Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

You are welcome to discuss the patch here.



LOTS of pros and cons this time. There’s a lot of individual things that balance out the significantly large bad ones, so my stance on this patch is 6/10.
There’s no playable content being added, which is what makes this patch feel somewhat uninteresting and makes me focus more on all the tweaks I don’t like.


Reference Key for Ratings:
[+++] EXCELLENT addition or change. A defining part of what makes this patch make the game awesome.
[++] Great addition. Useful, cool, interesting, or relevant to balance in a very positive way.
[+] Good addition. Nothing major, but a positive addition.

[=] Indifferent addition. Neither good nor bad, and uninteresting.

[==] Extremely indifferent addition. I question why time was taken to make this change.

[= +] Indifferent to it, but good for the game.

[= -] Indifferent to it, but bad for the game.

[-] Poor addition. Nothing major, but has potential to detriment the player experience.

[–] Bad addition. Significant enough to actively detriment the player experience, and more likely than not will do the opposite of what it was intended to do.

[—] INFURIATING AND AWFUL addition or change. Significantly hinders player experience. Ruins something important. Decisions like this can legitimately KILL games.




[++] Dreadnought battle team fixes, queueing fixes, etc. Though we’ll see if this is actually the case when I play my next few matches. Holding my breath.  UPDATE: Somewhat fixed. Was able to play as normal today, but there are still some disconnecting bugs.
[++] Curved Reflector change. Range is really nice!
[++] Special Ops loot! Both the bug fix and the new 1-3 system.
[++] ECM/Tackler faster lockon time
[++] Rapidus III nerf

[+] Mass Driver nerf
[+] Flux Phaser nerf, though it may not be enough.  UPDATE: It’s probably good now. High dps but low rate of fire compensates well. Now we need to have a way for people to still acquire them.

[+] Engine Suppressor buff

[+] Particle Purge change

[+] Armadillo II change - hurts some ships, probably improves balance, though. I fear for Federation Guards with adaptives. Most only take one (sometimes two) Multipurpopse due to the huge number of Guard Modules available to them.
[+] Nuke nerf. Curious what this will do to dreadnought battles, but otherwise good.  UPDATE: Still good for dreads, but very pleased with the nerf to their damage.

[+] Easier to gain synergy, though less of it.

[+] Easier to gain credits thanks to a higher minimum. Great for new players grinding.


[—] Center-screen synergy notification as you get damage is BAD. Extremely intrusive and distracting. Needs to be removed ASAP, or at least moved out of the center of the screen.

[—] Bots in T3? Seriously, again? They were removed last time after MASSIVE player dislike and feedback. They should not be back in! UPDATE: Added this as I was not aware of the change. Immediate [—], this is horrendous and I’m already seeing corpmates stop playing because of it.

[–] Passive ship diminishing returns. Wholly unneeded, most ships were fine as built, nerfs to many of the passive modifiers had seen to that. Additionally it now makes resistances diminish twice as fast, if you have two of the same resist on a ship.

[–] Still some bugs in dreads.

[–] Synergy view only is dumb. Why not just leave it as an option like it was?

[-] Scatter Gun nerf was entirely unnecessary. If it’s for newbies then why is it only allowed in t4/5???

[-] Supernova nerf was unnecessary. It was only on certain builds anyway due to its significant speed reduction. There were legitimate reasons to choose between ammunition, and this hinders the upside reasons for why people chose Supernova.

[-] Nerfing WPN-F70. If you wanted to encourage players to switch and try the other Rank 14 implants, this actively goes against that thinking.



[= +] Holoship Nerf, but closer to the Meh column due to it not being the simple HP change to 40% nerf. The number of other changes made was unnecessary - a max HP change would have done the job.

[= +] Daily login rewards have greater overall chance of monocrystal, but losing out on more frequent crafting components hurts.

[=] Shaped-Charge Shells change, still not sure what’s different about it

[=] Techs Diffusion Shield - it’s not going to change anything, nobody uses it and nobody will. If it restored capacitor to 100%, or significantly boosted energy regeneration for its duration, perhaps people would consider it.

[=] Legion Microwarp Engine. Here’s a thought - make the Jump Preparation time 0. Nothing. Hit the button and immediately jump to warp! Now there’s a cool reason not to take the other versions. A 0.1 second buff is not interesting at all.

[= -] Camera change was good, but not warning the players ahead of time was  terrible.  The playerbase needs to be consulted first before that kind of thing happens. UPDATE: Apparently it’s been changed back. This is disappointing, since it WAS a good change, but the damage was done by not being transparent about it. Lack of transparency with many changes (bots, camera, previously invasion loot, and many others) has been a major breach of trust with the playerbase for a while now. I love this game, but the more the devs make ninja changes without telling us, the more I edge towards leaving the game.

Hologram module did not change. Still 2 of them pops up. At least to the enemy I mean because it works as intended on my ship.

Why Spectre Falcon, that is standard r14 ship, have its afterburner sound changed into vacuum cleaner?

I dont understund Why u deleted my post, censuring? now we cant give our opinions?


I will write it again:


The nerf of Armadillo II, 8th Fed implant:  :fed014:  :fed014: . In a world with a lot of taklers you only think to make their job easier, much easier.

New engine sound is not bad just needs a headphone or high volume for hearing the whole sound effect. Otherwise it sure sounds weird when you can’t hear everything clearly.

LOTS of pros and cons this time. There’s a lot of individual things that balance out the significantly large bad ones, so my stance on this patch is 6/10.

There’s no playable content being added, which is what makes this patch feel somewhat uninteresting and makes me focus more on all the tweaks I don’t like.


Reference Key for Ratings:

[+++] EXCELLENT addition or change. A defining part of what makes this patch make the game awesome.

[++] Great addition. Useful, cool, interesting, or relevant to balance in a very positive way.

[+] Good addition. Nothing major, but a positive addition.

[=] Indifferent addition. Neither good nor bad, and uninteresting.

[==] Extremely indifferent addition. I question why time was taken to make this change.

[= +] Indifferent to it, but good for the game.

[= -] Indifferent to it, but bad for the game.

[-] Poor addition. Nothing major, but has potential to detriment the player experience.

[–] Bad addition. Significant enough to actively detriment the player experience, and more likely than not will do the opposite of what it was intended to do.

[—] INFURIATING AND AWFUL addition or change. Significantly hinders player experience. Ruins something important. Decisions like this can legitimately KILL games.




[++] Dreadnought battle team fixes, queueing fixes, etc. Though we’ll see if this is actually the case when I play my next few matches. Holding my breath.

[++] Curved Reflector change. Range is really nice!

[++] Special Ops loot! Both the bug fix and the new 1-3 system.

[++] ECM/Tackler faster lockon time

[++] Rapidus III nerf

[+] Mass Driver nerf

[+] Flux Phaser nerf, though it may not be enough.

[+] Engine Suppressor buff

[+] Particle Purge change

[+] Armadillo II change - hurts some ships, probably improves balance, though. I fear for Federation Guards with adaptives. Most only take one (sometimes two) Multipurpopse due to the huge number of Guard Modules available to them.

[+] Nuke nerf. Curious what this will do to dreadnought battles, but otherwise good.

[+] Easier to gain synergy, though less of it.

[+] Easier to gain credits thanks to a higher minimum. Great for new players grinding.


Hi, man! So detailed feedback! That’s cool, thank you.


at least moved out of the center of the screen


Working on it


Passive ship diminishing returns. Wholly unneeded, most ships were fine as built, nerfs to many of the passive modifiers had seen to that. Additionally it now makes resistances diminish twice as fast, if you have two of the same resist on a ship.



It should make the balance better, I understand that’s this decision might be hard for players, but there are more benefits than drawbacks, you will see.


 Still some bugs in dreads.


Yes, working on it, as always you can help us by creating bug-reports.


 Synergy view only is dumb. Why not just leave it as an option like it was?



Synergy is a deep mark of your actions in the game, efficiency is not. Cause efficiency doesn’t correlate with your game progress (maybe only with a progress of your skill), I mean, your efficiency shows the same numbers if you make solo kill on the first-level-ship or on the 15th. 


Scatter Gun nerf was entirely unnecessary. If it’s for newbies then why is it only allowed in t4/5???

Supernova nerf was unnecessary. It was only on certain builds anyway due to its significant speed reduction. There were legitimate reasons to choose between ammunition, and this hinders the upside reasons for why people chose Supernova.



There were disadvantages in the game balance. We believe that it makes the game better. However, we are monitoring feedback about it.


 Nerfing WPN-F70. If you wanted to encourage players to switch and try the other Rank 14 implants, this actively goes against that thinking.



Can’t agree with you. Implant’s decision makes the game more smooth than it was before when high-level implants significantly changed the gameplay


[= +] Holoship Nerf, but closer to the Meh column due to it not being the simple HP change to 40% nerf. The number of other changes made was unnecessary - a max HP change would have done the job.

[= +] Daily login rewards have greater overall chance of monocrystal, but losing out on more frequent crafting components hurts.

[=] Shaped-Charge Shells change, still not sure what’s different about it

[=] Techs Diffusion Shield - it’s not going to change anything, nobody uses it and nobody will. If it restored capacitor to 100%, or significantly boosted energy regeneration for its duration, perhaps people would consider it.

[=] Legion Microwarp Engine. Here’s a thought - make the Jump Preparation time 0. Nothing. Hit the button and immediately jump to warp! Now there’s a cool reason not to take the other versions. A 0.1 second buff is not interesting at all.

[= -] Camera change was good, but not warning the players ahead of time was  terrible.  The playerbase needs to be consulted first before that kind of thing happens.



Got you point about it, thank you.

Hi. Please make an option to turn off the new synergy gain display and the hit marker. There’re five different sign now that tells you that you hit someone, and you can turn off only one of them. It really annoying and distracting.

Hologram module did not change. Still 2 of them pops up. At least to the enemy I mean because it works as intended on my ship.

It shouldn’t work so. I’ve just checked it. Are you sure about this? 

Just want my effectiveness screen back, I don’t like Synergy spam. That’s all I want and the thing which annoys me most since the update. The 2nd thing which i hate was the nerf on 8-2 WHILE buffing Tacklers, that’s just meh and makes Tackler Spam even worse. Also reduce lock time of already broken ECMs, i don’t know… Gunships were strong already, what you did just makes them even stronger. Tried it and just defeated a team on my own. Fine if you reduce cooldown time, but then reduce active time equally to that please.

Ships are stuck in battle even longer after game now, might make a bug report about this one.


Most changes are fine and good for the balance, but these things above are worst in my opinion.

Why Spectre Falcon, that is standard r14 ship, have its afterburner sound changed into vacuum cleaner?

New engine sound is not bad just needs a headphone or high volume for hearing the whole sound effect. Otherwise it sure sounds weird when you can’t hear everything clearly.

Because it can! (kidding)

I guess you guys just haven’t got used to it yet :slight_smile:


Just want my effectiveness screen back, I don’t like Synergy spam. That’s all I want and the thing which annoys me most since the update. The 2nd thing which i hate was the nerf on 8-2 WHILE buffing Tacklers, that’s just meh and makes Tackler Spam even worse. Also reduce lock time of already broken ECMs, i don’t know… Gunships were strong already, what you did just makes them even stronger. Tried it and just defeated a team on my own. Fine if you reduce cooldown time, but then reduce active time  equally  to that please.

Ships are stuck in battle even longer after game now, might make a bug report about this one.


  1. Working on it.

  2. Thank your for constructive criticism. We will consider.


Most changes are fine and good for the balance, but these things above are worst in my opinion.

Glad to read it.

I didn’t have time to test the new balance, I’ll do it on the weekend.

The Hungarian version is not working. The Launcher is translated but the game doesn’t change language, no matter I use the launcher or the steam for start it. The Hungarian chatroom is working fine.

The dread battles still have bug. Bug report created by millanbel.

I like the new secret project AB sound-effect.

The new 4th 5th day loot is weird but hopefully the players will accidentally double-click and spend some GS :) 

I didn’t have time to test the new balance, I’ll do it on the weekend.

The Hungarian version is not working. The Launcher is translated but the game doesn’t change language, no matter I use the launcher or the steam for start it. The Hungarian chatroom is working fine.

The dread battles still have bug. Bug report created by millanbel.

I like the new secret project AB sound-effect.

The new 4th 5th day loot is weird but hopefully the players will accidentally double-click and spend some GS :) 

Hey there!

Thank you for bringing this up. Our specialists are working on fixing it atm.

Ooh come on, don’t be that cruel.There won’t be accidental purchases.

Ooh come on, don’t be that cruel.There won’t be accidental purchases.

Never, never say this.

Happened to me already several times that I accidently upgraded something with Gold to Mk2, which is a total waste. xD

but but but there is notification… What else can we do to eliminate that? seriously(… We are opened for suggestions

I really like the improved side mission where you send off some ships. Much better now, especially with a 10 hr cooldown, it means they can be done when sleeping/working.

but but but there is notification… What else can we do to eliminate that? seriously(… We are opened for suggestions

I don’t know, maybe make the notification bigger, like.

Are you sure that you want to continue? This will cost you  GS!!!

Or add 5 more notifications…

Or maybe add the posibility to reset the most previous transaction. At least for module upgrades <_<

and a big Warning sign! With that typical female voice saying “Warning” and counting 5-4-3-2-1-0! if seriously we’ll try to find a solution. 



About accidental purchases:

For maximum ensurance and no more excuses, do just one more thing, which will fix all the problems.



Under Game Settings, add the option (check-box) to make all GS (option) transactions disabled or enabled.


  • disable GS ammunition transactions

  • disable looting screen GS option transactions

  • disable module upgrade transactions in the hangar

  • disable transactions in the Store/Shop (including Spatial Scanner and Extended Hull)


Btw, there is still a sell price on Spatial Scanner and Extended Hull.

I believe that you can still sell them, but I didn’t try.

They are not supposed to get sold! Those are GS items!


Another option:

Enable GS transactions with a selected hotkey, when proper interface window is open at any time.


If it is disabled, if you got above option checked, you can enable it at any time.

You just need to click on proper option in the interface and press the key, you assigned, to disable it.


Of course, this is only a rough explanation and I can make a suggestion, which will provide complete explanation.

Actually i like the second option. I will provide it to the commecial department, thank you^^