Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

Actually i like the second option. I will provide it to the commecial department, thank you^^

Anytime, anywhere. :wink:

In my opinion you broke more then you fixed. I can see the use of certain changes but why if you nerf something you always have to make it almost completly useless? You should fire some testers.


You managed to destroy the scatter gun… bravo, in the 2 weeks playing with the scatter gun I only saw 2 other pilots using it and they even werent in the top 3. How is a weapon that almost no one uses OP? So you think, ow no Aces use it, lets nerf it, that will fix it???


On top of that you nerfed my recon ship by making ammunition slower, wich makes fast moving targets totaly impossible to hit, then you remove 1 of the holograms so its not hard at all anymore to guess wich ship to shoot, you nerf the scattergun, you mess with the implants so its easier to be stunned and slowed,… and finaly to top it off you make the already very powerfull gunships, tacklers and ecm even more powerfull.

Again bravo… you made the entire recon class next to worthless.


Other remarks; LRF are OP in T5, everyone knows it, everyone is saying it for a year, yet nothing… 

I m guessing there is a very select group of players having a lot to say in this patches.


You ll see for yourself, tacklers, gunships and lrf. Those are the classes that will dominate T5. 


BTW matches are not more balanced, every match I played yesterday was a total victory or a horrible defeat. Nothing between that.


There is a lot more, good and bad changes but these were the most obvious.


ps: I also hate the synergie warnings, i dont care about synergie, dont need it, dont need to know it, I rather have the efficiency back

You managed to destroy the scatter gun… bravo, in the 2 weeks playing with the scatter gun I only saw 2 other pilots using it and they even werent in the top 3. How is a weapon that almost no one uses OP? So you think, ow no Aces use it, lets nerf it, that will fix it???


On top of that you nerfed my recon ship by making ammunition slower, wich makes fast moving targets totaly impossible to hit, then you remove 1 of the holograms so its not hard at all anymore to guess wich ship to shoot, you nerf the scattergun, you mess with the implants so its easier to be stunned and slowed,… and finaly to top it off you make the already very powerfull gunships, tacklers and ecm even more powerfull.

Again bravo… you made the entire recon class next to worthless.

Actually it was supposed to nerf guys like you with a nonskill weapon which was pretty good anyways, and you using that weapon all the damn time with a Holoship Recon didn’t make the thing better, it was waste of talent and you could do better with any other weapon. Nothing prevents you from still using it, but it reduces your efficiency with the low effort you have to put to use the weapon. :slight_smile:


Other remarks; LRF are OP in T5, everyone knows it, everyone is saying it for a year, yet nothing… 

I m guessing there is a very select group of players having a lot to say in this patches.

:005j: - Well, not totally true. LRFs are easy to counter in general, but the better it’s pilot is, the more effort you have to put to kill it, of course it’s not that easy with a damned Scatter Gun. But as any other ship in the game it becomes very powerful in good hands, and since it has the most DPS in the game, and most ways to configure the weapons it is the most hated ship in good hands. There is smth given about the opinion of each single pilot, but there are also RU forums which are being respected. As well as ST and Dev’s own opinions. 


ps: I also hate the synergie warnings, i dont care about synergie, dont need it, dont need to know it, I rather have the efficiency back

Ah, there we go. Good boy, totally support this.

Actually it was supposed to nerf guys like you with a nonskill weapon which was pretty good anyways, and you using that weapon all the damn time with a Holoship Recon didn’t make the thing better, it was waste of talent and you could do better with any other weapon. Nothing prevents you from still using it, but it reduces your efficiency with the low effort you have to put to use the weapon. :slight_smile:


:005j: - Well, not totally true. LRFs are easy to counter in general, but the better it’s pilot is, the more effort you have to put to kill it, of course it’s not that easy with a damned Scatter Gun. But as any other ship in the game it becomes very powerful in good hands, and since it has the most DPS in the game, and most ways to configure the weapons it is the most hated ship in good hands. There is smth given about the opinion of each single pilot, but there are also RU forums which are being respected. As well as ST and Dev’s own opinions. 


Ah, there we go. Good boy, totally support this.

so you are against the ship that can destroy your op long range frigates and you defend the OP long range, cant say i m surprised. Fact is that the few weak points a lrf has can be managed by the right use of implants, active modules and playstyle. making it almost impossible to counter with whatever ship class. This recon was one of the first ship that was almost a match for that lrf.  The lrf is OP in good hands like you said, the recon is strong in good hands. Why does the recon get nerfed to the point of uselessness and the LRF stays OP like it has always been? I think they are quit a lot of testers quite fond of lrf…

Haven’t yet managed to test everything or see them being used by others, but my observations about the patch so far are following…

-Daily login reward system seems to cause some confusion atleast at first. There were several people complaining on the chat about not getting anything, instead the game just trying to sell them containers.

-Synergy gain from damaging enemies being displayed in middle of the screen is quite distracting. Other than that, it is nice to get points from shooing away some nigh unkillable little things.

-Changes to the weapons seem all fine. To be seen if Flux Phaser nerf is enough.

-Hologram nerf. Finally.

-Module stacking effectiveness reduction seems fine. Was hoping for a bit greater penalties though.

-ECM and Tackler lock on buff is a bit questionable.

-Implant nerfs are fine. Especially Armadillo II nerf; that thing was ridiculous.

Tacklers are already used a lot in Tier 5, and these changes allow them to finally do their intended primary job and tackle the most mobile enemies somewhat reliably, which then could mean that some of their other aspects should be nerfed.


The mass driver nerf seems okayish, but I think +20% spread is still not enough. A single EG module not only cancels that nerf out, but also improves your accuracy.


The scatter gun nerf is bad. I mean, I get that the weapon needs some adjustments because it’s just too easy to use, bot DPS-wise, compared to other weapons, its okay. Change the way it works instead, like make it chargeable, but as it is now, it’s simply useless. You could also remove the weapon entirely and give something else in exchange - like an actual Recon sniper gun.

I don’t get the nuke nerf. I agree it should be adjusted as well, but the damage is fine, it’s the blast radius that needs a nerf. With this update, it’s gonna deal the same damage like a single mine… A nuclear bomb dealing the same damage like a mine…


Shaped Charge cells nerf is just unnecessary. 1% means exactly nothing and I don’t see why you would even bother with it.


Supernova should stay as is. If you’re nerfing it because EM guns are the most used inty weapons, it’s not because they’re so OP and unbalanced, but because shrapnel, pulse lasors and phase suppressor aren’t that fun to use for most people.


I like the engine suppressor boost - but not so much with the implant nerf. It would make a lot of sense if you boosted it while letting the R8 implant as is, but it’s going to be broken if you give us no additional countermeasures to it.


Holoships seem okay now.


Aiming Overcharge
Recharge time of fighters didn’t meet the requirements of the current game reality.
Recharge time is significantly descreased at all ranks and MK.
Active time is decreasedat all ranks and MK.
Engine Overcharge
Recharge time is decreasedat all ranks and MK.
Particle Purge
After its usage the module slightly restores the shield - most unnecessary boost ever. Gunships need a slight nerf, not an immense buff.



I think I’m okay with how you’re going about stacking passive mods now, but I also think it shouldn’t apply to Regenerative Coating and whatever the name for that shield counterpart is - people don’t use those that often anyway, and you’re discouraging them from trying something different.


The lock-on time boost for Tacklers is fine , but ECM’s don’t need yet another boost, seriously. If they wanna target fast, have them waste that CPU slot accordingly.


Beta-catalyst Armadillo II» (8-2)
Immunity time to slowing down effects is decreased to 2 seconds - make it 3 or 3.5 seconds and I’ll be fine with it, but you can’t boost an already powerful slowing module like Engine Suppressor and nerf the only counter to it in one patch.


Neuroaccelerator «Rapidus II» (10-1)
Module recharge bonus is decreased to 11%
Neuroaccelerator «WPN-FS3» (10-3)
Увеличение эффективности модулей снижено до 8% - no, just no. You’re making these two implants useless.


Combat Recon
CApatain’s invincibility time is reduced to 60 seconds - still a bad solution. There are suggestions for that in other threads though, so I’ll skip it.


Beacon Hunt
The amount of points is reduced to 140 - again, no. The matches are 7 mins long now, most players join between the second and third minute after the start, and you’re giving them even less time to fix what their teammates have broken. Just bring back the old match lengths and it’ll be fine as wine.



Synergy system
For your convinience the combat HUD always displays your reward in synergy. To improve the reward system for your actions in PvP synergy will be instantly received by players. - what OmegaFighter said. I don’t want it.




Matcmaking system improvement: PvP-battles will be more balanced. - more info on that, please.


Stuff I omitted I’m more or less okay with.

Told you so.



Anyway, please stop buffing guards. It’s awesome that tacklers can now do their job more easily, seriously, but I think the biggest beneficiary of the F8 implant nerf are, again, guards with their mass inhibitor+pulsar spam. Changes like these make the game much more stagnate, as pilots just stay back.


Not sure if I’ve been just lucky so far, but I like the MM change.



I genuinely hate that you need to cap just two beacons in Beacon Hunt to win. You join the game 2 mins after it started and find that the first beacon has already been capped, your team is dead and the second beacon is swarmed with hostiles. No, thanks.

Honestly, I hate the new match times, I hate the low quality of matches. 7 (or 5, depending on when you join…) min long matches work in flash games, not in a game like this. With this Beacon Hunt change, you seem intent on going in that direction. Please don’t.



Now, what I request a hotfix on is the mass driver. Dying because I was blinded by some Ace makes me want to ragequit the game, really. I’d rather the weapon was removed entirely than it stayed bugged like this.

so you are against the ship that can destroy your op long range frigates and you defend the OP long range, cant say i m surprised. Fact is that the few weak points a lrf has can be managed by the right use of implants, active modules and playstyle. making it almost impossible to counter with whatever ship class. This recon was one of the first ship that was almost a match for that lrf.  The lrf is OP in good hands like you said, the recon is strong in good hands. Why does the recon get nerfed to the point of uselessness and the LRF stays OP like it has always been? I think they are quit a lot of testers quite fond of lrf…

The Scatter Gun Recon was never a match for this LRF, just IR Pulsar and bam.

That Scatter Gun was just a noskill weapon which was super annoying against any ship, also Frigates and Ceptors.

There are simple counters, even to my own LRF, which you just didn’t discover yet. There are few players making me having trouble with them each time they want, it just requires some trying.

The Scatter Gun Recon was never a match for this LRF, just IR Pulsar and bam.

That Scatter Gun was just a noskill weapon which was super annoying against any ship, also Frigates and Ceptors.

There are simple counters, even to my own LRF, which you just didn’t discover yet. There are few players making me having trouble with them each time they want, it just requires some trying.

Where are those few players? are these among the many no longer playing this game? Problem is that T5 is full with lrf, its just so easy to melt players in seconds, thanks too the Mauler sale and the new kraken matches are often a static standoff between lrfs. Just reduce main weopon damage and let lrf get his old roll back again. Sniping and firing torpedos, not making it an oversized gunship with the backwards warpspeed from a recon.

LRF have been broken since RT. That is not new, and I suppose it will keep being that way for a long time. The combination of EM and RT is the most powerful in the game, which give you camo, invulnerability to any lock in debuffs, while you can still move and fire.


And in case of trouble you just jump away.


It negates all the positioning the LRF needed before.


In fact, more and more good players are moving from interceptors to LRF, because with the current game meta of balling and hugging rocks since the frigball buff, the LRF is just superior to any other DPS.

Erador try using spydrones AND microlocators. Drop the micro, target the lrf, start shooting and then before he reverse trust: spydrone the guy (90% of the time he will end in open space where he can’t get rid of spydrone). Then jump toward them.

About lrf spam in t5 you are quite right. Sometimes you just can’t deal with them, 'cause meanwhile you are dealing with the rest of the enemy team they will shoot you while cloacked. 

Btw get rid of scattergun, it was annoying and effective. Now probably just annoying.

LRF have been broken since RT. That is not new, and I suppose it will keep being that way for a long time. The combination of EM and RT is the most powerful in the game, which give you camo, invulnerability to any lock in debuffs, while you can still move and fire.

I hated a lot positron cloacked sniper, but now i hate more the massdriver cloacked spammer. Both are so damn effective 'cause of that damn camo.


Seriously rework that thing somehow.

Re: Camera position, I think it’s nice for some ships. This could easily be an option eg. Normal, High, Low etc


As for LRF, I think more people have discovered Black Dragon and especially Mauler and realised that LRFs do high damage XD The disintegrator buff has also brought back more snipers than before. Combined with Mass Driver and all of a sudden they are everywhere. However, Do note that they have also been hit with the nerf - stacking of passives will reduce damage a little due to the cpu/cap slot. Implant bonuses affecting module recharge time and module effectiveness (as well as Empire rank 13 implant) will mean that it is harder to stay under permanent EM scatter and positioning will be more critical - it may be harder for them to just sit out in the middle of nowhere. Mass driver is nerfed so inties have a bigger chance.


One thing I see a lot of players do is to try and out tank the LRF in a firefight - usually, your ship is not equipped to do this so flying towards the LRF for 5km taking that DPS is not going to work unless you have a guard tank and proper weapons, or you can dodge the weapon effectively using fast moving or invisibility/camo etc. Gunships also have combat reboot. High level diffusion command may work too but watch out as the LRF can eat through even those.


Also, an an LRF pilot, microlocators are very annoying though you can usually kill them because your weapon range will be longer than even the Jarl’s microlocator. However they do keep you on your toes as a recon can drop one and if you are too close you can easily get focused.


Synergy is a deep mark of your actions in the game, efficiency is not. Cause efficiency doesn’t correlate with your game progress (maybe only with a progress of your skill), I mean, your efficiency shows the same numbers if you make solo kill on the first-level-ship or on the 15th. 


Can we at least have the option to change synergy back to efficiency? I’m not sure how other players think so I can only speak for myself. Efficiency showed me how much I assisted the kill regardless of the rank, and it motivated me to do more in the battle so I get more points in the end. When my entire screen just jumping out synergy numbers I’m like meh who need synergy anyway. I don’t mind the default is synergy but for many players who already maxed their ships there’s no use for synergy at all.




Also can we change the nuke sound or color during next patch? Currently I hear a nuke sound but with covert ops everywhere I’m unable to figure out which side the nuke is and have to run away just to be safe. If devs can just tone the nuke sound 1 pitch higher or lower that would totally make a difference.

Hi, man! So detailed feedback! That’s cool, thank you.

Happy to! I’ll try to do this with every patch. The more feedback, the better!


Working on it

Thank you for the quick action on this. :slight_smile:


It should make the balance better, I understand that’s this decision might be hard for players, but there are more benefits than drawbacks, you will see.

It does allow for balance to strengthen individual modifiers, hopefully something like that is in the works then.


Yes, working on it, as always you can help us by creating bug-reports.

I intend to as they occur.


Synergy is a deep mark of your actions in the game, efficiency is not. Cause efficiency doesn’t correlate with your game progress (maybe only with a progress of your skill), I mean, your efficiency shows the same numbers if you make solo kill on the first-level-ship or on the 15th. 

True, but synergy doesn’t show the scale of your impact on a game. Players like to track their point counts, synergy-only displays don’t let them do that. I would be fine if Synergy display were made default, so long as Effectiveness were still something players could choose to see instead.


There were disadvantages in the game balance. We believe that it makes the game better. However, we are monitoring feedback about it.

I suppose I’ll have to wait and see, but overall my experience had shown that players tended to use Supernova for frigate killing, and the change does not help kill fast ships, and makes killing frigates somewhat harder to do.


Can’t agree with you. Implant’s decision makes the game more smooth than it was before when high-level implants significantly changed the gameplay

I’m okay with nerfing implants to remove some of their impact, but such tiny increments of damage to a mediocre bonus until you die doesn’t encourage me to take it over Rapidus, regardless of Rapidus’s nerf. Perhaps if it escalated at 2% to a maximum of the nerfed 10%, but not at 1% per kill. At that point, it takes too long to gain anything relevant.


Responses are in bold. Thank you for your detailed responses to my concerns!



Can we at least have the option to change synergy back to efficiency? I’m not sure how other players think so I can only speak for myself. Efficiency showed me how much I assisted the kill regardless of the rank, and it motivated me to do more in the battle so I get more points in the end. When my entire screen just jumping out synergy numbers I’m like meh who need synergy anyway. I don’t mind the default is synergy but for many players who already maxed their ships there’s no use for synergy at all.


In full agreement on this, the option would be nice.



Also can we change the nuke sound or color during next patch? Currently I hear a nuke sound but with covert ops everywhere I’m unable to figure out which side the nuke is and have to run away just to be safe. If devs can just tone the nuke sound 1 pitch higher or lower that would totally make a difference.


A brighter flash might help determine where it is. Perhaps sound a missile alert in the same way Jericho LRF torpedoes give you a warning?

Erador try using spydrones AND microlocators. Drop the micro, target the lrf, start shooting and then before he reverse trust: spydrone the guy (90% of the time he will end in open space where he can’t get rid of spydrone). Then jump toward them.

About lrf spam in t5 you are quite right. Sometimes you just can’t deal with them, 'cause meanwhile you are dealing with the rest of the enemy team they will shoot you while cloacked. 

Btw get rid of scattergun, it was annoying and effective. Now probably just annoying.

You realy think i havent done this yet? :smiley: you underestimate me. Problem is the recon does not enough damage to take out the lrf, while recon has to deal with mines, torpedos, lasers, em pulsar,… Problem is not that i cant see the lrf, so microlocator wont help me. Dont understand me wrong, most lrf players are just enoying but not a problem to kill. Problem is those few good lrf pilots who are there in every match, always taking lrf and nothing to counter them, killing away.  Most players dont even seem to see the lrf. This sounds like OP. even a Ace can easily kill more skilled players without much effort. This sounds like an imbalance? Others classes had far less imbalanced qualitys and they got nerfed pretty bad.

You realy think i havent done this yet? :smiley: you underestimate me. Problem is the recon does not enough damage to take out the lrf, while recon has to deal with mines, torpedos, lasers, em pulsar,… Problem is not that i cant see the lrf, so microlocator wont help me. Dont understand me wrong, most lrf players are just enoying but not a problem to kill. Problem is those few good lrf pilots who are there in every match, always taking lrf and nothing to counter them, killing away.  Most players dont even seem to see the lrf. This sounds like OP. even a Ace can easily kill more skilled players without much effort. This sounds like an imbalance? Others classes had far less imbalanced qualitys and they got nerfed pretty bad.

Not every ship is built to be a frig killer. Some ships are intentionally less capable of DPS, that’s the tradeoff for the other functions they perform.

Oh wait i just realized i didn’t finished the “how to kill lrf” thing.

After you jumped next to them (spydrone on) use the shield leech, fly trough their minefield (one thermal res helps a lot in while using t5 recon) and place a mine next to them (implant r4 on 3) while you keep shooting. The spydrone is needed only to target them once they already jumped, so you can fly trough their mines and deploy yours.

It’s quite effective.

Take out the camo and you have done 50% of the job even against a skilled lrf player.


Or in a tackler: decloack next to them and place a doomsday in their ar… It will hit even if they are cloacked.

In my opinion you broke more then you fixed. I can see the use of certain changes but why if you nerf something you always have to make it almost completly useless? You should fire some testers.


You managed to destroy the scatter gun… bravo, in the 2 weeks playing with the scatter gun I only saw 2 other pilots using it and they even werent in the top 3. How is a weapon that almost no one uses OP? So you think, ow no Aces use it, lets nerf it, that will fix it???


On top of that you nerfed my recon ship by making ammunition slower, wich makes fast moving targets totaly impossible to hit, then you remove 1 of the holograms so its not hard at all anymore to guess wich ship to shoot, you nerf the scattergun, you mess with the implants so its easier to be stunned and slowed,… and finaly to top it off you make the already very powerfull gunships, tacklers and ecm even more powerfull.

Again bravo… you made the entire recon class next to worthless.


Other remarks; LRF are OP in T5, everyone knows it, everyone is saying it for a year, yet nothing… 

I m guessing there is a very select group of players having a lot to say in this patches.


You ll see for yourself, tacklers, gunships and lrf. Those are the classes that will dominate T5. 


BTW matches are not more balanced, every match I played yesterday was a total victory or a horrible defeat. Nothing between that.


There is a lot more, good and bad changes but these were the most obvious.


ps: I also hate the synergie warnings, i dont care about synergie, dont need it, dont need to know it, I rather have the efficiency back


Recons needed a nerf. Seriously. There have been 2 or 3 of them on each team in every beacon game since the introduction of holoships. I am glad they have finally nerfed that monstrosity that could only be countered by other recons. Hopefully people will switch back to other ships or equip other more useful modules on their recons. If recons now do their job properly, instead of jumping around pooping copies and proxi mines, then the tackler buff shouldn’t be too much of a problem.


As for the LRF discussion in this thread, I would just like to say that without LRFs there would be a lot more frigballs… LRF are good for keeping people pinned. They have recently become stronger thanks to mass driver. I hope this has been resolved by the nerfs to this weapon, although I am scared it will make it a useless weapon on anything except LRFs. We’ll see.


As for the rest of the patch, I need to get in-game and try it :slight_smile:

Recons needed a nerf. Seriously. There have been 2 or 3 of them on each team in every beacon game since the introduction of holoships. I am glad they have finally nerfed that monstrosity that could only be countered by other recons. Hopefully people will switch back to other ships or equip other more useful modules on their recons. If recons now do their job properly, instead of jumping around pooping copies and proxi mines, then the tackler buff shouldn’t be too much of a problem.


As for the LRF discussion in this thread, I would just like to say that without LRFs there would be a lot more frigballs… LRF are good for keeping people pinned. They have recently become stronger thanks to mass driver. I hope this has been resolved by the nerfs to this weapon, although I am scared it will make it a useless weapon on anything except LRFs. We’ll see.


As for the rest of the patch, I need to get in-game and try it :slight_smile:

Yes you should try it first. Reason people take recons in those game mods is because of the absurdly short game times. In a ship without warp you are too late to do anything usefull. Only thing that should have been done was to reduce the durability of the holograms, not nerf 3-4 more things keeping recons usable. You dont use recons much so you can hardly know how hard it has just become to fly recon since this patch.


Solving the frig ball problem with another problem is not a solution no matter how you try to explain it.

Yes you should try it first. Reason people take recons in those game mods is because of the absurdly short game times. In a ship without warp you are too late to do anything usefull. Only thing that should have been done was to reduce the durability of the holograms, not nerf 3-4 more things keeping recons usable. You dont use recons much so you can hardly know how hard it has just become to fly recon since this patch.


Solving the frig ball problem with another problem is not a solution no matter how you try to explain it.


No, people have been spamming recons for a long time now, and definitely before they reduced game duration.


I have been forced to fly recon since a couple of weeks (I have a Jarl in my lineout always now) in order to counter holoships. This is a great sacrifice though since I do not like these ships, and I would rather not have to fly them. I do not use holoships myself, and use spy drones and ML. So yes I do know what it’s like to fly recons. I’ll of course try flying recon again in this patch before making any conclusions. The observations in my previous post were purely based on my experience of recon and holoship spam in previous versions of the game.


I never said this method of solving frigball is perfect, I just said frigballing would be worse without LRFs. Then again with the gunship buff, it may now be possible to nerf LRFs a bit and still keep frigballs at bay.