I recomend to make the slowing effect smmaller.

I can accept the nerfing of implants but that 13-1 really hurts me :frowning: . 5% bonus is not enough 10% would be acceptable.

But I like, that holoships are finaly nerfed. Because recons have always incredible advantage thanks to them.

In future I would welcome new readyness system in groups. The present one, when Comander sends request and waiting for respond yes/no is annoying. Better would be to take inspiration from War thunder, where every pilot report his readyness and wait for engagement. It would be much more efficent. (The green point in group table woluld change color from green to blue, that would be cool.)

Another thing, I would apreciate, would be more music customization. I mean to turn off the annoying hangar music and action music(when somebody attack you) in open space.  It shatters the atmosphere. Otherwise the music in star conflict is beauhtiful.

And finally bugs! I still encountering the problem, when I return from battle and I see that my ships are still in battle.

Another annoyng bug is in matchmaking for defence contract and spec ops. There are still universal excuse UNABLE TO JOIN IN A GROUP in some cases even the wing fullfill the conditions.

I hope that you read my feedback :wink:

It shouldn’t work so. I’ve just checked it. Are you sure about this? 

I didn’t have time to test it yet but I will keep an eye on the holograms. Oh, just got an idea. Not sure if it is possible to see holograms at the same time from two different module activation. I will check this too.


Because it can! (kidding)

I guess you guys just haven’t got used to it yet :slight_smile:

I like the new sound effect. Actually, I like most of them in the game. They are pretty good. It is my laptop’s speakers that don’t really do a good job… beatsaudio my aaa…anyway. I put on my headphone sometimes just to fully enjoy all the booooms and baaaams. :fed_lol:

_ ''Passive ship modifiers
Mounting identical modifiers
To increase variation in ship builds we decided to reduce effects from multiple identical modifiers. Following the results of mass tests we introduced several changes.
Now identical modifiers mounted on the same ship have different effectiveness
The first module has 100% effectiveness
Two modules have 90% effectiveness each
Three modules have 80% effectiveness each’’

this will never help us to make different settings on our ships, will only deprive us from playing in our style_

Hologram module did not change. Still 2 of them pops up. At least to the enemy I mean because it works as intended on my ship.

It shouldn’t work so. I’ve just checked it. Are you sure about this? 

I was wrong. It works just fine.

_ ''Passive ship modifiers _

Mounting identical modifiers

To increase variation in ship builds we decided to reduce effects from multiple identical modifiers. Following the results of mass tests we introduced several changes.

Now identical modifiers mounted on the same ship have different effectiveness

The first module has 100% effectiveness

Two modules have 90% effectiveness each

Three modules have 80% effectiveness each’’

this will never help us to make different settings on our ships, will only deprive us from playing in our style




I totaly agree with you

but but but there is notification… What else can we do to eliminate that? seriously(… We are opened for suggestions

There is no notification when you buy a container, when you click directly after your first click coz you thought your click wasnt recognized you will get one free container and for the 2nd you get your -100GS.

There is no notification when you buy a container, when you click directly after your first click coz you thought your click wasnt recognized you will get one free container and for the 2nd you get your -100GS.

To fix this issue, do a simple adjustment.

When you accept daily login, such container must be claimed automatically, so that you don’t have to claim it.

Problem solved.

Armadillo II, 8th Fed implant, adjusted to a minimum of 3 seconds.

Tacklers are already too prevalent.


The new fighter (I assume soon to get GS) EM gun is great fair balance. With one major issue, it totally darkens the screen for a literal second. This is far better than any disabling module in the game.


The reduction in scatter gun’s general abilities game with no increase. IE plasma gun lowered damage, upped firing rate. Has made the weapon just under powered on the other weapons.


Change to engine suppressor would have been fine without  the change of R8 Fed implant.


Afterburners for my recon ship sounds terrible. Also there is no continuous sound so I can no longer tell when I slowed by sound alone.


Holoship module was way past needing to be nurfed. It is actually a fair module now.


I have been receiving very long wait times after battles for me to be able to get back into another battle.


All in all, this was a really poor patch in my opinion.

I will say it like this, even if this is not completely related to just 1.2.1, but mainly dreadnought battle and some of my whinning about Spec Ops.

Overall, update 1.2.1 should still adjust some of the implants, but I will suggest this in the next thread. Overall score of the patch: 6/10.


There are other concerns, still not stable or fixed in 1.2.1.


Some wing of 6 people vs. 5 randoms, including with me. I entered a tier 3 dreadnought battle mode, just to see, how it works…


There are so many issues with Dreadnought Battle, that I don’t even know, where to start.

There is no shown packet loss, but I play like in slowdown mode , even with 60 FPS and my gun just won’t fire in rapid succession (Assault Rails). Even the sound is not smooth, but it staggers quite a bit.

To make matters even worse, tier 3 Drone ship can kill you with T5 Heavy Blasters, inflicting tremendous damage for only a T3 Drone ship, possibly Anaconda or Anaconda-M.


Your own dreadnought fires on the enemy ship with the small caliber guns, but fails to take into consideration certain angles and free fire zones (Jericho model), inflicting their own turret damage on the dreadnought itself!!!

This means that, if I would have a rocket launcher in my hands and I would want to fire it through a window, I would not open it first, but just fire the missile and blew myself up.


I will make a suggestion how to improve dreadnought battle, but it needs an entire thread, devoted just for this subject.

Dreadnought should feature enormous firepower and so far every rookie nuke pilot can just deliver a nuke and buzz off… It is ridiculously simple.

Not to mention friendly fire! Shield mechanics are just, sorry to say this, very primitive. You should only be able to deal the damage, when the shields go down! And it doesn’t matter, if you’re just 1 meter away from the object, because the shields are close to the hull or adjacent to it. Did any of your watched any Star Trek?


If I would have the knowledge and the tools, to make my own Dreadnought Mode, there would be no running around. And the bot mechanics…

They are just uninspiring. I simply cannot imagine, how will you manage to implement Cruisers, if we do not have at least some degree of control over a dreadnought?


If you get too close, you should get destroyed, like in the Defiler Raid! There should be multiple types of guns, and not just one type of guns, like kinetic turrets, but much more…

Construction interface of a dreadnought would have to be expanded and be pretty much more detailed.

Instead, now we got a flying space toaster with some weak structures, which are supposed to be top tech defense and offense devices…

Dreadnought should go behind the desk for another 3-6 months, until T5 and Laboratoy features are released.

Primary focus should be directed only at PvP, but since this cannot happen for obvious reasons, just fix existing problems we have now.

Like I already mentioned, we are still waiting for T5 and Laboratory features.

Oh, and I lost connection to the server and then I was stuck in the battle screen, until I relogged. Re-entry time expired and I failed to rejoin the match. Enough of my whining.





CHALLENGE EVENT (Special Ops - T5 only)


T5 Special Ops: Defiler Raid bug: Update 1.2.1


Defiler can fire misisles at any range, but the missile itself has limited range… (no logic)

Defiler can detect you in a cloaked Tackler and it can still fire 1-4 missiles on you… (makes no sense)

Sometimes missile will deal or inflict 0 damage on some targets upon contact! (another riddle or strange bug)



Make these 2 events!


T5 Defiler Special Ops:


If some wing of pilots defeats a (T5) Defiler, give them 3000-6000 GS.

Double the reward, if NONE of them DIE!


T5 Destroyer Special Ops:


Make the same for a (T5) Destroyer only and provide the same reward!

Double the reward, if NONE of them DIE!


I want to see, if there are still capable people in Star Conflict Universe!

This is a challenge! But do not worry, you will not hand over any rewards, well maybe just one for the Destroyer mission, but not a full price.



There are new bugs I encountered today and I will do a separate bug report, maybe tomorrow.



New bugs in 1.2.1:


Bug number 1:


I didn’t get my daily monocrystal reward (2 monocrystals) in Jericho hangar and I docked with a Tier V Mark 6 Pirate Orion Blueprint (the one from the Blueprint Hunt) and I did not receive it my Armory, but it was shown on my statistics screen, it just wasn’t added to my inventory!

I do not care for the loot, but if the issue repeats itself, I am going to vent someone in Space.


Bug number 2:


Contact mission: 10 hour mission with some random rare reward and 49500 vouchers for all 6 factions.

I only noticed an increase for 1 of my factions and not all 6, or at least 1 of the selected, when you’re currently docked (for both sides of 1 faction)

So, I got cheated again, but I don’t think that Mendes had anything to do with it, but I was docked there…


Big request:

Give us worthy servers, worthy of a name and performance.

I got a feeling that I am plaiyng on the old NASA computer from 1986.

as in so many other threads, please ditch the bots from t3,4,5.

as of the new update i have ship stuck on assignment. how do i get them back?

Where did you see bots in t4 and t5???

Where did you see bots in t4 and t5???


Perhaps he’s in the lower ranked T4/5?


That being said, does he mean ranks 4 and 5, or, if he’s a low ranked T4/5, are there many other pilots who are low ranked and able to take the places of those bots, and what are the devs doing to the ranking system. 

Something along those lines.

There is no such thing as lower ranked t4/t5

Well, I’m more talking about pilot ratings. I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s easier battles to be had for those with lower ranking ratings, while those with higher ratings get the usual battles that we have.

In any case, that’s what I’ve assumed the match-maker does when matching people based on ratings.  (Based on queuing in T1 and T2 with a separate account.)

For instance, when beginning the game, there seems to be a T1 and a half. a tier between T1 and T2, and T2 and T3. It may very well be the same in higher tiers.

Just some assumptions and guessing based on some experiences, really.


What I’m getting at, really, is that if there’s a Tier between T4 and T5 based on lower rating, then it’s possible that there simply wasn’t enough people within that section to take the places of said bots for the ops game. 

Of course, this opinion is rendered invalid if the op has a high rating or if it’s said to not be so by the devs.

Hi. Please make an option to turn off the new synergy gain display and the hit marker. There’re five different sign now that tells you that you hit someone, and you can turn off only one of them. It really annoying and distracting.

this :smiley:


Hey there!

Thank you for bringing this up. Our specialists are working on fixing it atm.

Ooh come on, don’t be that cruel.There won’t be accidental purchases.

You are sadly wrong. My mouse is not working properly (i have to push it harder often) and sometimes it double clicks when i only click once. Today i accidentaly bought one of those containers with GS because my mouse double clicked. Make some option that asks for confirmation (“Are you sure you want to purchase with XX GS? Yes-cancel”) or what Koromac suggested (automatically opened).


Fact is that the few weak points a lrf has can be managed by the right use of implants, active modules and playstyle. making it almost impossible to counter with whatever ship class. This recon was one of the first ship that was almost a match for that lrf.  The lrf is OP in good hands like you said, the recon is strong in good hands. Why does the recon get nerfed to the point of uselessness and the LRF stays OP like it has always been? I think they are quit a lot of testers quite fond of lrf…

I can see you dont fly LRFs, if you would you would understand they cant take much punishment; if you see a guard you just cant fight it without help of cover, distance or friendly ships. Place a guard vs an LRF (in range of the LRF main guns) in open space, the guard will obliterate the LRF, even if it uses RT (dont forget that when charging RT you get -50 resists points). Adaptive fed guards with heavy blasters are great for this.


Now, what I request a hotfix on is the mass driver. Dying because I was blinded by some Ace makes me want to ragequit the game, really. I’d rather the weapon was removed entirely than it stayed bugged like this.



You realy think i havent done this yet? :smiley: you underestimate me. Problem is the recon does not enough damage to take out the lrf, while recon has to deal with mines, torpedos, lasers, em pulsar,… Problem is not that i cant see the lrf, so microlocator wont help me. Dont understand me wrong, most lrf players are just enoying but not a problem to kill. Problem is those few good lrf pilots who are there in every match, always taking lrf and nothing to counter them, killing away.  Most players dont even seem to see the lrf. This sounds like OP. even a Ace can easily kill more skilled players without much effort. This sounds like an imbalance? Others classes had far less imbalanced qualitys and they got nerfed pretty bad.

xKostyan has killed me many times in recon when im using my kraken in 1vs1. I consider myself a pretty good LRF pilot and kost is a great inti pilot…its all on how you and your oponent use the ships

You also forget that most players arent very good, many of them cant even see cloacked LRF shooting them!! theres a lot they can improve there if they want to reach a competitive lvl. They are too accustomed to only see the clear hud icons from the radar and not paying real attention to their environment. This game doesnt encourage much to spot camouflaged objects, unlike many first person shooter games (like battlefield 4 with soldiers using suits with blending colors of the surroundings)…i bet they wouldnt do good spoting hidden players at those games at first, because they havent practiced that. First person shooters require precise and quick identification of enemies…i have played that tipe of games for many years and now in SC i find pretty easy to spot firing LRFs with EM scatter field, even more if they are shooting me. Tunnel vision is another factor that can be worked too in order to improve at this game. At the end it all reduces to being aware and practicing what you realise you can improve (if we exclude tecnical issues like high ping or low FPS).

Someone talked about mass driver being too OP (it was before and i believe it may require some tweaks (not nerf): imo increasing spread would be a good call, while increasing another stat (less speed nerf?)) in the hands of an LRF. Truth is that MD is very powerfull but also has many weak points you have to deal with somehow: it has low range (either go for cqc or increase range with at least 2 horizons but loose a lot of dps), it has spread (at first i thought this would be serious but imo it requires bigger spread, since i can kill efectively at 4,5km with vanadium ammo. Shaped shells should be a must for long range), it has low overheat time and high cool time. This last point makes a must for using shared cooler in order to fully take advantage of the speed increase, or make significant dmg to frigates, wich means you have to spend a slot for engines into that, and if you want to use some galv you need some vernier or RIP with interceptors/fighters that get close…2 engines (1 shared and 1 vernier) means you loose some slots for CPU or cap, reducing your dmg output (from a SP ship perspective). I once fought a guard with mass driver in my adaptive tackler: it was hurting really hard when i was in range of him, but once i managed to sneak in (simply cloack or use cover for it), the guard was completely defenseless because his turn rate was slow, barely scratching my shields with few bullets (i did take a lot to take him out while spinning over him, but he dealt little dmg, easy kill)…pulsar wasnt an issue (fortunately he had no mass inhibitor otherwise my adaptives wouldve been disabled, leaving me vulnerable to pulsar). An LRF only relies on his main weapon and missiles when he is being orbited by an enemy ship; mass driver often results useless due to low turn rate to make the weapon effective with shared cooler.

To fix this issue, do a simple adjustment.

When you accept daily login, such container must be claimed automatically, so that you don’t have to claim it.

Problem solved.

How do you claim the daily reward??? I see no notificaton when I press the collect button, only the the bundles screen, when you press the rusty container I lost 100GS.


Fix this please

How do you claim the daily reward??? I see no notificaton when I press the collect button, only the the bundles screen, when you press the rusty container I lost 100GS.


Fix this please

You have to close the bundle window and re-open it, then it will show Free - “Redeem”. Do not click anything if it doesn’t show Free - Redeem".


 Like you say, a bug that needs to be fixed.