Star Conflict v.1.2.1 Discussion

Bots should not exist in PvP. Maybe only in tier I.

You started adding bots only, because of one reason. Lack of population or proper player types.

I have only interest to play in 8 vs 8, 10 vs 10 and 12 vs 12 players, with no bots in PvP! This game also wears a MMO tag and we all know that it doesn’t belong to that category!


To be frank, if this lag spike issues won’t be resolved, I would rather go to old MM system, where every player starts with the same amount of ships.

That would also eliminate Combat Recon scenario problem, since it is just, sorry to say, absurd. Really, this thing with 90 second invulnerability, I have never seen anything like it in any other game.

Players should be present, until more of them assemble, then the match should be launched with the same rules we had before this 1.2 update.

But even then, lag will be present, if your servers won’t get fixed or most likely switched to better quality standard.


Well, there is not much I could add to existing posts. People are angry and disappointed and they have a proper reason! 100% legitimate one!

I invested half grand into this game, some others over 1 or 2 grands, since they had hopes for this game and now they are disappointed and angry and they moved up to other F2P games, like described above, but mostly to World of Warships, which has already over 70k players and do not forget that this game is not 3 years old!


I still remember some old post from the previous developer(s) somewhere, which stated: “Whatever you do” just don’t pay or buy in this game, but by all means, try it!"

He knew more about the situation from all angles and he knew, where this train is headed. Hopefully, this scenario won’t continue. Publishers are usually the one to blame if a product fails.

Just look at Heroes of Might and Magic VII. Complete and utter crap and rushed to be released in such poor state, when it should have at least 1 more year of development or more.

Luckily, this game don’t have this issue, but it suffers when it comes to server performance and Matchmaking model. All this can be fixed!


Now, only 2 things can happen:


Train goes on in a straight direction, until it has to be stopped and when it will, it will no longer get any new passengers. It will no longer move forward, since an empty train serves no purpose.

Train goes on and it gets major expansions on the railways and it visits more stations, but all of them are leading to proper destinations. Train will get more passengers and more will be waiting.


You get my metaphoric expression.



First of all, working environment and mood and attitude there is very important. I will assume, that you are working in decent or sufficient working conditions, but you do not get enough “resources” for this Project.

That also means that your pay is probably not stimulating enough, but at least it isn’t minimal, I hope. I would first take care of my own people.

They are the building blocks or foundations. If you fail to set proper and good foundations, you’re destined to fail!

I won’t discuss technical skill, but I will asume that you are getting more experience from this Project, which is a welcome sign. I do not know what kind of limitations this game has or its “Hammer” engine has.

I also can assume, that some of people down there, are probably not motivated well enough. You still do your work, but if you’re not actively involved with the game, and when you have no interests, mistakes like this will occur.

I know that some developers play the game, like Lezort(Pablo), but most of them haven’t even tried it, or they know far too little about it to effectively perform in it.

I must tell you, those times, when you got developers medals in-game are gone.



Don’t panic or give up, but remember, after you fix the current issues, financial (game’s progression and monetization) will have to be addressed next, urgently!

You have a right to earn money and I respect that, but it is also your responsibility towards your customers that their feedback is acknowledged, but later on, it must not be nullified by commercial department or the Publisher (Gaijin).

I often wonder, if you would be in a better state, if you would not go for that publisher. I read a lot of feedback on the internet and most of them (not all), are moving more towards negative point, than positive one.

Not a good sign, because I see a repeating pattern!

Crossout game was also released and I do not know, who or why ordered it. I agree that new products are always good, but only if developers stay still in the same team and are not moving from one spot to other constantly. Hopefully, rumors about some part of Star Conflict servers being directed for Crossout are not true. If they are, then it is just another nail in the coffin.


Let me tell you something from my point of view.


Customer must feel, that he would like to invest money into this F2P game, but now he is mostly “strongly encouraged”, because of current economic design, just to easen or fasten progression.

Yes, you can play for free, but you will grind more, but the problem is, that even if you own all 6 DLCs and Premium license, you still get little in terms of synergy (ship progression) and rewards (credits) used to be higher as well and I have over 200% Fleet Strength.


For end-players like me, there is nothing I need, just one thing. MONOCRYSTALS!

Why I no longer play, even when I would like to in PvP and why I only do daily missions in Open Space and then leave?

It is simple. Tier IV and V have no offerings for monocrystals in the looting screen. I have no reason to buy or extend my Premium license and also no reason to play!

I would play, even with other people/squads, if I would get such rewards from the loot and I would provide myself with a license. I need nothing else and nothing more, than just those monocrystals.

I assume, that Gaijin and commercial department have a major role to play in this.


There is one other thing. Freedom of expression.

Constructive crticism and assertness MUST be present, even from the developers themselves, internally and externally.

If someone’s suggestion is bad or even inappropriate or if someone is acting or behaving badly, you should let him know that!



You read our messages, you heard our complaints, but will you listen?

Remember, in the end nobody will really care, whose fault it was, but you will share the same fate!



Will the train go on or it will be stopped, before it can reach its destination?

It is still moving… for now, but it is slowing down, which I don’t like!






Thank you, discussion of the patch is closed.